• Published 4th Jan 2023
  • 1,585 Views, 99 Comments

Equestrian Recreation - luigitime22

Ponies of G4 and G5 unite in absolute mayhem and whatever nonsense the writer feels like creating that day.

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The Weekly Villain Get-Together

“So let me get this straight,” Discord said. “You emerged from a parallel dimension where everything looks stupid to our own and stole the Element of Magic.”

“Yes, Discord,” Sunset Shimmer answered. She was out visiting Equestria for a bit.

“One of the most powerful items in the entire multiverse, I might add,” Discord noted. “One of the few things capable of putting the brakes on even me. All that power at your hooves. Or fingertips. You get what I mean.”

“Yes, I know how powerful the Element of Magic is,” Sunset responded. She was beginning to look embarrassed.

“And then you managed to wrangle it out of Twilight Sparkle’s grasp again, partially by threatening and kidnapping a very close friend of mine,” Discord added. His voice got a bit ominous there.

“That’s correct,” Sunset answered.

“All of that effort, just to brainwash a bunch of high school students to go to battle and usurp Celestia,” Discord said. Sunset was beginning to blush heavily.

“Yes,” Sunset managed to say.

Discord burst into laughter and slammed his fists onto the table. “That is without a doubt the DUMBEST evil plan I have ever heard,” Discord said. “Did it not occur to you that even without the Elements, Celestia would have absolutely no difficulty beating the daylights out of your army? And then she wouldn’t have much trouble dealing with you?”

“Discord, can we move on?” Sunset asked. Her face was now buried into the table.

“Even Sprout’s evil attack was better,” Discord continued, completely ignoring Sunset’s plea for mercy. “At least he could have actually done some damage, you would have failed the second you got out the mirror!”

Discord then spawned a dunce hat on Sunset’s head.

He then got back in his seat and looked at the rest of the ponies around him, all there for the “Reformed Villain Weekly Get-Together.” Sipping his tea, he ceased his brutal attack on Sunset and allowed her to drop the subject. “Now then,” he asked. “Who’s next?”


“A frontal attack on Canterlot? Yes, Fluttershy told me all about it at our tea, Tempest. Or do you go by Fizzlepop now?” Discord asked.

“Tempest, thank you,” Tempest answered. “And yes, I led a direct and effective frontal assault on the capital. We turned all the princesses barring Twilight Sparkle to stone and imprisoned everypony else.”

“It’s not an experience I look back on pleasantly,” Starlight Glimmer noted, as she and Trixie shot a short glare at the commander. “The accommodations were merciless.”

“It’s an attack I’ve heard of from history,” Sprout added. “Only the Guardians of Harmony and Spike escaped.”

“That seems a bit extreme,” Discord noted, giving Tempest a look of surprise.

“It’s in the past now,” Tempest answered. “The Storm King betrayed me and Twilight saved my life. I owe her greatly for that.”

“I think all of us owe Twilight,” Starlight countered.

“Says the personal student,” Sunset responded with a grin. “But that’s true.”

“I’d say I owe Fluttershy more than Twilight, but the thing with Tirek did happen,” Discord considered. “I’ll accept that point.”

“Do I count? Different time period and all that,” Sprout asked.

“Nah, you’re fine there,” Starlight answered with a wave of her hoof.

“Trixie doesn’t want to say it, but she supposes Twilight has helped some in the past with the Alicorn Amulet. A little,” Trixie grumbled.

“Wait a minute,” Discord suddenly said with urgency. “Only the Guardians of Harmony and Spike escaped?”

“That’s what the history books say,” Sprout said with a shrug.

“That’s correct,” Tempest answered. “All the others were imprisoned.”

“That means…” the dots suddenly connected for the Draconequus. “You IMPRISONED THE CRUSADERS!?” He suddenly burst up from his chair in a rage.

“Yeah, she did,” Starlight said. “Saw them in a cage nearby mine.”

“Nopony gets to hurt those kids!” Discord roared as his paw and claw exploded into blue flame. He then jumped over the table at Tempest with a terrifying expression.

“Stop him!” Sunset shouted as all the ponies quickly tried to calm Discord down.


Tempest was now stuck with a dunce hat as well. Discord had insisted on the punishment for locking away the children he cared so much about, though he had calmed down after that.

“Well, we’ve gotten story exchanging done,” Starlight said after sitting back down. “Did everypony have fun?”

Everyone nodded in approval, barring Tempest, who just mumbled in the affirmative.

“Well, I’m glad we all had fun!” Starlight chirped. “Welcome to the group, Sprout, and we’ll all get back together next week!”

“What’s happening next week?” Sprout asked.

Trixie produced a list from her hat, checking the scheduled events. “It says next week is game night,” she answered. “Discord refuses to say what he’s got planned though.”

Most of the figures there grumbled, there was no telling what sort of mania Discord would unleash.

“But for now, I hereby declare this meeting adjourned!” Starlight declared, just as Twilight Sparkle walked into the room.

“Can I have my throne room back now?” she asked.

“No!” Discord and Trixie both shouted with smug grins on their faces.