• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2014
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"Inspiration does not come to the lazy. It only comes to those who call it." - P. I. Tchaikovsky


Warning: The following story you are about to read contains M/M shipping between two fictional characters that are consenting adults and a brother that is borderline psychotic. This story is currently unedited. If you don't like any of these, you know where the exit button is.

For the first time, Thorax is going to do something he didn't think he would ever be able to do - ask out Spike, his longtime friend, out on a date. He hopes everything would go right, that this might be the beginning of something great between them. When Spike agrees to go out with him, Phyranx will be there to make sure to let Spike know what to expect if it doesn't go well.

This one-shot is for the M/M Shipping Contest II.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

Yeah! ThoraxxSpike!

This was fairly cute, though I feel the addition of the whole Pharynx bit feels off and kind of ruins the vibe a little. Makes it feel a bit forced on Spike's part.

That's fair. I doubt that I would win with this story either, but for me, I had fun writing it.

🎵Are you going to Scarborough Fair...?🎵
Loved the names chosen. Love the fact the entourage is so... multi-talented. The genuine bazooka is a mite concerning...:pinkiegasp:
I love that it didn't leap from 1st date to madly in love, but there was a possibility for a relationship to grow.
Heh, heh, if Spike finds holding that hoof to be the most natural feeling in the world, our boys are doomed to love each other. 😉
It was a little bit OOC, but Pharynx would absolutely be the insanely protective big brother. This extent of that was just for comedic effect.
A lovely story with one of my favorite ships! I know you're very busy but I would love a sequel to this if time and opportunity allow! Really hoping this places in the contest.
Many thanks!

Thanks for writing more SpiRax. Really underrated ship IMO.

at the last minute was Thyme.

hehe, loved this bit, as well as the rest of the paragraph. great way to set the scene and flesh out the Changeling court. (also, where’s Parsley?) 

“Shouldn’t be possible.” Rosemary stepped back from his work, nodding at the mirror shine from the antlers, “Turn you down? Only a fool would say no to you, your Majesty. Any who has the tremendous privilege of capturing your heart should be grateful that you would even ask.”

totally what a well-meaning courtier of a king would earnestly give as unknowingly terrible advice

“It’s not hard to see why.” Rosemary flew over to polish the other antler. “While you coming out to all of us was an important step, we can sense that you couldn’t take that leap to have a mate of your own. Everyling within a hundred-mile radius could sense that you felt unworthy as of late.”

at the very least being able to eat/taste/whatever feelings would give Changeling advisors a very accurate picture of the emotional state of the king! that would definitely be useful

There on the other end of the magnificent throne room of stained glass, marble, and running fountains that had streams running both sides of the red carpet in the middle that led up to the dais.

well, that narrows down the ship pretty quickly! (i do not read tags before starting a story)

N-No!” Thorax blurted out, putting a hoof to his mouth when he realized he was being a little too loud. “I mean… far from it actually, I uh…” he gulped. “It’s just… do you mind if I…”

Thorax is such a gay disaster i cannot

There was an awkward pause, Thorax seemed torn but neither of them figured out why.

of all the creatures in the world Thorax finds himself in front of the two who would not be able to figure out why on their own!

“Is Spike in a romantic relationship?”

Twilight blinked, “Not… really?” she put a hoof to her chin, “I mean I don’t think he is in one, since he and Gabby broke it off a year ago. Why do you ask?”

well that takes care of that competing ship!

Thorax’s face turned neon red as he looked down. A white suit had golden buttons with embroidery that depicted blue roses on the front. Complete with a blue sash made from silk that his Changelings made for him. He thought that he would come across as kingly than getting married. “No… I just wanted to impress him is all… you don’t think I’m overdressed, do you?”

ooh, loving how overdressed he is

“Do you want to go out?”

Spike blinked, “What? Like hanging out?”

oof Thorax is gonna have to be direct

Celestia on a stick I forgot how strong you are!” Spike wheezed, trying to pry himself out of that hug.

hehe that is fun they have that in common. also love “Celestia on a stick” as an oath

“I’m ready now if that’s okay.”

“I… well, let me go to my room for about fifteen minutes to get ready… by the way, where are we going?”

oof, going straight from the ask to the date just like that? Thorax is living on the edge! though this works really well with him having zero experience and being a bit naïve, too!

Joyfully, Thorax buzzed out of the throne room, letting out a high-pitched squee on the way.


He thought that after Day Court, he was going to spend the rest of the evening listening to the radio after a nice meal.

that is exactly how i imagine life in Equestria to be, love it

He never thought he would be going on a date with his best friend either, or find out that he has feelings for him.

and yeah, that is a lot to absorb in the twenty minutes to get ready for the date!

“That is Frank. He got a bazooka for his birthday and he’s itching to test it out to see what it could do to a dragon. Oh, and there is also Nocturne who is somewhere in this very room. Her specialty is that she can take out every bone in your body but keep you alive – fully aware of what’s going on the whole time.”

oh i am loving the psychopathically “supportive” Pharynx here! oof, what is Spike getting himself into…

Spike, though as intimidated as he was, let out a burst of fire through his nose, “You did what!?

and, oof! this really is some fantastic backstory, making Pharynx’s motivations and the connection between Thorax and Spike all the more deep. Pharynx representing macho, reactionary thought and his militarism dovetailing with his protectiveness and displaced guilt all come together to make this work so well.

“Okay cool… coolcoolcoolcool…” Spike turned back to where his  tuxedo was. “Just go out with your best friend, have a good time, and  try not to get his psychotic brother to put you in a pinewood box – no  pressure.”

just another Spike adventure!

Spike flew underneath Thorax, flipped upside down so he was looking up at him, and said, “Thorax, you don’t need to impress me.”

Thorax slowed down. “I don’t?”

“Dude, I know you. I get that you’re taking me out and all, but you don’t have to worry yourself by keeping me constantly spellbound the entire time. Take it from a guy that has been on a couple of dates already, that stuff can really stress you out and make things awkward.”

yeah, Thorax acting like this despite them already being longtime friends is just so Thorax!

“No no!” Spike interrupted, nervously glancing around to make sure none of the assassins were watching. “I mean, you don’t need to apologize to me. I’m a lot more forgiving than you think. This is your first time dating so I should give you some credit.”

oof, terrible, cringy flashbacks to my first times dating now

“This is fancy for me. I have been down at that Restaurant Row before and… except for that Manedian place, I cannot allow my date to taste something so… offensive.”

aww,glad the Tasty Treat gets Thorax’s approval! and i guess the events of “Spice Up Your Life” didn’t end up changing Restaurant Row much in the long-term…

“I do, but… Ugh. The thing is this isn’t the first time I’ve questioned my sexuality. There have been many, many times that I wondered if I could be attracted to the same sex as I am to the opposite. Only I haven’t really explored it that deeply beyond just surface stuff. Maybe… selfishly, it’s to see if I am capable to… you know.”

oof, this does sound pretty close to “experimentation”, but at least Spike is honest with himself and Thorax about it

Back at the café, Thorax wanted to know what Spike’s limits were, but he never gave him a straight answer.

hehe, “straight answer”

In his claw, Spike held his hoof. Feeling not only the weight and the smooth feel of it. But holding it, he felt it was warm. A sense that it felt… right. Spike couldn’t explain it, but it was as if this was the most natural thing in the world. “This isn’t so bad,” Spike told him. “I didn’t expect it to be so… warm.”


“Even better,” the homeless pony chuckled. “You know we just thought this was going to be a simple mugging. But now with a king here in our alley… How much would you boys think that Changeling kingdom would pay to have him back?”

oh boy these muggers are gonna end up hella dead aren’t they

“Oh, haven’t you guessed?” a ring of green flames surrounded the homeless pony, with Pharynx taking his place.

oh no it’s just Pharynx being terrible! augh it’s such an awful thing to do but also 100% exactly what Pharynx would do in this situation and i can see why

Letting out a heavy sigh, Thorax went over to Spike, his head bowed in remorse, “I am so, so sorry for all this. I wasn’t told anything, and I didn’t-” his apology was interrupted when Spike hugged him.

“I’m happy you’re okay.” He said, holding the king in his arms for much longer than needed.

And Thorax didn’t mind.

aww! yeah, this definitely feels like a natural continuation of the royal court sitcom concept that the show has done a couple of times

Thorax put a hoof over his mouth while settling down his cup of doughnut holes on the table. By now they were inside Doughnut Joe’s where the only ones there were themselves and Joe behind the counter.

i mean if a group of friends is hanging out in Canterlot it has to be at Donut Joe’s, i will brook nothing less!

Somewhere in all that, I remember how the husband tells his wife that he  feels he cannot be intimate with her because he doesn’t want to come  across as weird. She tells him, ‘Hun, do you know what intimacy is?  It’s the capacity to be rather weird with somepony – and finding out  that it’s okay with them.’”

aww, so true! love this, and love that it’s being expressed through retelling an in-universe work of fiction

Although it lasted for only a few seconds in the light of a streetlamp, Thorax would be contented to stay on that spot for centuries if he was in that kiss.

what a great way to describe a first kiss, so relatable!

Because despite everything, he made the impossible happen.

a great gushy, happy ending, building enough on the existing friendship and developed characterization to make it feel earned, with the Pharynx throughline being a very satisfying setup/payoff of the background Changelings. just loved the way it also reïnforced the contrast between Thorax’s inexperience and lack of self-confidence, and him being comfortable in his position of authority over his Changelings. thank you for writing!

This was great! Even without editing, you told a fantastic story. The side plot with Pharynx was a great way to add some levity to an otherwise pretty intimate story, and I think it ended in just the right place. Great work!

Oh yeah, thoraxspike. Gimme gimme!!!!

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