• Published 6th Jan 2023
  • 11,335 Views, 1,435 Comments

An Alternative Ending - ultrapoknee

When you discard something, it's easy to forget the wrongs you committed. But, more times than not, the past always comes back to remind you of your fallibility.

  • ...

The Unrest

[Ponyville - Sugarcube Corner.]

Mr. Cake sits at the counter, looking burnt out. Since Pinkie had been up in Canterlot for a few days, business duties were starting to overflow. While Pinkie may be overbearing at times, she has a good work ethic. She was getting a raise when she got back. However, Mr. Cake could hear the whisper in the town. Ponies were getting more and more anxious as this trial went onward. It did not help that some of those whispers were about him. Who would ever think one of the owners of the best pastry shop had such a nasty side to him? Mr. Cake shook his head and saw the garbage overflowing.

"Honeybunch, I'm taking out the trash,"

"Okay, please hurry. I need somepony at the register managing the customers," Mrs. Cake calls out.

"Sure thing," Mr. Cake takes the trash around the shop and into the dumpster. However, after turning back, a small pegasus filly with a curly light blue mane and pink fur. She smiles up adorable to Mr. Cake while waving. "Oh, hello, little one. Are you lost?"

"No, sir. I was wondering if you are the owner of this shop?" The filly asks.

"That I am, little miss. But, I am afraid that taking orders from the trash is a health violation. Why don't we go back inside and start there,"

"That's okay. I only wanted to ask a question,"

"Alright, go ahead,"

"Is trash valuable?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Trash. Garbage. The things we throw away when we don't need them anymore or when it breaks. Is that valuable?"

Mr. Cake looks at the filly with confusion but answers anyway. "I suppose not. Otherwise, we would not throw out it anyway,"

"And, is trash still your property if you decide you don't want it and put it out for somepony else to collect?"

"No, once it's in the bin, the town or government sorts it out by recycling or proper disable. Unless some critter gets to it first,"

"What about food? If you eat something but don't finish and throw it out, can you claim it afterward? Even when weeks or months go by since you did it,"

"Well, I don't know anypony that would half eat something and want it after it's been in the trash,"

"What if that creature was desperate? What if they had no choice but to eat out of the trash? Is it right to get mad at them for their hunger?"

Mr. Cake was feeling a little nervous now. "Um, I can't say anything about that question. I've never known a pony in that situation,"

"But, you did say something on the matter, remember? When you lead that mob of ponies against that poor human. You decided that trash was valuable. You decided that something you no longer wanted wouldn't go to him. Then, you took that same trash you didn't like and used it to hurt him. That doesn't seem to make sense,"

"Now, little miss, I don't think you should be talking about this like this. It's for the big ponies to figure out,"

"But, big ponies always tell me to treat others nicely. To be good and kind to everypony. Are you saying that it only applies to ponies?"

Mr. Cake takes a step back. "No--"

"So, why did you do something you know was wrong?"

"I didn't--"

"Are you a good pony? Or do you not like non-ponies?"

"I am! I--" Mr. starts to sway back and forth as a burst of magic leaves his body. He stumbles to the ground, hitting the trash while some spills on top of him. Groaning, he stares back at the filly with wide and frightening eyes. "I-I—"

"I guess you know how he feels now. If only a little bit," Mr. Cake said nothing as he curled up and trembled in a fetal position.

"Honey? Are you okay?"

Taking that as her cue, she quickly leaves as Mrs. Cake enters the corner. "It was nice talking to you, mister,"

[Sometime later - Townhall - Mayor Mare's office.]

Mayor Mare was at her wit's end. She just got another letter from one of the store merchants refusing to sell products and rent out stalls in Ponyville anymore. Some were polite, telling her they wished to seek business elsewhere. Whereas others were blatant in their grievance, citing that they were, I'll no longer associate with xenophobic ponies. The town's revenue was starting to plummet. Mayor Mare throws the letters in a heap as she hits her head on the desk.

"Why is this happening? My perfect term is turning into shambles!"

"Mayor Mare. You have a visitor," The receptionist said.

Mayor Mare perks up this. Visitations have been steadily declining since the trial began. She straightens her tie and combs her mane. "I am ready. Send them in now,"

The doors open as a Pegasus flies into her office with saddle bags. Mayor notes her room cutie mark with curiosity as she puts on her best smile. "Hello, dear. What brings you to my office today? Are you here for permission to sell some filly scout cookies?"

"I would love to do that. But I can't. Everything seems so crazy right now. But I think you have a different problem,"

"How so?"

"Well, look at how this trial is going. Ponies are starting to leave town. It will start making it hard to do fundraisers like the filly scouts. Why do you think that is happening?"

Mayor Mare slumps on her chair and sighs. "It's all the fault of that creature. It's not just Princess Twilight and her friend's reputation, but ours by association. I've known those girls since filly hood. There's no way any of what we see is true!"

"I was wondering about that. It won't look good for anypony here when this trial is over. I mean, how did the human get so hurt and so destitute? He should've had a job even if he could not make friends. Did you give him one?"

"No, I've never seen it before,"

"But, all those places and ponies were from Ponyville. It's impossible to fake that. So, why did he look like he did not have a home? Are you sure he never came to you?"

Mayor Mare felt like she was standing at her podium facing reporters, looking for another the next scandal. "No, at least I am sure I never saw it. Something like that thing would never be in Ponyville,"

The filly frowns a little. "Why is that? Because he's different?" The filly reaches into her saddle bags and pulls out a book. She flips through the pages until she finds the section she wants. "See? It says here in the friendship memoirs - written personally by Princess Twilight and her friends - that you should never judge a book by its cover. I read this book all the time. Are you saying the Princess and her friends lied when they wrote this?"

"No! Of course not--"

"But, you said creatures like Jason shouldn't have any business in Ponyville. Is it because they are mistreated because they are different?"

"I-I didn't say those words exactly--"

"Now, I am confused. Which is it? Do you like or don't like non-ponies? Or did Jason hurt you so bad that you wouldn't give him a job?"

"No!" Mayor Mare suddenly stumbles as, much like before, magic leaves her body. Mayor Mare's eyes flutter before going wide in shock. She recalls the several times Jason walks into her office.

"Hello, I was wondering if I could apply for a job?" A healthy Jason said.

"Gah!" Mayor Mare cries out as she takes in Jason's alien form. "Sorry, I wasn't expecting any arrivals today. Um, Are you here for Princess Twilight? She's in the big castle. You can't miss it,"

"Yeah, I just came from there the other day. She was too busy, I guess. Anyway, I am in a bit of a bind with no bits. Can you help me out?"

"The Princess refused you? So, it's true..." Mayor Mare mutters softly before clearing her throat. "I am afraid I don't have any listing for you now. Please try again later,"

Jason returns a week later. His appearance was slightly worn from the last time. Seriously, there's still nothing?!

"As you can imagine, sir! The office is hectic, and we get applicants all the time. I am afraid that you are too late. You can try some other time again!" Mayor mare's attitude was far more stern than skittish this time.

A month later, a haggard and worn down Jason bowed his head at Mayor Mare's hooves. "Please. You have to have something! I'm barely getting by off scraps from the garbage. I'll work any shift you have!"

"For the last time, this is an official government building! We don't give handouts to those that cannot contribute. Leave this property immediately, or else I will summon the guards!!!"

The last word echoes continuously in Mayor Mare's head. "Oh, dear. Sweet Celestia. I sent away a creature in desperate need of help! What have I done? If he says anything about me, I'll be ruined!"

"Golly. That does sound bad. But I think I have an idea,"

Mayor Mare threw herself at the filly while pleading with her. "What?! What is it?! I'll do anything within reason!"

"It simple..." The filly reaches into her saddle again and pulls out a paper. "As it turns out, I need your permission to do this. After that, I will take care of the rest,"

Mayor Mare took the paper and quickly read through it. "You want to hold an assembly?"

"Yeah, since a lot is going on with this trial, you need to let ponies know where you stand,"

"Yes, yes! This idea could work! Thank you!"

The filly smiles as Mayor Mare signs the document. "I am just doing my part,"

[Ponyville - Cranky Doodle Residence.]

Cranky sat on his porch with a bitter grump expression. His home was just at the southwest edge of Ponyville, primarily out of everyone's sight. That suited the old donkey fine for a time. The ponies were a nuisance at best and unbearing at worst. But, the loneliness was everpresent. That is until he reconnected with Matilda. The loneliness was far away from the day he spent with her. He grabs a picture of him standing with Matilda on their wedding day.

"Oh, Mildy..."

"That's your wife?"

With the filly's sudden appearance, Cranky jumps back in fright, nearly breaking his wedding picture. "Gah!" Cranky catches his breath as he glares at the little pegasus. "Excuse me! Didn't your parents teach you any manners!"

"Oh, I am so sorry I scared you,"

"Whatever. Just get on out of here and leave me in peace!"

"Well, that's not very nice,"

"Yeah, tough. What do you ponies know about being nice? A bunch of liars - the lot of you - Liars!"

"Hmm, I can't speak about other ponies, but I know I am friendly. But you're all grumpy even though you have this beautiful home and wife. Where is she? Can I meet her?"

Cranky scowls at the filly, about to tell her off, when he stops. He looks at the photo again and sighs. "You can't. No one can see her anymore,"

"Oh..." The filly looks down before she hugs the old donkey. "I'm sorry. How did it happen?"

The scowl returns as Cranky speaks bitterly. "Ponies happened! Matilda was sick for a long time. It turns out she came looking for me to spend her last year. When she got worse, we went to the hospital only to find out that non-ponies are not eligible for treatment because we are not seen as Ponies! I couldn't get to the shaman because she lived in that dangerous forest, and Matilda could not move by then! The only reason I still have this house is that it is technically declared condemned by the Mayor's office!"

"Wow. I see why you don't like ponies very much," The two sat in silence for a time before the filly spoke again. "What if we change that? What if we make other ponies understand what they are doing is wrong!"

"Hmph! You can't change the rule if everyone likes it. And ponies do not like change!"

"Yeah, but I think a lot of things are changing regardless. Just look at the trial. That human is speaking up for creatures like him. You can do it too!"

"I'm a cantankerous old mule. I don't have any fight in me now..."

The filly flies up to Cranky's face with a look of determination. "You don't have to fight. All you have to do is stand up and speak. Just like Jason is now, speak from the heart. Speak the facts. Speak the truth! I can help you do that!"

Cranky looks between the filly and his wedding photo before gently setting it down. "Alright, what do you need me for?"

"Just follow me. We're going to Canterlot!"

[Canterlot - Sometime later - Clan of Sparkle Residence.]

Cadance was not happy. Marching the streets of Canterlot, many ponies gave her a wide berth. That is with her fine as she knew went kind of face she was making now, and she did not want to waste her anger on somepony undeserving. Shining Armor tries to keep up with her, but Cadance is walking purposefully.

"Honey, are you sure you can't take a moment to calm down?" Shining asks.

"No!" Cadance sharply said.

"But, you're freaking out the citizens,"

"I don't care. Talking to Velvet and Night Light is more important!" Cadance made it to the door of the Sparkle household. She went to knock, but Shining's aura got in the way. "Shiny!"

"Just think about what you're about to do. You want to go in there and question my parents!"

"Yes! Question them about Spike! I need to hear from them that it is false!"

"But, you saw the document. That was Celestia's seal. If you have doubts, why don't we go to her?"

"Because a lot of things said in that courtroom that only they can answer. Aunty Luna already went to speak with Aunty Celestia,"

"I just want to wake up from all this..."

Cadance puts a hoof on her husband's withers. "If there is one thing we can take from this trial, it is accepting accountability. That means no more running and making excuses!"

With that said, Shining steps aside as they both enter the home. The house was pristine as always while the two walked through. "Mom, Dad?"

"Shining? Is that you?" A voice calls out. Night Light and Twilight Velvet came from one another and smiled at their son and daughter-in-law. "How are you two? And how's my granddaughter? Let me get you some tea," The ponies move to the couch as Twilight Velvet returns to the kitchen and brings the drinks.

"She's back at the Crystal Empire," Cadance said in a no-nonsense tone. "I trust you both are aware of the trial,"

Shining's parents share a glance at the tone Cadance is using. "Yes, and it is awful what's happening," Velvet said.

"It's not right! I can't believe the Princesses let this go on for so long!" Night Light said with a snort.

"You mean about what Twilight, her friends, and all of Ponyvill did to Jason?" Cadance asks.

"What? We can't believe so many ponies are buying into these lies! Some strange creature comes from nowhere - with Chrysalis of all villains - and tries to slander the Elements. Our Twilight! It's like the whole of Equestria forgot what she did," Velvet ranted.

"Then, there is the fact that it knows all our lives. How can that not be considered espionage? What if it is watching us right now?" Night Light said.

"It is a bit creepy, Cady..." Shining Armor mutters.

Cadance spares him a glance as he chuckles nervously. "I don't fully understand how. But, I suppose it is like reading a book, only we are the main characters. There are ways to visit different worlds. Twilight tells me Discord brings mementos from different dimensions at the end of each month. However, while I was skeptical of Jason and Chrysali's partnership, some of the things we've seen are too real to be fake,"

"Because of that horn? If it's so dangerous, why does Chrysalis have it? Why not use the elements to destroy it?" Night Light asks.

"I've felt its power, and Celestia attests to it. The Gjallarhorn is real,"

"I don't care if it is real or not. I will not sway against our daughter!" Twilight Velvet stated. "We only see what that creature is showing us. We've hardly gotten Twilight's side of things. She could've been very stressed that day it came to the castle. We raised our foals right!"

Cadance's eyes narrow more at the fact Velvet and Night Light keep referring to Jason as a thing. "Did you raise Spike right?" That was the question that Cadance was building up. She was studying all of Shining's parent's reactions. So far, you can say it was except for parents to support their foals and dismiss their wrongdoings. But, at the mention of Spike, all that dogged persistence vanishes.

"Cadance," Shining said in an uncertain tone.

"What do you mean?" Night Light asks. "Of course we did!"

"Is it true that you adopted him through a pet agency? Is he even considered equal? And have you done anything to change that?"

"Cadance. I think being a judge is too stressful. Maybe--"

Velvet started, but Cadance cut her off. "What's stressful is finding out about Spike's mistreatment. He's been with Twilight every step of the way. And now, I find out that he could've sat in some cage for the rest of his life. Or that he could've been spayed or even put down! Please, I need to know that out of everything I saw in that courtroom. This one claim is wrong,"

Shining's parents share a glance before their faces become stoic. "Truth be told, I never wanted that dragon in my house," Night Light said.

"Dad?" Shining asks in surprise.

"Spike was a walking disaster waiting to happen. A fire-breathing carnivore sitting in the capital of Equestria? How could Princess Celestia want that?"

"We always read about the raids. The details of how villages and their citizens getting burned to a crisp or eaten alive were horrifying!" Velvet said with a shudder.

"But, why did you take Spike in with us?" Shining asks.

"You don't simply say no when the Princess herself gives you an opportunity. It was for both of your futures that we indulged in this project. We already knew that when Twilight passed the exam, Celestia chose her as her successor. So, maybe taming a dragon was a test. Albeit a dangerous one," Night Light said.

"You two have no idea what it was like knowing we could end up as lunch if we turned away from him. Sure, I tried to wean him away from any meat. But I often caught Spike chewing on birds or mice! He even maimed the neighbor's dog. That hush money came out of my book sale that year. The gems were a good alternative. But, even the cheapest gemstones were starting to cut into the budget. Then, the fire-breathing started. The Princess had to relocate us twice for fire damage!" Velvet said as she began to shudder. "Sometimes, he would sneak into our room and stare at us while we slept,"

Cadance slumps into her seat as her mouth hangs open. "Sweet maker above. It's true. You don't love Spike,"

"Honestly, love is a strong word. But, we are fond of him and how he turned out. Twilight's influence did wonders--"

Cadance shoots up from her seat as she glares at her inlaws. "HOW?! How did growing up loveless help Spike? Was it making him a doormat? Was it being a servant or a pet? No wonder Spike has confidence issues. He can't do anything beyond writing a letter, breathing fire, and eating gems! Who knows what depriving him of essential proteins did to his biological growth? Never mind his ability to interact with others. He's worse than Twilight in some aspects!"

"Cadance, try and calm down," Velvet asks.

"I have no intention of calming down! All the years, I foal-sat for Twilight and Spike. I thought there was love for every creature, not just the ponies!"

"I don't see the issue here. Spike got the best deal any of his kind could want. For a lot of good, it did. We got a letter from Twilight about Spike becoming a giant rampaging adult dragon that destroyed half of Ponyville. How can a baby grow like that from just having a few items? It's not natural. If that had happened here, then ponies would be hollering for him to be put down," Night Light stated.

"Spike's greed growth was due to the ignorance - from us - of his dragon nature, not Spike himself! Ponies are not the moral authority on how any creature should act. If anything, after what I saw, we are the ones that have a lot to learn!" Cadance stood up and walked away. Shining, looking downcast, quickly follows after his wife. "I am going to take Spike somewhere he can be free to be himself, not a water down parody of a dragon!"

"Doing that would effectively be stealing our property, Cadance!" Night Light said.

Shining looks at his father in shock as Cadance sends one last glare before leaving. "Then, I guess we'll see you in court," Shining said with a heavy heart, walking out while the door shut.

[Canterlot - Maretplace.]

Rarity was running through the streets of Canterlot while frantically looking and calling for her friend. "Spike! Spiky Wiky! Oh, where are you? Has anypony seen a purple and green baby dragon anywhere?"

"..." Rarity received nothing but judgemental gazes and harsh whispers.

"Oh, this is worst than I thought. No one seems very helpful today,"

"I can't imagine why, sugar cube," Applejack stated.

"This is hardly the time for snide undertones, Applejack!"

"If I were Spike, I would not want to see the mare who broke my heart!"

"I did nothing of the sort!"

"That is not what we saw!"

"Um, girls," Fluttershy spoke for the first time since her questioning.

"Don't sit here pretend you all did not see Spike fawn over me. You all could've put a stop to it at any time!" Rarity said.

"Yeah, we all saw it. But it wasn't our place to say a thing when you pulled Spike's strings!" Rainbow added.

"Girls, we're making a scene," Fluttershy mutters again.

"And what about the rest of you, hmm? What about all your pranks? Or, telling Spike, he's not a real dragon! What about all the favors on the farm did you ask him to perform? What about all those letters and book organizing you made Spike do?" Rarity said.

"Girls!" Fluttershy said a little louder this time.

"I never had Spike lug all my shopping bags like a pack mule!" Applejack shot back.

"And I only ever did some light prank and teasing. It was not that bad," Rainbow said.

"You once had Spike hiccuping for an entire day because of a prank!" Twilight stated.

"Better than going through five reshelving and list checks a week!"

" GIRLS!!!" Fluttershy shouts, gesturing to the crowd's attention on their group. "I think what's important right now is checking on Spike, not throwing blame around,"

"She right! Where would Spike go in Canterlot when he is feeling down?" Twilights ask.

"Donut joes!" Twilight's horn glowed, and the elements vanished from the market and reappeared before Donut Joe's shop. However, the girls saw that there were two guards outside. "Um, excuse me. Why are you two stationed here?"

"Security assurance, your highness. Nopony gets inside the establishment without a magical background check," The guard said.

"Well, this is an emergency! Our friend is troubled and needs our help," Rarity said. She starts to move past the guards. But, they bar her path with their spears. "What do you think you are doing?!"

"Nopony gets past without a background check. Failure to comply will result in confinement!"

"Right, the recent developments allow ponies to carry out these checks to see who is a changeling. There hasn't been much success, if at all," Twilight informs.

"Then what's the point?" Rainbow asks.

"Ponies are less incline to panic this way," The other guard said.

"It's better if we comply, girls. No sense in causing a bigger scene," Twilight said.

"B-But, we're the elements!" Rarity cried out.

"All the more reason to confirm you are who you say you are," The guard on the left said.

The elements perform the check and enter the shop. Rarity searches for Spike. However, he was nowhere inside. Seeing Donut Joe at the counter, She rushes to the stallion. "Joe! Please tell me you know where Spike is!"

Joe frowns as he addresses her. "I am sorry, Miss Rarity. But Spike is no longer able to visit the store,"

"What?!" The girls exclaimed.

"Why? Spike and I have always come around the shop all the time. We're your best customers," Twilight said.

"The rule is obvious. No pets. And, since the royal guard is cracking down heavily on the procedure. My hooves are tied on this," Joe said.

"But, Spike's has come here plenty of times alone!"

The other elements also voice their displeasure at the sudden betrayal while Joe's frown grows more profound. He suddenly slams the glass he was cleaning on the counter. "If you want somepony to blame for Spike's predicament, blame your parents for signing those papers. Blame Celestia for making that law and never bothering to change it. It's a shame that a good kid like Spike gets the raw end of the deal because of the ponies that should love him. You know what? The shop is closed for the rest of the day!"

Joe knew better than to kick out a Princess. Instead, he put a close sign on the counter and went in the back. The elements got the message and left. "Oh, now what? Where else could Spiky-Wiky be?"

Twilight sighs as she looks at Rarity. "The next place I could think of would be Canterlot Memorial Park. Our parents would take us there every other weekend to relax,"

"Then, let us hurry!" The elements began walking toward the park.

"I still don't think we should be bothering the little guy right now," Applejack said. "Sometimes when Big mac and I get into a spit, Granny boots us out the house and separates us until the heat dies down,"

"Applejack, you should know Spike is more fragile than that. He is a baby still,"

"Oh, so now he's a baby with sensitive feelings. That didn't stop you from using him before!" Pinkie said.

"Pinkie. I am merely saying that because of that look Spike gave us at the end of the trial!"

"What? The look of having you heartbroken or the fact that his great crush is a monster," Fluttershy said to the shock of everyone.


"No, Rarity. I can't keep defending and dismissing our actions anymore. Not after what I saw,"

"Are you talking about when you used your stare?" Twilight asks.

"I still owe that jerk a flank-kicking for that!" Rainbow growls.

"No! We are the ones that need a flank-kicking! All of us. We've done some horrible things. Things that other creatures would call us villains for, undoubtedly!"

"Fluttershy! You're not making sense!" Rarity said.

"No, I am seeing things clearly for the first time in a long time. Three years too late. We deserve everything that Jason is doing,"

The other elements were at a loss for words until Pinkie responded. "...You saw what we did, didn't you?"

Fluttershy closes her eyes with a shudder but nods. "It-it's so bad that I don't think I can repeat. All I know is that the worst is still to come. And, if being an element of harmony means anything to you girls, we should accept our punishment,"

"Are you crazy? Why are you giving up, Flutters? We always got through worse things before this!" Rainbow said.

Twilight moves to Fluttershy and rests a hoof on her shoulder. "She's right. We--"

Fluttershy, however, shrugs it off. "No. Please do not say things will be okay because it is not okay! We're guilty. All of us! We tricked ourselves with all the so-called good deeds and friendship lessons. But, we never truly grew as ponies!"

"But, the magic--"

"It could just be a memory spell you put on us to make us forget!"

Twilight gasps at the accusation. "Me? I would never do something of this caliber without a way to reverse it. Doubly so if it is as bad as you claim!"

"Why not? We are all learning who were truly are now,"

"Urgh! We don't have time for this! I am finding Spike! Can we sort this out after we make sure he's okay!" Fluttershy relents and follows along quietly. However, as the elements reach the park, they notice a large crowd. It was a crowd comprised of many creatures with no ponies in sight. "What's going on here?"

"Yeah, what's with this crowd? Are they doing a show in the park? Spitfire didn't tell me anything," Rainbow said.

"I think they are saying something," Applejack noted.

"Rights for him and Rights for us! Rights for him and Rights for us!" The crowd chanted.

"Rights for him and rights for us? Is this a protest?" Twilight wonders.

"Look!" Rarity points to the crowd. The group spies Spike standing next to a griffin while holding signs. "Spiky-Wiky!"

The elements quickly gallop to the wayward drake as the crowd stops. "Hey, there they are! There are the liars!" Cranky Doodle calls out.

The word stop the elements in their tracks. "Liars?" Twilight asks. Twilight could barely hear anything over the sea of jeers. "What's going on? Why are you all here?"

"We have every right to be here! Just like you!"

"Yeah, we won't let you ponies keep us down anymore!"

"Creatures of Equestria!!!"

"Now, now, everyone. I think the Princess wants to talk. It's only fair we listen. Otherwise, we won't be heard too," A filly Twilight never seen states as she flies in front of the protestors.

"What is this, and who are you?" Twilight asks.

"Golly, it's nice to meet you. I never thought I would see all the Elements of Harmony together. Now everything is perfect. My name is Cozy Glow. Welcome to the first-ever Creatures for Equestria protest!"