• Member Since 17th Jun, 2017
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The Red Parade

Cars are still parked outside. If the rapture had happened, why was it unrecognizable? Why was the sky blue? Why did no one tell me? Do these things not announce themselves?


Every winter, Nurse Redheart leaves behind the sterile rooms of Ponyville General to join in a celebrated tradition: dogsled racing to the Northernmost-point of Equestria. Forming the infamous team Redjacks with her girlfriend Roseluck,  Redheart aims to settle the score with rival Lone Raider in this year’s contest: the catch is that with one sick dog, she’ll have to settle for an untrained, unproven replacement. 

A fic exchange gift for Azure Notion as a part of the Enchanted Library server's secret Santa! Cover art by Snow Quill!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

This was a great little story. I like how you characterized Redheart here, she felt unique from how I've usually seen her. A bit cynical and bitter, but you can kinda understand if you've ever had competition go to your head.

Roseheart is an adorable and creative ship, too.

Top marks, this was a great read!

Wait.....is this based on "Balto?"


Yes and no. The story's clearly based on the real-life Iditarod dog sled race, which in turn is a commemoration of the epic dog sled relay to deliver desperately needed diphtheria serum to Nome, Alaska. Balto was the last lead dog in the relay, but had one of the shortest and easiest runs of any of the dog teams; the outstanding dog in the relay sequence was Togo, whose team ran 260 miles of the 674 mile relay and was originally planned to single-handedly double-run the entire delivery.

(The change from a single team run to a relay was a last-second change which was made after musher Seppala had already set out from Nome 'backwards' to Nenana, because the Alaskan authorities didn't believe he could pull it off solo. This nearly caused the entire thing to end in catastrophe, as there was no way to inform Seppala of the change and the outgoing dog team had to intercept him en route to hand off the serum.)

Nice! I'll give it a read! :yay:

Lessons were learned, friendships made, and relationships strengthened. Hopefully Redheart will have learned to apply her beside manners to more than just her patients!

The read was quite the rollercoaster. Thank you very much for the story! :heart: :twilightsmile:

This was a fun story, and great to see a different view of Nurse Redheart. Teaming her up with Roseluck and Winona and putting her in a dog sled race certainly isn't anything I would have imagined. Glad to see she learned to appreciate dogs in the end.

Come to find out Daring was the Rider all along
It all makes sense now why Red hated that it was Daring week at Rose's book club.
A good read


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