• Member Since 24th Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen May 21st



This story is a sequel to The Ultimate Enemy 2: Return of Harmony

After the events that led to Spike's fateful destiny and future with Dark Spike along with the events involving the Friendship Journal, Spike has departed to the mirror world in search of a better life and home to ensure his dark self would cease to exit. Even with Twilight and her friends trying to find him, he still wouldn't try to come back to Equestria.

While in the mirror world, Spike is desperately trying to fight the darkness from the powers he gained from his fight with his dark self, in spite of it tempting him to harm others. He is not alone in this battle when he meets a familiar face.

However, as life goes on, Spike still has to choose. Which path is the one for him? And if so, will his future ever be free again?

Cover art and MLP: FIM belongs to rightful owners.

Additional tags: Sad, Comedy, Romance, Tragedy. suggestive forms and acts of possible sex, but not actual sexual content.

Additional characters: Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Vice-Principal Luna, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance and more.

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 122 )

And here we go! Glad that Sunset & the girls are helping Spike out during this difficult time!:heart:

Also hoping the Mane Six don't find Spike right away & that Sunset keeps them at arm's lenght if they do find out, though from what I saw at the end it seems the evil one's coming back! :moustache:

Finally there's the issue of 2 certain species back in Equestria that are probably NOT HAPPY with Spike's treatment since everything came to light for everyone in that final fight! 😡

Maybe she should work on becoming a person worthy of being spike friend first considering despite her promises to be better when they found out the potential future they didn't really change. They still treated him like a combination of a bratty little kid and a servant and an animal. Even if she finds spike tomorrow he would need proof that she really has changed considering he gave her a chance once and when push came to shove she blew it. She was so sure of herself that despite what Celestia said none of them have empathy. Empathy isn't just caring. It's also about imagining the other guys point of view and how they feel. Nobody ever did that. Except for spike.

But that's if Twilight did change. But I have a feeling that it's highly unlikely.

Me too. She still is trying to repeat her mistakes. Where she says sorry maybe acts nice for a day or two and then goes right back to the way things always were. I wish she try to become a person that was worthy of spike forgiveness but she doesn't want to truly face her mistakes and fix them however she can. She skated by with that routine so long that she can't really imagine how much she needs to choose a different path.

Indeed. But will it lead her down to a dark path?

I don't know but I get the feeling someone wants exactly that. Spike will be happy with sunset and the gang and even if twilight finds him he will be protected by the girls from her because they aren't going just let her put Spike back in that no win situation. Twilight is so busy missing she has forgotten how this all started in the first place.

Those who forget the past, are doomed to repeat it.

Unfortunately that's twilight for you. This is going to be the hardest lesson she ever gotten.

That's telling them, Ambassadors. Serves them right.

Sweet. I agree with Thorax and Ember. That'll teach the mane six a lesson.

Yep, pretty much expected that response from the other races! :moustache:

Personally, I DON'T think Dark Spike gets a redemption. I mean, the original Dark Danny didn't get one, what makes this so different? Besides, the Mane Six DOESN'T have anything to change his or even the original Spike's minds on this.

IF the Mane Six themselves don't EARN forgiveness themselves, how the heck can they change Dark Spike's!?

Yep and they still think they can use the same method to solve this one. They need to find a way to show everyone that they have changed their ways and then maybe they will get back the respect they lost. Spike though might need the rainbooms more than he realizes.

And even IF there is a highly ridiculous, and possibly unrealistic half-assed chance that Dark Spike might change.

It DOESN'T reverse or erase all the deaths, destruction, and atrocities that he did in his future timeline. This ain't Dragon Ball Z/Super/GT.

( Even though those future selves DID had it coming, in my opinion. By constantly poking a bear, or dragon in this case. You EXPECT to get Burned. )

" I'm sorry Twilight, I'm sorry Thorax, Sunburst and...everypony. But I have to do this. "

You forgot Ember, Discord, and Big Mac. And why are you apologizing to Twilight!? Don't you still hate her!?

Inside an cave, there was a pulsating, red and familiar amulet on the ground. The eye of the amulet began to glow more bright red and dark until it shined. After a few seconds, the red glow dissappated and shadow figure was seen.

"Finally......I. AM.......Inevitable."

The figure then teleported away in a shadow flash, leaving his identity and appearance a complete mystery.

Really? We all know who it is. He is the only dark dragon that preaches Thanos' inevitable quote.


I wouldn't be much surprised later on, that they actually broke off their "alliance" with the ponies completely. I mean, they are rightfully pissed, then this seems like a reasonable response as karma to the ponies.

This will give the mane six and celestia of another huge reality check that they really f***** up big time!

Not gonna but why do i feel like Twilight will end up becoming just like the Twilight in the Story "Spike the Fairy" ( Its a good story and I suggest you should read it if u like to)

Good question.


Holy crap! Deja Vu much?

Then, she has no sympathy. And Spike is correct on not forgiving her, if she becomes no better than Dark Spike.

Oh geez, hope this Twilight does learn her lesson unlike the sociopath on that story! :twilightoops:

More like psychopath after the atrocities she committed In that story.

In an unknown location, a shadowy figure was in a cave and had red eyes and a shadowy, mist like form.

"Hmmmm. So...I...return." The figure said in a familiar teen voice

He began to form into a familiar dragon form and said

"If he's in the mirror world, I guess that gives me some free time to myself."

It disappeared, leaving no trace of itself behind.

Of course he returns! He is starting to become like Sombra or even William Afton/Springtrap/Scraptrap/Glitchtrap/Burntrap by this point.

Don't tell me dark spike from the future is back. Somebody is stubborn about dying. I hope that twilight can find a way to earn forgiveness because last I saw she was following the same path and that isn't good. she needs show everyone that she wants to better to show that her words aren't the same cheap things they were before.

How many times does dark spike have get his butt kicked before he quits.

How many times does that guy have to be defeated ? Though I do wonder how twilight is going to prove that she has learned her lesson considering she so busy thinking about how she is sorry that she refuses to really understand how she went wrong and what she needs to do. She wants to give an apology and forget about it once it accepted. She promised spike that she would be better once and broke her word

So both Dark Spike/Twilight went though the mirror world to bother Spike again, hope he tells Twilight off & blows Dark Spike for good..... in that order! :moustache:

Though I wonder how spike is still getting hurt considering I thought he be spending most of his time with the girls.

Agreed. She's practically disobeying Celestia's orders. And that has consequences, including what the other species' will do if they learn she tries to bring him back by force.

Maybe Twilight is supposedly taking a page from Celestia and is not doing what she did, moping around wondering what she could have done for a long time.

Ugh I was hoping sunset would meet her before spike so twilight could understand that actions have consequences and sometimes sorry isn't enough. She won't get that until it is shoved into her head.

Oh heck no, Twilight better not try hugging him next chapter! :flutterrage:

:ajbemused: Oh no. I smell drama coming. And it will not end well for Twilight. Twilight, why are you so stubborn these days? :facehoof:

I believe we all can agree on that.

Because Twilight's OCD that was caused by being in Canterlot and surrounded by those bigots that want everything perfect and the influence of arrogance they displayed has shaped her mentality to the point of being as bad if not worse than the bigots. It doesn't help either that Twilight sometimes behaves like an immature kid when things don't go her way. If anything, Twilight's friends and family should've tried harder to get her out of that mindset so that she can see the bigger picture and actually grow up when the situation calls for it.

Interesting point there.


Isn't it so mess up that the literal main character of a kids show that is supposed to sprout "Friendship is Magic" is like this!!??

And sadly, Celestia and Twilight's own friends aren't any better either.

Hasbro, you done f******* up! :facehoof:

It doesn't help that as long as she is doing what Celestia wants is the way everyone
thinks. Fluttershy brings an animal from the forest and ins Celestia never thinks about the possible consequences with her all well that ends well mentality. Twilight never really learns that actions have consequences because everyone learns that all well that ends well. Someone got hurt because of triek running around well he was defeated so anyone getting hurt is not my problem. You don't like your friends bragging so you steal their spotlight and secretly brag right in front all while showing them up with stuff they can't do as well as you. Fluttershy brings an animal from the woods and doesn't bother to find anything about before she gives it to her friends. An eye for eye should be reserved for very serious things not somebody going overbroad pranking and when speaking to someone about something that bugging them to speak one on one and plain and clear not that they could ever do that.

Oh wow, trying to force Spike back with the elements & face-planting when it didn't work......got what you deserved bookhorse! 😡

Also creating a Friendship School after what happened, really???? Not sure any species would sent students from their lands there to be honest!:moustache:

That only leaves Dark jackass getting his just desserts, hopefully soon! :rainbowdetermined2:

Maybe she first try actually learning about other species considering outside the little she found in books she knows hardly anything on even one species that isn't pony. This way she truly come other points of view and become better for it. Then she will be able to show other species that she is trying to be better and the girls will have to do some hard thinking about how they can make it right. Maybe write the book about spike and how they wished they saw how amazing he was the whole time.

You know, I'm proud of Spike for sticking it to Twilight and making the mirror world his home. Hopefully, Twilight will take the hint. Anything involving DS can't be good. Hope Spike's internal guardian can protect him from what's coming. As for the friendship school, considering the situation with Spike, I doubt any non-ponies will want to go there. Which means, no students six. Hell, not even Sandbar, if he saw the same things the non-ponies did in the last story.

I'm glad Sunset and Spike tell Twilight off for what she did.

Based off the Truce scene with Frost and Blade from the movie Blade.

Yeah, I recognized the scene, so I figured that much. Still awesome, though.😁

Personally did he really think that without cause he turn against sunset and the girls. They have never hurt him. If fact they have shown more caring in the short time they known him than twilight and her friends. They never really thought about spike and his health or feelings. You have to shove it in their face just get in their heads and even then they wouldn't remember. They have a lot growing up to do and that starts with taking a good look at themselves and trying to become better. Celestia should learn that actions speak louder than words.

Two things:
1. Why is Spike apologizing to Twilight? it's her, her friends, family, & the princesses fault what happened to him.
2. Guess who's back again.

Basically here's what the Ambassadors are saying to the main six in the words of THIS GUY:

Well folks here we go again.

Wonder who D.S. plans to go see.

Ah sheet here we go again. When will Twilight learn? :facehoof:

Also now I am slowly began to think she is gonna become like Evil Twilight in Spike the fairy I mean the Twilight in that story almost did the exact same thing to spike when he was in the different world fighting her in the Tournament.

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