• Published 24th Oct 2023
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - Season 3 - BronySonicFan

After the incident in the Starfall Islands, the Mobians and the Mane 6 decides to track down and stop Dr. Eggman and Opaline before they can take over their worlds.

  • ...

4. Night of the Werehog

It was a rainy and stormy night in Equestria.

Deep inside of Bridlewood, in a regularly avoided place, an abandoned mansion rested on a hill. This mansion looked like any abandoned mansion would look: There were gargoyle statues at the entrance, a huge gate with spikes, the mansion was black and gloomy, there were holes around it due to its dilapidated state, and the few windows that were not covered with wooden planks were broken.

Yup, an abandoned mansion no doubt.

Inside the mansion, a door opened slowly as it creaked.

Then, a light illuminated the path, while two colts entered to a room in the mansion. One of the colts was a green unicorn with purple mane and tail, brown hooves, silver horn and a cookie as a Cutie Mark, as he levitated a flashlight with his magic.

The other colt was a blue pegasus with yellow mane and tail, silver hooves, red and yellow feathers, and a red ring with a star in the middle as a Cutie Mark.

Both colts were completely scared to be in this mansion, but of course, they still had explore it because kids will be kids.

The place they were both exploring right now was a room where all the furniture was covered in white blankets, except for an old clock, a few tables, some chairs, and a dresser with a globe.

Suddenly, lightning stroke and reflected a shadow in the ground that startle the two colts. So, the unicorn colt quickly pointe the flashlight on said direction, while the pegasus colt hid behind... But it was just the shadow of an old knight armor for ponies that was holding a sword.

The two colts sighed in relief after seeing this, and the unicorn even wiped some sweat from his forehead, but then, the pegasus pushed the unicorn a bit and indicated with his head they should keep going.

Frowning at first, the unicorn silently agreed and kept walking forward.

However, as they did so, they didn't noticed that they were being followed by something. Well, not at first at least, because the figure zoomed towards them after a few seconds... And then, the two colts turned around.

Soon enough, a camera took a picture of them, but whoever took it apparently scared them, because their screams of fright were heard from outside the mansion... They'll be fine, though... Probably...

In Bridlewood's forest, while lightning kept striking, some critters hoped by.

Soon, Sonic, Tails, Amy, Sunny, Hitch and Pipp passed by, as they tried to find the exit to said forest. Tails and Amy were holding several boxes and bags with Nightmare Night stuff on them. Of course, they were all wet because of the rain, and only Pipp seemed to be mad about it, because the rest didn't really minded that much.

"Ugh! I can't believe it started to rain the exact moment we stepped out of the Nightmare Night store!" Pipp groaned with a frown.

"That's why I told you guys we should had taken the Marestream out instead!" Tails pointed out with a bored expression.

"Or buy stuff from Maretime Bay instead of coming to Bridlewood..." Amy pointed out with an eye roll.

"But unicorns have gotten so much better with the spooky stuff!" Sunny pointed out with a slight smile. "I'm usually not too fond on the decorations department, but it's hard to ignore that the Nightmare Night stuff that's being made in Bridlewood lately is nothing but quality!" she added.

"I hate to admit it, but I agree with her" Hitch said with a smile. "When it comes to Nightmare Night parties, Zephyr Heights is on top. When it comes to decorations? Bridlewood wins that department" he pointed out.

"Look, I get that you guys want to make tomorrow's Nightmare Night party memorable and all, but who in their sane sake takes a whole-ass day to choose on decorations?!" Sonic asked confused while walking backwards.

"Uh, hello!" Pipp said with an eye roll. "If we want to make the best Nightmare Night party in Equestria's history, we've got to have the best of the best!" she declared.

"Doesn't change the fact that we could have brought the Marestream, or even the Tornado IV!" Tails pointed out with a frown. "We don't even brought any Warp Rings!" he added.

"Warp Rings are for live or death situations from now on, Tails" Sonic reminded with a bored expression. "We can't just use one of them anytime we're stuck in some place!" he pointed out. "And, we don't have that many anymore, so we have to spare them wisely" he finished.

"Ugh, but the walk back to Maretime Bay is long!" Pipp groaned, before taking out her phone and groan again. "And it's 9 p.m. in the night already!" she added with concern.

"Not to mention, we're already far from the main town. I guess we'll have to spend the night somewhere else" Hitch added.

"Um, where exactly do you want us to stay, Sheriff?" Amy asked with a bored expression and a raised eyebrow. "If you haven't noticed yet, we're trapped in a forest that looks the same to me at night!" she pointed out with anger.

"And Izzy stood in the Brighthouse with everyone else to babysit Sparky after you told her that we'll be fine without guidance..." Sonic added with his arms crossed and a bored expression as well.

Hitch chuckled sheepishly after hearing that and scratched his neck. "Okay, yeah... Maybe I got too carried away with that..." he confessed.

"I'm sure we can find some place to stay!" Sunny said confidently. "After all, Bridlewood is big enough. There's several sectors around, too. We should find somepony that let us pass the night with them!" she added with a smile.

"How exactly do you expect us to find someplace in here?!" Tails pointed out with a frown. "Are we just gonna walk a few meters into the forest until a big, old and spooky mansion pops out of nowhere––" he tried to be sarcastic, but as they literally walked some meters away, they came in front of a huge gate with spikes that lead to... A big, old and spooky mansion. "... You've gotta be kidding me..." Tails deadpanned.

Everyone else looked at the mansion at the other side of the gates, and while Sonic and Sunny raised eyebrows, Amy and Hitch gulped nervously, leaving Pipp gasping in excitement at the sight.

"Dude, are you sure Apollo didn't hit you with the gift of prophecy or something?" Sonic asked Tails with a mocking tone, while Tails rolled his eyes in annoyance and lightning stroke behind the mansion.

That last thing made Hitch yelp a bit in panic, while Sunny at his side snorted playfully at his attitude.

"Um, are we sure this is the closest place we have?" Amy asked nervously. "It can't be the only house around..." she pointed out, gulping nervously again.

"I agree with Amy!" Hitch said with a nervous smile. "Is not that I'm terrified or anything, but this place gives me a bad feeling..." he confessed with concern.

"Right. You're definitely not scared" Sunny mocked up wit a giggle, while Hitch at her side frowned and blushed.

"Well, if there's other houses or not, I'm not in the mood to look after it" Sonic said with a frown, as he pushed the gate open and kept it like that for the rest to follow along. "I wanna get dry! And maybe get a hot drink, because it's freezing out here!" he yelled with a frown.

With the gate open, Pipp immediately followed over, followed by Tails and Sunny, leaving Hitch and Amy behind, who looked at each other nervously, before gulping and follow everyone else as well.

Then, Sonic closed the gates and boosted towards the entrance of the mansion.

Speaking of such, inside the mansion, a ghost-like figure was holding two pictures.

Both of them were pictures of the two colts from earlier, making funny faces after they were scared. However, the pictures had something on themL The picture of the unicorn colt had a red scarf on it, while the picture of the pegasus colt had a red tie on it.

The ghost-like figure was looking back and forth between the two pictures, and when they retired them, they had two white ghosts in front of them.

The ghost on the left was holding a camera, had greens eyes, a red scarf and fangs on his upper teeth. He was taller and skinner than the other ghost as well. Speaking of the latter, he had yellow eyes, hold a camera as well, a red tie and fangs on his lower teeth. He was not only shorter than the first ghost, but he was also a bit more chubby.

They were the ones that scared the two colts before and took the pictures. The skinner ghost was called Uh, and the chubbier one's name was Su.

As they waited eagerly for the mysterious ghost-figure to say something about which picture they liked more, Su mocked Uh a bit by pushing him slightly, while Uh got payback by pushing Su's camera away and laughing, before pretending he did nothing once Su adjusted his camera and glared daggers at Uh.

"Hmm..." the ghost-figure from before said with a thoughtful look and a smile, while Su and Uh payed attention to her.

Yes, she was a ghost girl. Her name was Lah, and she was a pink ghost with purple hair tied in two pony tails with two golden rings, blue eyes, pink eyeshadows, a pink flower over her hair, two golden rings as bracelets on her right arm, a pink heart painted on her left cheek, and a long pink dress.

This girl was obsessed with laughing at the funny faces of the ponies (foals and adults) that showed up to the mansion to prove courage or something like that, I don't know.

Of course, she has Uh and Su to make that job for her, and why? Well, she manipulates them by making them compete on who gets her the funniest picture to reward them with a kiss on the cheek, all with the excuse that she loves them... Yes, she's that kind of girl.

Curiously enough, she also has a sick obsession with monsters, specially werewolves.

After analyzing both pictures for a while, Lah finally make her decision: She turned Su's picture and showed it to the two ghosts, which made Su happy and Uh sad... But then, Lah threw Su's picture away with a smirk and showed Uh's picture while pointing at it, indicating that he 'won'.

This made Uh incredibly happy, while Su stared at Lah in disbelief, as Lah herself hugged the picture and then flew to her board and pinned the picture there, along with the others pictures she has saved from Su and Uh in the past.

With this, Lah went over to Uh and kissed his cheeks as a reward, which turned his whole face red. Then, he cheered and flew through the room like a rocket, finishing his cheer up by posing in front of Su and showing off the kiss mark on his cheek, while Su kneeled and smash his hand on the ground with frustration.

Yet, that frustration didn't lasted long, because as soon as a knock was heard on the mansion's door, the three ghosts got excited, specially Su, who was planning on get a picture for Lah and win his so desired reward.

In the mansion's first floor, the door opened slowly.

Soon, Sonic popped his head through the door and looked inside, while Tails flew behind him to do the same, and Pipp popped her head from behind Sonic.

"Hello?!" Sonic called out. "Anyone there?!" he asked, but he got no response, which made him smirk. "Oh well. Seems like no one lives here!" he stated, as he stepped into the mansion with no shame at all.

"That's perfect!" Pipp cheered, as she followed along.

"It'll be weird if someone lived here, anyways" Sunny pointed out, as she also stepped in.

"As long as it gives us a place to spend the night, I don't really care" Tails said with a smile, following Sunny along as he still hold a box with some Nightmare Night stuff they bought.

"Um, guys?" Amy called. "Are we sure nopony lives here? We might be doing something illegal..." she pointed out.

"I still have a bad feeling about this place..." Hitch said with a gulp.

Yet, they both had no choice but step in as well, with Hitch closing the door and Amy still holding bags with Nightmare Night stuff as well.

Since the ground was all full of mud, everyone had their hooves and shoes muddy, which left some gross and marked foot and hoof prints on the ground, but none of them seemed to care. Instead, their attention was focused on the mansion, which seemed in a better state from inside than the outside.

"For a allegedly abandoned mansion, this place looks better than I expected..." Sonic confessed with an amused expression, as he looked over at some tables with candles and some chairs across of what appeared to be the living room.

"Right?" Pipp said with an excited smile. "And yet, it gives a spoooooky feeling, too!" she pointed out excitedly.

"I had enough spooky experiences while getting that mice out of Canterlove Studios, I don't need another experience like that on a place like this!" Hitch cried out in panic.

"Aw, come on, Hitch!" Sunny called out. "It's just an abandoned and really old mansion. What's the worse that could happen?" she questioned confidently.

Suddenly, a loud thunder stroke and illuminated the living room, which startled Hitch a lot, while everyone looked up to the ceiling. There was a giant crystal protecting the mansion, as rain drops falling over it could be seen.

However, it wasn't that what caught the group's attention, but instead the amount of floors that the mansion had.

"One, two, three, four, five..." Tails counted. "If we don't count the main floor, this place has six of them!" he pointed out.

"Whoa!" Sonic exclaimed with a smile, as he headed towards the staircase, with Pipp, Tails, Sunny and even Amy following behind, while Hitch extended a hoof and tried to say something, but couldn't.

Now, why was Sonic heading to the stairs? Because he's an adventurer! Exploring places and see every corner out of it is just a part of who he is. He needs to be moving around, and what a better way to do so than exploring a spooky mansion from top to bottom?

Pipp was just as eager as her boyfriend, if not more, to explore down this entire mansion. There was no sign to make a livestream about it because of the rain, but she was going to take lots of pictures and upload them later!

As for Sunny and Tails? They were just curious on exploring the place as well, and maybe Sunny could even find something here from Ancient Equestria depending on how long has this place been abandoned. Amy was a lot less scared than earlier, but she did had a bad feeling about this place.

Oh, and Hitch? Yeah, he's completely scared of this place. If he had to be thankful for something, at least, was the fact that Sparky wasn't here, as well as the fact that this mansion could work as a place to stay this night only.

As the group climbed upstairs, they saw a couple of paints in the walls, while their furs started to dry out. The paint in the left was a paint of how the mansion used to look years ago, before it was abandoned. The second one, however, showed a dismal background with dead trees and a pony on a black cape with just their left eye open.

That last paint startled Hitch, as he shook in fear while slowly passing by the paint with his eyes half-closed and half-open.

Just then, the open eye of the paint saw Hitch and started to follow him, which just startled the Sheriff even more and caused him to finally broke in panic and ran away towards the rest.

Sonic slowly opened a door to a room in the second floor.

Once he did so, he whistled amazed, while Pipp gasped excited and flew around, starting to take several pictures and selfies of the room. Sunny and Tails got inside and inspected their some stuff on their own, while Amy was even less spooked by the place and actually smiled at the sight.

This room was the very same one where Su and Uh scared the two colts earlier, and if I had to make bets, Su's probably waiting to scare someone in the group.

And if I had to guess again, then I'll say that Hitch is the unfortunate soul that's gonna be scared, because he popped his head from the doorstep while trembling and gulping, as he slowly stepped into the room and looked around with wide eyes, since he didn't wanted to be here at all.

Soon, Sonic, Sunny and him passed in front of a mirror, but Hitch was doing it on tippy toes... Until he saw his reflection and freaked out because of the surprise, which made both Sunny and Sonic turn to him.

However, as soon as they saw that Hitch got scared of his own reflection, Sonic frowned and Sunny deadpanned.

"Seriously, Hitch?" Sunny asked on disbelief.

"It got me freaked out!" Hitch replied on defense.

"It's your reflection!" Sonic shouted with anger, before turning around along Sunny and keep walking away.

Hitch chuckled and scratched his neck sheepishly... while his reflection chuckled with a sinister grin and looked over at him.

The Sheriff did noticed that last thing, because he slowly started to look over at his reflection on the mirror with pure fear on his eyes. At first, nothing seemed out of place... But then, Hitch's reflection smirked sinisterly.

That already had Hitch going pale, but it just got worse when Su came out of the mirror with his mouth widely open, which just scared Hitch entirely as he made a funny face. That gave the perfect chance to Su for taking a picture, because he had his hands with the camera ready inside of his mouth, and he took a picture of Hitch's face.

Once the earth pony fell to the ground with his face entirely pale, Su disappeared as soon as he arrived, while Sunny rushed to see if Hitch was fine, and Sonic just came back to look at him with a bored expression.

"Hitch!" Sunny said, as she helped him to stand up quickly. "Are you okay?!" she asked with concern.

"You look like if you just saw a ghost, man" Sonic mocked up with a smirk.

And yet, Hitch said nothing and just stood closer to Sunny, even wrapping a hoof around her and hugging her like a big teddy bear, which made Sunny blush and look around nervously.

"Dude, if you just wanted an excuse to be with Sunny, you could had come up with something better than screaming like that" Tails mocked up, and Amy at his side chuckled.

"N-Not helping, Tails!" Sunny said with a completely flustered expression, but Hitch never separated from her, nor tried to scold Tails along Sunny.

On the other hand, Su delivered his recently taken picture to Lah.

The picture showed Hitch's scared and funny face, and as Lah looked over at Su, who was smiling at her with a loving gaze, Uh looked down to the floor with shame, since he didn't even went to take any picture.

Lah smiled and hugged the picture that Su took, before moving over to him and kiss his right cheek, who made Su feel in heaven already... But then, Lah also kissed his left cheek, and that made Su melt. No, seriously he literally melt in the ground and smiled like an idiot after getting not one, but two kisses from Lah.

Uh groaned in anger and flew away from the room to get a picture of a scared Hitch himself, while Su followed him since he wanted to take more pictures as well, and Lah behind them waved her hand with a giggle and a smile.

Back with our heroes, the group was now on a hallway from the mansion's second floor.

Hitch still felt spooked out by Su's scare from earlier, and he was walking slowly while staying close to the wall. But then, he stopped when his hoof touched something fluffy, and he slowly turned to see that he was touching Tails' fluffy tails, as be snatched them from Hitch with a bored expression.

The Sheriff sighed in relief, but Tails rolled his eyes and walked away, while Sonic looked at Hitch with a frown and stomping his foot desperately.

"Stop being a chicken and move!" Sonic scolded, before walking away with a groan as well.

Hitch frowned as well at Sonic's attitude, but once lightning stroke, he yelped in fear again, before following up the rest.

But as Pipp kept taking pictures and selfies of everything, while everyone else just followed her, Hitch kept looking back constantly, and just when he turned around again, Uh appeared and spooked Hitch again, taking another picture of him.

Of course, Hitch's scream made Sunny's ears perk up alert, and she quickly ran towards him after hearing his scream, while the rest kept walking, as Pipp ignored Hitch's screams and took more pictures and Sonic rolled his eyes in annoyance again with a groan, something Tails and Amy noticed.

"Sonic, are you okay?" Amy asked confused, but Tails actually didn't seemed concerned about it.

"As okay as I can be with a chicken disguised as a Sheriff..." Sonic replied with annoyance and anger.

Amy's eyes widened after hearing that reply, and Pipp even looked at him confused for a moment, but she thought he was probably just grumpy because of Hitch's attitude, so she decided to shrug it off and keep taking more pictures.

"What's the matter with him?" Amy asked confused.

Tails' eyes widened after she asked that, and he quickly glanced at Pipp for a second, before looking back at Amy with concern. "Today's October 30th... You know what that means, right?" he asked her with concern.

Amy's eyes widened, and she covered her mouth while gasping. "Wait! So today... Sonic's curse flows over?!" she muttered at him with panic, while Tails just nodded and confirmed her worries. "Are they aware about it?" she asked.

"No!" Tails muttered back. "Last year, Sonic convinced them to go to sleep earlier so we could all enjoy Nightmare Night, and Knuckles stood awake to keep guard and make sure none of them woke up, while Sonic was out and slept in a forest until he wake up the next morning" he explained. "But I don't know how he plans to hid it this year, or if he's gonna hide it at all..." he pointed out with concern.

They didn't knew that Sonic was hearing them, however, but he really didn't wanted to bring it up, either. He did had to recognize, though, that he needed to find a very good excuse to explain his curse to The Mane 6, specially to Zipp, Izzy and Misty once they went back to the Brighthouse...

Well, that is, if they can ever go back with Hitch.

In Lah's room, Uh placed the picture he just took of Hitch over the one that Su took earlier, and why? Because they were both planning on take more and more pictures of them scaring Hitch to please Lah like never before.

Call it a temporal partnership between them until Lah decides who took the best pictures... You know what this means, right?

Yup, it's montage time!

Later, Hitch approached to a window with doubt.

Just then, Su appeared and scared Hitch again, taking a picture of his scared face.

A while later, Hitch noticed a frame in a wall upside down.

This frame was a paint of Uh, who was smirking and holding a camera. Hitch got confused on why it was upside down, so he approached the frame to check it out, just to get jump-scared by Uh, who got out of the frame and took another picture of Hitch's terrified look.

Later on, Hitch was on the dining room and found a table prepared.

That should had been a bad sign already, but the Sheriff was starving, so he approached to the table to pick something to eat... Just to get jump-scared by Su, who took another picture of the earth pony's scared face.

Soon, more and more pictures are taken by Su and Uh of Hitch, as both ghosts were not only enjoying scaring the poor Sheriff to death, but they were also dying to know who's gonna have the most and better pictures to get kissed by Lah.

After a while, Hitch was walking through a corridor with an exhausted look.

He was tired of getting scared for so long... But it was far from being over, because someone touched his shoulder, which made his eyes widen in pure terror and panic.

So, he turned around and... Well, he instead got scared by Sonic, who brought out a lantern and approached to his face while making a spooky face. That was the straw that broke the camel's back for Hitch, because his eyes twirled around dizzy, and then, he fainted in the ground tiredly, which made Sonic look at him with genuine concern now.

Still, Sonic looked away and turned off the lantern while scratching his head with embarrassment. "Whoops!" he exclaimed sheepishly, not noticing that Uh appeared behind him and took a picture of Hitch's expression once again.

In Lah's room, Lah herself never giggled as much as she was doing right now.

The table was full of pictures of Hitch being spooked by Su and Uh, and Lah was feeling in heaven right now with so many funny pictures of Hitch being scared.

Uh and Su, of course, were happy to see her happy, as well as proud of themselves for taking so many pictures.

But that didn't lasted long, because when Lah picked another picture, she was not happy of what she saw. This confused both Su and Uh, who looked at her confused. Then, Lah looked at more pictures on the table and gasped in horror, because whatever she saw on the first one she just let go, it was on many of them.

She then looked over at Su and Uh with a frown, smashing a hand on the table with anger, which confused Su and Uh even more, but then, Lah decided to show them what was concerning her:

Despite all the pictures having Hitch on them, some also got Sonic, Tails and Amy in the middle. There were also some pictures with Pipp and Sunny in the background, but unlike the Mobians, none of them noticed Su nor Uh scaring Hitch behind them, since Pipp always appeared taking pictures and selfies, while Sunny was just distracted with something else.

But Team Sonic's pictures? Well: Amy appeared surprised in one of them, Tails looked at the camera with a raised eyebrow, and Sonic... Sonic appeared reading a book and smirking at the camera, in other one he yawned in boredom, and on other one? He straight up was in the full picture while making a mocking face, clearly indicating that he wasn't slightly scared with Su nor Uh.

Speaking of them, Su grabbed two pictures and looked at them concerned, even showing one that Uh took to him, while Uh showed Su one he took, as they both looked at each other concerned, before looking back at Lah.

Lah humphed and looked away from them, before flying away and leaving the two ghosts behind, not even giving them a chance to explain themselves. At this, Uh groaned in anger and flew away, while Su smashed his fists on the table and flew away as well, both ghosts ready to give Sonic a real scare and get Lah's forgiveness.

Sonic and company were walking through a corridor in the third floor.

Outside, it was still raining with thunders, and Pipp was still taking pictures and selfies around like a maniac, while Sonic found everything so interesting and cool.

Amy wasn't scared anymore, and even after seeing those ghosts earlier, she was enjoying the stay in the mansion as well. Tails wasn't grumpy anymore, and even if he still preferred to sleep on his bed back on the Brighthouse, he was enjoying this too.

As for Sunny? Her excitement faded away once Hitch got startled constantly by some ghosts that she never saw, and Hitch at her side was panting heavily while praying inside that this got over already.

"How long until the rain leaves?!" Hitch cried out with concern. "I've been getting ghosted by literal ghosts the entire night, and none of you besides Sunny seems to mind it!" he pointed out with an anxious look.

"Dude, you go out on nocturnal guards around Maretime Bay the whole time!" Sonic pointed out with a mocking smirk. "Why is a mansion with some silly ghosts were we cross the line?" he asked.

"It's one thing to guard over a place I know perfectly at night!" Hitch pointed out with a frown. "One completely different one is to enter a haunted mansion!" he added.

"But it's amazing!" Pipp sang with joy. "And we cannot leave yet! I still need a picture of those ghosts for my Ponygram!" she added with excitement. "After the fiasco at Canterlove Studios, I'm so happy to find real ghosties this time!" she cheered.

"I find it amazing that you, being a princess, love spooky stuff so much" Amy confessed with an amused smile.

"What is there not to like?!" Pipp asked excited, while flying around the corridor.

"Everything?" Hitch deadpanned and rolled his eyes.

"The spooky sensation, the unsettling feeling, that chill running down your spine as you get scared! There's no excitement I love more than a spooky one!" Pipp exclaimed with glee. "That's why Nightmare Night is my favorite holiday of the year!" she added.

"I'll usually would be happy to see somepony enjoying what they like, but if this place really has ghosts that had been scaring Hitch the whole night, I don't really share the excitement of being on a haunted mansion..." Sunny said with concern.

"You're just mad because they're scaring your boyfriend, Sunny" Tails mocked up with a smirk.

"Shut up, Tails!" Both Hitch and Sunny scolded with frowns and blushes.

The rest chuckled at their flustered reactions, and Sunny looked away from Hitch slightly embarrassed, while Hitch rolled his eyes in annoyance again.

But then, they all heard a loud and metallic stomp coming from the end of the corridor, which they were reaching now, and everyone stopped moving, as Pipp landed on the ground and stood behind Sonic, while him, Tails and Amy stood in front of the three ponies, and Hitch yelped a bit in fright.

As a thunder roared outside, the light from the lightning that stroke showed a shadow approaching. And then, a metallic hand grabbed the corner of a wall, as a knight statue appeared, and then turned their head to the rest, showing green eyes.

"Oh, now this place wants to haunt us for real!" Amy said with anger, as she took her Piko Piko Hammer out of nowhere.

"Where did you took that out from?!" Pipp asked confused with wide eyes.

"There's a haunted knight in front of us, and that's your concern?!" Sunny asked her in disbelief.

"That's it! I'm out of here!" Hitch declared in panic, as he turned around and tried to run away.

However, he bumped into something metallic and fell to the ground, sitting on his hind legs and shaking his head a bit... Just for his eyes to widen, as he slowly looked upwards and found himself facing a chubbier knight armor, which looked down at him with orange eyes and a frown.

This, of course, made Hitch scream in panic, as he quickly stood up and returned with the rest, while the two walking knight armors approached and cornered the group.

"Um, Sunny? How about you give us some magical help with your mystic Alicorn powers, please?!" Amy requested, as she lifted her hammer and got ready to fight the knight armors.

"Roger that!" Sunny stated, as she made her Alicorn form appear and looked at the chubbier knight with a frown.

Both sides were protected now: Tails and Amy had the left with the knight with green eyes, and Sunny had the right with the other knight, the one with orange eyes, while Sonic, Hitch and Pipp stood in the middle.

"Guys! Getting spooked to death wasn't on my bucket list today!" Hitch cried out with panic, as he stood over the wall with panic and fear.

"Well, at least this will make some good content!" Pipp said with a gulp and a nervous smile, as she took pictures of the two knights. "Besides, we can deal with this, right, Blue Star?" she asked confidently, not looking at Sonic.

Yet, the response she got was unexpected, because... He started to whimper...

That made both Hitch and Pipp's eyes widen, as they looked at each other for a moment before looking over at Sonic, and then panic when they noticed that he was trembling.

"S-Sonic?" Hitch called out with panic.

Sunny looked over at him over her shoulder and gasped in panic when she noticed that as well. As for Amy and Tails, they noticed too, but they didn't panicked because of the fact that he was trembling and whimpering: They panicked because they knew why he was trembling.

Of course, the ponies didn't, and they were genuinely concerned that he was scared of the knights.

"This gotta be a joke!" Hitch exclaimed in panic. "You have fought literal Titans before, and you're scared of some haunted armors?!" he pointed out with terror.

"Sonic, dear, if this is a joke, is not funny!" Pipp exclaimed in panic as well.

But Sonic kept trembling and whimpering, as his ears lowered and he looked around with pure fear on his eyes.

Soon, the two armors came closer to the group, and as they did so: Amy and Tails stepped back, with Tails creating a plasma gun with his powers; Sunny stepped back as well; and Sonic fell on his knees in the ground, as the whimpers turned into groans of pain.

"Okay, seriously: What is going on?!" Pipp exclaimed, now genuinely concerned for her boyfriend.

"Um, Tails? Should we tell 'em?" Amy asked with concern, as she also gulped nervously.

"Tell us what?!" Sunny asked this time.

"You're gonna find out for yourselves..." Tails replied nervously.

And so, Sonic kept grunting in pain, while outside, the rain stopped and some clouds showed the sight of the full moon up in the sky. As this happened, the two armors stopped, and the eyes changed to show Su and Uh inside of them, with Uh even holding a camera, ready to take a picture of Sonic's scared face.

"Oh man, I think I'm gonna throw up..." Hitch said with a dizzy expression, while Sunny came to him and hold him to make sure he wouldn't loose his balance.

And just then, Sonic gasped and looked at the moon outside, while his pupils went from round to oval.

With this, Sonic began to transform: His skin went from normal blue to Prussian blue; his ears became more hairy and pointy, which startled Su, who also got his camera out; his teeth sharpened and turned into fangs, which startled Uh; his arms went from being shaved to completely hairy; his body was growing to the point that his gloves ripped apart once his hands were too big; his hands turned grey now; his nails grew into claws that he buried in the ground while making a chirp sound; his wrists got hairy and in white hair; the tip of his quills were white now; and his shoes had spikes over the white stripes and on the sole, while his socks were a bit spiked as well.

Tails and Amy were just staring at Sonic with concern, since they were already used to this, yet it was still painful to watch his transformation. The ponies and ghosts, on the other hand? They were completely terrified at what they were witnessing, and Sunny's Alicorn form even disappeared.

Hitch was speechless at what was he seeing, like if he was in some kind of horror movie, and Pipp was completely shocked to see this. Watching a werewolf type of transformation wasn't as exciting as many books and movies she has seen before made it look...

Finally, Sonic's transformation completed as he growled in anger and covered his face with his hands, before exploding in rage and hit the two armors that Su and Uh were using with his arms.

The armors poofed and turned into the normal Su and Uh again, as they both were sent backwards and rolled in the ground, accidentally taking pictures of themselves in the process as well.

Soon enough, though, Su shook his head and tried to stand up, just to feel completely terrified when a red shoe with spikes stepped in front of him. So, the ghost looked up, and he got even more terrified when he saw at Sonic... Now transformed into a completely different creature, one that had teeth sharp enough to bite him.

Of course, and naturally, Su got scared as heck, and so, he flew and crashed with the ceiling, before recomposing himself again and then grab Uh, as he dragged him away in fear of Sonic's monstrosity aspect.

With the two ghosts gone, Sonic let some smoke go from his nose and nodded confidently, before slowly turning around to look at his friends and his girlfriend, with Tails and Amy smiling sheepishly at him, while the three ponies were completely terrified at him, even Pipp.

"I thought it was going to take you some time before turning into the Werehog again... Guess I was wrong..." Tails said with a sheepish smile.

This made the three ponies look at him with wide eyes. "W-What?" Sunny exclaimed.

"W-What are you talking about?!" Hitch asked in panic.

Tails, Sonic and Amy looked at each other, but then, Sonic nodded at them with a serious expression, and Tails and Amy nodded back at him.

"Guys. This is still Sonic..." Amy explained first.

"He just changed, but he's the same Sonic we're used to deal with" Tails assured with a little smile. "Remember that prank we did with the Werehog last year? Well... It wasn't that much of a prank..." he confessed.

"Wait, wait, hold on!" Pipp said, as she flew closer to Sonic and looked at him in the eyes.

Despite his pupils being oval instead of round as usual, the same loving sight that Pipp could recognize on him whenever he looked over at her was still there, deep down that angry look on his expression.

That made Pipp gasp and cover her hooves, as she landed and looked up at the much taller and completely transformed boyfriend of hers. "S-Sonic... It is really you..." she said with surprise. "I-I thought that you were replaced with a monster or something like that!" she confessed with concern.

Sonic chuckled slightly after hearing that. "... You... Wouldn't be so far from the truth..." he spoke, but his voice was raspy, deeper and sounded more like if he were ready to roar at any second now.

"Sonic?!" both Sunny and Hitch asked on disbelief.

"So you're a big and scary monster now?!" Hitch asked with panic, as he walked around Sonic and analyzed all his changes.

"Werehog" Tails deadpanned.

"Same thing to me!" Hitch exclaimed.

"Ugh! Sonic, just explain them about your curse already!" Amy told him with a bored expression, annoyed of Hitch's attitude.

"Wait, curse?!" both Sunny and Pipp asked in panic, as the latter flew over and placed her hooves over his right shoulder.

"What are they talking about?!" Sunny asked confused and concerned.

Sonic let out a sigh and looked at Sunny and Hitch on the ground, then at Pipp on his shoulder and nodded. "I'll tell you everything... You deserve to know the truth" he stated, still with a raspy and deeper voice.

On the other hand, Lah was at her room, laughing like she never did before.

The pictures that Su and Uh delivered to her this time around were different: The pictures showed them with scared expressions after the way Sonic scared them with his Werehog form, which Lah found hilarious, as she laughed loudly about their situation.

Uh and Su, on the other hand, were completely ashamed and disappointed that Lah saw that. At least she wasn't mad anymore, but it didn't changed the fact that they felt ashamed of those pictures.

Just then, Lah started to laugh even more, which lead her to smash the table were all the pictures of Hitch and Sonic were, as well as the ones of Su and Uh. But as Lah smashed the table, the picture of Sonic making a mocking face to the camera fell to the ground, and Su and Uh looked at it for a second with raised eyebrows.

But as soon as they noticed that it was the picture of Sonic's mocking look, they both felt something they barely have felt since they started to do this moons ago... Rage. Pure and hatred rage.

Looking at each other with angered expressions, the two ghosts nodded and placed their right hands together, as their hands started to fuse in a green fire that clearly represented all the hate and anger they felt towards Sonic, who's scared face they were going to take a picture of, one way or another.

Around midnight, the group went to the mansion's living room.

Sunny started a fire on the chimney the same way she did back when Sonic was the only Mobian around and they were heading to Bridlewood to get the Unicorn Crystal.

As she did so, Amy quickly prepared some hot cocoa so they could warm themselves better and, at least, calm down a bit, because Sunny and Hitch were staring at Sonic with wide eyes, while Pipp was more concerned about him, because she was frowning instead of feeling freaked out by his Werehog aspect.

Soon, Amy came with the hot cocoa, and that finally distracted the three ponies' attention away from Sonic, as they all grabbed a cup and thanked Amy for making it and deliver it.

One slurp from the cocoa was enough to switch the three ponies mood, as Sunny and Hitch actually sighed in relief because of the cocoa's taste, while Pipp calmed down a tinny bit, but she still glanced at her boyfriend with a frown.

"Okay... We're all gathered here" Pipp pointed out with anger, as she placed her mug with cocoa on the table in front of the whole group. "Can you explain yourself, Sonic, about your aspect?" she requested calmly, even though Sonic could perfectly see on her gaze that she was beyond furious.

"... You remember when I told you about Dark Gaia?" Sonic asked with a serious expression, a side he used to only show when he was fighting, but he showed it more often as a Werehog.

"The giant and scary monster with many arms and eyes?" Hitch asked.

Sonic nodded after he asked that. "12 years ago, Chip and I were there, face to face with that monstrosity..." he started to narrate.

The scenario changed, and now, we see Sonic and Chip, face to face with Dark Gaia.

"That thing came out from the ground like the demon it was" Sonic narrated, as Dark Gaia launched some blasts to Sonic and Chip.

Then, Sonic grabbed Chip and jumped from rock to rock to avoid Dark Gaia's blasts. Sonic soon landed on a rock and let go of Chip, while they both frowned in anger towards Dark Gaia.

"We were both ready to take that thing down... But Dark Gaia had other plans..." Sonic kept narrating, as Dark Gaia's normal eyes glowed in purple.

That made Sonic's eyes widen, and he fell to his knees, something that Chip noticed a bit too late.

"Sonic! What's wrong?!" Chip asked the Werehog with concern.

Yet, all he got for an answer was a painful groan from Sonic, as his fangs and his claws started to grow backwards. And then, the energy from Dark Gaia that Sonic absorbed before went back to Dark Gaia himself, while he went back to his normal self in a really weakened state.

"We all thought that 'Sonic the Werehog' was gone when Dark Gaia absorbed back his energy from my body..." Sonic narrated, while his flashback-self looked down to the ground with fear and confusion on his eyes. "But we were very, very wrong..." he added with concern.

Sonic was now running across Green Hills during nighttime with a smile.

"Exactly one year later, after defeating Dark Gaia from destroying the planet, I was doing my usual run across Green Hills..." Sonic narrated. "But as I stepped out of the shadows and the moon shone bright above me... The horrible sensation I always had before turning into the Werehog came back that day..." he added.

Sonic suddenly tripped and looked up at the moon, which made his eyes go oval, and his Werehog transformation repeated again. Of course, once the transformation was over, Sonic looked at his hands down in pure panic and terror.

"I didn't knew how, nor why I was like that again, so I ran towards Tails' Lab to find out what was going on" Sonic kept narrating.

And so, we see the Werehog on Tails' lab.

"After scanning some of my extracted DNA, Tails found residues of Dark Gaia's power inside of my blood, which worried us, because we both thought that the Werehog was gone when Dark Gaia was defeated..." Sonic narrated with concern.

"And what am I suppose to do now?!" Sonic screamed in rage on the flashback.

"First of all, calm down!" Tails requested. "You're not going to win anything by getting so raged up! Besides, I don't want you to destroy anything in my workshop.." he pointed out.

With that, Sonic took a deep breath and calmed himself down, as all the sudden rage faded away.

"Good. Now, let's not jump to conclusions yet" Tails stated. "I don't know why there's remains of Dark Gaia's power inside of you, but I can find out if I study your DNA sample. As for what to do with you? I suggest you stay here for the night, and we'll see if tomorrow you transform again. If not, then it's both a good and bad sign" he pointed out again.

"Why would it be a bad sign?" Sonic asked calmly.

"Because it means that I only have one night to find out about why you still have Dark Gaia's power, as well as one night to find out if you'll ever transform into this again or not" Tails explained, as he turned to his computer and started to type on it.

"And that's exactly what I did..." Tails joined the narration. "I spent the whole night analyzing and comparing Sonic's old DNA samples with that new one, and it was clear that Dark Gaia did not removed all his power from Sonic's body..." he explained.

One year later, Sonic went to Windmill Isle.

He came by to the city to pay a visit for the old times, as well as to remember Chip and all the good moments they lived together, back when Chip couldn't remember who he really was.

"I didn't transformed into the Werehog again for a whole year once more..." Sonic narrated again. "But that day, the very same day I visited Windmill Isle... That horrible sensation came back" he said with concern.

And so, once again, at night, Sonic felt his body experimenting the change of becoming the Werehog, and he couldn't feel more panicked if it was even possible.

"I couldn't understand why this was happening again... But unlike the previous year, I tried to didn't let it affect me, and I simply acted like nothing was wrong... But it was..." Sonic added.

One year later, Sonic was on Tails lab, as Tails held his Miles Electric and pointed it at him.

"The next year, we decided to test if the pattern repeated the exact same night" Tails narrated now.

Just when the clock hit 11 p.m., Sonic groaned and fell to his knees, just for the Werehog transformation to repeat once more, which startled and worried both Sonic and Tails.

"Our suspicions were confirmed that third night..." Sonic narrated next. "The remains of Dark Gaia's powers indie my body were not an accident, but a curse that monster launched on me..." he finished narrating with concern.

With this, the Werehog in the flashback growled, before shouting in rage and howl to the moon, because he hated to be attached to this curse.

Back to reality, Sonic had his claws buried in the chair he was sitting on.

He did this to contain his anger of remembering that he was going to take this same form, on this very same night, every single year until he died.

"The next year, it happened again, and since the confirmation of the curse kept growing, we all decided to let it be" Sonic said. "This form awakes in me my most violent and angered side, but nothing really bad has happened that makes me feel like that... not until tonight, at least..." he explained.

"Ever since, Sonic transforms into the Werehog this very night, every year" Tails added with concern. "And, well, is not a big deal since he's the same Sonic" he pointed out with a sheepish smile.

"A bit grumpier sometimes, but yeah. Same old Sonic!" Amy added with a sheepish smile, as she drank from her hot cocoa while sweating.

The three ponies, even Pipp, looked at Sonic with shock and wide eyes after he explained the whole thing of his curse, and Pipp felt a bit bad for being mad at him... although her reasons to be so are justified.

"Wait... You transform into this... Every year?" Hitch asked first confused, and Sonic nodded.

"But you didn't transformed last year!" Sunny pointed out. "You even disguised as the Werehog for Pipp's Nightmare Night Party in Mane Melody, and both you and Tails used an hologram to scare us!" she reminded.

"I did transformed... the previous night to the party" Sonic confessed, but in no moment his serious expression left.

"What?! But that doesn't make any––" Pipp tried to say, but then, she gasped dramatically and frowned. "So that's why you told us to sleep earlier last year! It wasn't for the party, it was for your curse!" she realized with anger.

"Are we sure your sister's the detective around here?" Sonic asked mockingly with a raised eyebrow.

The fact that his voice was deeper, as well as the fact that Pipp found his fangs and new aspect in general attractive was a problem, because she blushed completely flustered at his flirting, even thought she was still mad with him. "D-Don't you dare to flirt with me right now!" she cried out like a filly.

"Sonic... Why didn't you told us about this?" Sunny asked concerned. "We all thought that you told the whole story about you turning into a Werehog when you talked about Chip and Dark Gaia!" she pointed out.

"You really thought I could just tell you all that I turn into a wolf-hedgehog hybrid by night every October 30th at 11 p.m. just like that?" Sonic asked with a deadpan.

After saying it like that, the three ponies looked at each other and shrugged. "Well, maybe not just like that, but at least knowing that something was going to happen would had spared us from such a scare! I thought you were dying or something!" Pipp pointed out with anger.

"I get why you guys are mad with him for not explaining himself... As usual..." Amy deadpanned, and she frowned at Sonic, who growled and frowned back. "But would you had trusted him the same way you do if he suddenly forgot about the curse and turned into the Werehog in front of you?" she asked with anger.

"Be scared of him? Totally! I'll say is a normal reaction to see a friend suddenly turn into a different creature!" Sunny pointed out with concern. "But mistrust him? Sonic, we are friends!" she reminded, now looking and walking up to him. "Maybe your aspect would had freaked us out, but if you explained us this after we calmed down, we wouldn't be this freaked out right now!" she added with concern.

"I can't believe you don't trust us with something this important, Blue Star!" Pipp exclaimed mad, as she crossed her forelegs. "What else do you hide from us? From me?!" she asked with rage.

"Alright, let's calm down for a second, okay?" Tails requested. "Guys, Sonic's on his right to share or not something. You can't just take it out of him because you're concerned and worried! If someone doesn't wants to tell you something, no matter their reasons, you have to respect it!" he stated with a frown.

"No, Tails" Sonic spoke this time. "They're right. This specifically shouldn't had stayed as a secret... I was just scared that you guys would look at me as a monster, and not as Sonic anymore..." he confessed, and that made the three ponies' eyes widen again, while Pipp's anger entirely faded away to let some shame get in. "I know it's silly and all, but... I'm a completely different guy when I'm mad... Specially as this... thing..." he pointed out, looking down at his hands.

Tails and Amy looked at him concerned, and then they looked at each other, both worried for Sonic.

Soon enough, however, Pipp arrived and placed her hooves on Sonic's right hand, who was way bigger compared to his normal one, and Sonic felt a bit surprised to see his girlfriend's hooves on his hand, so he slowly looked up to face her.

"Sonic... You are not a thing..." Pipp began with a warm smile. "You are just Sonic. Hedgehog, or Werehog, what's the difference? That you look different and are a tiny, little angrier? So what?!" she pointed out.

Soon, Sunny joined and placed her hooves on Sonic's hand as well, startling the Werehog again. "Pipp's right, Sonic" she began. "Just because you look different now doesn't means you are a monster. To us? You're the same old you, no matter what aspect you take" she assured him with a smile.

Finally, Hitch approached and placed his right hoof on his hand as well. "Look, I'm not going to lie and say it: This aspect, this place in general! It does freak me out, a lot!" he confessed, before looking at Sonic with a smile. "But just because you look like a scary monster doesn't mean you are one" he pointed out. "You are our friend, the same old Sonic that likes to kick butt and have fun! Just bigger, with scary fangs and some anger issues, but we already deal with Knuckles. What's another one?" he joked with a wink.

That made everyone else but Sonic laugh at the joke, while Sonic chuckled with a slight smirk, and his pupils went from oval to round again, despite his form still being the one of the Werehog.

"I was mad at you because you didn't told us, but... You were scared to tell us, and I can get behind that" Pipp said with a smile, even flying over to his face and kissing his cheek lovely. "I do hope, though: No more secrets, dear!" she warned.

Sonic could have thought on a joke if he was his regular self... But he wasn't, and so, he limited himself to smile at his girlfriend and nod at her words.

"... Thank you, guys..." Sonic said, as he looked over at both Pipp, Sunny and Hitch with a smile. "I... I feel a lot better now. I'm still concerned about one thing, but... Everything at its time, right?" he declared with a slight smirk.

The rest nodded at him with smiles, even Tails and Amy, and Sonic felt like a huge weight left his shoulders.

Suddenly, however, Hitch noticed from the corner of his eye that his cup with hot cocoa moved. So, the Sheriff looked closer to the cup, but before he could look inside of it, the entire cup moved as it trembled, and even spilled some hot cocoa on the table it was over.

That startled Hitch as he started to look around because of a strange sound, which everyone else noticed soon as well.

"Um, is everyone hearing that?!" Pipp asked in panic, as she hid behind Sonic and looked around, while Sonic frowned and moved his ears.

"Yeah!" Amy said, taking out her Piko Piko Hammer again. "But were is it coming from?!" she asked concerned, as Tails came at her side and created to giant metallic gloves with his powers.

And then, they all heard the ground being completely demolished, while a creature came out of the ground and landed in front of the group.

Of course, Hitch and Pipp yelped in fear, while Sunny stood along Tails and Amy with her Alicorn form and frowning at the creature in front of them.

What was what scared the pegasus and the earth pony? Well: This was a a green and anthropomorphic bull ghost, with red eyes, long claws, and a red scarf. His name was Baker, and he looked over at the group with a frown, specially at Sonic, while Sonic himself growled in rage and looked over at the bull ghost with a frown as well.

Baker then got on his fourths and prepared to charge against the group, while Sunny, Amy and Tails did the same, and Sonic decided to stay behind to protect Hitch and Pipp.

Then, the bull ghost charged, and so did Amy, Tails and Sunny, with the laters flying over Baker, which confused him, while he got his face slapped by Amy's hammer, which sent him backwards.

Baker shook his head and growled in anger, but just before he could fight back, he got his face hit by Tails, who started to punch the crap out of him with his amplified fists thanks to the metallic gloves, and even if Baker was growling and trying to fight back, Tails was always a step away, hitting the bull ghosts right where it hurts.

But he wasn't the only one, because Sunny soon joined by flying around Baker and kick him over several spots, like his back, his shoulders, and even his face.

Of course, Baker got tired of this, and so, he quickly grabbed the three of them and launched them towards a wall. Thankfully, Sunny protected the three of them with her Alicorn magic, but it didn't change the fact that Baker was getting madder.

"Sunny!" Hitch exclaimed in panic, before frowning in anger. "Oh, now you've done it!" he declared, tired of getting spooked by ghosts tonight.

And so, Hitch stomped his hooves on the ground, which made some vines come out of the ground so quickly that Baker couldn't even dodge them, and so, the bull ghost got sent backwards, as he landed on the ground with a painful groan... Just to be launched by another vine, then another one, and then another one.

As Hitch kept stomping his hooves on the ground in anger and playing with Baker, Pipp and Sonic were surprised that Hitch was doing this just now, after getting spooked by Su and Uh the whole night.

"Are you telling me that you could have done that this whole time, and you choose to do it right now?!" Pipp said in rage.

"One thing is to mess with me, to mess with my friends, and with my fellow earth ponies..." Hitch started with a frown. "But no one, and I mean NO ONE, messes with Sunny and GETS. AWAY. WITH IT!!!" he declared, completely angered, before stomping his hooves hard enough to create another vine that sent Baker backwards.

As all this happened, Tails, Amy and Sunny were watching this with wide eyes as well, but Sunny even had her whole face as red as a tomato.

"Whoa, girl... You truly hit the jackpot with him!" Amy teased Sunny with a smirk, which only made Sunny's ears lower in embarrassment.

"I've been telling them that the whole crossover, but they even listen to me?! Nooooo!" Tails complained, crossing his arms and shacking his head.

Just then, Baker stood up and roared in rage, but he decided to ignore Hitch and get his revenge on him later, because he had a mission first: Take down Sonic, who he looked at with rage, as he roared in anger and approached to the Werehog with his arm raised, ready to punch the crap out of him.

Yet, Sonic extended his arm to a chandelier in the ceiling and moved away, as he twirled in the air and then stomped on Baker's face, which didn't sent the ghost backwards, but it did made him drop a camera, something that Pipp noticed.

Soon, Sonic slid on the ground and buried his claws on the ground to stop himself, before roaring in anger and extend his punch to beat the crap out of Baker... Yet that didn't happened, because instead, his fist traversed the ghost, and Sonic retracted it confused.

To make things even weirder, the place that Sonic traversed soon started to dissipate, and as Baker chuckled mischievously at Sonic, he became invisible, which made Sonic panic, as he started to look around him to find the bull ghost.

And yet, he couldn't look too much, because he was punched on his back by Baker himself and sent backwards, crashing against a table and sending both Hitch and Pipp backwards as well, with Hitch landing first and Pipp landing second on his back, as they both groaned painfully.

In the process, however, the camera that Baker let fall also got sent backwards, and it took a picture. Pipp shook her head and got off from Hitch, rubbing her back a bit painfully, but then, she noticed the picture and the camera.

So, the pegasus princess took the picture on her hoof and noticed that it was a picture of the same background, but with Baker in the middle. So, Pipp looked at the real empty background, then at the picture again, then at the camera in the floor, and she kept doing this back and forth, until she realized something, and she smiled with an idea in mind.

Meanwhile, Sonic was being careful on where was Baker going to attack next, but sadly, he got hit and sent back to the main floor of the mansion, traversing the wall and rolling in the ground with painful grunts.

Soon, Sonic kneeled and shook his head while feeling dizzy, as he also sighed frustrated. But then, the camera from earlier was launched, and it first bumped over Sonic's head, before it also felt in the ground. Sonic looked confused at the camera, and then he looked up to see his girlfriend.

"Use the camera, babe!" Pipp told him from her place, before she took out the Baker's picture and showed it to him. "He can't hide from cameras! Take a picture, analyze where he is, and show him who you are!" she cheered to him with a smile.

Understanding her plan, Sonic smirked at her and raised his thumbs up, before taking the camera and stand up, as he started to look around the room with a frown and being careful. Then, he took a picture with the camera and took the phot that came out of it, as he looked at it being empty, so he frowned and looked around with concern again.

Pipp landed on the upper floor and looked down with concern, while everyone else joined her, as they looked down at Sonic confused. "Why is he with a really old camera?" Tails decided to ask.

"That thing can't hide from pictures!" Pipp replied, and that was enough for everyone else to understand what was the plan here.

Yet, it didn't seemed to be a good plan, because the picture was taking too long to show up, and Sonic started to get desperate, so he shook the picture for the image to appear already.

And still, when it did so, it showed Baker on his fours and smirking mischievously at Sonic, while at the same time, Baker stopped being invisible and raised an arm, something that Sonic noticed too late, because he got punched on his jaw and set towards the ceiling, while Baker went invisible immediately afterwards.

"SONIC!" Amy, Pipp and Tails all shouted in fear after seeing this.

Sonic, on the other hand, was dizzy and confused at first, but then he shook his head and looked back to the ground with a frown. As he head back to the floor, he took three more pictures with the camera, and then made a quick twirl in the air, landing on his feet and then blowing over the three pictures desperately.

Yet, Baker appeared out of nowhere and sent Sonic against a wall, as the Werehog landed over a table and destroyed it, while he also lost the camera in the process.

Sonic shook his head dizzy and stood up, now looking at the three pictures he took a few seconds ago. The first one showed Baker reading a book and smirking at the camera, the second one had Baker yawning in boredom, and in the last one, he was making the same mocking face that Sonic did earlier with them.

As Sonic looked at each picture, he felt everytime more enraged, until he saw the last one, and that made him snap again, because his pupils became oval-shaped again.

So, Sonic ripped the three pictures apart, roared in rage and started to move his arms across the room in anger, as well as grabbing stuff and throwing it to hopefully hit Baker at some point... not noticing that his friends were getting caught in the middle.

"Whoa!" Hitch exclaimed, as he immediately dragged Sunny to the ground, and they both stayed there while some stuff flew in the air and crashed against the walls. "He's completely enraged!" Hitch exclaimed in panic.

"We've gotta calm him down!" Sunny pointed out.

"You think?!" Pipp exclaimed in panic, as she, Tails and Amy ducked down as well to also dodge Sonic's attacks.

However, none of them knew that Baker was smirking, then he got on his fours and charged against Sonic. Just when he was about to hit Sonic, in the exact last second, Baker became visible again and hit Sonic right on his chest, as he sent the Werehog backwards and made him crash into a wall, as Sonic groaned in pain and the fell sitting down, falling unconscious.

The rest didn't took long to notice that Sonic stopped throwing stuff, so they quickly got up to see what happened, just to panic when they saw him unconscious and laying against a wall.

"SONIC!!!" Pipp cried out, as she opened her wings and tried to fly towards him, but both Amy and Tails stopped her by grabbing her and making sure she wouldn't open her wings. "GUYS! LET ME GO!" she cried out desperately.

Meanwhile, Baker laughed victoriously over Sonic and approached him while becoming invisible again. Then, he grabbed the camera that was near Sonic, and with that, Sunny made her Alicorn form appear and was ready to charge against him for what he was doing to the Werehog, but before she could even fly in the air, she noticed the camera moving back and forth, which confused her a lot.

With this, Baker stopped being invisible, and then, the ghost split up from the waist up back into Su and Uh, since all this time, Baker was a fusion between them, forged as an alliance between the two ghosts, one that was breaking now that they had Sonic where they wanted, and now, they were going to fight and see who takes the picture of Sonic's face for Lah.

"Uh... What is going on?" Sunny asked confused, as she rather landed back with the rest, and all of them looked confused at Su and Uh fighting to see who kept the camera.

However, that also seemed to be enough time for Sonic to slowly wake up and shake his head, at first confused, and then completely enraged.

Su and Uh, on the other hand, kept fighting with each other on who was going to take the picture, until they noticed that Sonic was growling, so they slowly looked towards them, which made Sonic scream in rage. That made the two ghosts panic, and they even fainted because of the shock, also letting go of the camera in the process.

Then, Sonic grabbed then from their still fused feet and started to twirls them around the room while extending his arms and smashing the two ghosts against the walls, as they both screamed in fear.

Finally, Sonic throw the two ghosts in the air, and as they fell towards Sonic, he raised his punch, ready to sent the two ghosts flying away, something that made both Su and Uh panic even more. And so, Sonic punched the two ghosts, undoing their fusion entirely and sending them through the ceiling, as they got lost in the sky.

With them gone, Sonic nodded confidently, before going over and smash the camera from earlier, as a way to realize the little anger that remained inside of him. With that, he sighed relieved and smirked, as his pupils went round again.

"Blue Star!" Pipp's voice called out, and Sonic turned to see her, as she approached him along the rest of their friends, with Pipp wrapping her hooves around his neck and nuzzling to him. "I was so worried about you!" she confessed with concern.

"Well, even if I did worried too, you still came out on top as usual!" Tails cheered, as he and Sonic fist bumped.

"I still don't get this whole thing of the Werehog being a 'curse', you know?" Amy confessed with a smirk. "You just become more skilled in fighting! Despite getting slower..." she mocked up.

Still, Sonic chuckled at her comment and smiled. "Well, I guess I should thank that sudden anger I felt after those two mocked me up" he said with an amusing smirk.

"Well, as much as I'm glad that this is over, I think we should leave..." Hitch said with a nervous expression. "I hate to admit it, but this place creeps me out, and I don't want those two ghosts to come back!" he added with a frown.

"You literally smashed the whole room we were in with your magic and those two combined!" Tails pointed out with a bored expression.

"Because they messed with Sunny!" Hitch said with a frown, and Sunny blushed and looked away a bit flustered.

"We got, Sheriff. You just stood for your girlfriend. I would've done the same if it was Pipp" Sonic said with a mocking smirk, as he started to walk towards the exit.

"Aww!" Pipp said with a smile and a loving gaze towards Sonic, feeling touched by his words. "Well, I don't mind going back to the Brighthouse now, either. I already got, like, a bazillion pictures of this place! And I honestly don't think I could sleep in an old and rusty bed in this mansion" she confessed, as she followed Sonic to the exit.

"And for the last time, Sonic: We are not a couple!" Sunny groaned with annoyance and a blush, as she and Hitch followed Sonic and Pipp towards the exit.

"Yet!" both Tails and Amy said with mocking smirks, as they followed the rest while holding the Nightmare Night stuff they bought earlier, while both Sunny and Hitch groaned in annoyance at their teasing.

"By the way, how are we gonna explain the rest that you, um... Look like this?" Pipp questioned him.

"Knuckles and Team Dark know already" Sonic explained. "As for the rest, I guess we'll just had to hope that Misty won't faint and Zipp won't try to attack me..." he added with concern.

"What about Izzy and Sparky?" Amy asked confused.

"Eh, Sparky saw the Werehog prank last year, and Izzy is Izzy" Hitch replied with a bored expression.

"If anything, Izzy's gonna think he's someone else and not Sonic!" Sunny pointed out with a giggle, and the rest chuckled along her.

As they finally left the building, they never heard Su and Uh screaming in fright, as they came back from the sky and now traversed the ground, groaning painfully after their crash.

They slowly got out from the hole and shook their heads dizzy... Only to feel completely panicked when they saw that Lah was there with them, not looking happy in the slightest. In fact, she was very, very mad with the two ghosts, as she pointed not only at all the things destroyed in the mansion, but also at the destroyed camera.

Su and Uh looked around with panic and concern, before looking up at Lah with sheepish smiles, while Lah herself started to get so mad that her face went red, her hair got messed up, and her teeth turned into fangs.

With this transformation, both Su and Uh hugged each other in fear and concern, and so, Lah roared in pure rage and hate at the two ghosts, while they both screamed in fear and panic.

Yeah, let's just say that they were going to be resting painfully in their bed for quite a long time...

Author's Note:

And that's a wrap!

I seriously wanted to make an episode for this holiday, even if I don't celebrate it, but it was fun to do! Also, I wanted an excuse to actually use Sonic the Werehog.

This episode, besides being a Halloween/Nightmare Night special, was heavily inspired by the official "Sonic: Night of the Werehog" short made by my number one animation studio in the world: Marza Animation Planet.

Have you seen all the CGI promos that SEGA launches when they promote any 3D Sonic game? Mainly Forces and Frontiers? Well, Marza is the studio behind their creation! And I'm not joking when I say that we need a full CGI animated show/film about the Blue Blur made by them.

Of course, despite the heavy inspiration on the short made by Marza, I changed some things, like the fact that there is dialogue, as well as the ending. Now, why did I changed it? Well, Lah got away with what she wanted, and I never liked that ending. So, I took the liberty of change it to what you just read!

Now, I kind of get that the whole point of doing a "Nightmare Night" special is to scare, but I'm terrible at writing horror, so that wasn't ever going to happen in the first place...

Also, this episode should already confirm which episode from Chapter 5 won't be adapted, right? I think someone in the previous story guessed it right, so congratulations to said person! Oh, and if you wonder why I removed said episode: It simply didn't fit with the narrative I had in mind, so I apologize if anyone feels disappointed with this decision.

Anyways. Hope you guys enjoyed, and I'll see you all next time with... Wait, what?! :pinkiegasp:

What do you mean with Tails getting some rizz?!