• Member Since 7th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Unity Bringer

Dreams are what you make of them. Either terrible or fantastic.


Two friends reuniting after a semester at college at a group reunion. Each have different experiences, and yet both Rainbow and Fluttershy find themselves at the same conclusion: college tends to suck.

“It’s cool… everything is cool,” Rainbow whispered to herself, staying in her car as she looked at the house lit in a warm, inviting yellow glow. Snow darted the ground from the curb to the stairs, foretelling the beginning of winter.

After all, this was Christmas Break: and after spending a few days with her parents, she had opted to attend her best friend’s reunions. And this would be the first time she saw the rest in a while. All with stories from their college days, and all would probably be good…

Meanwhile, what the hell did she even have to say?

Or what comes between semesters.


A Breezie Jinglemas story for Mist.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Cant believe it
A second amazing Flutterdash story in a span of a few days. I liked it very much however i feel like it could be a little bit longer especially with more cuddlly scenes, but again I always want more of those so maybe im biased. Anyway thank you for writing this its hard to find new Flutterdash stories. I hope to see more Flutterdash works from you in the future:yay:

"She was skipping because it felt like the only thing she was capable of doing at times."
Hello high school my old friend.
I've come to remember the trauma of you again.

Well, that's very sweet and all. However, you didn't really confirm if Flutters and Rainbow are an item now. Also, just what exactly happened between Sunset and Twilight that made the atmosphere colder inside than out?

That's up to the reader to decide. I let if they became an item together ambiguous, but heavily implied. For the latter, I have an answer, but for the sake of the story and wanting to focus on Flutterdash I decided to leave that open to interpretation as well.

If I had more time, definitely would have added a few more cuddly scenes - but I really wanted to focus on the realization of it all. Not sure if I'll do more Flutterdash in the future, but it was definitely fun playing with the pairing this time around!

Trauma my old friend as well. :heart:

"Two friend" should be "Two friends" in both the short and long descriptions. Also, it's odd to show word elongation by repeating the letter after the actual elongated vowel.

Hey, it’s me! The person who prompted this story! Here I am! Now it’s time for me to bring in some thoughts and positivity. After all; you went through so much effort for me! You deserve to hear what I think right?

There’s a really calming feeling of natural-ness to this story. You didn’t just take the easy route here and it shows. Stuff continued to happen while Dash was at college and it shows with the dynamic of Twilight and Sunset and Rarity and AJ (also pairings I approve of). Like we know there’s more story there and it makes me want to know that story. It’s very gripping in that respect.

Dash’s problems are also very real and relatable. She’s a character many can relate to, and Fluttershy as well. Our little shy is the tale of many people: the invisible person. The person at school who can’t find a place. She’s not unpopular or popular, she’s just there. Her focus on studies makes logical sense too.

I loved this story, I only wish there was more! I wish we could know what happened later or what was the story between twilight and sunset, etc. the mark of a great story: wanting more.

It’s got the perfect cover image too.

I give this two thumbs up. It made me smile and that’s the spirit of the holiday. You deserve much applause. For all who read this, make sure to give this author a watch, they’re doing things and the kind of things you may want to keep an eye on.

Hey, I'm really glad there are those still doing fanfics on FlutterDash, so keep up the good work, I'll be looking forward to it! Anyway, thank you for that!

This was really nice! It was interesting seeing everyone work through different problems, including ones just in the background like with Sunset and Twilight, and of course the kiss was good.

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