• Published 19th Dec 2022
  • 3,947 Views, 7 Comments

The Loaded Question - RunicTreetops

It's time. You're finally ready to pop the question to Celestia. The question is... what is the best way to do that when your spouse-to-be is the ruler of a nation?

  • ...

The Loaded Question

Author's Note:

Hello! This story is a part of the "Royal-Tea" series and a sequel to "A Waking Nightmare Night," though knowledge of the rest of the series is not needed to enjoy it.
This story takes place shortly after the end of season 7 of Friendship is Magic and before My Little Pony: The Movie. As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

The Loaded Question

You close your eyes as you stretch your arms above your head, relishing in the feeling of your joints popping. A deep yawn escapes you as you bend your back, forcing you to realize how dry your mouth is. You give your eyes a brief rub before opening them and observing your surroundings. The morning sun is peeking through your window, the light of which woke you from your peaceful slumber. You can hear some birds chirping in a nearby tree outside, filling your otherwise silent bedroom with the unmistakable atmosphere of an early morning. A few years ago you would have never considered yourself a morning person, but that has long since changed after coming to Equestria.

Oh, Equestria. The land had once been a source of conflicting feelings for you, but you have since embraced your place here. For the longest time, you lived with your best friends, Twilight Sparkle and her dragon assistant Spike, in the Golden Oak Library. You weren't a big fan of all the hubbub after Twilight became an alicorn princess, but you were happy for her (and you didn't dare complain after she had the compassion to house you). You then had to move to her fancy new castle after the library was destroyed by Tirek. You weren't unhappy so to speak, but a castle is a bit outside of your comfort zone. During all of that, you worked at Quills and Sofas making a decent wage. That whole time, you had wondered what your role really was in this world.

Socially, you've been doing quite well. These ponies are shockingly kind compared to the usual attitudes of your original home, and it makes life in general a much more pleasant experience. Alongside Twilight and Spike, you had made friends with the rest of the "Elements of Harmony" and you were acquainted with pretty much everypony in Ponyville. But you can't attribute all of your happiness to your friends. In fact, your greatest source of happiness and purpose in this world takes the form of the most important creature in Equestria.

Princess Celestia. Alicorn princess. Ruler of a nation. Mover of the sun. Lover of sweets. And, shockingly, your significant other. The two of you have been through a lot by now. What started as a series of formal meetings about your homeland eventually turned into a beautiful relationship between two vastly different creatures. There were many, many detractors. Tia does her best to shut them down, but you know there will always be some dissent. You don't really care. You have no interest in power or royalty, anyway. You just... love her. That's really all there is to it. And what is there not to love? She was the first creature to show you kindness and mercy in this alien world. She shoulders the burdens of thousands of ponies, and she works herself to the bone trying to keep up with her duties as princess. Yet, she has never complained. It brings you great joy to be a source of comfort to her, something that you know she lacked. On top of all of that, she simply makes you happy.

Thinking about her makes you smile to yourself. You've been preparing for today. While the story that led up to this point is fine, you've been making some drastic changes these past few weeks. You finally decided that you want to be able to stand on your own two feet in this new home of yours. With this conclusion came two major decisions. First, you moved out of Twilight's castle. You can't just mooch off of her forever, after all. You purchased a home near the quiet outskirts of Ponyville, not too far from Sweet Apple Acres. You really like it. It is two stories tall. On the first floor you have a sizeable living room, a kitchen, a dining room, and a bathroom. On the second floor you have two bedrooms, another bathroom, and a small study. In standard Ponyville fashion, the whole house has a very "rustic" feel to it. The floorboards gently creak when you walk and the house is constantly filled with a gentle scent of oak wood. You did need to have some work done to make the house more easily accessible to your human form. Taller doorways and countertops, that sort of thing. The second major decision was your occupation. Just a short walk from your house, you had built a small business. A light green roof was draped over the small wooden building. A few windows adorned the front of the it, but aside from the small front door, the only other noticeable thing on the outside is a small sign depicting a unicorn mare (which may or may not be modeled after Tia) with her eyes closed as she sips from a teacup, steam gently rising from the fine china and curving delicately around her long horn before dissipating entirely. Underneath reads "The Royal-Tea Shop." Yup. You successfully opened a small restaurant centered around tea. Open six days a week in a particularly quiet part of town, this idea had been festering in your mind for a while. It wasn't the most popular place in town, but then again, it isn't really supposed to be. You have your regulars, and occasionally somepony or another will pop in as well. You provide a relaxing, quiet atmosphere for your patrons as you serve tea just like the tea that you and Tia share at Canterlot Castle. It doesn't rake in a whole lot of money, but with how healthy the Equestrian economy is, you still make more than enough to support both the shop and yourself. It's a quiet life, and it pays the bills. You wouldn't have it any other way.

Well, maybe you would change one little thing. You finally roll out of bed and saunter over to a nearby vanity. You lazily fix your bedhead and open a small drawer, revealing your recent purchase. You pick up the small box, deep blue in color. You smile to yourself once more as you open the box. Within a velvet interior rests a beautiful diamond ring. You... aren't that knowledgeable about jewelry, you will admit. But, you ARE friends with local gem experts Spike and Rarity, who were more than happy to help you pick out this ring. Apparently, in Equestria, ponies wear rings around their horn if they have one. Luckily for you, the pony you plan to give this ring to does, in fact, have a horn. Figuring out the right size was a bit of a hassle given how unconventionally large her horn is, but luckily she sleeps pretty soundly at night, giving you ample opportunity to take your own measurements.

This ring is, of course, an engagement ring, and the recipient will be Princess Celestia.

Not too long ago, Twilight and her friends, along with Starlight Glimmer (who, by the by, you get along with swimmingly), freed Star Swirl the Bearded and the other Pillars of Equestria from Limbo, defeating the Pony of Shadows in the process. Boy, was Tia excited to see her mentor again. Anything that can make her smile like that is a good thing, as far as you're concerned. That said, a few days following your friends' victory, Tia shared a secret with you. You remember that day extremely clearly.

The sun had just set, and you were sitting at the foot of Tia's bed as she got comfortable for the evening. She slowly took off her regalia as the two of you conversed about how your days went. She looked at you through the reflection in her vanity, her beautiful, kind smile showing through her fatigue. She slowly closed her eyes and puffed out her wings while stretching her back before turning to face you again, her wings still extended. You chuckled to yourself, knowing exactly what she wanted. You scooted over as she took a seat next to you, facing away from you once more. You got to work massaging and preening her wings for her, a skill that took many months to master. For as kind and patient as she is, Tia is surprisingly demanding when it comes to stuff such as this. As you went, she occasionally let out a small squeak or coo, but otherwise the two of you sat in a comfortable silence. That is, until she hit you with a curveball.

"What do you think about Twilight's skills as a princess?"

"Hm? Well, I think she's doing a wonderful job. She has tackled every friendship problem that has come her way and solved them with flying colors. She lives up to all of her duties and expectations, even when it really, really stresses her out. Kind of like somepony else I know." She lets out a joking scoff.

"Har dee har. Though, I do not disagree. She has been doing an excellent job at filling the role that was... placed upon her."

"You know, Tia, you're using that voice when there's something on your mind."

"I suppose I should be happy that you know me so well, love. Yes, there is a matter that I have been... deliberating. I have consulted Luna about it as well, though we are hesitant to act upon it."

"The way you're dancing around mentioning what 'it' is makes me think this is one of those matters you can't, or won't, tell me about. Should I stop asking questions?" You find a knot near the base of her right wing and being to massage it out, eliciting a satisfied sound from her.

"Well, if I am to tell you, you are sworn to secrecy about this, okay? We likely will not act on it for quite a while, if at all. It is merely a consideration."

"Wouldn't be the first secret you've entrusted me with. If you're comfortable telling me, I promise I will not tell a soul."

"Very well. Luna and I are... considering going into retirement."

You feel yourself tense up for a brief moment before catching yourself and resuming your work. You were expecting a matter of political unrest, or suspicions about some villain possibly coming to power. Somehow, the truth was even more unexpected.

"Uh... wow, Tia. I mean, you definitely deserve it. But, how do you plan to go about that?"

"We're still working on that part. The crux of the matter is Twilight. We believe that she has proven herself more than capable of taking up the mantle, but we don't think we want to thrust this upon her just yet. At the very least, WE need time to prepare, let alone giving her the same courtesy."

"What about the sun and the moon?"

"Twilight's alicorn magic will grow in time to the point where she will be capable of doing that herself. Until then, Luna and I can simply lend her some of our magic, probably through the use of an enchanted device."

"Wowza. That will certainly be a change of pace! Not just for the two of you, but for most of Equestria, I reckon. There hasn't been a shift in power like this in thousands of moons. Which, now that I think about it, makes me realize just how overdue this retirement is." You began to slow down, as you had just about finished with her wings.

"Yes, there is much that I wish to do! A not-so-small part of me feels that this is selfish, but... Luna and I have spent a very long time trying to keep Equestria safe for every creature that inhabits it, yet we haven't had a chance to enjoy it." Noticing that you stopped, she turned to face you once more. She let out a cute laugh before continuing. "That realization came in no small part thanks to you, by the way."


"Yes, you, my little human. For as long as I can remember, Luna has been my only family. I love her to death, and for the longest time, I was okay so long as I had her. That is a part of why her banishment was so difficult for me to come to terms with." You made sure to pay close attention to her facial features. Luna's banishment is a touchy subject, even after that fateful Nightmare Night some time ago. "Then you came along."

You give her a cocky smile. "And I messed everything up, huh?"

She playfully gave your chest a light punch before leaning into you. You wrapped your arms around her soft, albeit sturdy form. She felt fluffier than usual that day as you embraced her.

"That's one way to put it, I suppose. Falling in love was... foreign to me. Yet here I am, completely smitten."

"Aww, lil ol' me did all that to the Princess of the Sun? I'm honored."

"Quiet, you." You heard the faint hum of magic as she cast a spell to lightly smack you in the back of the head. Heh, you probably deserved that.

"So, you're going into retirement for me?"

"Don't get me wrong, there is much that I wish to do that has nothing to do with you. Though I can't say I would object to having you join me on a paragliding adventure or two."

"P-paragliding?" You will admit, you've been a bit adverse to heights after falling into Maretime Bay at terminal velocity.

"I know, I know, you prefer the quiet life. I wouldn't have you any other way." She snuggles closer into your embrace, and you gently stroke the fur around her neck. "But you aren't going to be around forever."

"Excuse me? I'm not going anywhere, dearest. Even if we did miraculously find a way to send me back to my original world, I would choose to stay here."

"Aww, lil ol' me did that to Equestria's resident alien? I'm honored." You can't even be mad at that one. "But that's not what I'm talking about. I am an alicorn. You know this. I've been around for thousands of moons... and I will likely be around for thousands more." You can't say you've never thought about this. One day, you will grow old and leave this mortal coil. When you do, Celestia will once again be alone. Not counting her sister, at least.

"I'm... I'm sorry."

"And what, pray tell, are you apologizing for? Your mortality?" You caught yourself tightening your grip around her.

"I don't want to leave you alone again."

"I know you don't, darling. That's why I want to retire. If I'm only going to have you for so long... I want to enjoy every minute. I want to spend as much time with you as possible." She wiped away a tear forming in her eye with magic. "Sorry if that's selfish of me."

"Only if it's selfish of me to want the same of you. I could think of no better way to spend my days than with you."

She looks up at you with misty eyes, and you give her the best smile you can muster. She returns it before you both close the gap between you, kissing each other for a long, tender moment.

Alright, that's enough reminiscing. You need to get ready for today. If you really want to stand by Tia's side going forward, you're going to need to show your unwavering commitment to her. It's time to marry her. Or, at least, propose to her. No use jumping the gun just yet.

Admittedly, you're extremely nervous. Do you think she'll say yes? Absolutely. She wants to retire to spend more time with you for goodness' sake. But, that doesn't mean you can't be anxious about the proposal anyway. For one thing, you certainly weren't planning on getting married any time soon when you were back in your original world, so you never really looked into proposals on the human side of things (and you can't exactly do that now, either). On the pony side of things, there are two problems. Firstly, none of your friends have gotten married. The closest you can get is Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, though you aren't exactly "close" with either of them. On top of that, the circumstances regarding their engagement were extremely formal due to both of their statuses. While that might apply to Tia, it certainly doesn't for you. The second problem is much more obvious. You... are not a pony. Once upon a time this fact caused you a great deal of stress, but you've come to love yourself for who you are during your time in this new home of yours. That said, you are not acquainted with all of Equestria's customs, and many of them simply aren't made for humans.

Ultimately you've decided to keep it simple. For the proposal itself, you're going to get on one knee and present the ring while popping the question. Easy. The question is, where and when is the best time to try?

Luckily for you, you have a lot of great friends willing to help you. Rarity in particular was very keen on helping you plan out your proposal method. On top of generally being quite the romantic, she is also well-informed on high society in Equestria. And it doesn't get much higher than the ruler of the nation. So, what did you come up with?

A plan that you do not feel confident about, that's for sure. Either way, you need to start getting ready. Gotta look your best, right?

You nervously tug at your collar as you look around. Tia just finished lowering the sun, so the area was beginning to grow darker and a bit colder. You were standing near the edge of the Canterlot Castle's garden, right where you asked Tia to meet you after finishing her duties for the day. Her schedule was one of the most defining parts of your plan. She doesn't get days off, so you would have to work around whatever her daily duties are. Unless it's a holiday (during which she still has tons to do, just in a different manner), her schedule is predictable. Predictably busy. On top of that, her meals are worked into her schedule, and other than breakfast are more often than not shared with dignitaries or while traveling. So, at the very least, figuring out a time was easy: right at dusk.

Of course, dusk isn't a bad thing in Equestria. Luna can be thanked for that. In fact, you find the nights very pretty, especially with the comparably little light pollution this entire world seems to enjoy. Granted, you're a bit too anxious to focus on the night sky tonight, but you digress. Tia is likely in no particular hurry. As far as you are aware she is oblivious to your intentions, though the fact that you asked to meet at the garden is undoubtedly suspicious. You check yourself for probably the thirtieth time today. As per usual, Rarity outdid herself with your ensemble. You look stunning. Seeing as it is technically a public place, Tia will as well. Of course, she's always beautiful to you, but she also has to look her best at pretty much all times when in the public eye.

You let out a nervous sigh before feeling something hit your foot. Looking down, it seems that the lovely box containing the engagement ring has fallen out of your pocket. You quickly look up and around you.

...Okay, you don't see her. Let's just grab that and-


Oh no.

As you grasp onto the box, you hear a very distinct tearing noise. You also feel a bit of a draft on your right side. Gingerly placing the box back into your pocket, you slowly force yourself to look down.

Lo and behold, a tear in your outfit. A huge one, starting at your sleeve and going halfway to your thigh. Oh, well. It's not that bad.

Who are you kidding it's really really bad. It's now the most noticeable part of the outfit. Can you maybe cover it up or-

"Ah, there you are!"


"T-Tia! Just the mare I wanted to see!"

You give her a nervous smile as she approaches. As expected, she looks wonderful. In fact, she looks kind of dressed up. While her regalia is a staple, she doesn't typically wear dresses in public unless for an event. As far as you know she didn't have one today, right? Well, even without the tear, she would easily steal the show if anypony else were watching. Thankfully, a Royal Guard friend of yours owed you a solid and you were able to ensure that the two of you had the garden to yourselves. Hopefully she doesn't notice the tear, because either way it's time for phase two of your plan.

"Uh, here, Tia! I got these for you."

You held out a bouquet of topol petunias. What are topol petunias? You have no clue, but Twilight insisted that they are both rare and beautiful. She was correct on both accounts, as they look incredible and also cost you a small fortune and a trip to Manehattan to acquire. As far as you know, for as many types of flora there are in the royal garden, these flowers are nowhere to be found, but can still grow in this environment.

"Goodness, I've never seen flowers such as these! You didn't have to get me anything. Or... is there something special today that I am forgetting about?" She gives you a worried look as her horn gently glows, signalling that she has taken a hold of the flowers with telekinesis. You give her a reassuring smile.

"No, you didn't forget anything. I just... wanted to get you something nice. It's hard to find something you haven't seen before, you know? You've been around the block more than a few times."

"Oh? Are you calling your lovely date old?" She raises one eyebrow as a teasing smile creeps upon her face. "But really, I do appreci... I appreciate... I-ah... ahhh..." She begins inhaling rapidly before sneezing uncharacteristically violently. That's concerning. Getting a better look at her, her eyes are starting to grow pink and puffy as well.

"Shoot! Sorry, Tia, I think you might be allergic to those!" You take the bouquet from her and take a few steps back. "I'm so, so sorry!"

Celestia giggles before conjuring a handkerchief out of seemingly nowhere and blowing her nose. "There is no way you could have known. Fret not, my little human." You can hear the stuffiness in her voice. "Let's find a suitable place in the garden for those, shall we? Just because I am allergic does not mean other ponies cannot enjoy them."

Bingo! You were actually going to suggest looking for a place to put them in the garden yourself. Even if phase one or two didn't go as planned, things can only get better! Phase three of the plan is a go! In truth, you already know the perfect place for them. No need to tell her that, though.

The two of you leisurely walk through the garden as Celestia's allergic response slowly wears off. You do your best to keep her on your left as much as possible. All in all, other than your nerves being shot, it is a quiet yet pleasant saunter. Tia points out several spots that the flowers could go, though you continue to insist that you check the rest of the garden before deciding on a spot. Eventually, the two of you make your way to the very center of the garden. The landscaping here is exquisite, with three short steps leading to a circular marble platform. Said platform is surrounded on all sides, other than the steps, with a bed of flowers, expertly arranged with many colors to create nothing short of a work of art. Beyond the bed, the majority of the garden is visible from here, giving those present the best view that the royal garden can provide. The two of you take a deep breath and simply enjoy the moment before Tia breaks the silence.

"H-how about here?" She points to a patch of flowers in the bed just a couple of feet away from the platform. That's... odd. She stuttered. Tia is definitely not the nervous type. In fact, with her position, it is almost inconceivable that even if she were nervous, she wouldn't be able to hide that fact when speaking. Shouldn't YOU be the anxious one here?

Whatever the case may be, you expected her to point out that spot. Whether she is aware of it or not, the petunias complete the intricate yet methodical color distribution of the flower bed. That may or may not be because you asked the groundskeeper to remove the flowers that were there previously and were a perfect color match for the petunias that you gave Tia.

"Yes, I think that spot is perfect, too." You reach into the bed of flowers to plant the petunias in their new home, but right as you get them into the soil, you feel a twinge in your right arm. You wince and instinctively retract it, only causing further pain. Once your arm is out of the bed of flowers, you examine the damage. You managed to get your entire arm cut up by some roses placed inconveniently between yourself and the spot you had picked out. Tia, of course, noticed this, and moved to your side to look at your arm.

"Goodness, are you okay? You're bleeding a fair amount."

"Me? N-no, I'm totally fine!" That was extremely unconvincing. In truth you really do feel fine, but you're sure as heck embarrassed about it. There is a moment of silence before Tia begins to giggle.

"Hmhm. In case I failed to mention it earlier, you do look rather nice tonight. Though, I can't say the tear is doing you any favors." Her concern over your arm directed her attention straight to the massive wardrobe malfunction you've been dealing with. Lucky you.

"You look incredible too, Tia. I, uh, was hoping you wouldn't notice this."

"Do try not to worry about it. I won't tell a soul, so long as you promise to do the same for me." She gives you a playful wink.

"The same for- what are you talking about?"

Tia brushes a part of her long, flowing mane back, revealing a tear in her dress right below her neck that she was managing to conceal with said mane. You look at the tear for a moment before slowly lifting your gaze back up to her. She looks as though she's holding back laughter. In truth, you are too. She lets go of her mane, and at the same time you give your cut-covered arm a well deserved break and stop trying to hide the tear in your outfit. The two of you begin to laugh, lightly at first, but slowly devolving into a full-blown laughing fit.

Eventually, though, the two of you begin to settle down, leaving you in a peaceful silence once more. The quiet gives you time to remember what you're here for, and you begin to feel the anxiety starting to build once again. As you realize this, you notice the moon rising even higher above your heads. It starts to give off a beautiful glow, bright enough that you both notice. It bathes the two of you, as well as the garden around you, in beautiful moonlight. Just like the rest of the evening, this was planned. You had gotten a favor from Luna, one that she happily obliged. This is your cue to begin phase four, the final part of your plan. With the two of you conveniently centered on the platform, there is only one thing left to do. You turn to face Tia once again. She looks like she has something she wants to say, but you can't stand to wait any longer. You open your mouth to speak, finding it very dry as you try to do so.

"Uh, um, Tia? There's... there's something really important I would like to ask you." She looks both surprised and relieved at hearing you say that, and you find yourself caught by her beautiful magenta eyes.

"Oh, um, yes, I believe there is something I would like to ask you, as well." Oh goodness, hopefully whatever it is she wants to ask won't kill the vibe you've been trying to build here.

"Well, uh, if it's all the same, I would like to ask my question first." Tia hesitates for a moment before simply giving you a nod. You gulp and let out a deep breath before continuing. "As, um, as I'm sure you're well aware, you've been a major part of my life since I came to Equestria. Possibly the biggest part of my life." She looks at you with what is not quite a frown, but also not exactly a confused expression either. "And... and I've loved every moment of that. I love being around you. I love hearing what you think, I love the way you present yourself to others, and I love the way you treat me like I'm something special. I love the way you care about Equestria, and I love the way you... the way you..." You had an entire speech planned out, but the words are escaping you. You clear your throat and try to speak again, but you are drawing a blank. "...W-what I'm trying to say is... I love you. I love everything about you, and I want to keep loving you for as long as I live." Her expression softens, and you see an embarrassed smile begin to creep across her face, partnered with a flush in her cheeks. "And, because of that, I wanted to ask you..." It's now or never. You get down on one knee and pull the box out of your pocket. Ordinarily it would be an impressive sight, if not for the fact that it is still caked in dirt from when you dropped it. But you can't worry about that right now. You open the box, revealing the ring. In the moonlight, the ring seems to give off a brilliant shimmer. Tia's jaw begins to drop, though no sound escapes her lips. "Celestia, will you marry me?"




The silence is deafening. You had believed that she would accept without a second thought, but her lack of response makes your entire body go numb. You suddenly feel very cold. Very scared. Very foolish.




"He... hehe..." You snap back into the moment. In front of you is Celestia, her eyes filled with tears, and a gentle smile on her face. She is... laughing? "Haaaaahahahahaha!" Is she laughing at you?! Your own eyes grow wide as you try to process what exactly is happening. She wipes a tear from her face before looking at you once more while attempting to catch her breath. "I... sorry about that, it's just... you beat me to it!"

"I... wha?" Her horn begins to glow as you see her pull her mane back once more. A pocket that you had failed to notice not far from the tear in her dress seemed to open, and from it she produced a small, velvet-red box. Presenting it to you, right next to the box that you were still holding, she pops it open, revealing an equally impressive ring.

"I will accept your proposal, so long as you accept mine?" Finally, you allow yourself to smile, just as she is. It seems she had been anxious tonight too, and for the exact same reason. You stand up, box still in hand, and the two of you embrace. You wrap your arms around her neck and lower back while she wraps a foreleg around your chest and envelops you in her large, fluffy wings. The two of you begin to laugh, filling the otherwise silent garden with the sound of pure, unadulterated joy and love.

"Yes, of course I'll marry you!"

The ring you picked out fit her horn perfectly, and the ring she had gotten you fit on your ring finger just as perfectly. You aren't exactly sure what to do now. Despite the many unexpected occurrences, the wardrobe malfunctions, the dirty box, the allergies, and the thorns, your plan worked. That said, it only went up to you popping the question, and now that she (and you) said yes... what now?

Well, it doesn't matter. Nothing can compare the happiness that you feel in this moment. You lean into Celestia once more, and she seems to have the same idea. The two of you share a long, love-filled kiss in the moonlit garden. You've kissed before, but this feels different. It feels... official. It feels right. And it feels like it will be only the first of many like it.

After all, you have the rest of your lives to give each other more.

Comments ( 7 )

Congrats on story of proposal, can't wait for the rest.

So she's going to live forever despite retiring? Boo.

Finally, the moment we've been waiting for

??? Celeastea can't live forever be us she Luna cadence and twilight are not in the future because of G5 thay are Legends only with other's

Pleas say thear well be more to this story Maby a family I can see it Sunny Starscout is thear grate 2 many grate grand child u know the magic wings and horn

This whole series has been a fun read and I’m glad to have stumbled upon it, I hope to see more to this series as it’s a wonderful read through and through. Keep up the awesome work mate and hopefully I’ll see more of your stories and the continuation of this lovely series, thanks for an awesome read so far!

Man, so cute and adorable and exactly what I should’ve expected from a Runic story! Yet I’m still here gushing like a schoolgirl! I loved this story, definitely my favorite entry so far, simply because of the love and affection these two have for each other!:twilightsmile::twilightblush:

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