• Published 18th Nov 2022
  • 1,227 Views, 48 Comments

The Murder at Mane Melody - Lulamoon-Crystal

A body was found in Pipp’s salon, Mane Melody. It’s time for Zipp to get on the case

  • ...

The Mystery Begins

Early one peaceful, cloudy morning, two ponies, Rocky and Pipp entered the empty salon. Mane melody “I wonder what things we’ll be doing today. You got that song ready?” Rocky asked Pipp who nodded in response. As they stepped in the feet a little uneasy. But they shrugged it off.

She had a smile on her face, excited for her new song she had made recently. “Yeah! We’ll be singing it tomorrow, however.”

”Oh, that’s fine,” Rocky smiled. Knowing she just needed to do it at her own pace. “I’m sure it’ll be great!” He looked around to see a shampoo bottle on the floor, he picked it up. Must have been knocked off and forgotten by Pipp and Jazz when they were packing away last night. But strangely there was still a few brushes and combs not put away, along with some scissors still sitting where he did his last customer’s mane from the day before. Along with a few chunks of mane near that chair.

Pipp hummed to herself happily before she noticed that the hoof-stuff was unsorted. “Huh?” She said in response as she looked around. That was odd, Jazz never left her stuff lying around. Confused, she picked them up to put them on the table where they belonged.

It didn’t seem like they were placed there by anyone else, It was mostly the same as she saw it before going home last night.

“That’s strange, Jazz said that she’d clean up before going home...” Pipp told herself as she put them back in their places. “Leaving her stuff unsorted and lying around like this is unlike her!”

Rocky agreed as he gathered his mane shampoo into one place. He looked around, normally Jazz would have already greeted him and Pipp and started to work on hoof designs or something. This was really odd, he didn’t even realise how much he missed her cheerful smile and voice in the mornings.

“Yeah... And she’s a little late today, she said anything to you?” Rocky said as he figured that he was out of a certain shampoo that he used in the salon. Wasn’t a bother at all, he was in a hurry to return home the day before so he must’ve not had time to toss out the empty bottle. He simply had to get more from the storage room.

“No,” Pipp said a bit nervous, “She didn’t say anything...” She had a bad feeling in her gut, she didn’t clean up, it nearly looked the same as last night!. “M-maybe she’ll explain when she gets here! Right!?” She asked. “Totally fine! Maybe just forgot to tell us!”

Rocky tried to shrug off his worries before throwing out some trash into the bin. “Yeah, I’m sure it’s nothing, maybe it was something urgent.” He noted as he walked, “Like when I had to get my cousin’s hoof out from the drain...” He added before opening the door of the storage room. There was an odd smell, like something was dead. “I think a rat or something died in here...” He noted.

Pipp shuddred, “Oh gross!” She exclaimed. Small cheeky, curious critters do often sneak into closed buildings. Death is rare but isn’t impossible. Some times critters can eat something they shouldn’t have, fall, get hurt in any way and not get the help they need in time.

“Don’t worry, I’ll deal with it,” Rocky called out to Pipp.

The storage room was dark as the lights were off. As soon as he entered, he turned them on and glanced around the room. Drawers, cupboards, props and boxes were seen, which was all normal and such. No dead critters yet, hopefully the dead smell was just from some sort of failed product of Pipp, or something gone bad. But one thing was really odd. He raised a brow as he noticed a familiar figure laying up against one of the cupboards. Seemingly asleep.

“Jazz?” Rocky questioned as he saw Jazz laying, partly curled up with her side up against the doors. Her mane’s forelock was blocking the view of her face. “What are you doing here?” He asked, then realised that she must be asleep. Maybe she was really tired and fell asleep while packing up. Didn’t Pipp help her pack up? Why didn’t she wake Jazz up? Doesn’t matter, now it was time to wake Jazz up, hopefully she wouldn’t be too upset. She’d likely be pretty embarrassed, however.

But there was a pit in his stomach as he moved himself forward. Something wasn’t right. “J-Jazz?” He questioned softly, slightly worried. “It’s time to wake up...” He smiled a bit, wondering why she wasn’t snoring. Maybe she doesn’t usually snore? Or maybe he couldn’t hear it! His heart started to beat fast as he gasped.

When he finally made it to her, he stared down at her unmoving body. “C’mon Jazz-“ He put on a slight smile, trying to brush his worries aside. “It’s time to-“ His face immediately turned to horror as soon as he touched her shoulder. It was cold and stiff. That was not normal! “Jazz?” Rocky whispered as his eyes widened. His heart was beating rapidly again as he stared at her. She wasn’t moving, not even breathing. No sign of life. He couldn’t believe it, and he wasn’t going to! She was okay! He knew it! Sweat dripped down from him as he gulped. Surely the stiffness was from... muscle? Maybe it was just really cold! But he felt warm.

Please don’t be...” He begged in his mind as he shuddered. Hoping for the best.

Concerned, he went in front of her and went to her level, hoping he was just imaging things. His wings were shaking slightlly. Jazz’s head was down, so he couldn’t see her face very well, but he did see stuff coming from her mouth that he assumed was drool. Surely she was just ill. “Jazz? Are you feeling okay?” He asked as he lightly shook her. Making a gasp in shock, her body, it was so cold.

“Please answer... please, Jazz?” His breathing was rapid, tears started to form. He put both hooves on Jazz, hoping to wake her up! “Jazz!? You’re starting to scare me! Get up!” He shook her rapidly, “Get up!” He was shouting now, trying to get some response from her. He needed a response! Just anything to tell him that she was okay...

As he quickly removed his hooves in horror, Jazz’s body fell to the ground in the process, giving him a nasty view of her face. He sat up, mind still processing at what was going on. Nothing felt real, this just couldn’t be real... He froze in horror as his stomach turned. He stared down at her, he tried to not gag, it was true... Very real. Two dead, dull, partly-open eyes were staring at him. She looked scared... This was... Death... In panic, he made a loud gasp as he eyed the pale froth that was coming from her mouth.

Rocky made noises of disgust and disbelief as he stared down at Jazz, but no words came out is mouth. His mouth was wide open in horror, not knowing what to do or say. He stepped back in shock. Finally he found some words. “Th-this isn’t real- this can’t be!!” He shouted as he gagged. “J-Jazz! Wake up!” He cried. “Please!”

He felt hot and sweaty as he backed up, wanting to be away from this... His eyes not leaving the body. His chest was still moving rapidly. “N-no- p-please! J-Jazz!“ He stuttered. He couldn’t believe his eyes. She was... Gone... His eyes started to water. How did this happen? Who did this? He felt like his heart was shattered, his wings were still shaking.

What now? What next? He wondered as he kept staring. Frozen in place, horrified at his sights. He wanted to hug her body and sob, but he stayed away from it. Not knowing what that pale stuff coming from her mouth was. But he was broken. His own co-worker was dead. No more sweet greetings, no more sweet voice, no more... Jazz Hooves...

“Rocky?” Pipp’s voice sounded outside the storage room. She sounded concerned as she approached the storage room. She must have heard his panic and went to investigate. Of course she did, in her point of view, she must of heard him shouting then suddenly go quiet. He glanced towards the entrance, wishing Pipp didn’t have to witness this, no one should have to witness something like this.

“Is everything okay in-“ She managed to say before freezing as she stepped inside. Rocky cringed slightly as Pipp’s head cocked in confusion. “J-Jazz? Why are you?” She whispered. Looking straight at the body. “Why are you... sleeping like that?” Pipp asked in an unsure tone.

“Are you okay, Jazz?” She stared at the body, then back at Rocky, then back to Jazz. Face slowly showing horror as she processed what she was seeing, hearing Rocky’s exclaims, his expression and Jazz laying on the ground like that must only mean one thing.... Soon she started letting out an ear-hurting scream. Rocky was too frozen in shock and fear to block his ears, but he did flinch. He expected a yell, but this was a bit louder than expected.

“JAAAAAZZZ!” Screamed Pipp as she rushed over to the body, tears in her eyes. “Wake up! Wake up!” She was shaking Jazz’s body with a hoof, getting no results. “Please! Get up, you’re alive! I know it!” She was crying, cheeks getting soaked. “Get up!” She shouted. Her voice kept cracking as she looked down at Jazz. “What happened to you!? What’s happening, Jazz!? Speak to me, please!”

After taking some deep breaths, Rocky finally found the courage to go up to her. Gently he sat down and put a wing around her and gently pulled her in. But she waved her hooves, trying to get to Jazz. “Rocky!” She shouted as she waved her hooves around. “Are you seeing this!?” She cried as she started to shake him violently, much to his surprise. “She’s sick! We need to call the hospital!” She shouted. “Before it’s too late!”

”P-pipp-“ His voice shook. “She-“ His voice cracked, “She’s dead!” He exclaimed. “I-I tried to get a reaction from her- she-she would have gotten up by now... I-I didn’t hear a heartbeat... or feel a pulse...”

Pipp stopped shaking him and pounded his chest slightly. ”No-“ She coughed and gagged for air as tears ran down her face. “She- She-“ She looked at Jazz and surveyed her condition. “Not dead. It’s just a... she’s sick!” Pipp exclaimed, “She-she’s just sleeping- she’s sick!” She shouted, tears running down her face as she put her head on Rocky’s chest. He had a tear escape as he hugged her with his wings. “She’s not dead, Rocky! How could you say that!?” Her voice was muffled as she cried, “How could you say that? You-you!” Then Pipp’ s muffled voice was just screaming and crying.

It hurt Rocky to see Pipp like this, he sniffled a bit. The truth hurts, but it’s wasn't like he had a time machine or something. There was no way to bring Jazz back. ”Pipp... I’m sorry but... There’s nothing we can do... except that we need to call the experts over to-to... do their Job...” He sighed before looking down at Pipp who was sobbing into his chest, wetting it with her tears. He didn’t know what to say next. Tears were rolling down his face, almost as fast as hers, his heart was racing in his chest.

All he did was take out his phone and call the emergency number, allowing Pipp to let it all out.

“Hello?” He asked as a pony appeared on the screen, looking very serious. They were a blue earth pony with a green mane dressed in a doctor uniform. He looked annoyed.

“What’s the problem!?” The doctor shouted.

Rocky explained calmly. “There has been-“

“Oh, it’s at Mane Melody?” He asked. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Rocky nodded, trying his best to stay calm. “W-well, yeah! But-“

”Calm down!” The doctor shouted, “I can’t understand you,”

“Wait, what do you mean?” He had asked before the screen went black. “Hello?” He asked, “Hello? You there!? We need the hospital!” He gasped before realising,“They hung up on me!?” He shouted, “What kind of doctor hangs up on an emergency!?” He was angry. Soon he noticed Pipp pushing him away. “Hey, Pipp?” Pipp managed to wrestle herself out from his wings and push him away, nearly pushing him to the ground. “Hey! Hey, don’t go too close, there might be bugs- or... anything really.“ Rocky warned as Pipp sombrely towered over to Jazz, looking down at her.

“Jazz can’t be dead...” Pipp whispered, “Can she?”

Pipp’s phone was now in her hoof as she looked at her friend. “We don’t know how she died,” Rocky added, worried it was contagious. “We shouldn’t really... mess with a-“ He looked down at Jazz, his voice cracked. He couldn’t believe what he was about to say... “A-a dead body...”

”She can’t be... Is she?” Pipp whimpered, “Jazz..” She sighed. She glared at Rocky, she had never seen him cry before. Not like this anyway. Tears were rushing down his face, not as many as Pipp tho. He was trying so hard to be strong. Pipp stared at her friend, Jazz, tears rolling down, “We are going to figure out who did this, and they are going to pay!”

Rocky looked at Pipp and looked down at Jazz. The salon would have to be closed for a while, there was no way they would be able to operate at a time like this. He wondered how Pipp was going to figure it out, but he hoped she did. Assuming it was murder and not... His gut hurt as he thought of the possibilities of what could have happened. He decided to leave Pipp alone for a while.

Soon Pipp looked down at her phone, she was calling someone as seen on the screen. It was Zipp, as soon as she picked up she greeted her sister. “Oh, hey, Pipp- what’s-“ She then gasped, noticing the mess of tears and blood-shot eyes on Pipp. “P-Pipp!? What happened!?” She shouted in shock. Then she exclaimed, “Who did this to you!?”

”Zzzi-ipp!” She cried, “Just- it’s terrible!” She cried out. “You need to come over! You need to find who did this!”

“Who did what? Oh! I’ll be right over!” Zipp exclaimed. Looking extremely worried.

“Bring Hitch!” Pipp sobbed, “You might need back-up!” Zipp looked even more terrified. Her breathing got rapid. This did not look like another situation where Pipp was overreacting.

“B-backup?! Oh Pipp...” Zipp agreed, looking scared. “Stay in a safe place, just stay safe until I get there! I don’t want you getting hurt! I’ll be there with Hitch as fast as I can!” Soon Pipp hung up before letting out loud sobs.

“Oh Jazz! Why!? Why now!?”

Rocky sighed, wiping his tears. He had wrote something down on some paper and taped it on the outside of the door, where everyone could read it. ‘Due to an emergency, Mane Melody will be closed today, sorry for any inconvenience,’ it said.

His stomach hurt, who knew Jazz’s life ended like this? He looked at Jazz’s stuff sadly. She was gone so sudden, she didn’t deserve this... The day started so well.

Minutes went by, Rocky was sitting on stage, his wings around Pipp who was crying into his chest. Poor thing was shaking and crying, trying to speak, but couldn’t. “I-“ Pipp squeaked, “I played her favourite song, but she didn’t wake up!”She gasped for air, “Why didn’t she wake up!? You can’t have been right! She’s not gone!”

Rocky sighed, “Pipp...” He felt horrible! She was clearly in denial.

“R-rocky...” Sniffled Pipp, “Is Jazz gonna be okay? She can’t actually be dead, can she? You were wrong, right!?” She hoped for a different answer from him than before. An answer to say Jazz was alive! “Tell me you were wrong!” She begged, “Please! Jazz can’t be dead, Rocky! It’s not the truth!”

Rocky felt horrible as he stared down at her. It wasn’t fair, Jazz was such a nice pony. She was so happy. What could have been the reason for her demise? “I- I’m sorry, Pipp...” Rocky apologised, this would be a time he would be happy to find out we was wrong... “I wish I was wrong too...”

“You should be!” Pipp cried, “She can’t be dead!” She shouted, “She can’t!”

Soon the doors opened. Two frantic ponies looked around. Concerned looks on their faces. Zipp looked like she was ready to fight, Hitch had hoof cuffs ready as he glared around.

“We got your call! What’s going on!?” Hitch shouted.

“Pipp! What happened!?” Zipp shouted, breathing heavily, “Are you hurt!?” She relaxed a bit when she didn’t see any injuries and that there was not any sign of a fight. Also, Rocky seemed to be comforting Pipp. But that didn’t stop her from feeling concerned and a bit scared.

Pipp sobbed, “Z-Zipp...” She sniffled, lifting her head from Rocky’s chest “I- Ja-“ she then put it back down, sobbing loudly.

Rocky petted Pipp before speaking, “There’s been a case... in the storage room...” He said sadly.

“I-I got it!” Zipp felt nervous, something was telling her that this was more serious than she thought. Clearly not a sign of theft or property damage. Even tho last time that happened, Pipp was in a really bad mood, not as bad as this but still... Maybe the issue was worse than it looked.

“W-we’ll have a look,” Hitch also felt the same as Zipp. He hoped that it wasn’t going to be as bad as he thought. Hopefully there was nothing to be afraid about.

The two shared worried glances as they headed there. Wondering what had happened, hopefully no one was hurt. They both felt something was foreboding.

They slowly opened the door, gasping loudly in shock. Hitch’s jaw dropped as Zipp rushed ahead as she saw the problem. A murder scene... It seemed... The pony lying there, on the ground, not moving was Jazz! No wonder why Pipp was such a mess. Hitch tried to speak but only made noises.

“No!” Zipp gasped as she stood near Jazz, watching for any sign of life. Hoping she wasn’t what she thought, Maybe Jazz was just sick?

“J-Jazz!” Hitch exclaimed, finally finding the words as he saw her. “Is she okay!?” He asked as Zipp walked around the body, investigating it in each angle. Even putting her hoof on Jazz’s chest, hoping for a heart beat. She waited, hoping for any sign of life. But her ears drooped, nothing. She stared somberly at Jazz, gently moving her hoof across her chest. It was true, Jazz was indeed gone.

As she investigated, she had signs of disgust and concern. But she had her ears pinned back as if she was annoyed. Her drone was hovering over the body, taking scans. There was no life, Jazz, the hooficurist of Mane Melody, and the most well known one in Equestria... was gone...

“Zipp?” Asked Hitch as he watched, “What are you doing?” Deep inside, he dearly hoped that Jazz was going to be okay. Zipp put on her visor as she looked at the body.

“This is clearly a serious situation...” She said, slightly annoyed. “Hitch, just call the hospital. I need to solve this mystery!” His voice sounded bitter as Zipp gently closed the open eyes on the body. It crept her out. She liked solving mysteries, but she never thought she’d have to deal with a murder! That was just messed up!

This made Hitch gasp. She can’t be dead, can she? As he took out his phone, he gulped, he had so much fear. This was a dead body. A dead body of some pony he got along with well. This was something he thought he’d never witness again or wanted to ever witness again, after Argyle’s death. That was traumatic enough! Sunny was broken for ages after that!

Zipp took out a few test tubes and a few swabs. Gently and slowly, she scooped some of the mouth foam and put it into a tube. Next, she looked out for any hair that would help to determine who did it. But from what she could see, this was a case of poisoning. There were no wounds on the body, and according to the scans from her visor, there were no broken bones.

Soon enough she discovered a feather. Well, it was small, fluffy and a very light pink. To avoid ruining it, she used some tweezers to put it in a small plastic bag.

Zipp felt disgusting, this was so gross! But she had to deal with it. This was the closest she had even been to the body of a dead pony. It was worse than she had ever imagined. The smell, the stiffness, and the fact that she was one of her sister’s closest friends! Her gut ached as she looked at Jazz, even through she never had interest in salon treatments, it still hurt to know Jazz was gone. Zipp started to think about all the times Pipp would talk about Jazz when they accomplished something. Like a new product, or just hanging out.

But she had to deal with it! Justice was going to be served! After everything, she’s done with and for Pipp. Even she had some moments with her herself! There was no way the culprit was getting away with this! After gathering all the information she needed, Zipp looked down at the body. She let out a sigh, “Don’t worry, Jazz, I will find out who did this to you...”

Zipp scanned the room for anything suspicious. Then she saw something, there was a glass of a spilled drink on the ground. It was a semi-transparent purple colour with black chunks floating around. Strange, might this be how she was poisoned? She carefully put some of the drink in a small plastic container. Sealed it tight so nothing leaked, though. All the research was going to happen back at the Brighthouse.

Hitch put his phone away as he was done with it. “I can’t believe somepony would do this!” He exclaimed. Zipp put a wing around him as they quietly walked out the room. Pipp sniffled as she looked at them, Zipp walked over sombrely.

“I’m going to find the culprit... I promise...” Zipp said softly as she put a wing around her.

Soon enough, two sombre looking stallions walked into the salon. A stretcher was with them as they walked into the room. Pipp’s stomach hurt as she watched this. Jazz was really gone? Zipp decided to comfort her sister as this happened, this was not a time to leave her. But she was going to ask questions and take down some notes soon.

Rocky stared with regret, wishing there was a way to stop this. As he blinked, he had a vision of seeing the dead body. A close friend, it hurt so bad! He wanted someone to tell him this was a bad dream. He wanted to wake up from this nightmare.

Then Izzy raced in, “Hey Pipp!” She greeted, seemingly oblivious to the gloom. She looked around happily, “Is Mane Melody opened today?”

“Did you not read the sign I left on the door?” Rocky asked, a little annoyed. “We are closed because an emergency!”

“Oh... that sign? Sorry Rocky!” She looked around with her eyes, before noticing, “Uhm... why is everything so... sad? Everyone’s sparkles are so dim, is everything okay?”

Pipp sniffled, “Jazz...”

“Jazz?” Izzy gulped, nervous, feeling like something was wrong here. “What about her? Is everything okay? Did you have a fight?” She looked sad now, regretting her cheerful entrance. “I was going to get pretty hooves... And share a few design ideas I had with Jazz! I know she’s gonna love them...”

“I’m sure she would...” Pipp put on a smile before sighing. “...Have...” She looked down sadly.

“Would have?” Izzy asked.

Zipp sighed, “No... we have found... a body...” She said, hoping Izzy would understand.

“A body?” Izzy asked. She knew what she meant by a body. Happened a lot back in Bridlewood. But what has a body got to have anything to do with Jazz? She wondered. Why was everyone so sad?

No one answered Izzy’s question as they looked around glum. Soon enough, two stallions walked out of the storage room. A stretcher was with them and something was on it, covered in a white sheet. They moved slowly and glumly, gasping in shock as Izzy hurried over.

“Will the pony be okay?” She asked, hoping this was what she was thinking. This was a bit different to how the deceased was handled back in Bridlewood. In Bridlewood it was a wooden stretcher that had to be carried rather than pushed on wheels. Someone did die, clearly. But what has this got to do with Jazz?

Izzy fought the urge to lift the material to have a peek at the post. That would be extremely rude, and great disrespect.

“unfortunately, no, there’s no sign of life in her...” One of the stallions informed.

She looked down at the sheet, “Oh...” Her ears were all droopy as she hoped the pony had a good life at least. Izzy wondered who it was, but she had a gut feeling she knew the mare under it. “Can I ask who it is?” She said quietly.

“Sorry, but that information needs to be private. For now,” The stallion apologised as he pushed the stretcher through the door. “Have a good day...”

But the victim’s tail was poking out from underneath the sheet, giving Izzy a very good idea of whose it was. It was wavy, hot-pink tail, dyed purple at the end. It was very clear who it was. Izzy gasped as she put her hooves on her mouth, tearing up as the doors closed.

“J-Jazz?” Izzy questioned quietly. Voice cracking as she looked at the others. Surely there’s a pony with a similar tail to her, right? Sitting down, Izzy looked at the others, “Jazz is... gone?“ Her voice shook, “Why did somepony have to die? Why was it her?” She asked them, her gut hurt, now understanding what everyone meant. “Why would somepony want to hurt another pony like Jazz?”

“I don’t know...” Zipp sighed as she walked over. “But I’ll figure out who did this. Jazz’s case won’t go unsolved!” She then gasped as Izzy hugged her tight.

“She was a friend! She didn’t deserve this” She cried. Back at Bridlewood, she could only recall one or two cases of murder. That was when she was much younger. “I had things planned together! I-I wanted to show her my-“ She sniffled

“I know...” Zipp sighed as she petted her with a wing.

As Zipp took out a notebook, she sighed. Deciding to wait a bit before asking the questions. This was clearly not the time, as she needed to ask a few sensitive ones.