• Published 12th Feb 2024
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - Season 4 - BronySonicFan

While fighting against Dr. Eggman, Sonic accidentally tears the wall between dimensions, accessing to several universes that might feel familiar and new at the same time.

  • ...

1. Into the Multiverse

Universe 220822

Critters all cross Equestria were just hopping around or eating peacefully.

Suddenly, a blue blur passed by at top speed and startled the poor critters. Said blur was running around in circles and collecting some golden floating rings that started to appear around Equestria a few months ago.

The blue blur became clear, and it revealed himself as Sonic, who smirked and kept running all across Equestria.

"Hello, beloved audience from the internet! I'm pretty sure many of you already know this, but to those who don't, let's make a quick recap...

My name is Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog! You might heard about me: Big blue hedgehog, red shoes, white gloves, green eyes, a smirk that never ceases, the fastest thing alive in an extremely handsome package... Ring a bell?

For the past two years of my life, I've been living in this world named Equestria, a magical land full of any kind of creatures, but mostly talking and colorful ponies.

How did I end up here? Well, we should introduce someone else first:

Dr. Eggman, or as he's actually called, Dr. Ivo Robotnik, is a mad man that's obsessed with creating an Empire that looks like him... that is an entire place full of egg-shaped head people, or that's what I tell myself to keep my nerves under control.

He created a machine to travel across dimensions and sent me here by mistake. Eventually, my two best friends, Tails and Knuckles, arrived as well, and we all been living here to stop Eggman from any twisted plan he has against the inhabitants of this magical land.

And now that I mentioned them, let's introduce them properly: Miles Prower, or as everyone calls him, Tails, is a young fox with the smartest brain I ever met. He has two tails that he spins around at fast paste to lift himself off the ground and lots of useful gadgets he uses to fight against Eggman. Also, he's my little brother and my best friend!

On the other hand, we have Knuckles. He's a tough guy, although he has a soft side once you know him better. He loves to kick Eggman's ass the most. Heck, even more than me! Getting on his nerves is pretty easy, but most of the time he knows is not with bad intentions... most of the time.

Oh yeah, we also have some ponies to introduce, or as we like to call them: the Mane 6.

This little group is formed by Sunny, and earth pony mare that can transform into an Alicorn whenever she wants; Izzy, a way too optimistic Unicorn mare that loves to create stuff with anything she can find, not to mention she's the only one who could get through Knuckles' heart and conquer him; Hitch, an Earth Pony stallion that attracts animals just by existing, sheriff of Maretime Bay, father of a little dragon named Sparky, and is also in love with Sunny; Zipp, heiress princess of the Zephyr Heights throne, loves to solve mysteries, fly around and is Tails' girlfriend... marefriend... how is is pronounced, anyways?

Ugh, whatever. She's his lover, okay?

Misty is also part of our group, too. She used to work with Eggman before, as well with an evil Fire Alicorn named Opaline. And even if she reformed, up to this very day, she's not only still trying to make up for all the times she was spying on us, but she also still believes that Eggman can change and be a good guy...

It may be a silly dream at this point, but... I gotta admit that I myself believe the same as her...

And finally, my favorite pony and my lover: Pipp Petals, princess of Zephyr Heights, Zipp's younger sister, singer, dancer, runs her own salon, beautiful, gorgeous... did I mentioned she's my favorite? Pretty sure I did.

We also have Amy, a pink hedgehog with an insanely heavy hammer; Shadow, an experiment of Eggman's grandfather that was freeze'd for 50 years until Eggman set him free; Rouge, a bat thief that says to be good, but I'm pretty sure at this point that she has stolen some stuff from us, even if she denies it; and E-123 Omega, or as we simply call him, Omega, a robot that Eggman created but abandoned for reasons, and now he hates Eggman... like, a lot...

These four people also come from the same world than Tails, Knuckles and I.

Together, we tear apart Eggman's plans to take over Mobius and Equestria! Like that time we stopped him from stealing the Wishing Star, or the time I transformed into Super Sonic to destroy a titanic version of the Death Egg Robot! It was awesome!

Yeah, there's also that time he activated ancient tech and made me fight 3 Titans to free'd my friends from a digital world, and in return, I ended up being controlled by the same living being that made my ancestors and my mentor's ancestors to move to a different world, that being Mobius, along the Chaos Emeralds, since their originated from this dimension, apparently.

Long story short: Eggman screw it, I found out things about my real family and I blowed up a snake that hatched from a purple moon... along with Eggman's digital daughter... yeah, everything but the last part was cool. You should go see that story one day if you want.

The latest things Eggman has done? Well, he tried to infect all the world with a plague he named Metal Virus, and an evil Alicorn named Queen Opaline Arcana stoled his plan. But, thanks to Tails' and Zipp's efforts, we cured everyone and defeated her. After that, he tried to steal the Chaos Emeralds, but he sent them to a parallel world were the Mane 6 but Misty (along other ponies from all across Equestria) were actually humans... and some of them were assholes.

Still, I managed to get the Emeralds back after a little adventure along the human counterparts of Zipp and Pipp.

Now days? We mostly tear apart any plan Eggman has on store for us! That's just how we work: Eggman tries to conquer the world, and we always kick his ass and save the day!

Because when you have amazing friends like mine, there's nothing that can stop you!"

After running all around Equestria, Sonic decided to return to his home in the Crystal Brighthouse, located on Maretime Bay.

Unfortunately, he didn't noticed that, from a mountain in the distance, a figure was looking at him.

"Father..." Sage called out. "He's going towards Maretime Bay."

"Go back with the excavation team in that case, Sage," Eggman instructed. "I need to sent some units to mess up with that hedgehog and his friends."

"As you command," Sage replied, and then she disappeared from there.

NOW it was her who didn't noticed a pair of white ears and black wings coming out from a bush behind her, then the figure boosted out and towards the air.

The Chaos Emeralds rested on a pedestal, protected by a magical shield.

After Eggman tried to steal them from Team Sonic, causing them to travel to the parallel human world of Equestria, Tails and Zipp designed this magical protected pedestal where the Emeralds could rest and not being touched until they were actually required.

It meant that Shadow was forced to use Chaos Control with no Emeralds, and that Sonic couldn't use them either even if he wanted.

However, they all agreed that it was the best for everyone that the Emeralds remained not only in one safe place, but also locked down so Eggman couldn't take them. That way, even if he tries to take the Emeralds again, he'll be forced to find a way to take the shield down, which both Tails and Zipp made sure won't be an easy task.

But despite this being a good thing, Sonic still felt unsure.

He was looking at them with his arms crossed and a worried frown, also tapping his arm with his right index finger.

Since the shield around the emeralds could reflect, he saw the figure of a pink pegasus with a purple mane joining him soon enough.

"Blue Star?" Pipp called out with a worried tone and expression.

Sonic sighed heavily and closed his eyes, before sitting down in the floor with his legs crossed. "Hey, Little Pipp..."

Pipp sat down at his side and covered his back with a wing, laying her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes. Soon enough, Sonic rested his head over hers, and whatever's been bothering him seemed to left, because he allowed himself to smile and relax at the simple touch of his girlfriend.

After a few seconds of silence, Pipp opened her eyes and kissed Sonic's cheek before speaking. "I know you well enough, Blue Star. And I can tell that's something's bugging you."

Sonic scratched his cheek and looked around, smirking playfully as he felt Pipp deadpanning at him. "Nah, I think you're seeing things," He replied in a mocking tone.

Pipp smirked back and began to nuzzle on his chest. "Sonic~"

"P-Pipp, I-I'm serious when I say––" Sonic tried to say as he chuckled, but Pipp kept nuzzling on him.

"Can you tell me what's bugging you~? Pwease~?" Pipp said in a childish and flirty tone.

"Gosh, I thought you were a lot more mature than I, Miss Petals~" Sonic replied with another chuckle, and then he sighed in defeat. "Alright... you win... something is bothering me."

Pipp stopped and she lifted her head to face Sonic. She felt a bit heartbroken when she saw sadness and worry on his green emerald eyes.

"Sonic... can you tell me what's wrong?" Pipp asked with worry.

Sonic sighed again, placed his hands on her cheeks, caressed them softly and smiled weakly. "...I... I guess I've been overthinking again..." He confessed, before looking back at the Chaos Emeralds. "Those things... my people said I was chosen to defeat The End, but... Sage did that... and my mother believed I was destined to so much more... I guess... I'm just wondering why me of all people. I always considered myself as a random guy who just happened to be there when Eggman kidnapped all those creatures... I never guessed it could take me where I am right now..."

"So... You're worried that something worse than The End could happen?" Pipp asked.

"Among other things, yeah..." Sonic admitted, before looking back at her and kiss her forehead with a smile. "But... everything I lived made me arrive here and meet you, Princess Petals, so it was totally worth it~" He said in a flirty tone, and Pipp unconsciously blushed after hearing that. "And you know what? I'll do it all over again if that means I can fall in love with you just like the first time~"

Pipp's wings opened, and her heart began to bump at fast paste. She didn't hesitated and gave Sonic a proper kiss, while Sonic wrapped his arms around her and got carried away with the feeling.

Sometimes, Pipp herself wondered if she could love Sonic more than she already does, but whenever he said things like this one is where she realized that she not only loved him more and more everyday, but she also felt like she was falling for him just like the very first time.

Unfortunately for them, someone cleared their throat, and they had to separate from their kiss and turn to see Tails looking at them with a sheepish smile.

"S-Sorry to interrupt you, guys..." Tails apologized with shame. "B-But we have a situation... An 'Eggman' situation..."

Sonic sighed with frustration, and Pipp rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I was thinking this was too good to last forever..." Sonic complained, before standing up and helping Pipp to stand up as well. "Alright, little bro. Lead the way!"

Sage was supervising the excavation team on a mountain, far away from any city in Equestria.

Two giant machines were drilling a part of the mountain apart, while other two, variants of Big Arms on auto pilot mode, were trying to tear apart the wholes to open a path in the mountain.

"The Paradox Prism is hidden behind these caves," Sage said. "We must find the way to get through this rocks to get the Prism for father."

She then snapped her fingers, which made the machines start to work at a faster paste, with the drillers digging through the mountain faster and with the Big Arms putting on more strength to open up the mountain.

From a bush that was a few meters away, Rouge popped her head and took out some binoculars to check on Sage and spy what was she doing... or who she was in general, and why was she working with Eggman.

Soon enough, Eggman arrived as well in his Eggmobile, which he turned off and got down to stand at Sage's side.

"Any progress so far?" Eggman asked.

"Slow, unfortunately, but the cracks are growing up," Sage reported. "If my calculations are correct, the entrance should be open in at least two weeks."

Eggman frowned, and he was about to scold Sage, but she raised her hand, and he immediately shut up, which surprised Rouge.

"However, I'm totally aware that we don't dispose that much time before the plan gets discovered," Sage stated. "That's why I'm considering other alternatives, but... I still have nothing so far."

"Whoever this girl is... she can keep the doctor quiet... Impressive..." Rouge muttered.

"It's okay, dear daughter," Eggman said, and now Rouge's jaw dropped to the floor after hearing that. "We'll find our way to get through this mountain..."

Rouge ducked behind the bush again and covered her mouth. 'The doctor has a daughter?!' She questioned on her mind in disbelief.

"Hmm... actually... I might have an idea now," Eggman said suddenly. "Can you create a power amplifier with those powers of yours, dear?"

Sage simply lifted her hand, and soon enough, the requested artifact was on the floor.

"Splendid!" Eggman stated with a grin. "Now, sent it to the Egg Beater I sent on pilot mode to defeat that pesky hedgehog and company."

Sage nodded and did so, and once the artifact disappeared, Rouge decided to leave by flight to try and warn everyone else, since she was instructed to do this mission with no communication device in case Eggman noticed.

Unfortunately, he did noticed her, because once Rouge left, he grinned even more. Sage, however, gasped on she saw Rouge flying away.

"S-She's been here the whole time?!" Sage asked on disbelief, and lifted her hand to attack.

However, Eggman carefully placed his hand on her arm and denied with his head. "Let her go, sweetheart. Her warning the rest is exactly what we need," He stated, but Sage looked at him confused. "You'll understand soon enough."

The doctor then brought out a disc with his face and walked towards the crack on the mountain, where he placed the disc and pressed his face, that turned on in yellow.

Sage looked on the direction where Rouge escaped with concern, but decided to nod anyways, since she trusted Eggman with her life.

The Egg Beater was back.

This time, it was fighting off against Sonic, Shadow, Sunny and Amy alone on a hill near a mountain, while everybody else was dealing with the badniks.

"Come on, Egghead! Show us what you got!" Sonic mocked up with a confident smirk, as he destroyed some missiles the machine launched with his Spindash.

"That's the spirit, rodent... the spirit of a loser!" Eggman shouted, as he moved on one of the arms of the machine.

Sonic dodged the attack easily and used a Homing Attack with the robot, followed by multiple Chaos Spears from Shadow and several clones created by Sunny's Alicorn magic.

"Well, it takes one to know one!" Amy commented, before making a quick spin in the air with her hammer, which ended up smashing one of the Egg Beater's sides.

Then, both Sonic and Shadow curled into balls and ran around the robot, with Sunny standing just in front of it with a mocking smile. The machine moved the left arm towards the Alicorn, who quickly moved aside while the arm crashed against the mountain and got stuck in there.

Soon enough, Shadow stood over the arm and looked at the Egg Beater with both a frown. "One scrambled egg, coming up."

Next, he charged up a Spin Dash and pushed the machine backwards, but before it could fell, the Egg Beater used the rockets from its back to recover its balance and stay on line with the rest.

"Quacking in your tiny shoes at the might of my Egg Beater?" Eggman asked, while the robot positioned in a fighting pose and closed the hands into fists. "It's understandable. I'm rather astounding!"

"In your dreams!" Sonic mocked up back, before charging up a Spin Dash and crashing against the machine.

Sunny began to spin around the Egg Beater, before making a loop and passing down the robot's crotch, which caused the machine to trip and fall to the ground.

"Bring it up, we brake it up! That's how the game works, Eggman!" Sunny mocked up as well.

Amy charged up her Piko Piko Hammer and smashed the Egg Beater on one side again, sending it to the air, where Shadow teleported and charged another Chaos Spear, sending the machine back to the ground.

"And we're still on the top of the victory trope as the undefeated numero uno!" Amy added as well with a smile.

However, Eggman just laughed up, and the Egg Beater stood up to face the others. "Keep believing you guys have the upper hand, while I enjoy my sweetest victory!"

Shadow teleported back with Amy and Sonic, while Sunny landed at Sonic's side, and they all looked at the Egg Beater with frowns.

"Say, Shadow," Sonic called out. "Don't you have the weird feeling that something's... wrong with Eggman?"

"Indeed," Shadow agreed. "He's moving too slow, calculating our moves but not attacking back..."

"He's careful sometimes, but this feels like something else..." Amy agreed with the other two hedgehogs.

"It's almost like... like he's not here..." Sunny said with concern.

Meanwhile, Hitch and Knuckles were really busy punching and kicking badniks to get rid of them, with Hitch even using his Earth Pony magic as well; Izzy, Misty and Omega used their horns and arm guns to shoot at the flying badniks, and the sisters were flying over along Tails to get rid of the most annoying badniks in the air.

However, Tails couldn't help but stop when he noticed that both the Egg Beater and everyone else stopped moving.

"Huh... that's suspicious..." He muttered.

Once everyone else was done with the badniks, they stopped and noticed the sudden stop of the Egg Beater as well.

"Why did it suddenly stopped?" Knuckles questioned.

"What is everyone else waiting for?!" Zipp asked in anger and concern. "It's the perfect time to strike a final punch!"

"Exactly," Tails said with worry, landing and pressing a button on his watch that made a small holographic map of the zone appear. "Eggman is way too smart to not notice how his current position affects him for the worse."

"Yeah, that's a pretty bad fall if he misses his shots..." Misty pointed out with concern.

"Wait... doesn't that means that this is––" Pipp tried to ask in panic.

Back with the rest, the Egg Beater simply stopped moving, with the arms falling and the lights around the body shooting down completely.

"What? It... it simply stopped..." Sonic said confused.

"This smells like a trick..." Shadow pointed out. "Sunny, you think you can light up your horn to blow this thing off already?"

"I guess so," Sunny replied, and then stepped forward to charge up energy on her horn.

"We should go back with the rest to discuss this," Amy suggested. "I don't like where this is going..."

Sonic and Shadow nodded, and Shadow grabbed Amy from her hips to teleport out of there, while Sonic ran away at top speed, leaving Sunny alone as she charged energy on her horn.

Rouge, on the other hand, managed to finally reach the rest. Her wings were hurting a lot because of how fast she had to fly over here, but it was worth it if it meant she could stop Eggman's plans as usual.

The only bad thing? It seemed like she was already too late, because Sunny was charging up her (probably) most powerful attack yet to launch it against the Egg Beater.

"Oh no..." Rouge muttered in panic, now flapping her wings faster as she approached to the rest.

Meanwhile, Tails was trying to study what was Eggman's plan exactly. "This makes absolutely no sense... Eggman attacked us for no reason this time. Is it a trap? I can't tell, because his actions have no sense. Is like if he just woke up this morning, uploaded the first instructions he had on his desktop to his machines and sent them towards us!"

"Partially sounds like something he'll do on purpose to distract us," Knuckles pointed out.

"But distract us from what?" Zipp asked. "This smells like something else... something bigger!"

"Wouldn't be the first time... and I know for sure it won't be the last, either..." Pipp complained with a bored expression.

"Well, even if he tents to make questionable decisions, rarely is for nor reason," Misty pointed out with concern.

"Eggman's up to something for sure, but that's not what concerns me right now," Sonic confessed, crossing his arms. "The Egg Beater didn't even tried to attack like the last time. Yeah, Eggman wasn't there either, but it was attacking more like if he was actually there. This time, however, even if it sounded like Eggman was here, the robot wasn't attacking... at all! Zipp's right, something bigger is definitely happening..."

"IT'S A TRAP!" Rouge's voice shouted.

Everyone else sins Sunny turned to see Rouge approaching to them. She seemed tired, but she didn't seemed like she wanted to stop flying either.

"A trap?" Shadow questioned. "What is a trap?!"

"The Egg Beater has a Power Amplifier!" Rouge shouted, and then she gasped when she noticed that Sunny was charging an attack to destroy the robot. "STOP HER! NOW!"

"Sunny!" Hitch was the first one to shout by instinct. "Stop charging up!" He pled, but Sunny didn't seemed to listen.

"Sunny! It's a trap, don't blow the attack!" Sonic shouted as well.

However, Sunny seemed to be so focused on charging the attack that she couldn't listen the others. And so, she shoot the biggest laser ever towards the robot, who got traversed by the laser.

"Dang it!" Sonic said with a frown. "Shadow, teleport her out of there! Everyone else, time to get the hell out of here!"

Thankfully, Shadow moved without hesitation, while the others moved away, with Sonic carrying Amy in bridal style to not left her behind, while Knuckles grabbed both Izzy and Hitch as he moved just as fast as Sonic, Tails carried Misty by flight in bridal style as well, and Rouge had to make a final effort to fly at the same paste than the others once she reached them.

Soon enough, Shadow joined them with Sunny on his arms, who fell unconscious after using all of her energy for that attack, while the Egg Beater behind exploded in a massive explosion that made all of Equestria shake on an earthquake, but for some reason, part of Sunny's attack was redirected to another place.

Right in front of the mountain, Eggman and Sage were waiting.

Sage had no idea what they were waiting for, exactly. Eggman however, noticed a yellow light coming right towards them.

"There it is!" Eggman cheered, before grabbing Sage and moving aside, launching himself and Sage to his Eggmobile and closing the capsule.

Right then, Sunny's laser attack crashed against the disc Eggman placed earlier on the crack that the drillers and the Big Arms already created, and then it began to glow brightly until it exploded, causing the crack on the mountain to expand and directly create an entrance.

Once all the dust left by the explosion dissipated, Eggman opened the capsule of his Eggmobile and got out of it, with Sage following close behind.

"Now you see why I let her go?" Eggman told Sage with a smile. "That flying rat's warnings wouldn't have change anything. This could've happened anyways!"

"The crack has been completely opened by an absurd amount of power discharge!" Sage analyzed in awe. "This actually saved a lot of time. Even if Sonic and company arrive here, I calculate we can take the Prism off the ground by sundown if we start right away."

"Excellent!" Eggman cheered with a grin. "Sage, take the drillers and Big Arms inside. We must find and take the Paradox Prism off the floor before sundown!"

"Yes, father," Sage nodded, before snapping her fingers.

This made the drillers to get inside the cave, as well as the Big Arms. Eggman got on his Eggmobile again, and entered the cave as well, being followed by Sage.

Once inside, they saw nothing but darkness, so Eggman had to turn on the lights of his Eggmobile, while Sage made her own body glow as well to illuminate the cave.

"Gosh, it's pretty dark in here... I can't see anything!" Eggman groaned as they kept descending.

However, something called Sage's attention, and she stopped. "Wait..." She said, and Eggman also stopped moving.

He looked confused at her before looking on the same direction, noticing that there was a small crack with a light that changed between red, green, blue and yellow... the same colors that form the Paradox Prism.

"Sage, take that wall down!" Eggman instructed.

Sage nodded, and by moving her hand, the driller robots began to create the crack on the wall bigger, and then one of the Big Arms approached and destroyed it with a single hit.

After the wall was down, Eggman grinned sinisterly while Sage gasped in amazement: The Paradox Prism not only looked just like the picture of that book, but it was also brighter and bigger. It was stuck to the ground, but knowing Eggman, he'll find a way to get the Prism out of there.

"Sage... We hit the jackpot!" Eggman cheered with a maniac laugh that echoed around loudly.

Sunny began to wake up slowly.

Once everyone got back to the Brighthouse, Shadow placed Sunny on a couch to let her rest and recover, while Hitch stood at her side the entire time.

They all agreed to wait for Sunny to wake up so Rouge could explain the situation with Eggman, and thankfully, it just took here 20 minutes to wake up.

"H-Hitch?" Sunny asked, since the stallion was the first thing she saw once she opened her eyes.

Everyone else, who seemed to be either desperate to know if she would wake up, waiting for her to do so or minding their own business, turned to her direction, and some sighed in relief when she spoke and seemed to be fine, despite the massive attack she launched against the Egg Beater earlier.

Hitch himself smile and nuzzled his head with Sunny's. "I'm glad you're okay, Sunny."

"W-What happened to me?" Sunny asked confused.

"We were fighting Eggman and his badniks, but... it was all a trap," Tails explained with worry.

"He placed something inside the Egg Beater that amplifies power, and you charged up a laser against it... which apparently was what he wanted you to do," Amy added with concern.

"After that, you fell unconscious because of how much energy you had to use..." Misty finished with worry.

"Long story short: Egghead tricked us, and we fell for his trap like a bunch of fools," Sonic said with a frown and his arms crossed. "What I really wanna know, though... Is why he was distracting us?"

"I guess it is time we hear your side of this story... Rouge," Shadow said, as he looked at the ceiling, where Rouge was sitting with her legs crossed and a worried frown.

Rouge extended her wings and flew down, landing right between Shadow and Omega. "I was spying over the doctor and whatever he could be planning as usual... when a strange floating girl with white hair caught my attention..."

However, everyone but Misty, Amy and Team Dark gasped after hearing that, since that description sounded way too familiar.

"A-A floating girl?!" Zipp asked in disbelief.

"With white hair?" Knuckles questioned as well.

"Uh, yeah?" Rouge replied uncertain.

"She didn't happen to have dark clothes, did she?" Sonic asked in concern.

"Actually, yes," Rouge replied. "I also heard the doctor referring to her as... his daughter."

"...Eggman has a daughter?" Misty questioned, more out of confusion than shock.

"Oh my gosh..." Pipp muttered in disbelief.

"Eggman brought her back..." Knuckles said in shock.

"What are you guys talking about?" Amy asked confused.

"Sage..." Sonic muttered with an anxious look...

Supreme grabbed Sonic with the remaining hand, and then the Titan launched him at super sonic speed against The End's open mouth. Sonic literally passed from The End's face to destroy his tail as he came out if that zone... but when Sonic turned around, he felt terrified when he saw that The End was about to explode, probably planning to launch itself against Equis and destroy it along with this form.

Sage also saw that, and she also felt terrified. "NO!"

After that, she boosted with Supreme's damaged body towards The End, which's body was about to explode.

"Sage!" Sonic shouted, moving towards her and trying to stop her. "What are you doing?!"

But Sage didn't replied anything. Instead, she gave him an mp3 player, whispered something to him and then she grabbed him again, launched him towards Equis and boosted back to The End.

Inside of the Titan, she seemed to feel bad for what she was going to do, but she still did it with a smile.

Soon enough, Supreme crashed against The End, and once the creature exploded, he and Sage where completely gone.

"Please... look after... father..." Is what Sage whispered to Sonic before he was launched towards Equis...

Once Sonic stopped narrating, he frowned.

"I guess Eggman found a way to bring her back..." Sonic said with concern.

"And she's helping Eggman, if everything Rouge told us so far is correct," Tails pointed out. "Rouge, what did you heard?"

"I was getting into that, and you might wanna sit down, cause this is really interesting," Rouge stated with a smirk. "Sage mentioned that the doctor was looking after a crystal called the Paradox Prism."

"Paradox Prism?" Knuckles questioned confused.

Sunny gasped in awe, and she stood up from the couch. "Did I heard that correctly? You said Paradox Prism?" She asked, and Rouge nodded her head. "I thought it was just a legend..."

"I'm kinda lost... what is a Paradox Prism?" Izzy asked.

"I investigated a bit while the gal here awakened from her beauty sleep," Rouge said, placing a hand on her hip and checking her other one's nails. "Legend says that it has the ability to travel across universes. You wanna go to another reality in just a snap? The Paradox Prism will take you there in no time."

"A Prism that can take you to any universe you want..." Tails muttered. "My money's on Eggman wanting to leave Mobius and Equestria for now to try on another reality."

"I should have expected this," Knuckles said with anger.

"Remember when I say Eggman's ambition always goes higher?" Sonic asked to the Mane 6 with a frown. "Well, here's the proof: Mobius and Equestria aren't enough for him, and without the Emeralds' power, he's looking for an alternative to make his Empire become a reality."

"Not if we can stop him first!" Amy stated confidently. "Rouge, where did all of this happened exactly?"

"I can guide you to the mountain where Dr. Eggman and Sage where making their excavation to find the Prism," Rouge replied with a confident smirk.

"Then it's settled!" Sonic stated with a smirk. "All right, team. Time to head out. Let's stop Egghead before he can put his hands on that Prism!"

The entire group was heading towards the mountain Rouge mentioned, with Rouge herself guiding everyone else.

Tails was piloting the Tornado IV, with Knuckles and Amy riding on the wings, Izzy and Misty shared a seat and Hitch hold Sparky on his knees in the passenger seats, while Omega, Sunny, Zipp and Pipp followed by flight.

Sonic and Shadow were following from the ground, and thankfully, they were both focused on stopping Eggman, so this was no race, they were simply running at top speed to reach said cave and stop Eggman.

"So what's the game plan, exactly?" Knuckles decided to ask after the entire trip was silent.

"Top priority: Avoid that Eggman gets the Paradox Prism at any cost," Sonic instructed from the watch. "As for what we'll do once we're there: Shadow, Zipp and Sunny. You three and I will look after the Paradox Prism and make sure Egghead won't get it. Tails, Knuckles and Amy; you'll provide a distraction to Eggman and keep him as far as possible from the Prism. If you have to attack his ego, go ahead."

"We'll aim for the crotch!" Knuckles stated with a smirk.

"Everyone else, you take charge of Sage and the badniks," Sonic kept instructing. "Be careful specially with Sage. She might not have her Cyberspace power anymore, but if Rouge saw her floating, I'm sure she can still teleport around, and maybe she can control Eggman's machines as well."

"So she's a child with superpowers..." Rouge said in annoyance. "Noted."

"I'm still confused on this whole deal of Eggman having a daughter..." Misty confessed. "Why did he never mentioned her before?"

"I'm still kind of lost myself, but I think Sage wasn't created until Eggman went to the Starfall Islands..." Izzy explained.

"Sage was Eggman's AI on his computer. When he uploaded her to Cyberspace, she was 'updated' with a physical form, which also grant her the ability to feel like any other living being," Tails explained. "Eggman looks at her like if she was his own daughter, and now that she's back... We'll have to deal with father and daughter alike..."

"How lovely..." Shadow said sarcastically.

Finally, the gang arrived to the mountain. Sonic and Shadow ran at top speed over it until they reached the entrance, with Rouge, Omega, Sunny, Zipp and Pipp landing behind them, while Tails landed the Tornado IV a few meters away.

Once everyone was reunited, Sonic and Shadow popped their heads over the entrance, just to find a massive and dark cliff instead of the Paradox Prism itself.

However, they both noticed another hole opened on a wall, really deep down on the cave, and a light changing between red, green, yellow and blue came out of same hole.

"Paradox Prism?" Sonic asked, still looking at the hole.

"Seems like it," Shadow agreed, nodding his head, and then turning to see everyone else. "I'll usually say we use a warp ring, but we don't have so many anymore, so I think the flying members should carry some of us to get down there."

Soon enough, Tails was carrying Sonic and Knuckles, Rouge carried Shadow, Omega carried Izzy and Amy, and Sunny used her magic to carry Hitch, Sparky and Misty, while Zipp and Pipp flew on their own.

Once they entered the other cave, they hid behind a rock, and they felt amazed by the sight: A bright and big prism of red, blue, green and yellow, shining on the floor, could've be seen in the middle of this new cave they just entered. It was the Paradox Prism, no doubt.

Unfortunately, two robots with drillers by hands were trying to take the Prism off the ground, and there were two Big Arms behind, shut down for the time being, but Eggman was definitely gonna use them if necessary.

"How's the progress so far, Sage?" Eggman asked, as he approached her by walk and with his hands on his back.

"The Prism seems to be stuck entirely to the ground. It can be removed, but we might need a stronger and external power source if we want to remove it," Sage informed.

Eggman frowned and placed a hand on his chin, rubbing it as he tried to come up with some idea of how to get the Prism off the ground.

Meanwhile, Team Sonic, Team Dark and the Mane 6 were looking everything, with Knuckles cracking his knuckles; Tails charging up some laser guns; both Izzy, Misty and Sunny lighting up her horns; and Sonic deep breathing before opening his eyes, now in blue because of his powers.

"Showtime!" Sonic announced with a smirk.

"Maybe I should use the backup power I still have from Sonic's quill..." Eggman suggested. "I know I lost the actual quill long ago, but what remains from it on my database might be enough..."

"Sorry, Egghead, but I'm afraid that's not happening anytime soon!" Sonic decided to spoke with a confident tone.

Eggman growled and frowned even more, if that was even possible. "Sonic!" He said with anger, turning around to find Team Sonic, Team Dark and the Mane 5, standing in battle poses.

"Eggman!" Sonic replied with a challenging smirk.

"They arrived sooner than I calculated," Sage stated with a frown.

"Yeah, getting involved in Eggman's business is kinda our thing!" Tails replied with a mocking smile.

"Well, for once, I'm glad you made it this early!" Eggman said with an evil grin. "You're just in time to watch me claim the Paradox Prism!" He stated with joy, walking over so his reflection could pass through the Prism. "To transform this disgusting world into something more... me, I must make sure other worlds kneel before me as well!"

Eggman laughed like a maniac, while Sonic stretched up and cracked his knuckles before positioning to run with a smirk. "Whatever you say, Egghead. Let's wrap this one quickly, shall we?"

Eggman smirked back sinisterly. "If you insist, rodent!"

Next, Eggman snapped his fingers, not only making his Eggmobile approach to get in it, but also one of the Big Arms came by and opened up, with Eggman getting inside of it and punching the two fists of the machine with a laugh.

"Everyone, stick to the plan!" Sonic instructed, before he and Shadow boosted towards the Paradox Prism.

"Sage, take that Prism off the–– Whoa!" Eggman exclaimed when he was punched by Knuckles and Amy's hammer at the same time.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Eggman, but you're traveling to no universe today!" Knuckles said with a smirk.

Before Eggman could reply, he got hit by Tails' Spin Dash, and the young fox even ripped one of the fingers of the Big Arms with one of his laser guns.

Then, Knuckles jumped in the air and charged a fist with electricity, before hitting the Big Arms hard enough and sent it backwards as Eggman screamed in fright, while Amy waited for his arrival with a smirk and holding her Piko Piko Hammer like a bat, then swinging it to launch Eggman and the Big Arms towards a rock.

As Tails, Knuckles and Amy kept Eggman busy; Sonic, Shadow, Sunny and Zipp were getting Sage and the badniks away from the Paradox Prism.

"You know... if we weren't fighting robots and a girl we all though she was dead..." Zipp said as she kept kicking some badniks away. "This Prism could be a great study subject!" She stated with a smirk, before smashing down a Moto Bug.

"I agree!" Sunny said, as she destroyed some Buzz Bomber with a magic blast.

"Focus, ladies!" Shadow said, as he used several moves to destroy badniks, like Chaos Blast, Chaos Spear and Spin Dashes. "We must keep this thing away from the doctor and his daughter!"

"Speaking of her!" Sonic said cheerfully, as he used a Wild Rush to destroy several flying badniks before landing in front of Sage and smirking. "Yo, Sage! Long time no see! Gotta say, I'm really impressed to see you again after we were on good terms last time. How did you came back, if I may ask?"

"You defeated The End while he piloted Supreme," Sage said with a neutral tone, but frowning. "After Cyber Space shut down, my body disappeared, and I returned to be a simple AI. Father created a new body to bring me back."

Sonic, however, felt confused at what he just heard. "I'm sorry, what? But... That's not what happened..." He tried to point out, but he barely dodged a Buzz Bomber by making a backflip, and then charging a Homing Attack against it.

Meanwhile, everyone else seemed to make great progress: Amy destroyed one of the Arms entirely of the Big Arms Eggman was controlling; Tails shut down the remaining one and Knuckles was smashing the entire machine against a wall by using his super strength.

As for the rest, they seemed to be making a good progress on destroying the badniks and keeping Sage away from the Paradox Prism.

Sage herself was about to make a move, but then she noticed Eggman being crushed inside the Big Arms by Knuckles, and she gasped in worry. So, she teleported right inside the Big Arms, grabbed Eggman and teleported out, hiding behind a rock as she popped her head to watch with a frown at the rest smashing her father's machines.

"I can't believe this is the same guy that claims to be a hero," Sage said with disappointment and anger.

"He is a hero, Sage," Eggman confessed. "He saves every living being even if they don't deserve it. Unlike you, those machines are lifeless, so they have no problem crushing them down, tearing them apart and stomping over them like if they were cockroaches. That's why they didn't attacked you... because you are alive."

"Still, this isn't what we have calculated... but is not over yet," Sage stated with a determinate look.

Eggman looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I calculated every possibility, even a scenario like the current one," Sage pointed out. "I might have an idea on what to do to get rid of Sonic for a while... but I need you to trust me."

Eggman rubbed his chin as he thought for a few seconds, before smirking and standing up. "Go ahead, my girl!" He instructed, and Sage nodded before disappearing.

Back with the gang, everyone was now fighting against the amounts of badniks that, somehow, kept coming at them.

Knuckles, Amy and Tails joined the rest after they realized Eggman wasn't in the Big Arms anymore, but they didn't considered this a victory yet.

"Stay focused, everyone!" Sonic instructed. "Whatever Eggman has at stake, we must be really careful!"

"We still don't know the capacities of the Paradox Prism, so we must stay alert!" Tails stated.

"Smash anything Eggman related and keep it away from the Prism!" Knuckles added, sending a Buzzer flying away and exploding on a wall.

Sonic noticed from the corner of his eye that a Buzz Bomber was charging up an attack in the air. He smirked and charged up his Spin Dash to launch it against said enemy.

However, Shadow also noticed said Buzz Bomber, but his eyes widened in shock, since he could felt that it wasn't a badnik.

"Sonic, wait!" Shadow shouted.

Unfortunately, Sonic already launched himself against the 'Buzz Bomber', but just a second before smashing it down, the badnik transformed into Sage, who was smirking and had her left hand raised, and just when Sonic was about to hit her, she sent him flying backwards... straight towards the Paradox Prism.

Sonic uncurled from his ball state in pain, but before anyone could react or do anything at all, Sonic crashed against the Paradox Prism, and the Prism itself split into four pieces, each one from a different color.

Everything from here seemed to go in slow motion: Everyone covering from the explosion of the Prism, both Eggman and Sage grinning over Sonic's crash against it, and Shadow looking in genuine panic at Sonic traversing some kind of portal with the shape of an 'X' that opened once the Prism shattered.

At the end, Sonic ended up traversing the portal, and it soon enough closed, while everyone but Sage flew backwards because of the impact of the explosion.

Sonic opened his eyes to realize he was in some kind of black void.

"What the heck?!" Sonic exclaimed in panic. "Where am I supposed to––" He tried to ask, but then a white light shone bright... just to reveal some kind of background with the combination of red, black and blue colors, as well as thousands of white curves and lines moving like a river's stream.

Too bad Sonic crashed against some kind of purple crystal as he began to fall and scream in fear.

He actually crashed against several more of those purple crystals, breaking them in the process and grunting in pain. He also accidentally rosed against one of the white lines before falling and rosing another one.

And after so many grunts and crashes, Sonic fell at super speed towards one and crashing against it. He began to scream in fear and narrowed his eyes, while his entire body was glitching as he was falling to a new and unknown place for him.

Universe 180993

Somehow, Sonic broke the sky for a tiny, little moment before it went back to normal.

As for Sonic himself, he fell into some kind of metallic ground, where he rolled for a while and grunted in pain before he finally stopped moving.

He laid on the floor with his eyes closed. His gloves got dirty after the fall, and the sole of his shoes were glowing in a neon white light, as well as releasing a few electrical sparks.

It didn't took him long to finally open his eyes, just to be welcomed by a dark and blue sky, as well as lot of industrial buildings surrounding him.

"Ugh..." Sonic groaned in pain. "W-What?" He said, as he slowly sat down and looked around confused.

Everywhere he looked, there where either big metallic structures that he wasn't so sure if he could call buildings, or actual industrial buildings, releasing smoke to the sky. There were also a lot of robots around, all looking like anthropomorphic animals, walking slowly and looking... lifeless, even for robots.

"What the heck is this place?" Sonic questioned confused, before standing up and look around in search of something that could look familiar. "Tails? Pipp? Knux! Geez, I'll even take Shadow if that means I can see a familiar face around here," He said with concern, as he started to walk on this new place.

The more he walked around this new place, the more he hated what he watched: More robots that looked like animals, more industrial buildings, and even a giant base that had the shape of an egg in the distance.

"Seriously: What IS this place?!" Sonic complained with a frown. "It's giving big Eggman vibes... and I don't like that."

And then, one glance to his hand made him squeal in panic, since they were more... flat, and his body even looked more cartoonish than usual. Yes, he has a very wacky design, which added sense to why he was often confused as a porcupine, but he's never been this wacky and cartoonish before, specially since his quills were only three in row.

Suddenly, a light appeared on his back, and when he noticed that because of his shadow, he turned to see some kind of green-floating vehicle moving towards him at top speed.

He frowned again and jumped just in time before being hit by the vehicle, but then he noticed a bunch of other ones coming as well, so he dodged all of them by run.

Yeah, it wasn't a good idea.

Apparently, the new light on his shoes affected his super speed, because he couldn't control it anymore.

"What the––" Sonic exclaimed, before being carried around by his feet instead of being the one in control. "Hey! What comes?! Ow!" He said in pain, as he crashed against several walls, before crashing entirely against a last one that finally made him stop.

He groaned in pain again, before slowly standing up and stretch his body to make sure he didn't broke anything.

"Geez... that was weird..." Sonic said with concern, before looking down to his shoes and finally notice that weird glow with sparkles around. "Huh? My shoes? Why are they glowing?"

After a few seconds, however, they stopped glowing, and the sole was just as dirty as his gloves, another thing that he was realizing just now.

"I'm gonna have a talk with Tails about his polymer once I got back, because these are looking terrible today..." Sonic muttered in annoyance. "That is, if I even discover where am I in the first place, how do I got here, how to go back home and maybe eat some Chilidogs, because I skipped lunch today."

Since he was on a strange alley, where he accidentally got himself into because of his shoes, he decided to run over one of the walls and climb to the very top until he could get a better sight or where he was.

He noticed his shoes were glowing again, and he even had a struggle to keep them under control, but he still managed to do so. And once he reached the top, he stopped, thankfully not being dragged to another unknown place by his feet this time, but he gasped in shock and fear at the sight: A big industrial city, full of not only robots looking like animals, but also regular robots that looked like humans... except for the head. The central building, the one with a shape of an egg, was bigger than he thought, and it was very intimidating.

"Sweet Chaos... this place is like my worse nightmare turned into a reality," Sonic said with concern, and then he saw a letter with neon lights, that seemed like a 'Welcome' sign, but he didn't felt welcomed at all. "Huh... 'Welcome to Robotropolis'... Never heard of this place before," He said with a frown, before looking back at the egg-shaped building. "I'm clearly not in Equestria, but... this isn't Mobius, either... Right?"

Just when he thought this place was only full of metal and machines, he saw that, in the distance, there was some kind of cliff, and on top of that cliff, there were trees.

"So this isn't just a junkyard of robots after all, huh?" Sonic stated with a smirk. "Seems like I have my next destination defined!"

However, just when he thought this place was only full of metal and machines, he saw that, in the distance, there was some kind of cliff, and on top of that cliff, there were trees.

"So this isn't just a junkyard of robots after all, huh?" Sonic stated with a smirk. "Seems like I have my next destination defined!"

However, just when he launched himself to the ground and landed on his feet, a bunch of lights illuminated over him, blinding him for a while before he placed a hand over his forehead to see a bunch of robots, as well as some of those weird flying vehicles, pointing their lights and guns at him.

"I don't know what brings you here today, Hedgehog," A male voice said, a voice that sounded familiar but different at the same time to Sonic. "But if you were asking for a quick death, then this is your lucky day!"

"The what now?" Sonic said confused.

"What's the matter, Sonic? You're usually more talky and annoying," The mysterious man pointed out.

"Um, excuse me, mysterious man from the speakers I cannot see..." Sonic called out with a sheepish smile. "I'm afraid I'm not aware of what are you talking about. Who are you? How do you know me? What did I ever did to you? And what the heck is going on?!"

"This kind of foolish game is new to me, I must say," The voice said. "But it doesn't matter to me! I have you just where I want you! Now, KILL HIM!"

"In name of Doctor Robotnik, you must surrender to be roboticized," One of the robots instructed, now charging up one of its guns against Sonic.

"Excuse me, Robotnik? EGGMAN DID ALL OF THIS?!" Sonic shouted in shock.

Before getting any form of response, his shoes began to glow again, dragging him away from the machines and robots, who began to shot as Sonic screamed because of the sudden moves of his feet.

As his feet dragged him away, the robots got over the flying vehicles and chased him around the city, with Sonic struggling as he tried to take control over his own feet once again. However, it seemed like his feet worked alone, because they were moving him in a way he could always dodge the attacks... but that's not what Sonic wanted.

"What the heck is happening today?!" Sonic groaned. "Look, I have no idea of what's controlling my feet, but I don't want to run away! If anything, I should be kicking all these robots asses if Eggman's really behind this! So please let me go!"

It seemed to work, because his shoes stopped glowing and he finally felt like he was controlling his feet again.

"Neat!" Sonic cheered, before curling into a ball and charging up his Spin Dash against the robots and flying vehicles.

As the machines feel to the ground, more started to arrive towards him, but that just made Sonic smirk confidently. He charged his Spin Dash again and used it against some enemies, then he stopped right in front of one of them and used a Homing Shot, followed by a Stomp Attack that turned the robot into pieces.

Then, he used Wild Rush in several enemies that exploded, before using Loop Kick on another one at the end. Then, he used a Homing Attack against one robot before grabbing it and spin it to use it as some kind of hammer that smashed all the other robots, before throwing the one he grabbed and launch it towards a wall, where the robot destroyed itself.

Finally, and seeing that this wouldn't stop anytime soon, Sonic charged up his electrical powers and charged up his Spindash, before booting over thousands of robots at super sonic speed, destroying all of them in the process.

Sonic finally stopped and stood over a pile of all the robots he destroyed with a smirk. "Now that's what I call another job well done in my life!" He said with a confident smirk, but then frowned once he remembered what that robot said about surrounding in Robotnik's name...

In a room, right in the top of the egg-shaped building, a figure was looking at several monitors showing Sonic's image.

"Eggman! I don't know where are you hiding, you coward, but once I find you, I'll kick your butt harder than ever if you really are behind this nightmare-ish city!" Sonic stated, before it moved away from the camera's vision rang.

"Hmm... this is really interesting. Don't you think, Snively?" the man that threat Sonic asked to a skinny man with green clothes at his side.

"It is indeed, sir," Snively replied.

The man stood up and revealed himself to be some kind of half man and half robot, since it had black sclera with red iris, and his arms and legs were replaced with robotic prosthesis. He wore a black and yellow cape, a red suit with a black circle in the middle with yellow stripes around and black pants. His name was Julien, but everyone referred to him as Robotnik.

"I highly doubt this is the same Sonic that messes up with us," Robotnik said with a sinister grin. "He's faster, stronger, powerful! Didn't you saw all what he can do? It was simply amazing! Whoever this guy is, he also answers to the name 'Sonic', but he is different. More... special... We must take this power for us! He must. Be. ROBOTIZED!" He shouted, followed up by a maniac laugh. "Snively! Sent all the units to look after that mysterious hedgehog!"

"Y-Yes sir! R-Right away!" Snively replied nervously, moving towards a panel control and pressing several buttons to move all units to look after Sonic.

Completely oblivious to this situation, another Sonic was riding one of the floating vehicles... upside down.

This Sonic had red shoes with no white sole, fully black eyes, he was wearing a red backpack, and he was holding a Chilidog on his left arm. But how could he be riding the vehicle upside down without falling? Well, his shoes had an anti-gravity update, so that settles it.

"Be cool, stomach! Here it comes!" Sonic said with a smirk, before swallowing the Chilidog in just one chomp.

That's probably a bad idea, but that's not our problem.

"Time to blow this chili stand!" Sonic said, turning the anti-gravity thing off and landing on the ground with a thud once the vehicle arrived to some dark place. "Thanks for the ride, bud. Gotta run!"

He boosted away from where he landed, and after running for a while, he reached some kind of 'trap door' and boosted through it, entering to a room with several computers and even a visor to the external world.

Right beside said visor, there was a hedgehog turned into a robot. He was a turquoise hedgehog with black sclera and red iris, with a grey mustache, arms and legs.

"Sonic!" The man said with joy. "This is a nice surprise!"

"Double nice, Unc! Moi, and a Chilidog!" Sonic said with a smirk, before extending a hand towards his backpack and take out a Chilidog, extending it to the robot.

He was named Uncle Chuck, and he was turned into a robot a while ago because of a heartless and cold variant of Robotnik in this universe.

Uncle Chuck smiled at the sight of the meal and grabbed it. "Why, thank you, Sonic!" He said, before eating up the Chili Dog and cough a bit. "Delicious!"

"Cool!" Sonic replied with a smile. "Anything up with the fuel tankers?"

"Yes! I just got the schematics," Uncle Chuck replied, opening his chest and taking out a square disc that he extended to Sonic.

"Way past, Unc!" Sonic replied with a smile. "Sal's been waiting for this. Any word on the schedule?"

"Not yet," Uncle Chuck replied, also denying with his head. "It might take a while, Snively almost caught me today."

"You gotta bale, Unc," Sonic told him with a worried frown. "Come back to Knothole."

"No way, Sonic. My job here is still vital," Uncle Chuck pointed out, as he walked towards the visor.

"Yeah, but it's getting monto nasty" Sonic pointed out as well.

"It's the chance we have to take," Uncle Chuck replied, before turning to him after checking outside of the hideout. "It's clear. Better take that disc to Sally, I'll let you know when I get the tanker schedule."

Sonic had no choice but smile and give a hug to his uncle, who hugged him back.

"Be careful, Unc," Sonic told him with a smile.

"I will," Uncle Chuck replied, before taking out a controller and pressing a button that opened a door, where Sonic boosted through as the door closed soon afterwards.

With Sonic gone, Uncle Chuck sat down on a chair and putted on some headphones, before turning on some radio device and trying to adjust the signal.

After a few minutes, he finally got some signal and heard part of the conversation between Snively and Robotnik.

"How much of a tad, Snively?" Robotnik asked.

"U-Um... T-Three minutes, sir..." Snively replied nervously.

"Three whole minutes..." Robotnik repeated with pleasure. "Well, whatever I will do without you" He stated sarcastically. "When does the fuel depart?"

"Done tomorrow, sir," Snively replied firmly.

"Excellent," Robotnik replied with joy, while Uncle Chuck gasped in worry. "Business aside... have we any signs of the new Sonic?"

"Huh?" Uncle Chuck exclaimed confused.

"Unfortunately not, sir," Snively replied. "But we are getting several signs of all the common points he's been visiting. It seems he's unfamiliar with the city, sir. We could track him down and capture him."

"Then proceed," Robotnik ordered. "We must take the power of this new Sonic and explode it to the max!" He stated with a maniac laugh.

"Right away, sir," Snively replied.

Uncle Chuck turned the radio stuff off and removed his headphones. "Another Sonic..." He muttered, both intrigued and concerned. "I thought there was no one as fast as Sonic... but if Robotnik wants to capture this 'new Sonic', then it's clear to me that he must be someone powerful," He stated, before pulling out a paper and a pen. "I must tell Sally about this. They better be careful with this 'other Sonic' Robotnik wants to capture."

In Knothole, Sonic managed to return with Sally, who was with Bunnie Rabbot and Antoine Depardieu.

Sally, a squirrel with blue eyes, red hair, blue jacket and boots, was using an AI program called Nicole, attached to a rectangular device, to show an hologram of the fuel tankers and explaining how to stop them, while Sonic was walking back and forth desperate and Bunnie and Antoine were sitting over a bed.

Bunnie was a brown female rabbit with a robotic left arm and robotic legs, with green eyes and a pink dress, while Antoine was a vanilla coyote with blonde hair and a blue with red uniform.

"So, once we're attached, we inject water into the pipes marked 'fuel test'," Sally explained, before turning to face everyone else. "Any questions?"

"Oui, oui! I am having the question," Antoine spoke before clearing his throat. "You are being so too beautiful today, my princess."

"That's not even a question, Antoine," Bunnie pointed out in annoyance, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

"Oh, get a grip, Ant!" Sonic added in annoyance as well, while Antoine crossed his arms and glared at Bunnie and Sonic.

Suddenly, the four of them heard something coming from the outside, and a green parrot entered from the window, having a letter attached to his chest.

The parrot flew right above Antoine and messed up with his hair, which startled the coyote a lot. "My hair!" He cried out, as he tried to fix it.

"Come here, little Dove," Sally told the parrot with a smile, taking the letter and opening it to read it while the parrot flew away.

"What's up, Sal?" Sonic asked as he approached to her.

"This is it, guys," Sally said with a smile. "The tanker convoy leaves at dawn... tomorrow," She explained, but then she gasped in disbelief and her eyes widened as she kept reading the letter.

"What? What's the matter?" Bunnie asked in concern.

"Please, princess, tell us! Don't leave us hanging!" Antoine begged dramatically.

"I-I-I don't know how to say this without sounding crazy!" Sally managed to reply, as she kept reading the exact same line to make sure she wasn't misunderstanding any word.

"Then say it!" Sonic told her with concern. "Like Ant said, don't leave us hanging!"

Sally gulped and finally spoke. "Uncle Chuck says... that Robotnik is looking after... another Sonic, and that we must be careful if we cross paths with him."

"The what now?!" Sonic exclaimed in shock. "Let me see!" He said with a frown, and Sally extended the letter to Sonic.

"Excuse moi, but I'm afraid I didn't heard you correctly... did you just said 'another Sonic'?" Antoine questioned confused.

"Yeah, I think we miss-heard you, girl," Bunnie added as well.

"You didn't heard anything wrong, per see," Sonic said with a frown. "Uncle Chuck has never been wrong about Robotnik's plans so far. If there really is someone pretending to be me out there, he's gonna have a really bad time if we cross paths!" He stated, punching his fist against his own hand.

"But what do we do, then?" Sally asked. "If there really is another Sonic, then we're talking about someone that could be as fast as you!"

"We'll stick to the original plan," Sonic stated. "If we cross paths with this other Sonic, we'll take him here and we'll ask a few questions."

Sonic already lost track of time, but he could feel like it's been a whole day.

He didn't eat, he didn't slept, and he didn't found a way to leave Robotropolis yet. He still found more robots that he beat up easily, and there was no sign of Eggman either. Everything looked the exact same to him, and despite how tired he felt right now, he wasn't going to sleep until he left this place.

Sonic stopped suddenly and stared to a mark on a building that felt very familiar to him at this point. "Hang on, didn't I passed this alley, like, 3 times already?" He questioned, now looking everything around him, and then groaning once he realized he, indeed, passed over here already. "How am I supposed to find something coherent here?! Everything looks EXACTLY the same! I'm not going home anytime soon WHEN I KEEP WALKING IN CIRCLES!"

After a long and awkward moment of silence, Sonic sighed in defeat and decided to lay on the ground, looking at the blue and dull sky that already made him sick since it wasn't any beautiful to see... nor smell.

"Maybe I should just give up... Wherever I am, it seems like Eggman already has the high ground..." Sonic complained.

Suddenly, he heard a bunch of sirens, and he lifted his head a bit before raising and eyebrow.

Soon enough, he stood up and boosted to the direction where the sirens sounded a lot louder, and within seconds, he reached a place where he saw a bunch of red flying police-like humanoid robots, riding floating bikes that were chasing after something he could not see, and right now? He didn't cared either.

He also spotted one of those green-floating vehicles guiding some kind of large blue-floating convoy to someplace.

However, before he could make a sarcastic comment about anything, he saw a manhole cover opening, and out of it came out a bunny girl with robotic prosthetics, a coyote with a weird uniform... and a familiar face he never expected to see ever again.

"...S-Sally?" Sonic muttered in shock.

In fact, it was Sally Acorn, an old... acquaintance of his. The truth is, Sally and Sonic do not have the best of relationships. Let's just say that Sonic screw it at some point in his life, and now Sally hated him. So, seeing her down there, along two guys he never saw before, made him feel... strange? Weird? Maybe even happy?

That last thing was probably only because of his current situation, since Sally is the first familiar face he has seen ever since he arrived here.

"...Should I go down there?" Sonic wondered. "I mean, I now we're not in the best of terms, but... maybe she can help me find a way to return to Equestria."

However, the convoy passed right above Sally and company, and once it was gone... they were gone too.

"Huh?" Sonic said confused. "Okay... that's... really odd, but... Hang on a second!" He exclaimed, as he noticed that the convoy was moving towards some kind of big door at the limits of the city. "This thing is exiting this nightmare-ish city! Maybe that's what Sally and those guys are trying to do... Better follow up from here and make sure that I'm right!" He stated, moving above the buildings to follow the convoy, and also to avoid more unexpected encounters with robots.

He was really starting to get tired of them.

Meanwhile, the other Sonic was running away from some police-robots that tried to get him.

However, those robots soon enough stopped following Sonic and began to move back with the convoy, and therefore, with Sally, Bunnie and Antoine.

Sonic stopped moving and turned to see confused how the machines were flying away. "Hey! What's up?! Am I the priority Hedgehog or what?" He asked rhetorically, before realizing with a gasp why the machines turned around. "Sal!"

Luckily, he got his backpack on him, and he also had a Power Ring inside, which he grabbed with a smirk before being surrounded by a golden aura and then boosting faster than usual towards a manhole cover and then entering on it.

Back with Sally and company, they were attached to the lower part of the convoy.

They had some magnetic devices on their chests that allowed them to stay stick to any metal surface, and Sally had something else on her device that allowed to take the gasoline from the convoy.

They were reaching a place with tons of manhole covers, and Sally was reaching the last spot where she placed the 'gasoline stealer'.

However, the convoy stopped suddenly, and police sirens were heard by the three of them.

"Oh-oh..." Sally exclaimed with worry.

And soon enough, they were surrounded by several green-flying vehicles, as well as some of the red flying police-like humanoid robots that were riding floating bikes.

"We are doomed!" Antoine exclaimed in panic. "Oh no, I am too very young and handsome to-–"

"Shut it, Antoine!" Bunnie scold him, although she was worried as well.

On the other hand, Sonic stopped running over buildings once he noticed that the convoy stopped, and that several police vehicles surrounded it.

"Aw, great..." Sonic complained. "Sally must be in trouble if those things stopped right beside the convoy she's conveniently on..." He pointed out, before cracking his hands with a stretch and smirk. "It's time for an intervention! Heck, this might be a really good entrance!"

After that, he jumped from the building curled into a ball, and as he was falling, he charged up a Spin Sash with his electrical powers included.

"We're giving up!" Antoine suggested in panic.

"We're not giving up without a fight, Antoine!" Bunnie stated with a frown. "Get used to it!" She instructed, before the three of them got down from the convoy and stood ready to fight.

Well, Antoine was actually scared as hell, but he was still willing to fight if necessary...

However, soon enough, one of the red police robots was traversed by a blue ball, that also destroyed some more at super speed, and just when one of the green-flying vehicles was about to shot at the others, it was stomped by Sonic in a flash.

Sally smiled at the sight of Sonic saving the day as usual, but then she noticed three things: First, he didn't had the backpack. Second, he had green eyes instead of being fully black. And third, his shoes had a white sole instead of being fully red.

Sonic, on the other hand, looked around at all the mess he just caused with a smile. "Heh, I may say otherwise, but I can never have enough of trashing up Eggman's toys. It's just so renewer!" He stretched his arms.

"Wow!" Bunnie exclaimed with a smirk. "I don't remember you sounding so manly before, sugar hog!"

Sonic, however, looked at her blankly, then looked around confused before looking back at her and smile nervously. "Um... hi, I guess? Sorry, I wasn't expecting to see you guys down there... or at all..." He confessed, before getting down of the destroyed green vehicle.

"You weren't expecting it? But the princess has been talking abut the plan for weeks!" Antoine pointed out. "You even payed attention the whole time! Like all of us!"

"Princess–– Oh, right, Sally is a princess... I keep forgetting that sometimes..." Sonic said with a bored expression.

"Y-You keep forgetting?!" Sally said in shock.

"Yeah, well, maybe the fact that it's been, like, 10 or 12 years since we last saw each other is affecting my memory," Sonic said sarcastically. "I don't know, Sal. I didn't expected our first encounter in years to be like this: You, surrounded by Eggman's trash he dares to call robots and needing help."

"Eggman? First time in years?!" Bunnie exclaimed in concern before frowning. "What's gotten into you, Sonic?!"

Sally, however, gasped once she putted two and two together. "It's you! You are that other Sonic Uncle Chuck warned us about!"

Sonic stared blankly at them before speaking again. "I'm sorry, who's Uncle Chuck?"

Both Bunnie and Antoine gasped as well after hearing that. "It is really him!" Antoine said in shock.

"You guys are really confusing me, and I found out you exist like 10 minutes ago," Sonic said with a mocking tone and smirk. "Sal, could you please illuminate me and tell me what the heck is going on here? Because so far, you're the only familiar face for me. Heck, Eggman doesn't even sound like Eggman... At all!"

"C-Could you please stop confusing me over and tell me who the hell is Eggman already?!" Sally shouted in anger.

Sonic blinked a few times, and then he frowned. "Oh, great! Now you are acting weird as well! I've been in this nightmare-ish city for just a day, and I already hate it!"

Suddenly, all the manhole covers began to open out of nowhere, and once the one right in front of them opened up, the other Sonic, the one Sally, Bunnie and Antoine know, got out of it and landed in front of them with a smirk.

"The escape route's ready––" The other Sonic wanted to say, but then he gasped in shock and his eyes widened when he saw Sonic.

Sonic's eyes also went wide by looking at another familiar... but he had a feeling that he just looked like that other Sonic he decided to call 'Classic Sonic', yet he wasn't that very same Sonic.

Sally, Bunnie and Antoine's jaws dropped as they looked back and forth between the two Sonics. Even one of Robotnik's machines stopped right in front of them and looked back and forth as well, with its systems failing and making the robot to explode.

After a long time of silence, Sonic finally spoke. "Yeah... Yeah, I stand my position. I hate this place."

Suddenly, more police sirens were heard by everyone, and the other Sonic shook his head to focus back.

"Everyone, let's get out of here!" The other Sonic instructed, moving aside the manhole cover, while Sally, Bunnie and Antoine entered, while Sonic looked at his other self with a raised eyebrow. "That includes you too, faker."

"We're solving up how to call each other later, I refuse to be called like that by myself," Sonic said with a bored expression, before curling in a ball and also entering the manhole.

The other Sonic entered up, and the manhole cover got over in no time.

Once the five of them were down on the sewer, they all sighed in relief.

The place was muddier, it literally stink, and some rats could be heard while others could be seen as they moved around the place.

Suddenly, the other Sonic frowned once he saw at his counterpart again. "Alright, fella! If you're another one of Ro-butt-nik's inventions, then I must crush you!" He shouted, before charging up against Sonic.

"Sonic, wait!" Sally said with concern.

However, the other Sonic kept frowning and running... but he was going nowhere, because Sonic stopped him by placing a hand over his head.

Sonic looked at him with a bored expression, grabbing the other Sonic's head and lifting him up entirely, which startled him. "Hey! Put me down so I can kick your butt, man!" He said, as he moved his hands and tried to hit Sonic, with no success.

Sonic began to tap his foot on the floor, then looked at his wrist like if he had a clock there and tried to wait for his other self to calm down, but then he looked back at him and shook his head in disbelief.

"Man, I get you're scared because you're literally seeing yourself... kinda... but you do know it is disrespectful to attack someone that has done literally nothing to you, right?" Sonic told his other self with a raised eyebrow. "Also, please tell me that 'Ro-butt-nik' isn't the best mocking name you can come up with..."

"Scared? Me?" the other Sonic replied with a smirk. "In your dreams!"

"Your quills are trembling, your eyes are watering, your pulse is going a mile per hour despite not going anywhere, and even if it's hard to tell, I can feel your body shaking on my hand," Sonic pointed out with a bored expression.

The other Sonic's eyes went wide after hearing all of that... mainly because his other self was right. "Oh man... you really are me," He said in shock, while Sonic smirked and put him down. "But I don't understand... How's that we are the same dude, yet not at the same time?"

"I wish I got a proper answer for that, but the truth is that I've been trying to find my way out of this junkyard for hours... Or that's what I think, at least," Sonic explained. "I lost track of time after a while."

"You two look alike, but... you are taller, and your eyes have color," Bunnie pointed out as she pointed at Sonic.

"You also seem to know who I am..." Sally pointed out as well.

"Yeah, I have a complicated story with a girl that also looks like you, but I rather not talk about that," Sonic confessed. "Look, everything I wanna know is how I got here, and how to go home! I was fighting Eggman as usual, but then... something hit me, I crashed against something and... I don't know, I guess I got sent here? Geez, I just want some answers! Is it so hard to start with something as simple as get out of here?!"

His shoes began to glow again after he shouted that, and he was moved around out of control.

"Oh, come on!" Sonic groaned, but he was able to stop after a while. "Why does that keeps happening?!" He complained again, as he looked at his shoes with a frown.

"What's the matter?" Sally asked confused.

"Again, I wish I could answer that, but I can't," Sonic replied. "My shoes have been doing that ever since I arrived here."

"Man, seems like you could use some help," the other Sonic said with a smirk. "By the way, who's this 'Eggman' guy you keep mentioning, and why does the name sound so freaking funny?"

"...You have... no idea... of who Eggman is..." Sonic said with a blank expression.

"Nu-uh!" The other Sonic replied, while denying with his head.

"Me neither," Sally added.

"Never heard of that guy!" Bunnie said.

"Nope!" Antoine added as well.

Sonic put on a bored expression and sat down on the ground while crossing his arms. "Great... what else can go wrong today?!"

A day and several hours ago, Sonic was falling through a strange place with white and shining lines that moved like a stream.

He rosed two of those lines, and then everything zooms towards the first white line that Sonic rosed by mistake...

Universe 081114

Sonic stretched a bit before yawning.

The last interesting thing he did was defeating an Emo Eggman from another dimension, and that literally just happened last week.

After that, Shadow tried to erase the entire universe by having two Eggmans in the same one at the same time, but thanks to Tails fixing Metal Sonic to track down the Emo Eggman, Sonic managed to save the universe by sending him back to his own universe.

Now... he was bored as hell.

Nothing interesting has happened ever since that. Eggman was busy building his lab back; Tails and Amy were repairing Tails' workshop; Knuckles and Sticks were helping cleaning and fixing up the town, and Shadow hasn't showed up at all.

As for him... well, he was trying to find something interesting to do on his house, but since he got bored pretty quick, he gave up and moved to his hammock, and lay there until something exciting happened.

"Man... this has been the most bored week of my life..." Sonic muttered, stretching again and scratching a bit under his scarf. "I could ask Tails or Amy to hang out or something, but they're both busy fixing the workshop. Guess is just me and my bored house until something actually interesting happens..."

And just like if someone heard his prays, Sonic's hand watch made a bip sound as it shone in blue.

"Thank goodness!" Sonic cheered, as he sat on his hammock and pressed the button on the watch.

"Sonic!" Tails voice called out. "Look, sorry to call all of a sudden, you're probably busy or something..."

"No, no, no, no, no! Don't you dare to end the call, young man!" Sonic said quickly with excitement. "You couldn't have called in a better time! What's the matter?!"

"Amy and I recently finished cleaning up, and as I went to startup my equipment again, I got some weird signals coming from Eggman's island," Tails explained with worry. "I doubt he finished up restoring his lab, but something tells me that he's up to something again. Mind to go and take a look?"

"Little buddy, I've been waiting the whole week to hear something like that!" Sonic replied happily. "I'm on my way!" He added, ending the call and running straight to Eggman's lab. "Finally, something exciting happening!"

After running for a while, Sonic arrived to Eggman's lab.

However, he got a bit surprised when he found that the place was still destroyed, and it barely seemed that it was going somewhere, because right now it seemed like it had at least two moths more before being totally finished.

"Strange..." Sonic muttered to himself. "I know Eggman can be a bit messy sometimes, but in general he's very organized. Why would he plan out something new when his lab isn't even near to be finished?"

As he sneaked near the place where the reconstruction began, he only found Orbot and Cubot doing the constructions process, while Eggman scratched his head as he stared at the blueprints of his lab with a confused look.

As Sonic approached slowly to the doctor, he couldn't help but stare at the lab and at Eggman with disbelief. Either Eggman knew Sonic was coming and was playing dumb, or he had no plan at all, and Tails either played a prank on him... or something else was going on.

"Uh... Eggman?" Sonic called out, still staring at him confused.

The doctor finally noticed Sonic's arrival and raised and eyebrow.

"Oh great, the rodent is here..." Eggman groaned in annoyance. "I didn't expected you so soon, Sonic. My lab isn't going to be ready until at least––"

"Until at two other months, yeah, yeah, I know, Egghead," Sonic said with a bored expression. "Look, sorry to bother you, but Tails said something about weird signals coming from here. Are you up to something even before having your lab finished up?"

"What kind of a fool do you take me for, Hedgehog?" Eggman said with a frown. "I'm an evil genius! Even I know my limits. And I have absolutely no idea of what are you talking about! What weird signals could my lab be making?"

Now Sonic started to grow worried. If Eggman wasn't up to something, and he knew nothing about the signals Tails was talking about, something else was happening.

"Um... Boss?" Orbot called out. "What Sonic's saying is true, though... There are some weird signals coming from here."

"What?" Both Sonic and Eggman asked confused.

Before any of them could say or do something else, a green portal opened suddenly behind them, startling both the hedgehog and the doctor.

"Eggman?!" Sonic said with a panicked expression.

"Don't look at me! Not even I know what's going on!" Eggman complained, just as worried as Sonic was.

And then, the portal started to drag both Sonic and Eggman. As Sonic started to use his super speed to run in the opposite direction, he also grabbed Eggman's hand to save both the doctor and himself.

However, the weight of the doctor ended up backing Sonic up, and the two were sucked by the green portal, as they screamed and got lost on it, with the portal finally closing.

"...What the heck just happened?" Questioned Cubot.

"I have no idea..." Orbot replied, just as confused as his robotic friend.

A day and several hours ago, Sonic was falling through a strange place with white and shining lines that moved like a stream.

He rosed two of those lines, and then everything zooms towards the second white line that Sonic rosed by mistake...

Universe 140220

Two months ago, he transformed into a golden god that defeated a giant robot with Robotnik's face and saved the world, if not the entire universe.

Now, he was cleaning up Tom's new truck with Tails and Knuckles, mumbling with a frown as he tried so hard not to groan in annoyance from Tom's father attitude.

"I can't believe I'm reduced to this..." Sonic groaned.

"Come on, Sonic. This isn't so bad!" Tails said with a little smile.

"Easy for you to say it, mama's boy," Sonic said with a bored expression. "The last time something interesting happened was a month ago when we defeated that Robotnik's drone in the junkyard! How's that we became car cleaners after that?!"

"Stop being so dramatic over it, Hedgehog," Knuckles said with a frown as he rolled his eyes. "Unless you want to end on the garage for the night as a punishment like last time."

Sonic felt goosebumps all over his body by just remembering that, shacking his head and making a disgusted expression.

"Okay, okay. Good point," Sonic admitted. "Still, this feels like I have been reduced from a hero to a maid."

"Didn't you said that you're still too young to be a hero or something?" Tails asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just because I don't want to be a hero yet, doesn't mean I don't want to have a little adventure now and then!" Sonic explained. "Adventure it's part of me now! Is so frustrating that I used the 7 chaotic crystals––"

"Chaos Emeralds," Knuckles corrected with a bored expression.

Sonic rolled his eyes before continue. "–– to turn into some kind of Super Saiyan, and two months later, I'm being sent by my father to clean the car with my best friend and Knuckles!"

"Hey!" Knuckles said with an offended look.

"I guess I'll just wait for something interesting to happen..." Sonic said, finally resuming cleaning the truck. "I hope it doesn't takes too long."

Suddenly, Tails device started to make a beep sound from his backpack. The young fox quickly moved towards his backpack by flight and took out the device to see what was going on.

His eyes widened in both surprise and shock after seeing the results.

"What the heck?" Tails muttered. "Guys... there's a strong Chaos Energy sign coming from near Seattle!"

"What?!" Knuckles cried out in panic.

"I'm sorry; what's 'Chaos Energy'?" Sonic asked confused.

"It's the same kind of energy that comes from the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald," Tails explained. "And whatever is causing this one, i-it has a bigger signal than the Master Emerald!"

"Well, Hedgehog, you wanted something interesting to happen," Knuckles told him with a bored expression. "Are you happy now?"

"Are you kidding me? This is perfect timing!" Sonic said with a smile. "Let's head to Seattle!" He declared, immediately running towards said place.

"Ugh, sometimes I just want to smash him in the ground again..." Knuckles groaned, following Sonic.

"H-Hey! Guys! What about the car?!" Tails asked, grabbing his backpack and following his friends.

Sonic, Tails and Knuckles arrived to Seattle 20 minutes later.

They reached the top of a building, with Tails trying to track the exact spot where the Chaos Energy sign comes from.

"It should be... right... there!" Tails said, pointing at some kind of building with a round top.

"Of course it had to be on the hardest place to reach by feet..." Sonic complained with a bored expression.

"Maybe for you," Knuckles said with a smirk. "But it's a piece of cake for me!" He made a big jump, and then glided towards said building.

"Sometimes I wonder: How's that he can glide if he's an echidna?" Sonic asked confused.

Tails looked at him with a bored expression before speak. "You're a blue hedgehog with super speed that doesn't know how to swim; I'm a yellow fox with two tails that can fly; Knuckles is a red echidna with giant hands and super strength, and we have an unlimited power source as a night lamp back on the house. Did anything that I said makes sense to you?"

Sonic just stared at Tails blankly before replying. "Um... 50/50?"

Tails rolled his eyes and started to fly, grabbing Sonic from his hands and moving towards the building.

Once there, they found Knuckles walking in circles, founding absolutely nothing in there.

"Are you sure the sign came from here, fox?" Knuckles asked with a frown.

"It didn't came from here, Knuckles. It comes from here," Tails replied, checking his device.

"Maybe you need to fix it, because there's nothing here!" Knuckles cried out loudly.

"Knucklehead does have a point, Tails," Sonic said, also looking around. "This place looks pretty empty."

"No, guys, you don't get it, it comes from here," Tails said with worry. "In fact, is becoming bigger... and stronger..."

Before either Sonic or Knuckles could say anything, a yellow portal opened up behind Knuckles, which startled the echidna, who stepped backwards and now stood at Sonic and Tails' side.

"Tails? I need the context..." Sonic pled.

"The thing is... not even I have any for this!" Tails cried out.

And then, the portal started to drag the three creatures. However, Sonic wasn't going to allow that, so he managed to push Tails and Knuckles from the building, before being sucked by the yellow portal, that closed after Sonic got trough it.

Universe 180993

Sally, Bunnie, Antoine and the other Sonic ended up guiding Sonic out of Robotropolis and towards Knothole.

Yet, Sonic couldn't still explain his situation because it was still hard for him to understand how he got there.

Right now, he was with the other Sonic and Antoine near a lake with waterfalls, and they both explained everything they have lived so far to Sonic so he could get a better context of this place's situation... and he didn't like it a single bit.

"So this is Mobius, just not my Mobius..." Sonic said with concern, rubbing his chin and then frowning. "I cannot believe Eggman–– I mean, Robotnik, turned such a wonderful place into his junkyard playground."

"Yeah, Ro-butt-nik is really a menace here," The other Sonic said as he walked back and forth. "I wish I could do half the cool stuff Sal and the others said you did with those robots! Seeing that Egghead's face would be hilarious!"

"You finally called him something 'egg' related! We're making quick progress here" Sonic stated with a smirk, but then his stomach roared in hunger. "Hey, you don't happen to have Chilidogs around here, do you? Because I'm starving, I haven't eaten anything in what feels like ages, and I could really use some fuel right now..."

The other Sonic smirked, boosted away, and returned with two plates, each one having 6 Chilidogs, and that caused Sonic's eyes to sparkle at the sight of food - specially his favorite one - for the first time in an entire day.

"Suit yourself, Sonic-buddy!" The other Sonic said, as he extended one of the plates to Sonic.

Sonic grabbed the plate and ate one of the Chilidogs in just one champ, feeling his eyes going wide and sparkling at the taste. "You have no idea of how much I needed that!" He said, drying a tear from his eye with a smile, before grabbing the plate and ate the 5 remaining Chilidogs... in one chomp again.

The other Sonic did the same and smirked. "Yep!" He said, before launching the plate away. "Nothing like a good Chilidog to fill the tank!"

"I completely agree on that!" Sonic said, also with a smirk.

"You two are like lost twins or something..." Antoine said with annoyance, before he turned to Sonic. "Although it seemed like you really needed that snack."

"I was, like an, entire day trapped on Robotropolis trying to find an exit," Sonic pointed out. "Knowing myself, I would've eat literally anything I found in order to survive."

"Well, don't feel desperate anymore, 'cause you're in good hands with your fellow Freedom Fighters fellas!" The other Sonic said confidently.

"Freedom Fighters... That's pretty catchy, to tell the truth," Sonic said with a little smile.

At that moment, Sally arrived with them.

"Hey there, Sal!" The other Sonic greeted.

"Hi!" Sally greeted, before turning to see Sonic. "So, now that you have cleared your mind: Is there anything you can tell us on how you ended up here?"

Sonic scratched his head a bit before replying. "Well... maybe if I tell the last thing that I lived on my home, I could tell how I ended up here."

"Well then, go on!" The other Sonic said with a smirk.

Sonic smirked and rubbed his chin as he thought on how to tell this properly. "Hmm... let's see... How did I ended up on a different Mobius than mine?"

The entire group was heading towards the mountain Rouge mentioned, with Rouge herself guiding everyone else.

Tails was piloting the Tornado IV, with Knuckles and Amy riding on the wings while Izzy and Hitch were sitting on the passenger seats and Omega, Sunny, Zipp and Pipp followed by flight.

Sonic and Shadow were following from the ground, and thankfully, they were both focused on stopping Eggman, so this was no race, they were simply running at top speed to reach said cave and stop Eggman.

"I was heading with my friends - and some co-workers - towards a mountain to stop Eggman as usual," Sonic narrated, since this was a flashback sequence.

The image changes to Eggman and Sage standing right in front of the Paradox Prism.

"He wanted to steal a powerful artifact named 'Paradox Prism', a gem that can allow its user to travel across universes" Sonic kept narrating.

Then, it's seen part of the fight for the Prism, until we reach the point where Sonic charged up his Spin Dash against a 'badnik' and Sage tricked him.

"I remember I saw a badnik pointing at the prism, so I charged against it," Sonic narrated with a concerned tone. "But then... that something sent me backwards, and I crashed against––"

His flashback sequence ended and he gasped in shock and worry.

"Against the Paradox Prism..." Sonic realized, sitting down over a rock with an anxious expression. "I... I fell right into the lion's den... Again!"

"Again? Are you implying that your world's big bad guy has tricked you before?" The other Sonic asked with a raised eyebrow and his arms crossed, also tapping his foot on the floor.

"Yeah..." Sonic replied, still trying to process what was happening.

Two years ago, Eggman settled a trap to sent him right to Equestria, and then his life changed forever. Now? He ended up traveling to a different universe because of one of Eggman's plans to conquer the world... again.

"Hmm..." Sally muttered, placing a hand on her chin. "A prism that allows anyone to travel through universes... It seems like the crash sent you to another world. Our world."

"Hang on a sec!" The other Sonic said. "You're saying that all those wacky theories about a multiverse Rotor's been talking about could be real?!"

"Those 'theories' stopped being such a thing a while ago," Sonic said, looking at the floor with concern. "I've actually been dealing with other realities different than mine for a very long time, although they've been 'dimensions', not straight up 'universes'."

"No way!" The other Sonic said in excitement. "So, you have met other Sonics like us? More Egghead's? Have you eaten Chilidogs from every universe?!"

"Yes, I wish I never did, and no," Sonic replied with a smirk. "I do remember meeting someone that looks exactly like you, though... but he cannot talk. At all."

"Well, now that we know you aren't an evil copy made by Robotnik––" Sally tried to say, but Sonic cut her off.

"How crazy do you think I am to even join forces with my own enemy?" Sonic asked rhetorically.

"...Now that we know you're from a different universe than ours, I think we should help you find your way back home," Sally stated. "I mean, is the least we can do for your accidental help."

"Yeah, it wasn't 'accidental' at all," Sonic confessed. "While I didn't knew the Eggman from this world is the one behind all that mess he calls city, I would've still destroyed those robots anyways, simply because I enjoy to do so," He added, as he moved on his place at fast paste while moving his arms like if he was boxing, something the others noticed.

"Yeah, kicking Eggman's butt is always a blast!" The other Sonic said with a smirk. "And you're right: 'Eggman' is the ultimate mocking nickname!"

"Told ya!" Sonic replied with a smirk, fist bumping with his other self.

"By the way, Sonic from another universe," Antoine called out. "I'm afraid your shoes are glowing again."

Sonic looked at his shoes again and frowned. "Of course they are..." He complained, quickly standing only with a hand to prevent being dragged by his feet again if it ever happens.

The other Sonic whistled, impressed at that. "Nice trick, man!"

"This is nothing compared to everything else I can do!" Sonic stated with a smirk. "If we have the proper time, I can teach you a few tricks that can help you fight better against Eggman's trash he still calls robots."

"Too bad your glowing shoes could make the job hard, though..." Sally pointed out with concern.

"Yeah..." Sonic replied with a bored expression. "I mean, they look cool and all, but can someone please tell me how to stop it already? Is annoying me, and I don't wanna get myself into another alley surrounded by metal because of my feet having their own mind."

"Unfortunately, I cannot do anything to stop the glow," Sally said with shame.

"Yeah, I cannot provide help on that either," Antoine confessed.

"I can't do anything either, pal," The other Sonic said before smirking. "But I know of a certain seal that can provide the help you are seeking!"

"Really? Who?" Sonic asked.

The other Sonic and Sally and guided Sonic towards a house in Knothole.

This house was so incredibly modified that it looked more like some kind of laboratory than a house, or that's what Sonic could tell by how it looked outside. However, he could actually confirm it was a house once he entered the place, that had many tools, machines, robots that could be used as 'guinea pigs', and a long etc.

Sally explained the whole situation to a blue seal with orange eyes and a red hat, shoes and belt named Rotor, who was the inventor of the town, which surprised Sonic a lot, since he was really used to Tails being the brain and inventor around.

Rotor was completely amazed by the news about the multiverse actually being a thing, but the very fact that Sonic only wanted to go home to save his friends seemed to be enough to make him focus again and accept to help out on control Sonic's speed that now seems to have a mind of its own.

"Alright, buddy. Stay still!" Rotor told Sonic, as he extended a scanner and used to scan Sonic's shoes, that kept glowing at this point.

"Guys, sorry to ask this all of a sudden, but you don't happen to have a Tails on your universe, do you?" Sonic asked, while Rotor finished scanning Sonic's shoes and moved to a crafting table.

"Oh, yeah we do!" The other Sonic replied with a smirk. "He's probably out there having fun. Why you ask?"

"Well, no offense to the Rotor fella here, but back home, Tails is the one who makes all kind of cool gadgets and stuff to fight against Eggman," Sonic explained with a sad smile. "He has come a long way ever since we first met..."

"No offense taken," Rotor said from the table with a smile. "If anything, I'm glad we have a Sonic from a different universe around. You two definitely seem to be the same, yet different at the same time."

"Yeah... you are more mature and handsome~" Bunnie said as well, since she was also there.

"Hey!" The other Sonic complained.

"Thanks for the compliment, Bunnie, but this hedgehog's already taken," Sonic replied in a mocking smirk. "Besides, we don't need another Ken Penders situation here... we definitely don't need that."

"You know, I've been thinking if there's any other way we could call you," Sally confessed. "I mean, you're also called Sonic, but we cannot cause confusions."

"Sal does have a point" The other Sonic replied. "How do we call each other to avoid confusion?"

"Well, this other Sonic I talked about before also caused some confusion at first," Sonic confessed. "So, a knucklehead named Knuckles suggested to call him 'Classic Sonic' and refer to me as 'Modern Sonic' to avoid confusion. Could that work for you?"

"Hmm... 'Classic Sonic'..." The other Sonic muttered. "You know what? I like it!" He stated with his thumbs up.

"Then it's settled!" Sally said with a smile. "Our Sonic will be 'Classic Sonic', and the visitor one will be 'Modern Sonic'."

"Alright, Modern buddy!" Rotor called out. "I'm finally done."

He extended four discs on his hand, all of them looking the exact same, and having a weird light in the middle.

"What are those things?" Modern Sonic asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I call them 'energy deflectors'," Rotor replied. "If you attach these to your body, they might be able to regulate the excess energy coming from your gear so they don't explode."

"Might?" Modern Sonic questioned with a bored expression.

"I assure you, Modern fella!" Classic Sonic said with a smirk. "Rotor here never failed us before with his inventions. You'll be perfectly fine!"

"If you say so..." Modern Sonic replied blankly.

Rotor grabbed Modern Sonic's left arm and placed one of the discs over his glove, then he placed one on each of his ankle zone on his snickers, and finally placed the remaining one on his right glove.

However, the energy of his shoes seemed to be reacting at the strange artifacts over his body, since not only his shoes were glowing brighter now, but also his gloves and his entire body in general.

"Rotor?" Modern Sonic called out. "Please tell me this is normal!"

Soon enough, the glow disappeared, but something else happened: His regular shoes were replaced with red shoes with white stripes on both sides and two black lines in the middle, while his gloves got a grey color on the fingers and looked more similar to goalkeeper gloves.

"Wohoho!" Modern Sonic exclaimed amazed. "What are these?!" He added, as he then began to move around the lab in excitement. "No more energy overflow, and the look! I mean, come on!" He added with joy, before blowing a kiss in the air.

"Way past cool!" Classic Sonic exclaimed with excitement, as he approached Modern Sonic and looked at his new footwear. "Man, these look amazing! Do me next, Rotor!"

"Curious..." Rotor said as he rubbed his chin. "They're still your gloves and shoes, only now they seem to have a tune with the energy in your body instead of resisting it... I wonder why that is."

However, Modern Sonic arrived at his side with a big smirk. "Ho, ho! These are killer! No more slipping and sliding, no smoke either! Thanks for the boost, Rotor!" He thanked with an honest smile. "Time for a test run!" He stated, before boosting away at top speed.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Classic Sonic said with a smirk before boosting away as well.

"They definitely are the same guy despite being two different people, huh?" Rotor said with a smile.

"Oh, you have no idea, sugar," Bunnie stated with a smile, while Sally at her side chuckled along.

The two Sonics were running across a forest at max speed, with Modern being just in front of Classic with a big smile.

"Man, these shoes are a blast! I can finally run around without feeling like I'm about to crash against something!" Modern Sonic said confidently.

Right then, Classic Sonic reached his side. "Hey, Sonic-fella! You think it could be a proper time to teach me some tricks?"

"I don't see why not!" Modern Sonic replied. "First lesson: Put your hands behind instead of attach them to your body!"

"The what now?" Classic Sonic questioned confused, before looking at his arms attached at his body, and then feel a sudden hyper-mega boost once he put them behind. "Sweet Chilidogs!" He exclaimed in amazement and excitement. "This is way past cool, other me!"

"Glad to see you're a quick learner, Classic me!" Modern Sonic replied with a proud smile and his thumbs up. "Now, for the next lesson: Spin Dash!"

Modern Sonic suddenly stopped, while Classic Sonic stopped as well and approached him. "What's that?"

"Sally told me you can do something similar when you use something called a 'Power Ring'," Modern Sonic replied. "But what would you say if I told you that you can do that move without a Power Ring?"

"I actually call it 'Spin Attack', but if you can teach me how to make such a thing with no Power Ring, then I'm completely fine with that!" Classic Sonic replied with a smile.

"Alright, then! Follow my every move," Modern Sonic stated, while Classic decided to stand right beside him. "First, stand like if you're about to run away..." He said, and Classic repeated his action. "Then, curl into a ball and spin at top speed on your place..." He said next, and while Classic looked confused, he still managed to replicate the action. "After charging up for long enough... DASH!"

Classic repeated the action, but he ended up uncurling and rolling up until he crashed against a tree, then he fell to the floor completely dizzy.

Modern Sonic ran at his side and cringed at his look. "Geez, man... A-Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah..." Classic Sonic replied with a weird smile. "H-How did I did it...?"

Modern Sonic scratched his head and smiled sheepishly. "Seems like I have to teach you a lot before the Spin Dash, buddy..." He replied with honesty and concern.

Back at Rotor's lab, Rotor himself was fixing up something behind a blanket, while Bunnie and Sally waited as they sat over Rotor's bed.

"Rotor, how much longer do we have to wait?!" Bunnie asked desperate.

"Almost ready!" Rotor replied, finishing up some details on whatever he was doing and the stopping. "That'll do it! You ready, girls?" He asked from behind the blanket.

"Sugar, we've been ready for a month of Sundays!" Bunnie replied with a smile.

Rotor removed the blanket, and revealed one of the green-flying vehicles Robotnik has on Robotropolis, but it was highly modified since it had a tank. "This is it!"

"Oh my stars!" Bunnie exclaimed in surprise.

"Rotor, where did you get that?!" Sally asked curiously and excited.

"In the Great Swamp!" Rotor replied. "I modified the engine, so it really moves! And, I got another surprise," He added, extending a robotic bird to Sally.

"Rotor, you finished it!" Sally said excited, as she grabbed the robotic bird. "Does it work?"

"I haven't tested it yet!" Rotor confessed with shame. "I thought maybe you could help. Oh, got something else here you'll like!" He added, while Sally gave the robotic bird to Bunnie, and Rotor extended some kind of metallic box that looked like a radio.

"Isn't that one of Robotnik's security transponders?" Sally asked, as she pointed at the 'box'.

"Right!" Rotor replied with a smile. "Which means..."

"We can go anywhere!" Sally finished with a big smile.

Outside one of Eggman's basements, two convoys passed through a closed door, being guarded by two human-like robots.

Then, the green-flying vehicle modified by Rotor, being piloted By Sally and Bunnie, arrived right at that moment and stopped in front of the door.

"Here we go, Sally girl!" Bunnie said with confidence. "The transponder's getting a signal!"

"Come on, come on!" Sally said, crossing her fingers and hoping that the transponder will work.

Fortunately, a red light shone on the transponder, meaning they were granted access to the basement.

"We're in!" Sally cheered with a smile.

The door opened, and the vehicle entered to the basement.

"Oh my heavens to buddy!" Bunnie exclaimed in amazement and concern as she saw the basement right in front of them. "Would you look at that ugly old thing?"

"Only Robotnik could create something that horrible..." Sally pointed out with concern.

Meanwhile, the two Sonics decided to leave the 'training session' for another time, since Classic couldn't learn the Spin Dash yet.

Instead, he lead Modern Sonic back to Robotropolis and into his Uncle Chuck's hideout.

At first, Modern felt surprised that Uncle Chuck was a robot, but then he remembered that the Freedom Fighters told him that Robotnik roboticed all the citizens of what used to be Mobotropolis. He was glad that he was conscious again, though, because that meant they could track Robotnik's moves directly from the city.

"Is a pleasure to meet you, young fella from another universe," Uncle Chuck said, as he shook hands with Modern Sonic. "It's good to see that you are one of the good heart people."

"The pleasure is mine, sir," Modern Sonic said with a smirk. "And of course I'm one of the good guys! I enjoy kicking Eggman's butt as everyone else around here!"

"Well, we love to do that as well... but I'm afraid I cannot help you too much right now," Uncle Chuck said with shame.

"What?!" Classic Sonic exclaimed, while his eyes widened. "What do you mean, Unc?"

Instead of replying with words, Uncle Chuck took two headphones and gave them to the Sonics, before taking another ones and put them on. The Sonics imitated his action, and they all heard nothing but static.

"Um... Are we supposed to be hearing anything?" Modern Sonic asked confused, removing the headphones from his ears.

"We should be hearing Eggman's plans!" Classic Sonic replied with concern. "What's up with this headphones, Unc?" He asked to Uncle Chuck with a raised eyebrow, also removing the headphones.

"Bug malfunction," Uncle Chuck replied. "We'll have to replace it."

"Cool! I was itching for some action!" Classic Sonic stated with a smirk.

Modern Sonic, however, rubbed his chin with doubt. "I don't know... This smells like a trap to me," He said with a frown, before looking at Uncle Chuck. "Where did you hide this bug you mentioned?"

"Robotnik's Warehouse," Uncle Chuck replied with a smile. "I like the idea of using one of his own bugs to spy on him."

"Yeah, it's definitely a trap," Modern Sonic stated, punching his fist against his hand.

"What do you mean, other me?" Classic Sonic asked confused, while he crossed his arms, raised an eyebrow and tapped his foot on the ground.

"The bug is right on Eggman's Warehouse, and it so happened to malfunction now... Don't you think that's suspicious?" Modern Sonic pointed out.

"Hmm... that's a very good point," Uncle Chuck confessed.

"But what do we do now, then?" Classic Sonic asked desperate. "We still need to fix that bug if we want to know Robotnik's next moves!"

"Hmm..." Modern Sonic said, as he rubbed his chin and tried to come up with something. "I bet Eggman is waiting for a spy to go in, or even you, Classic. Maybe... If I go in and repair the bug, and then leave without being noticed, we'll frustrate his plans!"

"But wouldn't that put you on a dangerous situation?" Classic Sonic asked in concern. "I know you said that you've been dealing with Robotnik for quite a while, but if it is a trap, that could put you in danger!"

"Eggman's expecting the spy or the Sonic he's already used to deal with. He may know about my presence at this point, but he doesn't know I'm coming!" Modern Sonic pointed out with a smirk. "Besides, neither you nor him have seen everything I'm capable of!" He assured, while cracking his knuckles.

"That could do the trick," Uncle Chuck said with a smile. "But you must be careful! I highly doubt the Robotnik you're used to deal with compares to the cold heart of this monster."

"I'll try my best, although I don't promise to not have any sort of fun!" Modern Sonic stated with a smirk.

"Ah, shoot..." Classic Sonic complained. "I was expecting to have some action, too..."

"Don't worry, pal!" Modern Sonic told him with a smile and his thumbs up. "If I repair the bug, and you detect that something's wrong, boost toward Egghead's Warehouse to give me a hand!"

"Then you better get yourself in trouble, buddy!" Classic Sonic said in a mocking tone.

Modern chuckled and fist bumped with Classic, before boosting away through the exit that Uncle Chuck opened for him, and that closed after Modern left.

Sally and Bunnie approached to the basement with the green-flying vehicle.

Once the vehicle stopped right in front of what looked like a giant metallic satellite dish, it extended a cable and connected the vehicle and the satellite dish together.

"Nicole, download plans," Sally instructed to the AI.

"Downloading, Sally," Nicole informed.

After a few seconds of downloading data, Nicole got everything Sally needed.

"Okay, we got the plans," Sally said with a smile.

"Then let's get the hoo-ha out of here", Bunnie stated with concern. "This place gives me the heebie-jeebies."

"In a second," Sally said, as she pressed a button on the vehicle's panel control and something appeared in the monitor. "Interesting... These are Robotnik's daily operations files. Nicole, can you break the code on the one marked 'top secret'?"

Nicole made some sounds as it tried to brake the code. "Transcribing..."

After a few seconds, it stopped, and Sally gasped at what she saw. "Oh my gosh! He's onto Uncle Chuck's bug!"

Back with Uncle Chuck and Classic Sonic, the latter was walking back and forth nervously, having a really bad feeling about Modern Sonic going alone against Robotnik.

While they were training to learn the Spin Dash, Modern told him lots of stories about some of his adventures he had back home, and even if he did felt a bit jealous, he felt more inspired and amazed by all the stuff he had gone through.

It kinda gave him more confidence on him, but he still couldn't help but feel like something could go utterly wrong at any second at this point.

"Oh man... I don't like this a single bit, Unc," Classic Sonic said with concern.

"You gotta trust your other self, Sonic," Uncle Chuck told him with a smile. "It seems like he has lots of experience with Robotnik's stuff. I'm pretty sure everything will work out just fine."

"Still, I have a bad feeling about this..." Classic Sonic confessed with his arms crossed.

Suddenly, the hideouts door opened, and Antoine came in, stopping as he tried to catch his breath before watching Uncle Chuck and Classic Sonic with worry.

"Uncle Chuck, Sonic!" Antoine called out with worry. "Sally... she sent a note... Robotnik... he knows about the bug!"

"Huh?!" both Uncle Chuck and Classic Sonic said in worry.

"Ugh, I knew this was a bad idea!" Classic Sonic said with a frown. "My other self could be in danger! Robotnik definitely has something in store for him!"

"Then go!" Uncle Chuck told him. "The other Sonic is going to need help from himself if he wants to get out of there alive!"

"Thanks for the thumbs up, Unc!" Classic Sonic told him with a smile, before turning to Antoine and shake his hand with a smirk. "And thanks to you too, Antoine. Your warning is gonna save the day today!" He stated, before boosting away to help Modern Sonic.

"Oh, it is my pleasure to help!" Antoine said with a proud smile on himself.

Right in front of Robotnik's Warehouse, two human-like robots were guarding the entrance.

Suddenly, one of them was destroyed by Modern Sonic's Spin Dash, and the other one didn't even got time to say or do anything because Modern used a Stomp Attack to crush it entirely.

"Man, this things are even easier to defeat than my Egghead's machines!" Modern Sonic said with a mocking tone and smirk. "Who build these, anyways? A five year old?" He chuckled.

Then, he looked around for an entrance where he could sneak inside the Warehouse, and thankfully, he saw a ventilation entrance where he could get in.

So, he retired the cover and entered the ventilation system.

Soon enough, Classic Sonic arrived to the place, and he was amazed to find the robots already trashed out.

"Aw, man!" Classic Sonic exclaimed with a smirk. "My other self definitely knows how to strike a punch!"

Then, he noticed the open ventilation system, and he entered it as well, also placing the cover back once he heard the red-police robots approaching.

Once inside, he crawled around the ventilation system, and he stopped once he spotted Snively on a rack, while Robotnik's sidekick seemed to be busy as he worked on something and hummed happily to himself.

However, he made the mistake of lay right on the rack, opening it and almost falling through it with a yelp, if it wasn't because someone grabbed his hand and the rack at the same time, closing it at fast paste, but making a lot of noise.

Snively noticed that and frowned, so he removed the rack and looked around the ventilation system with suspicion. But since nothing seemed to be wrong, he placed the rack back on place, fortunately not noticing that Modern Sonic was hiding on a corner, covering Classic's mouth so he made no noise.

Once Snively was gone, Modern Sonic removed his hand from Classic's mouth. "Man, what are you doing here?!" He muttered concerned. "I though we came to a deal when I told you to arrive only if things got out of hand!"

"I know, I know, but Antoine received a note from Sally saying that Robotnik knows about the bug, just like you said!" Classic Sonic explained with concern. "I came here to warn you so we can leave and form another plan!"

"But what about the bug? Without it, we have no access to Eggman's plans!" Modern Sonic pointed out.

"Sal downloaded his plans! That's how she found out about Robotnik knowing about the bug!" Classic Sonic explained.

"Well, if that's the case, then let's head back to your Uncle's hideout!" Modern Sonic stated with a smirk.

After that, they both boosted away from there.

Unfortunately, arriving to Uncle Chuck's hideout wasn't a good idea.

The place was destroyed, the monitors were a mess and Antoine was lying unconscious on the ground.

"Antoine!" Classic Sonic said with worry, as he moved towards the coyote and shake him to wake him up.

Antoine blinked a few times before finally waking up entirely, and he panicked a lot. "Wah!" He shouted in fear, but then he sighed in relief when he saw both Sonics at his side. "Oh, thank goodness!"

"Man, what happened?" Modern Sonic asked him, extending a hand to help him to stand up.

Antoine accepted, then he cleaned some dust of his body and frowned with worry. "Uncle Chuck was trying to get some signals from the bug in case you already repair it, but then we were attacked by Robotnik's machines!"

"Antoine, where's my Unc?!" Classic Sonic asked desperate and worried.

"I'm sorry, Sonic... I fell unconscious by something hitting me on my head," Antoine confessed with shame.

"It's okay, Ant," Modern Sonic said with a smile. "But now I think we have to rescue Uncle Chuck. Something tells me he was kidnapped!"

"Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go save my Unc!" Classic Sonic stated, before boosting away from the cave.

Modern Sonic smirked as well, grabbed Antoine by the hand and boosted away too, while Antoine screamed in fair because of the high speed the Sonics were running.

Near what it seemed to be an actual junkyard, the green-flying vehicle piloted by Sally and Bunnie landed on the ground.

Behind one pile of junk, a blue dragon girl with a black passenger seat on her back and with yellow scales was hiding, but then she smiled when she saw Bunnie coming out of the vehicle.

"Oh, Bunnie!" The dragon girl exclaimed with a smile, as she came out of her hideout and approached Bunnie.

Sally came out as well, and soon enough, the three girls heard someone crying, and right then, both Sonics arrived as well, with Modern Sonic letting go Antoine, who was the one crying.

Modern Sonic saw the dragon girl and whistled in amazement. "Wow, I didn't expected to met an adult dragon today!"

"Well, I didn't expected to met another Sonic!" The dragon girl replied with a smile. "I'm Dulcy."

"Call me 'Modern' Sonic, to avoid confusion with this guy!" Modern Sonic presented himself with a smirk, also pointing at Classic Sonic at his side.

"Guys, what happened?" Sally asked to the Sonics and Antoine with concern.

"Uncle Chuck has been kidnapped!" Classic Sonic said with worry. "We have to save him!"

"We intercepted Robotnik's message about the bug," Sally pointed out. "I hope he's okay."

"He was, but with Classic going after me to give me your message, and with Antoine left unconscious, I'm afraid Uncle Chuck has been captured," He said with a worried frown and his arms crossed.

"Well, I want him out of there right away!" Classic Sonic stated, moving his feet at fast paste to make the shape of an eight, but then being stopped by Modern Sonic.

"Not so fast, other me!" Modern Sonic said. "I know he's your family and how much he means to you, but we have to think before acting away. First things first: Dulcy, take Antoine back to Knothole."

"What?! No, no! I can–– Ah!" Antoine tried to protest, but then he screamed when Dulcy grabbed him and putted him on her 'kangaroo' bag. "Oh, please! I can help!"

"No offense, man, but you were shitting on your pants when we first met," Modern Sonic pointed out with a mocking smirk.

"Oh, come on––" Antoine tried to protest again, but then Dulcy pushed him on her bag again.

"Uh-uh, no talking during takeoff, Tony!" Dulcy said with a smirk, before taking flight towards Knothole.

"Later!" Classic Sonic waved his hand with a smirk. "Alright, what's next?"

"Now, we intercept Eggman's base to rescue your Uncle!" Modern Sonic stated, cracking his knuckles and smirking, while his electrical powers showed up for a moment.

"I love the way you think, other me!" Classic stated with a smirk, and then the two Sonics boosted towards Robotnik's base.

In Robotnik's base, Uncle Chuck was plugged into a red chair, tied up and frowning, while Robotnik was right in front of him with a sinister grin.

"Sir Charles," Robotnik greeted. "I gotta say, I'm surprised you managed to stay as a spy for so long."

"I don't care if you captured me, Robotnik," Uncle Chuck stated with a frown. "I'll never talk!"

"Oh, but you will, Sir Charles," Robotnik assured with a sinister grin. "You are plugged in now, my old friend."

"I am no friend, scum!" Uncle Chuck replied with anger.

"You call me scum?!" Robotnik asked in anger. "Perhaps you need an attitude adjustment!" He said with an evil smirk, then he pressed a button on a panel control in front of Uncle Chuck.

Then, some kind of red ring scanned Uncle Chuck, and his red eyes shone bright, returning Uncle Chuck to his 'default settings' as a mindless robot.

"Robotnik is supreme ruler. Supreme ruler. Supreme ruler..." Uncle Chuck said on loop.

"Better. Much better," Robotnik said with joy, and then the red ring came back to return him some control. "Now, Sir Charles. Where. Is. KNOTHOLE?!"

However, since Uncle Chuck got control of his own body back, he frowned and closed his mouth, refusing to answer.

"Sir Charles..." Robotnik called out, pulling down two switches and then pressing a button on the panel control.

The red ring appeared around Uncle Chuck again, but just as it was about to make him talk, it stopped functioning.

"What?!" Robotnik asked in concern, pulsing several buttons to try and make the machine work again, but it didn't work. "What is happening?!"

Then, the ceiling broke, and Modern Sonic entered with a smirk, with Classic Sonic landing behind him and freeing Uncle Chuck.

"Sorry, Eggman! But the train to get info about Knothole passed at 10:30!" Modern Sonic mocked up, before charging a Spin Dash against Robotnik. "You already missed that train!"

Robotnik crashed against the wall, but then he groaned at Modern Sonic, who was running away along Classic Sonic and Uncle Chuck, who smirked now that he was free.

"Get those Hedgehogs!" Robotnik shouted in anger.

"Man, your Eggman has serious anger issues," Modern Sonic pointed out with a frown.

"You have no idea..." Classic Sonic replied with a bored expression.

Suddenly, the two Sonics stopped, and Classic put Uncle Chuck down while the three hedgehogs frowned at the robots surrounding him.

"Other me..." Modern Sonic called out with a smirk. "Let me show you some cool stuff!"

"Usually, I don't like the idea of not fighting back, but... suit yourself, Sonic-buddy!" Classic Sonic replied with a smirk.

Modern Sonic cracked his knuckles and turned on his electrical powers, not only surprising Classic and Uncle Chuck, but also Robotnik.

Then, he charged up his Spin Dash and destroyed three robots with it, before changing to a Wild Rush to destroy several of them and then a Spin Slash. After that, he used Homing Shot on a few robots, then a Homing Attack on another one and finished up the last machine with a Stomp Attack.

"Wow!" Classic Sonic exclaimed. "Other me! That was way past cool!" He stated with sparkling eyes and excitement.

"I told you I had some cool tricks in store!" Modern Sonic replied with a proud smile.

"Impressive... really impressive..." Robotnik said with a smirk.

"I tend to leave a very good first impression," Modern Sonic stated with a smirk. "But I'm also good at kicking big bad guy's butts like yours, Eggman!"

"Yo, other me!" Classic Sonic called out, and Modern turned to face him. "Let's get out of here!" He stated, while opening a door and jumping out of it along Uncle Chuck.

Modern Sonic nodded before looking back at Robotnik. "You might not be the same Eggman I'm used to deal with, but I'm stopping you for sure!" He stated, before boosting out of the window as well.

"I'll be waiting for that moment, rodent," Robotnik smirked.

Modern Sonic entered to the green-flying vehicle, were Sally, Classic and Uncle Chuck were already waiting for him. Then, the doors of the vehicle closed, and they moved back to Uncle Chuck's old hideout.

Once they arrived there, Uncle Chuck walked towards his hideout, being followed by the Sonics, Sally and Bunnie.

"Uncle Chuck, you gotta come back to Knothole," Classic Sonic stated with a worried frown. "Your cover's blown!"

"Not to mention that you don't seem to know how to protect yourself," Modern Sonic added with concern as well.

"I anticipated that possibility," Uncle Chuck replied with a smile, while approaching to some junk and pressing a button, that opened a secret door to another hideout. "Welcome to my new home!"

The five of them entered the place, finding new stuff that could help Uncle Chuck discover Robotnik's plans to warn Sonic and the Freedom Fighters.

"I think it just needs a little redecorating," Modern Sonic pointed out.

"Totally!" Uncle Chuck agreed with a smirk.

"Cool, Unc, but... Robotnik knows your face!" Classic Sonic pointed out with concern.

"Yes, yes, I know," Uncle Chuck replied, as he opened another door that closed after he got through it. "Excuse me a moment."

"He's stubborn on a 10 like a mule!" Bunnie pointed out with concern.

"No way he's staying here!" Sally stated with a frown.

"Is he always this stubborn?" Modern Sonic asked Classic.

"Oh, you have no idea!" Classic Sonic replied with his arms crossed.

"Well: Like uncle, like nephew, they say!" Modern Sonic mocked up, pushing Classic in a playful way, causing Sally and Bunnie to laugh quietly.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Laugh it off," Classic Sonic said madly, crossing his arms again and stomping his foot on the ground.

Suddenly, the four of them heard something approaching, and the same door that Uncle Chuck opened before opened again, but instead of Uncle Chuck, a robot came out making beep sounds.

Everyone stood on defensive poses, but then Modern Sonic noticed something about this robot and stood normally, also smirking in a playful way.

"Intruders! Priority number one hedgehog!" 'The robot' said, followed by a maniac laugh.

However, the maniac laugh turned into a more normal one, and the head of the robot opened... just so Uncle Chuck could come out and laugh at the others sins Modern Sonic, who seemed to get way earlier that Uncle Chuck was the one behind the robot.

"You should have seen your faces!" Uncle Chuck said with a loud laugh.

Modern Sonic laughed along him and approached him. "That was a good one, Unc!" He said with a smirk, fist bumping with Uncle Chuck.

The others, however, seemed a bit ashamed that they fell for Uncle Chuck's joke. "Sugar Chuck, you scared your growth off me!" Bunnie exclaimed with a little smile.

"Gotta hand it to you, Unc!" Classic Sonic said with a little smile as well. "You nailed us big time. But I still want you back in Knothole."

"There's plenty for you to do there," Sally added with a smile.

However, Uncle Chuck shook his head in negation. "When Robotnik is defeated, we'll be together. Until then, I stay here!"

Modern Sonic could understand Uncle Chuck's need of staying around and feel helpful, but he also knew how Classic Sonic could feel if his cover was blown again and he got either captured or killed. That could probably lead to Classic blaming himself for his death for not being fast enough, just like Modern blamed himself for Longclaw's...

That's why he put on a determined expression and looked at Uncle Chuck.

"Uncle Chuck, don't do that," Modern Sonic said... in a sad tone. It was the first time that these people saw him sad, and it gave Classic a bad feeling for some reason.

"Don't do what?" Uncle Chuck asked confused.

"Don't tell your own nephew to leave you here and wait for this war to be over so you can be together," Modern Sonic replied, now frowning a bit. "What if... what if one of you doesn't make it? What then?"

Both Sally and Bunnie gasped in shock, while Classic Sonic panicked and Uncle Chuck felt regret.

"Spending time with your nephew, even if its during times like these, is something you might never be able to experience ever again if you stay here," Modern Sonic explained. "I tell you this by experience... I... I lost my mother figure years ago... on a village that was set on fire," He confessed, and everyone else gasped in shock by that. "I was too late... I wasn't fast enough to save her... and now, there isn't a day I don't wish to go back in time and tell her everything I didn't because of my fight with Robotnik," He pointed out with concern, remembering when Longclaw died and he found out a day after she was gone. "The battle against Eggman is important, true... but your family matters more. Appreciate your loved ones while you have them. You never know when could life take them away from you," He finished, before getting out of the hideout, while drying the few tears he let fall.

Once outside, he let out a heavy sigh and then deep breathed to calm himself down.

He didn't liked to remember when Longclaw died, but... he wouldn't let anyone else live what he lived either. If he could make a family reunite just to avoid a similar tragedy than his, then he gladly will.

Soon enough, the door of the hideout opened again, and Sonic turned to see Sally, Bunnie and Classic Sonic getting out of the new hideout... along with Uncle Chuck.

Uncle Chuck approached Modern Sonic with a soft smile. "You're right, son. Staying here may give us an advantage over Robotnik, but my family matters a lot more. I'm going back to Knothole. We'll find another way to spy on Robotnik. Right now?" He said, before turning to face Classic Sonic. "I want to spent time with my family," He stated, now hugging Classic Sonic with joy, while Classic hugged him back.

Modern Sonic smiled at the sight, glad that Uncle Chuck made the right choice.

Robotnik was looking replays of Modern Sonic's fighting style on his monitor.

He was fascinated, not only with how faster the other Sonic moved, but also on how more skilled he seemed to be. He could be a perfect addition to Robotnik's army, or that's what the doctor himself was thinking with a sinister grin.

"This Hedgehog... I don't know where he comes from, but I know for sure that I can use his power to my convenience," Robotnik stated with an evil smile. "A few modifications should be enough to make sure that rodent gets under my control permanently!"

"Excuse me, sir," Snively called out. "But how is this new Sonic vital for your victory against the other Hedgehog, if I may ask?"

"You'll see, Snively, the best way you can fight fire is with fire," Robotnik explained. "Creating a robotic Sonic with his speed could be a genius idea for sure, but with how experienced this new Sonic seems to be, I wouldn't be surprised if he already faced something similar. That's why we must carefully plan how to make him fall for our trap."

"May I suggest using the..." Snively started, before looking around and approaching to Robotnik's ear with an evil smirk. "Silver Decoy Hedgehog?"

Robotnik smirked sinisterly after hearing that. "Snively, you truly are an evil genius when you put some effort," He said just a little, little, very, very little proud of Snively. "Prepare the Silver Decoy Hedgehog. We must make sure that this new Sonic gets under my control!"

"Right away, Sir!" Snively replied, before moving away to work.

Robotnik looked back at the monitor with the images of Modern Sonic destroying his machines, and smirked sinisterly by just imagining everything he could do with his powers. "Soon you'll be mine, little hedgehog," He stated, before laughing maniacally.

Back in Knothole, Modern Sonic was sitting on the edge of a ceiling, looking at the night sky with a nostalgic look.

Thinking about it, he was so focused on finding out more about this place and even give a hand to his other self and company, that he almost forgot about his friends back home.

How were they? Did the Prism affected them as well? Did Eggman stole the Prism? Were Tails or Pipp hurt?

Thousands of questions invaded his mind, and now he was panicking a bit. However, thinking about Pipp also helped him realize that, so he took several deep breaths to calm his nerves down, and it worked out, because any sign of a sudden panic attack disappeared.

He was worried about his friends, specially Tails and Pipp... but he knew them. If anything, they probably discovered already that the Prism is broken, and that they need to bring him back. With some luck, Tails will control himself this time and find a solution with a cold mind.

Soon enough, a shadow appeared behind him, but he didn't had to turn around to know who they were because he smirked.

"If you just wanted to make me company, you should have told me before, Sal," Sonic said, while he turned to see Sally, looking at him with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry... but your other self told me you'll be here," Sally replied, approaching and sitting at his side. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Eh, it's fine," Sonic replied with a shrug. "I'm just worried about my friends back home... and my girlfriend, too..."

"Oh... I see..." Sally said, before smiling a little at him. "Well, if you wanna go back, we could find the way right away so you don't have to stay anymore."

"I will love to... but this world's Eggman could follow me up if we don't find a way to stop him," Sonic pointed out with a frown. "As much as I want to go back, we need to stop Eggman first. Just then, I can leave knowing that there's at least one world free of him."

"You seem to be willing to help anyone in need," Sally pointed out with a smile.

Sonic's smirk grew, and he decided to stand up. "It's what I do. Just keep moving, doing good, saving folks, and living as free as the wind. Living by my way, my own way."

Sally sighed at the sight of this new Sonic. She could tell he was handsome, and the fact that he seemed a lot more mature than her Sonic was also a great detail.

However, she shook her head to pull those thoughts away and remembered than she already had her Sonic, and that this other one already had a girlfriend as well. If anything, having those thoughts was very, very wrong in the first place.

"Does that... includes helping people you're not in good terms with?" Sally asked to change the subject.

Sonic looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Will you help someone who's not in very good terms with you? Someone... like the me of your reality?" Sally asked a bit concerned.

Sonic cringed at the sound of that and scratched his head nervously, also chuckling awkwardly and then sitting down again. "Yeah... even people that states they don't need my help specifically."

Sally smiled a bit, but her smile faded away once she thought on her next question.

"If I may ask... what happened between you and I on your universe?" Sally asked. "I guess it's something you don't like to talk about, but... maybe saying it out loud could make you feel better."

Sonic growled a bit, but then sighed in defeat. "No, I don't like to talk about this at all, but... I have to give you reason on it helping me to take it out of my system. We met when Eggman attacked her kingdom once, like 12 years ago, more or less. After that, we kept contact for a while, we hang out, we fell in love like a pair of teenagers... and then my mother figure died..."

Sally gasped after hearing that, even covering her mouth in worry.

"I was so mad, so desperate, so... lost... I stopped being myself for a while," Sonic kept explaining. "I punched Eggman a few times, harder than I would like to admit; Tails and I stopped talking for at least 4 months; I ignored everyone who offered help... and then you approached to me. You were only trying to help, like everyone... but I had no common sense at the moment and... I snapped at you."

"I'm gonna guess everything after that just went down hill..." Sally said with a sad tone.

"Nah... it was even worse..." Sonic remarked. "We just shouted at each other with no reason, and... we split our ways. I tried to look after her after I got proper therapy to help control my depression... but she always snapped at me like if I killed her best friend or something," He said with a little smile, and Sally did chuckled at the joke, but Sonic's smile disappeared. "She never gave me a chance to amend my mistake, so... We never saw each other again."

"So that's why you mentioned that you never expected our first encounter to be the way it turned out to be..." Sally said, rubbing her chin.

"Yeah... I never got the chance to tell her I liked her, either... That feeling disappeared, but my regret just grows every day..." Sonic confessed with shame. "I just wish I could go back in time and fix that stupid mistake with her."

"You might not be able to go back, but... maybe, if you ever have the chance to talk with her again, you could try to amend things for good," Sally told him with a smile. "I know I'm not her, and that we didn't lived the same lives, but... If I were on her place, I would totally accept you apology, no matter how badly you screwed things."

Sonic unconsciously smiled and looked at her. "I kinda forgot that you are a great listener, even if you don't understand the situation sometimes."

"Well, my 'listener' abilities can only compare to you super speed, Hedgehog!" Sally stated with a mocking smirk.

Sonic couldn't help but burst laughing at that joke, and soon enough, Sally joined him.

Yeah, she wasn't the same Sally he screwed things with, but if this Sally, from a total different universe with a total different life, was willing to forgive him on something he never did to her in the first place, then maybe there was a chance that the Sally from his universe could do the same.

If he ever gets the chance to fix things up, he would gladly take it. And this time, he'll make sure to not screw things up again.

Author's Note:

Guys, this is a Multiverse story. Which means that any Sonic or MLP world can make an appearance.

You're free to guess which universe Sonic's going next, although he'll be staying on the Sonic SatAM universe for another episode before traveling to the next world.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed! See you later!