• Published 5th Apr 2023
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Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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34. Jasper, Nevada (Part 2)

Earth 1984

Jasper, Nevada

Twilight couldn't help but stare, heck, anyone in her current situation wouldn't be able to. She and her fellow Guardians stood there, watching as the massive, metal titans approached them, their cannons transforming back into their hands. Each Autobot had a look of either confusion or suspicion on their face, the latter applying to Arcee.

Once Optimus' faceplate split apart, Twilight saw the almost expressionless look on the Autobot leader's face. She looked to her friends, Sonic looked casual and laid back, as usual. Mario looked curious, yet had a smirk on his face. Twilight couldn't see what Tony's face looked like under his helmet, but judging by his tense demeanor, she could tell that he was star struck at the sight of the defenders of Earth. Batman remained stoic, but on the ready for any of them to make a move.

She turned her attention back to the Autobots, specifically Optimus Prime, who loomed over her and her friends, dwarfing them in size. Twilight couldn't tell if he was friend or foe, his stoic expression didn't help matters either. But then to her, and everyone else's shock, the last of the Primes got down to one knee and asked, "Are any of you injured?"

That, in all honesty, wasn't the question any of them expected him to ask. Twilight thought that he'd be a bit more emotionless. So the fact that he had asked a question like that startled her.

"We-We're fine." Twilight answered before adding, "All things considered..."

She was about to ask a question, but Batman took a step forward and demanded to know, "Who are you? And why did you help us?"

But instead of being offended by Batman's demeanor, Optimus simply placed his hand over his chest and responded. "My name is Optimus Prime. Leader of the Autobots." He then gestured to the big bots standing right behind him. "And these are my fellow Autobots. Bumblebee, Arcee, and Bulkhead. We are the secret defenders of this planet, Robots in Disguise, protecting any and all life from those who would dare disturb the peace."

Optimus' introduction brought a smile to Twilight's face, so that's why they helped them. Not because they wanted to harm them themselves, but because they wanted to help them.

She then introduced herself to the Autobot, "I'm Twilight Sparkle. It's nice to meet you, Optimus Prime." She too, then gestured to her friends, "And these are my friends, Batman, Iron Man, Mario, and Sonic the Hedgehog."

"It is a pleasure." Optimus greeted with a tiny smile.

Behind him, Bumblebee made a few beeps directed towards Bulkhead, who replied, "You're right, Bee. We haven't seen creatures like those two before."

"That is because they originate from an alternate reality." Optimus answered cryptically as he stood upright.

His statement shocked the Guardians, just how the hell did he know they were from alternate dimensions?

"Hey, how'd you know about that?" Mario asked, narrowing his eyes at the big bot.

Arcee had the same look on her face as she too questioned her leader, "And what do you mean 'alternate reality'?" Her expression softened slightly as she asked, "What aren't you telling us, Optimus?"

Prime turned to face his fellow Autobots, his same stoic expression on his face as he began saying, "Autobots. I'm afraid that there are aspects of our world that you do not know."

Team Prime looked at one another in confusion before turning to Optimus, with Bulkhead guessing, "Cybertron?"

But to further their confusion, Optimus simply shook his head, "No. Our universe." He turned and looked down to face the Guardians, still addressing his team as he spoke, "If these individuals are who I believe them to be, then they are to be trusted."

Twilight's mind stopped and rebooted. This Optimus Prime was clearly aware of the multiverse, and if what he had just said was to be taken at face value, then he knew that they were the Guardians sworn to protect it. But how did he know?

Tony apparently had the same thought and decided to vocalize it. "Okay, seriously, just how do you know all this?" When Prime looked at him, he continued, "I mean it's not like this is public knowledge, so spill, how do you know?"

The Autobots looked lost, they were extremely confused, having not known what the metal human or their leader were talking about. But the fact that Prime looked at the human knowingly spoke volumes. He knew something they didn't, and that was something they didn't like one bit.

The sound of Prime's voice cut them from their thoughts, "I understand your suspicion, but if you would allow me, I would like to explain everything," He then looked around at the destroyed base, "But perhaps away from prying eyes." When the Prime looked down at the Guardians, he saw them all look at one another before coming to an agreement. They turned and nodded to him, accepting his proposal. Optimus placed two fingers against the side of his head and said, "Ratchet, open the Groundbridge. And prepare the base," He looked down at the Guardians before saying, "We will be having guests."

"Understood." Was Ratchet's reply before a Groundbridge portal opened at behind the Autobots, swirling as it awaited them to pass on through.

He looked down at the Guardians and said, "Please, follow us." With that, he led the two teams into the portal, with Twilight following close behind him. Bumblebee looked down at Sonic curiously, with the hedgehog doing the same. Arcee narrowed her eyes at the Dark Knight, but Batman paid her no mind, which somewhat infuriated her, just who does he think he is? Bulkhead looked down at Mario and Iron Man, who were too, looking up at him.

As the two teams entered the Groundbridge, they remained blissfully unaware of the surveillance drone known as Laserbeak, was watching them from a perched position on a nearby mountain. It had been observing the Guardians ever since it's master, Soundwave had picked up an anomaly from their location.

Now that it had everything it needed, it was time to return to The Nemesis to upload the data to Soundwave, so the Decepticon Communications Officer could report his findings to Megatron.

Aboard The Nemesis

Knock Out was not having a particularly good day.

Not only was his session of waxing his paint job interrupted, rather rudely he might add, but Soundwave had stopped decoding the Iacon database and hadn't moved since. And the worst part of it was the fact that somehow he would get blamed for it.

Knock Out was relatively short in height compared to his fellow Decepticons, he was more sized like an Autobot. He was bright red in color, with red accents; like most Decepticons, his optics were red. His finish was usually very shiny, he seemed to be a bit vain when it came down to his appearance.

Knock Out walked in front of the silent Soundwave, tapping the back of his index finger against his visor to see if he could get him to awaken.

Soundwave was a dark shade of grey with purple highlights all across his body, his arms resembled a satellite dish somewhat, with long fingers on the end of them. His most defining feature was his lack of a face, a visor in its place, with a crown like feature on his forehead. On his torso was a vacant space for his surveillance drone, Laserbeak, and two holes were metallic tentacles would emerge from.

The Decepticon Communications Officer took a vow of silence after the fall of Cybertron, but no matter what he would always follow his master's commands without question. But for some reason he had simply stopped, and waited, not moving a single inch.

The Decepticon medic sighed, slumping forward as he dragged his hand down his face in exasperation. "I have no clue what's wrong with him. And somehow I know that I'll get blamed for this." He straightened himself and folded his arms over his chest, "Honestly, I don't know why Lord Megatron couldn't do this himself," He went on, completely unaware that the doors behind him opened with two large figures walking in. "I mean, he's got nothing better to do, I was working on my finish, for Primus' sake!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry for interrupting you, Knock Out." A gravely voice said sarcastically behind him, causing the Decepticon to tense up as his optics widened in fear. He slowly turned around to face the looming figure of his master.


The Decepticon warlord was a huge, bulking figure, with large and sharp shoulder blades that jutted upwards. He was silver in color, and had a helmet shaped head with visible eyebrows that also jutted upwards. He had a very large arm cannon equipped to his left arm, which was colored silver and purple. In the center of his chest was the Decepticon logo, colored purple as well. His eyes were red, but his irises were white, and his teeth were jagged and razor sharp.

Behind Megatron was in newest second in command, Dreadwing. He had a yellow face and two yellow horns sticking out from both sides. The cockpit of his vehicle mode stuck out from his chest and was a very dark shade of gray. Like many of the other Decepticons, Dreadwing had red eyes. He had dark blue arms, with tiny gold fins on the bottom, in a similar fashion to Arcee. His head resembled that of a samurai. The fins on his shoulders had a yellow lining, his wings on top are blue with gold and grey lining and on bottom are yellow with a dark blue lining, and the 'cuff' pieces on his arms are yellow.

Dreadwing simply folded his arms over his chest as Megatron said, "Next time you have a complaint Knock Out," He unsheathed the hidden blade hiding beneath his cannon and held it right next to Knock Out's face threateningly, "Don't. Am I clear?"

"C-C-Crystal, Lord Megatron!" Knock Out hastily replied, shaking violently as the threat of a scratch mark on his finish became more prominent.

Satisfied that he got his message across, Megatron sheathed his blade and walked past the medic, asking, "Now, why haven't you done as I had asked?" He turned his head to face his underling, "Why hasn't Soundwave resumed his task?"

The red Decepticon gulped as he reported his findings to his lord and master with a shaky voice, "W-Well I-I tried getting him to w-wake up from his power down, but he remained unresponsive, which isn't anything new, mind you."

Placing his hands behind his back, Megatron turned and glared down at his Communications Officer, "Soundwave! Why have you ceased decoding the Iacon database?" He demanded to know, an angry scowl present on his face. "I demand an answer!"

And an answer he got, in the form of Laserbeak flying into the room, startling Knock Out slightly. The drone flew over his head and landed perfectly in Soundwave's chest. When Megatron quirked an eyebrow, Soundwave displayed a video feed on his visor. When the Decepticon leader leaned in for a closer look, her saw the surrounding area was covered in what the Earthlings called sand. But what intrigued him the most was the blue portal that had spontaneously opened, his intrigue was enhanced when five individuals had emerged from the blue portal.

Three of them appeared to be human.

Two of them weren't.

Both Knock Out and Dreadwing were watching as well, confused as to what the big deal was.

"A Groundbridge?" Knock Out questioned, "That's what all the fuss is about?"

Dreadwing was inclined to agree, "My lord, surely this is grounds for punishment for wasting our time."

What surprised them was the fact that Megatron held up a finger to silence them before saying, "No, no, no. This is something else. Notice the subtle differences between that portal and our Groundbridge." To further his point, multiple readings appeared on the visor, showing the sheer difference in power compared to a Groundbridge. If these readings were correct, this portal had more power than their Spacebridge. "If the humans have somehow collected the technology for an enhanced Groundbridge, then I want to know how and where they got it from. The Autobots lack the power required for such an endeavor. Soundwave, scan the portal's residue and see if you can trace back to where it originated from."

The silent Decepticon nodded before multiple images appeared on his visor. He scanned the portal and quickly hacked into the Earth government's pitiful satellite tracking systems, scanning the entirety of Earth for the source.

But he couldn't find it.

Megatron scowled at the lack of results. "Impossible." He muttered, if the humans were not responsible, then who was? He then commanded, "Widen the search."

Soundwave did so, expanding his search as he used multiple Decepticon satellites that surrounded the now dead Cybertron to see if it had originated there. Yet he yielded no results.

The lord of the Decepticons bared his teeth as he shouted, "WIDEN IT AGAIN!!!"

Using all the tools at his disposal, Soundwave scanned as much of the galaxy as he could, but once again found nothing.

Megatron growled in frustration before slamming his fist onto the computer monitor to his left, causing small sparks to fly.

"Lord Megatron, what does this mean?" Dreadwing asked. "If the humans have not created this phenomena, and if it hasn't originated from any known planet within our reach... Then where did it come from?"

He thought for a moment, taking the time to think logically and collectively about this. His second in command was correct, it didn't make any sense. If the source of this portal did not come from anywhere in the galaxy, then where did it come from? He then thought back to when the Decepticons stormed the Hall of Records, more after the fact, when Megatron looked through some of the archives for any information that could help seal their victory over the Autobots.

He remembered a theory that Alpha Trion had discovered, Multiverse Theory, theorizing the existence of universes parallel to their own. He had thought it preposterous at first, but the more he thought about it, the more real it seemed. And in this situation, there was no other possible explanation. If this was true, then he had the opportunity of a lifetime! This was the chance to expand his rule to multiple universes, to conquer more than just one universe!

Megatron smirked, then smiled, then grinned before going into full on laughter.

Confused as to what he was laughing at, Knock Out approached the bulking bot and tapped his back gently, "L-Lord Megatron?"

"I see now." Megatron muttered before turning to his Decepticons. "The reason we cannot find the source of this portal in our universe, is because it does not originate from it."


He chuckled, "Multiverse Theory. A theory theorized from Alpha Trion himself, who speculated that there were universes out there beyond our reach." His grin grew larger. "Imagine it, an infinite amount of universes at our very grasp, serving under my heel!" He turned back to Soundwave and pointed to the Guardians that were currently on screen. "And it appears that they have the means to make such a travel. This takes precedent above all else! Soundwave, dispatch all Decepticon units and find those individuals. Have them bring them to me alive."

"But my lord, what of the Iacon relics?" Dreadwing asked.

Megatron simply turned to his second in command and growled, "When it comes to choosing between ruling multiple universes and collecting mere relics, then I will always choose the former of the two." When Dreadwing nodded, Megatron placed his hands behind his back and said calmly, "Now go, and bring them to me."

At the Autobot base

Sonic let out an impressed whistle as he zoomed around the base, looking at all the tech they had reminded him of Tails' workshop. As the hedgehog whizzed around, the rest of the Guardians were looking up at the Autobots that had saved them earlier. When they walked through the Groundbridge, Ratchet was understandably confused as to why these humans and other mysterious creatures were allowed to enter their secret base. But Optimus assured him that they could be trusted.

Not one to question his old friend's leadership, Ratchet held his tongue for now.

Sonic finished zooming around the base and stood next to Batman, who was standing behind Twilight as she trotted forward nervously with a shy smile on her face. She looked around at the towering giants before her and her friends and gulped. She looked back to the others and saw Tony giving her a thumbs up for support.

She turned and looked at the Autobots, more specifically Optimus Prime. "I-I just want to thank you for helping us when we needed it." She looked back to her friends and continued, "We're more than grateful for your help."

But Optimus held up his hand and shook his head, "Thanks will not be needed, miss Sparkle."

"But I think it's time we got some answers." Arcee said, which was clearly directed at Optimus.

Ratchet scoffed and muttered, "I'd sure like some answers right about now."

The last of the Primes turned to his team before walking and standing in between the two teams, wanting to build a metaphorical bridge between the two of them.

"Long ago, when Orion Pax was graced by the Spark of our home world, Primus, he was not only transformed into who I am now, but was also told a tale. A tale so ancient, so historic, so Earth shattering that it was paramount that only the Primes were graced with its knowledge." He then continued, "Our world is one of many in a vast Multiverse where an infinite amount of worlds co-exist unknowingly with one another. This Multiverse was created by an Ancient race of Guardians who swore to protect it and all who lived within it with their lives. These same Ancients are the ones who created Primus and Unicron."

All of the Autobots' optics shot wide open upon hearing this. These Ancient beings created Primus, what was essentially the heart of their planet, and Unicron: The Chaos Bringer?

Optimus continued, "Once these Ancient beings sacrificed their lives for the greater good, it was prophesized that there would be five individuals worthy enough to take their place. Primus then graced me with me with a vision." He set his optics upon Twilight, more specifically her Cutie Mark, "And in the vision that I saw that symbol." He revealed as he pointed to her Cutie Mark. Twilight looked back and saw what he was pointing at and her jaw dropped. "I knew not what the vision had meant, but upon seeing the same symbol now, I know that these creatures are the Guardians that were prophesized long ago."

The Autobots were left speechless, their mouths agape as words failed to exit their pipes as this revelation sunk in. Their whole perspective on life was blown away as the prospect of millions of universes beyond their own existed out there beyond their reach.

All was silent until Arcee decided to speak up, "So... if there are infinite worlds out there in this... Multiverse... could there be a world where Cliffjumper is still alive?"

When Optimus nodded she felt a sense of hope within her Spark, "That is a very real possibility, Arcee."

As the female Autobot placed her hand over her chest, Bulkhead decided to ask, "So... What are they here for?" He gestured to the Guardians, who were still standing there and remaining silent.

"That is a question that is yet to be answered." Optimus said before turning expectantly to the Guardians, awaiting the answer as to why they were here. "Who were those individuals? And why were they attacking the military base?"

Twilight cleared her throat as she felt all of their eyes focus on her. She let out a deep breath before explaining, "I don't know who the human was, but I can tell you about the unicorn. His name King Sombra. He used to be the tyrannical ruler of The Crystal Empire, which exists in my dimension. He was sent to the Ether by the Crystal Heart, an ancient artifact made up of the love of the ponies in the empire. He uses Dark Magic to show his victims their greatest fears so that he can bend them to his will. I don't know how he's back now, or why he's after this... technology I believe it's called. But whatever he wants with it, it can't be good."

As the Autobots took in this information, Sonic looked up at Batman and asked, "Hey Bats, you seemed to have a history with that other guy. Mind sharing the details?"

Batman nodded as he began, "His name is Victor Fries, a scientist back in my dimension. He was a brilliant mind, wanted to help people, but then his wife, Nora Fries, got sick. Huntington's Chorea, a very rare genetic disease with no known cure. Victor turned to a life of crime to try and find the means to cure her, freezing her to slow the disease. He hasn't been successful in the years that I've known him. He's here now because he was shown a way to save her. That's why he's doing this. To save his wife."

As Batman explained Mr. Freeze's true motivation, Twilight couldn't help but feel incredibly sorry for the man. To face the reality of losing the one you love was a terrifying thought, she couldn't imagine losing Spike or her parents like that.

Her thoughts were cut off when Iron Man spoke aloud, "The reason that they're here is because they're looking for something called a Foundation Element. An artifact capable of unlocking something of great power. If their boss gets his claws on this artifact, it could mean the end of the Multiverse as we know it."

"Everything and everyone would die." Mario added grimly.

The Autobots took a moment to let that sink in, their entire world and every other world faced extinction, and the key to stopping it was in their world.

"Well, what exactly is this Foundation Element?" Ratchet asked, hoping to get some form of clue.

Sonic sadly shook his head, "We don't know... Sorry."

Optimus' optics hardened before he turned and set his sights on Team Prime, "Autobots, our path is clear." When they looked to him he gestured to the group with his hand, "These noble warriors have been fighting a war for our very survival, and we didn't even know it. It is now time for us to aid them in their cause." He then turned and looked down at the Guardians and said, "We shall aid you in whatever way we can."

Twilight beamed, her eyes sparkling with joy, "Really?!"

The Autobot leader nodded, "This matter concerns all of us. All of our Sparks and lives are at stake." He looked to the tunnel leading out of the base, "We shall begin searching the town and any area close by immediately."

Suddenly Iron Man's voice popped up, "Woah, woah, woah, look I get that this is your turf and all, but you said you guard the planet in secret. How're you gonna help us if you can't be seen?"

Optimus simply looked at him before he transformed. His limbs contorted as his body began to morph into a slightly smaller size. Tony and the Guardians looked on in shock and awe as Optimus transformed into a big rig. He beeped his horn twice as the Guardians looked shocked.

Tony smirked under his helmet as he pointed to the now transformed Optimus Prime, "Now that is awesome."

"Uh huh." Twilight couldn't help but agree as her jaw threatened to hit the floor.

"That explains a lot." Batman muttered with his arms folded over his chest.

Each of the Guardians couldn't help but think that this was going to be quite the unforgettable experience. Each of the Autobots had the same thought in mind as they looked and smirked to one another.

It was time to roll out.

Author's Note:

Knockout - samurai-prowl

Dreadwing - Sh0m1kal

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