• Published 30th Dec 2022
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Changing Our Destinies - silent_user

Twilight managed to see glimpses of her future during her entrance exam. But instead of becoming Celestia’s protege, she steps off the path laid out for her and chooses to take matters into her own hooves. After all, Celestia won’t mind, right?

  • ...

Chapter 19 - Welcome to the Future

Why am I doing this?

I could lose everything!

My home, my bits, my fame, my authority, my wings, even my life!

Not to mention that those I love will be in danger as well!

For her safety, she hadn't told Applejack about her plan, but would that be enough if the princess ever found out?

Stupid consciousness! I have been part of the bad side for years, yet you stayed silent! So, why raise your ugly head now?

Why have this dream?

It was a dream, right?

She made her way past the guards.

They will hurt you again.

Just like they did last time.

Twilight could protect you…

That is, if she was actually in a position and willing to do so.

Surely her breaking the alicorn's heart would mean that she wouldn’t step in.

Right? I mean, it's not like I wanted to break it…

Then again, she should be over it by now. It’s not like she couldn’t get any pony she wanted.

If necessary, by force…

She wasn’t supposed to think like that.

She wasn’t supposed to be here.

They are kind…

They are benevolent…

They are still in charge. Twilight is just a puppet…

You need to stop…

“Why are you here, Rainbow?" Twilight looked at her, annoyed.

Why am I here again?

Listen to your princess.


I need to tell her.

I need to tell her!

You can’t.

“I must!”

I need to get this out of my head. Then I will be able to live peacefully again.

“You must do what?” The sudden shout had startled the poor princess, causing her to spill a cup of coffee on her papers.

It only further brought down her mood.

“I need a favour from you,” Rainbow started while glancing at the guards stationed at the door.

Since when did you revert back to using solar and night guards instead of your own guard?

“A favour! After all this time, you came to visit just for a stupid favour!" Twilight was enraged, nearly slamming her hoof hard enough on the table to break it. “You couldn’t even pretend for five minutes to be here because you care about me! Do I mean so little to you! You…”

While the alicorn was still screaming with a mixture of pain and rage, Rainbow flashed her a small note. “They are listening!” was written on it.

“I wanted to see what would happen if the initiative didn’t come from me, and would you look at that! None of you bothered to visit me for months! Even after this farce for my student! Have you even thought about me once while I was gone!” Twilight slumped back in her chair again. “Ok, I put up an illusion spell around us. Nopony should be able to see through it. To them, it will look like we are still arguing."

So that anger outburst was fake?

No, wait…. I showed you that sheet after you started cussing me out.

“What are you doing here, Rainbow?” It was like the fit of anger had zapped all energy out of her.

Something is wrong.

More wrong than usual.

“Now Twilight, that’s no way to great a friend, especially not after such a long time.” Although, now that she thought about it, there were some truths in her friend's rant.

Twilight didn't acknowledge her words, simply waiting for her to get to the point.

After all, there was still no way that Rainbow wasn’t here to demand something.

Is it because of my rejection?

You really aren’t over it by now?

“So, what have you been up to?” Much to the alicorn's dismay, though, Rainbow wasn't about to reveal anything without having at least some small talk beforehoof.

“I am actually very busy right now," Twilight sighed before finally a smile appeared. “There is a big project I am working on.”

Big project? I didn’t hear of anything?

“What project?” Rainbow asked, her curiosity peeked.

But Twilight didn’t answer, only a knowing smile staring at her friend.

Is it related to the personnel changes you have made?

“You know, Twilight, the new ponies you hired seem pretty stupid. I liked the old ones better.” Rainbow tried to confirm her guess.

Again no response.

Only a knowing smile.

Ok… This is getting scary. What are you up to?

“Why are you here, Rainbow?” Twilight inquired once again instead. “You never come over.” The last part was too quiet for Rainbow to hear.

But the young princess had already made it more than clear that this was one of the reasons for her current mood.

Have we really separated so much that just me visiting is considered strange?

There was no use in trying to start any sort of friendly conversation. That much was clear by now. “Twilight, there is something you need to know….”

Could she actually do this?

This isn’t what I wanted to be. What I wanted to become.

I don't know if Twilight is in on it or not.

Heck, there is no way she isn’t in on it!

Still, she needed to make sure. “Twilight, do you know that the princess has been rewarding us for being bearers way before we have even met you?" Only they hadn't known that that was the reason at the time.

“She has! Since when!” Twilight shot out of her chair.

Oh, Twilight.

Poor naive Twilight.

Rainbow would have to go through with her plan now. It meant betraying the princess, but during her life, she had learned that loyalty wasn't always black and white. Sometimes loyalties would conflict, just like in this scenario and for the first time, she chose Twilight's well-being over the wishes of the princess.

But before she did, there was one genuine favour she needed from her friend after all. “Twilight, can you look into these pills for me?" She handed her a bottle, much to the alicorn's irritation. "I don’t want to get into too much detail, but they said I need to take them and… I am afraid they lied to me…

“That the pills might be nefarious.”

“They?” Twilight skimmed through the list of ingredients. “Who told you to take them?”

“I don’t want to tell you,” Rainbow blocked.

Immediately a hateful glare was directed at her. “Then why ask! Why ask if you don’t trust me!

“Why always ask for something yet never give anything in return!”

She is right.

She always is.

Rainbow didn't know how to respond.

And to her friend’s frustration, it didn’t matter.

It didn’t matter because Twilight would always say yes to her. “I will analyse them, Rainbow.”

"Thank you, Twilight.” One more reason why the purple alicorn deserved the truth. “Remember when you confessed to me? I wasn’t entirely forthright with you. There is another reason why I rejected you…” Rainbow shook her head. This was not why she rejected Twilight that day. “Twilight… I rejected you because I already had made my decision, but for a short time before I started dating AJ, I thought about asking you out.” She could see hope in the eyes of her friend.

Hope she would have to crush again.

Why am I doing this to you…

Why did I open this wound again…

Why do you think I would ever betray her like this?

Isn’t she your friend?

Would you hurt a friend like that?

“Twi… I asked her about it, and she made it quite clear that it wouldn't happen… so I moved on.” There really hadn't been a reason to ask.

She had already been told way before that to stay away from the at the time young unicorn when it came to love.

However, she had still wanted to at least try.

“That’s why I can never be with you, Twilight, even if we ignore AJ.” There it was.

Eyes that had lost all colour.

Crushed by another defeat.

Darting around, trying to figure out who she was talking about.

“Twilight, I… I already said too much, but you need to be careful out there, and you can’t trust anypony. Especially not us or anypony else with direct connections to her. The star that shines the brightest also tends to blind us.” She had done it.

She had done it, and she would never be able to undo it.

…was it worth it?

Fear grabbed her.

Fear caused her to fly.

Maybe if she flew fast enough through those corridors, maybe once she was in the sky again, her problems wouldn't catch up.

Maybe she could outfly and ignore them again, like always.

Twilight stared after her.

One thing was clear to the young princess.

She couldn't continue with her plan.

Not when there was something out there that she had completely missed.


How she wished she could enjoy this.

But she couldn’t.

Not when Twilight was beginning to have a panic attack.

“This is my dream, Twi,” she got her attention.

“A pony who is there for me.

“A pony who understands me.

“A chance to live somewhere where I can be myself.

“Where nopony knows me.

“We are free.

“We can do anything we want.” Why couldn’t Twilight see it when it was so obvious to her?


“No buts,” Rainbow interrupted. “We will go as far as we need to. They will never find us then.”


“Let them die. I don’t care what happens to them. Those we love are gone anyway.” It sounded crueller than she had intended.


But she stood by her point. “Had they wanted us to protect them, they shouldn’t have treated us…” Twilight wasn’t the one who got mistreated.

But we are one now, right?

“I understand D-”

“You don’t.” Was she really going to say this?

Would she say it knowing Twilight would take it dead serious.

No secrets.

Tell her what you want.

“This is my revenge.” She wouldn’t hurt them, yet she certainly wouldn’t help either.

And she would make sure that what should have been their loyal weapon wouldn’t as well.

“That’s what you want?” This didn’t sound like her fillyfriend.

But Rainbow couldn’t take it anymore. “I want to see them burn.”

What they had done to her was terrible.

What they would have done was unforgivable.

“Do you-”

“No. It will be enough to let them be on their own." Because they wouldn't be evil if they simply chose to let them be.

That was how it worked, was it?

“…” Twilight didn’t know how to respond.

I will help, though.

I will help if you want to help.

For you, I will help… only for you.

“Are you ok with this?” A simple question.

A simple question whose answer would determine everything.

“I… They… I don’t know-”

“Whatever you want, we can get it somewhere else!” Rainbow pleaded.

She would help, but she would also try to defend her current position.

“Dashie… those are a lot of ponies we are putting at risk here,” Twilight reasoned.

But… am I not more important than them?

“Also… those threats… eternal night, Discord, they will be a danger to us no matter where we are.” She needed to protect her new family from them.

Even if they might disagree with that notion.

Eternal night is real?

“At least those two we must make sure are defeated.” Because they weren’t alicorns.

With no sun, Rainbow and Spike would probably die.

As for Discord…

He was and always would be a wild card she didn't know how to handle.

“Very well.” Rainbow could compromise.

If Twilight said those two were necessary, then they were necessary.

“So… eternal night, Discord and no more?” This wasn't entirely what she wanted, but it still meant so much to her.

I really am that important to you…

More important than an entire country…

“Those two and no more because my rainbow angel demands it." Hopefully, she hadn't forgotten any other world-ending threat. “What she wants, I want.”

I will never forget that, Twi.

I will never forget that you traded Equestria for me.

What could she ever do to repay the alicorn for it?

What could she offer in return?

I am racking up so much debt…

Twilight didn’t seem to care. “Dashie… I will switch my priorities then. From now on, your immortality will be my number one concern.”

There was a little creature the purple filly seemed to forget. "What about Spike?”

Immediately Rainbow regretted voicing that thought.

It was only making her fillyfriend's life harder.

Twilight looked into the big eyes of the little baby dragon she was still holding in her hoofs. “I-I-I will look into whether or not he is already immortal.” Since Spike was connected to- “That’s it! What if I make you like him! Then you…" Her face fell again. "No. That wouldn’t work. I would probably have to resort to necromancy.” Ok. So, it would work, but it shouldn’t be her first option.


“Why necromancy?” Spike wasn’t the result of it, was he?

“I would have to kill you and extract your magical essence, your life force, connecting it to me. From then on, your life would depend on me, enabling you to feed off my magic,” Twilight began explaining. “Then I would need to make a new body for you, or and that's what most do since it is simpler, channel your essence back into your old one.

“Understand, though, that the moment my hold weakens, your life force will dissipate, and you will be gone for good since you can't produce the necessary magic to hold it in place anymore.” Concerningly the fact that she knew so much about it meant that her future self had probably looked into it.

“But can’t you revive me again?” The way Twilight had explained it, it seemed really straightforward.

“That’s a common misconception. Look at our horns and wings," Twilight gestured to them. "We live thanks to our magic. As weird as it sounds, magic is what makes us us. It kind of is like our soul. If I revived you after your magic was gone, it wouldn't be you anymore. It would be a mindless zombie… At best, it could be trained to behave like you, although I doubt it.

“I would probably create a new pony-like entity doing that." It would be Rainbow's body without all those things that made the blue filly Rainbow.

“Ok. We will keep that in mind for emergencies?” After all, it would give Twilight at least one chance to save her should anything happen to her.

“Yes, Dashie. Emergency use only. If I make you immortal, I would like it to be a better… less dark-magic-involving method that would be safer for you as well as for me.” One mistake and this method would mean that she had been the one to kill the love of her life.

Although all methods would probably have their own set of risks.

“What about the theory you mentioned?” Rainbow recalled their conversation back in the castle.

“Yes... I was thinking that the elements of harmony might be able to grant you immortality, but for that, I would have needed at least the elements themselves and, more than likely, all of their bearers willing to help me.” Regret lay in Twilight's voice.

The elements would have been a safe and easy method to try.

I am making this so hard for you…

“So… I ruined it?" Unknowingly she had destroyed Twilight's plan.

“Nah. I will think of something else.” The alicorn tried to assure her with her brightest smile.

But truth be told, Rainbow did ruin it.

And Rainbow knew she did. "Thank you, Twi."

An immortal life won’t be enough to repay you.

An immortal life of happiness future me will never get.

A conversation that had shaken her to the core. “Hey… I was wondering about our love…."

“Did your future self say something about it?” Twilight really didn’t know if she could face another wave of doubt right now.

Was it her, or was it me that started this?

“I just don't understand… I mean, I do…” Rainbow hesitated for a second. “Why me?”

“Because you are Dashie.” Twilight was taken aback.

“Twi… don’t be like that.” The blue filly shook her head. She needed to understand.

She needed an honest answer.

“All this started only because of your vision.

“In that vision, you saw my future self, a mare I myself despised when I met her.

“You, however, seemed to love her for reasons that elude me.

“Then you sought me out because of it.

“But you hadn’t even realised that it was love you felt.

“You rejected the mere idea of two mares falling in love.

“Yet after I explained it to you, you changed your mind in record time…."

Rainbow mustered her. "Have I gotten everything right?”

“…yes. All of that is true,” Twilight confirmed.


“I loved future you, but I love you…” A despicable mare? Why would Rainbow think that? “I loved her because she… she made me smile, ok?" It sounded ridiculous, yet it was the truth.

“She made you smile?" Rainbow was taken aback at the simple, though meaningful, statement.

“Yes.” There were so many happy memories she hoped she could have with her Rainbow as well. “She came to read books with me…

“She was always so giddish about Daring Do. It was so cute…” Dreamy eyes stared at the night sky, forgetting all their fears and problems for a moment.

Maybe I misjudged her?

“She was so beautiful in the sky, just like you are…

“Dashie, there is so much else… I don’t know why you can’t see these things when they are so obvious to me.” Why did her fillyfriend disparage herself so much when to her, she was objectively the most valuable pony alive?


I don't know, either.

“Ok… and then you met me and-”

“I was taken aback.” Twilight knew where she was leading with this. “Those weren’t my memories. It took me some time to realise what future me saw in you and what the feelings were she conveyed to me.

“But when I did, I knew I could never bear to lose you.

“Dashie… once again. I love you. You claimed my heart.

“I am not future me. You are not future you.

“If it hadn't been you on that train, I don't believe any of this would have happened. And I specifically mean this version of you.

“The best version.” Twilight gently stroked her cheek, hoping it would help her realise just how much she meant to her.

She and no other version of her.

Those words you spoke in that cart…

They made me so happy.

You need to say them again someday.

“And your future self is also the reason-”

“I don’t…” Twilight halted. She needed to formulate this correctly. “Ok… I love mares.

“I know…” What an apparent yet hypocritical admission to make after everything she said. “I still don’t understand why-”

“It’s not an illness, Twi. You don’t need to justify yourself," Rainbow assured her, once more.

Sometimes we need time to realise who we are and who we want to be.

“Dashie… I couldn’t care less if it was," Twilight shrugged the well-meant words off. “It’s just that…

“I never figured it out, you know?" So evident yet so mysterious. "Looking at how future me lived, she just didn't feel anything for stallions.

“She tried pretending and forcing, but it wouldn't work.

“And so, she assumed that love itself wasn’t meant for her.

“And then the weird feelings for you came.

“She couldn’t place them.

“So, she ignored them.

“What followed was suppression.

“And then it was too late.

“You were gone, and she had nopony to blame but herself.

“You were gone, and she was alone.” Pain.

Those memories were nothing but sheer pain.

“And while subconsciously it might be another reason why I was so clingy with you, all of that wasn’t what mattered when I confessed to you. I promise I didn’t let it influence this action.

“Not this one. All but this.” This had been herself

Because if it hadn't been herself, then-

Then all of this would probably mean nothing.

“I didn’t consider that I was about to kiss a mare. I was simply about to kiss Dashie. The pony that made me smile.

“The pony I pledged myself to.

“The pony I want to be with for the rest of my immortal life.” Finally, the recount was over.

“Twi… have you got the same control on the sun as Princess Celestia, because you are seriously melting my heart here.” Pure happiness.

It was amazing how Twilight could make her feel it again and again.

Then all of this would probably mean nothing.

But it does.

It does because I just know it was you that confessed.

There was no doubt after what she had just been told.

"Who knows? Maybe?" Twilight grinned, blowing a kiss in her direction.

“I wasn’t that confident… I considered that I was about to start into a relationship with a mare," Rainbow revealed. “And it was weird because this was who I always denied to be.” But what else was she supposed to do?

Tell her bullies that she indeed loved mares when she wasn't even entirely sure if that was the case?

“Returning your feelings… it simply felt right.” She may have suspected it, but only Twilight had made her realise that she indeed felt that way. "I wanted to be with you, and if that made me gay, then so be it.”

“We are both very gay ponies.” The young alicorn giggled, not caring about it at all. “We didn’t fall over dead, so I wonder why they made such a big deal out of it in the first place.”

It’s so unimportant…

And yet it’s so important…

“Because they are stupid,” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“They really are, aren’t they?” Maybe it was for the best that they were gone.

Hold up…

“Wait… did you say you never felt anything for stallions?” Rainbow raised an eye.

“I did. Why?" For some reason, Twilight felt the need to go on the defensive.

You behave the same way I did… and still do…

They hurt you…

Even in that way, they hurt you, too…

“It's just… like never, never?” Why was she even asking this question?

“No.” Twilight looked down.

Is it because…

Is it because I don’t feel that way?

“So… If I had been one, you wouldn’t feel anything for me?” There were things even she still had to understand when it came to these matters.

You would have to, right?

It's who we are and not what we are, isn't it?

Twilight stared at her, trying to imagine it. “…I would.”

It didn’t sound genuine.

I would feel something for you, regardless of your gender…

“Dashie… I just can’t… I am sorry.” Twilight felt like baling her eyes out.

She just didn't know why she felt that way.

“It’s fine. We all are who we are," Rainbow assured her, wiping away a few tears from the alicorn's face. “We are lucky the world wasn't graced with a disgusting male version of me, aren’t we?”

“Daaashie!” Twilight buried her face in her wings, embarrassed. “It isn’t like that!”

It totally is.

“I… just… Gah!” The purple filly was twitching, trying to solve an unsolvable scenario.

“Twi… this really isn’t that important,” Rainbow tried to walk back her words. “I just wanted to understand you there, ok? If-”

“It just is! You are right!" Twilight shot up, beginning to walk in circles while continuing to voice her thoughts. “It’s disgusting! The mere thought! They are ok as friends, but everything else… I just don't want that! This isn’t who I am! This isn’t who I want to be! This isn’t how I feel!” On her back, Spike just rolled his eyes as if he thought that all the fuzz was utterly unwarranted. “And it's not like I like every mare! Sure… I… I feel more attracted to them… but only with you do I feel like this.”

“Twi… I understand. Please stop hurting yourselves over-”

“But it-”

“It should matter.” Rainbow had closed the distance covering Twilight’s mouth with her wing. “It should because it does.”

And that was final.

“I love you.” The purple filly mumbled through her feathers.

“I love you too.” Rainbow gave her another kiss on her horn, pulling back her now slightly wet wing.

I will totally not wash those feathers again.

Speaking of wings, Rainbow glanced back to a now red Twilight. "You made my wings…." As if on cue, they had gotten stiff again.


“I… you know why that happens.” And Twilight, too, had her suspicions.


“It feels so right, but so dirty afterwards…." And right now, she was in the former phase.

“That’s absolutely normal,” Rainbow tried to quickly quash the subject.

For a ten-year-old?

You are almost thirteen, and you have yet to experience it.

"I just… You also know what I am thinking right now, don't you?” The purple filly was singlehandedly about to create a new shade of red.


What they talked about in school…

This is what lovers do…

Almost like a statue, Rainbow forced herself to utter the next words. “I… if you want-”

“No.” Twilight looked at her fillyfriend. A pegasus that had even stopped to breathe. “I can see that you are uncomfortable…”

You need to repay her…

You need to give her what she wants…

You can’t just always take…

“That’s also normal…” Rainbow used her remaining breath. “Don’t forget you are-”

"I am technically younger than you, yes." Why was it that Rainbow was trying to claim that she wanted this when she was nearly falling over dead in sheer terror? "Dashie… you shouldn’t forget that I have the memories of a very old mare in me.”

"I don't believe that matters-" Rainbow's face was managing to reach new levels of blue.

It’s getting so dark…

“Dashie. This isn’t a court. Please start breathing again.” Twilight was already preparing herself to catch her. “I can see you don’t want this… and I don’t want this either.” That was not entirely true.

She desperately longed for it.

But what was true, though, was that she didn't want to move an inch in that direction until Rainbow felt ready.

“Thank you, Twi.” A stone was lifted from her back. Finally, she could breathe again. “Twi… I don’t believe most ponies would have done the same.”

“You don’t mean as much to them as you do to me." How could she ever harm her rainbow angel like that? “Why are you hurting yourself, Dashie?

“Why lie to me like that?” What if she hadn’t picked up on her fillyfriend's attempt to fool her? “Dashie, you claimed that you don’t understand emotions, that I am so much smarter than you, yet here we are, you speaking the most evident of truths again and again.” Truths she never caught. “You are perfect in every way. Never forget that.” Twilight tried to make her see what she knew was fact. "You don't have to lie to me. Anything you say, I will do without complaining.”

“You are only saying that because you love me, Twi. It's a nice-”

“No! I said it because I mean it! Don't hide! You are smart! Your thoughts are beautiful! I can see it!” Why did Rainbow try to fight her about this? “You could see through Chrysalis when she tried to fool us! You could see through Celestia and the system of lies and deceptions she has built! You can see right through me!

"Dashie… one cannot excel in every area. Where I fall short, you shine bright.”

Bullying because of my mane…

Bullying because of my name…

Bullying I participated in…

Bullying that succeeded…

Bullying that had some truths in it? “Twi, please. My marks-”

“So what if you weren’t good at school! Buck school!” She was a princess. She could hand out diplomas like toilet paper if she wanted.

Oh wow! Did I just set you off? You don't seem like somepony who would say-

I did set you off… because you care about me.

“School only filled my head with lies anyway! Also, what has maths, Equish and co. got to do with this!” Twilight continued ranting.

Her constant circles were starting to form a path into the ground by now.

I suppose-

“Fine! I might be smarter than you in these subjects, yet when it comes to real life, I would have been helplessly lost without you!” Intelligence wasn't just about marks. That much Rainbow was proof of.

You are right!

“Twi! You are the best!” She attacked the alicorns with a surprise hug. “You are right! Both of us together, we can do this! We can do this because we add to each other! Where one falls short, the other picks up!”

A devilish grin was directed at her. “Took you long enough to see this, delinquent.”

Delinquent? That’s new?

Hmm, I will need a comeback.

“Not everypony can be an egghead. Some of us need time to figure things out.” Rainbow stuck out her tongue.

“Hey! My head isn’t made out of eggs, you… flying paintbrush!” Twilight returned the favour, rewarding her with the sight of her own tongue.

Game on!

“Oh yeah! I am a paintbrush! At least I didn’t fall into a purple paint bucket!” She wiggled with her tail as if to show how much prettier it was compared to Twilights.

“You take that back! I didn’t fall into one! It fell onto me!” Twilight wailed.

They broke out in giggles.


They used to call me that, as well as so many other names…

Never would I have thought that one day I would be happy at somepony calling me that… I love you so unbelievably much, Twi.

They stared into each other's eyes.

Eyes that burned with conviction.

“Happiness is awaiting us.”


Shining entered her cell.

Or was it Shining?

Since she didn’t have the strength to use her magic, she couldn’t be sure.

I am going to die in here…

“Cadence! Are you all right?” He rushed towards her, seemingly surprised by the sight.

What is your game here, Celestia?

“She told me that you were injured, but not to that degree!" Shining surveyed her burned body.

It’s not working…

My magic is failing me…

“I-We need to get you out of here!” Cadence needed medical attention. That much was clear.

It's torture not knowing if you are just an illusion…

A hallucination made by her…

“I don’t know why you decided to overthrow her, but she said she was ready to forgive you! You just need to tell me everything you know about a pony named Aurora!” He had only wanted to save his sister.

When he came back, nothing was left.

Nothing was left, and what did he have to show for it?

It’s you…

It really is you…

“Cadence… you need to tell me,” he nearly begged.

She really is using you against me…

“Cadence… she will kill me,” he whispered.

She can’t. You are her brother.

"She showed me the bodies of my parents before she sent me in." Cadence needed to tell him, or they both would suffer the consequences.

She killed them…

She is killing her…

“She will kill us, anyway.” Cadence managed to choke out.

“She won’t! She assured me she won’t!” But only if Cadence told him the information Celestia sought.

This is what Royal Guard training does to you…

And you still had it easy, thanks to Twilight and me.

How could she look away for so long?

We trained them to jump into the spell of an alicorn.

The images of her fight with Celestia in parliament would haunt her forever.

They killed themselves so that she could win…

Did they even realise that this is what they were doing?

At least forever remembering that would probably not be that long.

“Cadence! Tell me! Cadence!” He didn’t want to die like this.

He didn’t want her to die like this.

He didn’t want his sister to be without any family left.

"I can't… it's the only reason she hasn't killed us yet." But Cadence knew that, more than likely, only one of them would see the next day.

The one with the information.

“Oh, Cadence. I really thought this would work.” Celestia entered the room. “I will count down from ten, and if you don't surrender that information by then, I will kill him right here."

“Twilight will never forgive you for this.” Pain.

Speaking was pain.

“I already killed her parents. What difference does he make now?” It was all necessary.

They were stealing her daughter.

“Y-You will kill us anyway.” But what was her plan?

I wanted to recover and then get out…

Only she wasn’t recovering.

The empress…

This is her work…

Her spell…

“Maybe I will kill you. He will live, though,” Celestia reasoned. “He isn’t a danger to me. I will simply make him forget about her and then place him somewhere far away.”

I don’t trust you anymore.




I wish things could have been different, Shiny.




The white unicorn stared at her blankly.

She wouldn't save him.



Who knows what could have been between us…

Who knows how happy we could have been…



“Peng!” Shining twitched, anticipating a spell.

There was none.

“That was cruel, Cadence. I really thought he meant more to you,” Celestia chuckled. “Leave us,” she ordered Shining.

The unicorn gave Cadence an apologetic look before stepping away.

You didn’t kill him?

As soon as he was gone, green eyes stared at her. "This was the good princess.

"Next time, you will deal with the bad princess."


“I don’t have time to deal with this.

“We don’t have time.

"But since I have a feeling those fillies are all somehow important, you will look for our missing alicorn and her claim with them. Your siblings I send to replace you will follow unseen.

“Once you found them…

“We will see what we will do then.”

Anger swept over the hive mind.

She needs to pay.

“Isabella… these fellings suit you as much as jealousy suits Fluttershy.

You shouldn't fault a small child for not being able to handle all this.”

Anger remained, now infused with fury.

She gave me a green eye! She did that after destroying my life!

But calmness overpowered her.

“Her life lies just as much in shambles as yours.”

They were there for her, and they were telling her that she was allowed to be angry.

Yet anger shouldn’t be allowed to cloud her mind.

“…” Isabella stared at the ground.

She didn’t want to leave.

She wanted to sleep.

Sometimes I don’t know why I bother to fight another day.

Although she really didn't need to voice that thought.

The hivemind had already alerted the hive to her state.

“You fight for a better world,” her siblings reached out to her. “A better world for all of us.” It almost sounded like an orchestra.

An orchestra of voices that reminded her that life was worth living.

That even if your life was terrible, it still had a purpose.

"Thanks to you, the hatchlings of tomorrow can live happily."

She would make it happen.

I will find them, she promised.

“Good luck,” the hive wished her.

Mother knew what she was doing.

Mother's plan would work.

I will make sure it will work, she assured them. Thank you… for everything. She could feel their happiness, knowing that they succeeded in cheering her up.

She could feel Mother's happiness, seeing how the hivemind she was in charge of was still helping her children so much.

Isabella turned to the group of fillies that stared at her with expecting eyes.

“Alright. Here is the situation.”