• Published 23rd Jan 2023
  • 1,140 Views, 19 Comments

Mlp Yu-Gi-Oh! Shining Gem - Blaze-saber

  • ...

Chapter 1: Dream of Awakenin

Author's Note:

Special thanks to https://www.fimfiction.net/user/380059/k00l for the duel part of this chapter.

Dark clouds covered the sky as thunderclashed and lightning came down. Monsters that seem to be facing each other on a battlefield roared into the heavens as two figures stood behind these five monsters on both sides of the field. One has its entire body covered in shadows with glowing red eyes and the other was wearing a cloak with a hood up and has a pure white diamond wrapped around a string tied around his neck. This stallion faced this dark entity with a smile on his face as he let out a chuckle. "You think you may have me on the ropes, but let me tell you something!" This stallion shouted at the dark entity with confidence. "This Shadow Game is just getting started!"

The gym around his neck shined bright when he declared that. "For my soul is shining bright as a gem in the starry night!" The stallion jumped high as he charged towards the dark entity with his five monsters.

A colt hit his head on the roof of the train cart and startled his own mom. The colt is a light blue earth pony with a white mane and tail with a few blue streaks. He wore a blue jacket with a white V in the middle pointing down with matching pants and has a blue T-shirt with a white V pointing up. Around his neck is the same gem the stallion in his dream was wearing as he fell to the floor of the train cart and had swirls in his eyes. "DS! Are you okay?!" His mother asked with concern. His mother had the same coat as her son while her mane and tail is yellow with orange streaks. She is wearing a yellow top with a pink skirt that had a paintbrush painting a dragon head printed on it.

"Yeah...my soul is shining like the starry night." DS said as he was dizzy from hitting his head.

"Oh Duelist Striker, did you have that dream again?" She asked as DS shook his head and quickly jumped up from the floor.

"I can't help it, because I'm so excited about this new school!" DS exclaimed before he sat next to his mom. "I mean, I heard that the princess of friendship opened the school not just to ponies, but to changelings, dragons, yaks, hippogriffs, and even griffins. Six different races of Equestria gathered together to learn about friendship!" He then had a smug smile on his face as he placed his thumb and finger under his chin. "I wonder what kind of Duel Monster cards they have?"

"Right when you think about others, your mind quickly switches to duel monsters." His mom replied with a slight chuckle. "That's just like you, DS." They then saw Ponyville coming into view as the train was coming close to its station. "You better get ready for our new home."

Once they arrived, they started to move into their new home which is a card shop that sells Duel Monster cards. "I can't believe, the creator of Duel Monsters are letting you open your own card shop!" DS said as he was carrying a few boxes into the shop part of their home.

"I know." His mother grunted before setting down a table with duel mats on it. "Card Streak wanted to expand the game, so why not places where royalty is?" DS place down a few more boxes before opening them up and pull out some Duel Monsters packs before placing them in the shelves next to him. "Why don't you go check out your new school? I can take care of everything else here."

"Really?" DS asked and the moment she gave a nod in response, a bright smile appeared on his face before he jumped up high. "ALL RIGHT!!!" He shouted with excitement before started to he out. His hooves were moving but he wasn't going anywhere until he looked back and saw his mom holding him by his jacket.

"Hold on, you're forgetting a couple of things." She told before he stopped and looked at her. She then held up a rectangular case that is blue and white while holding a rectangular Gauntlet that is white with a light blue diamond on top of it. "Your Gem Dragon Knights deck and your duel disk."

"Oh right, thanks mom." DS said when he took the items and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Love you Mom." With that, he ran out the door as fast as he could to the school of friendship. He was running fast as he could as he left a trail of dust as he ran. "I can't wait to see my school, it's going to be so awesome!!" He was running so fast that he passed by a pony who was just minding her own business until he ran past her and made her spin around.

This pony fell to the ground once she stopped spinning and revealed to be a teen unicorn mare with a bright yellow coat and her mane and tail are bright green with yellow streaks. She is wearing a black jacket with yellow lightning bolts with small streaks of green on the side of them while she wore torn jeans. "HEY DON'T YOU WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING?!" She shouted at DS as sparks of electricity came from her horn.

DS continued to run until the school was right in his sights. "All right, full speed!!" He shouted as he increased his own speed and ran faster. He had his eyes closed tight as he ran and he didn't even see Princess Celestia, Thorax, Ember, Rutherford, Seaspray, Gruff, Starlight Glimmer, Spike, Flash Sentry, and both the Mane and Young Six up ahead. The moment he opened his eyes again to get another look at the school, he saw them and freaked out as he tried to stop himself. But he ran too fast that his hooves were skidding across the ground. "LOOK OUT!! I CAN'T STOP!!"

The entire group saw him coming and passed the leaders before crashing into the Young Six. The impact made his deck box fly out and his cards flew out of the box. "Oh, that's got to hurt!" Spike remarked as he winced at that crash while DS and the Young Six were in a pile on the ground.

"Somepony got the number of that wagon...?" Sandbar asked as they were completely dizzy from that crash.

"Are you all okay?!" Twilight asked with concern for her students and DS.

"Yeah...ground isn't that hard..." DS said before he shook his head and saw who he crashed into. "Wow! A yak!" As Yona shook her head to snap out of her dizziness, DS looked down to see Gallus on the bottom of Silverstream. He looked before he blushed hard when he saw up her skirt before looking away. "A griffin and a hippogriff!" As she sat up without her knowing he saw up her skirt, he turned to Ocellus. "A Changeling!" Ocellus held her hands down on her skirt as to hope he didn't see anything before he turned to Smolder. "And a drago--" He noticed one of his cards on the ground next to her as she shook her head and let out a puff of smoke through her nostrils. "My cards!"

He quickly got off them and gathering up his cards from the ground. For each one he picked up, he wiped or blew away the dust on his cards. "Sorry for the crash!" He quickly told the six students before returning back to gathering his cards up.

"You really need to watch where you're going." Gallus complained as the others got up and dust themselves off. "What were you doing running here anyway?"

"What else? I'm here to attend the school of friendship, like the six of you." DS answered him as he continued to pick up his cards before Ember walked up to him.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but the school is closed." She told DS as she pointed to the deal on the door. "You can't even get in."

"What?!" DS shouted in shock as to what he just heard before all of his cards were lifted up in the air with a magenta aura covering them before they're placed back in his deck box and handed to him by Twilight. Twilight then took aim to the seal on the door before unleashed a burst of magic, hitting the padlock sealing the building up until it completely shattered. As it did this, the magic covering the school faded away and she turned to smile at them all.

"School is back in session!" Twilight declared as the students cheered and DS was relieved to hear, but that joy quickly vanished when a familiar looking portal appeared in front of the door.

Twilight stepped back as Chancellor Neighsay trotted out of it, the unicorn turning to the remains of his magical seal. He glared at the non-ponies, "Who dared remove my seal?!"

"I did, Chancellor Neighsay!" He shot a glare at the alicorn, but Twilight didn't even flinch and gave him her own stern expression while Flash and the others stood behind her in a united front. "And I respectfully ask you to step aside, or classes will start late."

"Classes won't start at all! The EEA has spoken, and none shall pass!" He slammed his hoof into the ground, actually causing a shockwave.

Yona growled back at him, "Yak pass if yak say! Hmph!" She tried to charge at him, but Sandbar stopped her.

"This is for the greater good!" Neighsay yelled before pointing at Twilight, "The school was disorganised, the teachers unqualified! And those dangerous and unpredictable 'students' put ponies' lives in danger!" He pointed to the still destroyed tower while the leaders all glared at him.

DS didn't know what's going on, but he didn't like what's this Chancellor Neighsay and what's he saying. He was just as upset as the leaders are. "I'll show you unpredictable!" Ember hissed before all of them marched up, Neighsay flinching from the 'deadly monsters' until Celestia stepped between them.

"Hold on, please!" They all stopped and turned to her, "I'm sure Princess Twilight Sparkle has a good explanation for all of this."

"I do!" Twilight assured her, "It's true that my School of Friendship is EEA-unaccredited-"

"Look!" Spike cheered, "She said it without doing the eye thing!"

"Then it is not a school!" Neighsay got right in her face, but Twilight just smiled and pushed him back.

"It's not an EEA school. It's a friendship school with its own rules. I should know. I wrote the book!" In a flash of light, a giant purple book three times the size of the EEA Guidebook appeared at Neighsay's hooves. The unicorn gasped at this, Twilight then turning to the others. "These students reminded me that every friendship is special, so the way we teach it has to be just as unique." The students all smiled at this as their leaders looked down at them with pride, "My school is going to do things differently."

Neighsay still looked un-stirred by Twilight speech. "Allowing all of these creatures to attend your school, changing the rules for them...it simply won't work!"

"You're being such a hypocrite right now!" DS spoke up and getting everycreatures attention. "It's not cool for saying that sharing our friendship with other creatures won't work!"

"A colt like you should stay out of grown ups businesses!" Neighsay told DS. "And just what do you mean when you said I'm being a hypocrite?!"

"For a chancellor, you really forget your history so easily." DS remarked. "Did you really forget that long ago as ponies didn't get along either? We didn't trust one another and that only brought the windigos and an internal winter. And with that, that only brought more distrust and hatred. But when Equestria was founded by friendship, the wendigos went away." Princess Celestia, Twilight, and her friends gave a smile at what he was trying to make a point out of. "I mean sure there is probably some ponies who thought we wouldn't get along with one another, but in the end we did."

"What's your point?" Neighsay asked.

"My point is that if we just close ourselves off to other creatures like them, it's only going to create chaos and distrust." DS said before he gave a bright smile. "But these leaders of the different creatures are willing to let their young come to the school and learn about friendship. We used to be in fear of the dragons, but now the dragons are willing to be friends with us if they're letting one of their young go to the school. The changelings used to be to drain love from others when Queen Chrysalis ruled over them, but now they share their love and is ruled by King Thorax. So my point is if they're willing to learn about friendship, then I say we let them learn about it! And besides, Princess Twilight doesn't have to take orders from you, it's actually the other way around."

"What?!" Neighsay growled, but DS didn't flinch.

"Last time I checked, she's the princess of friendship and you're not." DS reminded. "She's royalty, so you have to do what she says. I don't even know why she went to the EEA in the first place when she could have just done all this herself beforehand."

"He makes a good point." Flash whispered to Rainbow Dash who nodded in agreement.

"And how can you be sure they won't use what they learn against us?!" Neighsay shouted at him. "Dragons used to rated our village for gems, changelings used to drain our love and make us weaker, and Griffins are nothing more than selfish creatures that only care for money! None of them can be trusted and this is none of your business!"

"I'm making it my business because I was transferred to this school!" DS shouted before he pointed to himself. "The name's Duel Striker, DS for short and if my words don't get through to you then I'll let my actions speak louder for them." He then reached into his jacket and pulled out his duel disk. "Neighsay, I challenge you to a duel!" Everycreature was shocked that he challenged Neighsay to a duel.

"A duel?" Neighsay asked.

"What's a duel?" Smolder asked as she tilted her head.

"He's talking about a game of Duel Monsters." Sandbar told her.

"That's right, and if I win you have to let Princess Twilight run her school her way and never bother us again!" DS stated.

"Very well, but if I win, this school will stay open but it will have qualified teachers, follow the EEA rules, and only allow ponies to attend!" Neighsay told his demands before Princess Celestia pulled DS aside.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" She asked him. "The EEA don't just teach things about Equestria and everything else, it also teaches their students how to duel. And Chancellor Neighsay is a very strong duelist."

"Who cares if he's strong duelist?" DS said in a unimpressed tone. "He wants to make this Friendship School an EEA school and won't let us make any peace with the other creatures. I'm going to dueling him not just for the school..." He looked back at the Young Six before he looked at Celestia with a bright smile. "I'm dueling him for all." The moment he said that, Celestia remember back when a stallion used to say that when she was just a filly and Luna was a foal.

Meanwhile, the unicorn mare that DS pass earlier was marching in the direction he was heading. "You don't just make somepony spin around and keep going like that." She grumbled as more electric sparks came out of her horn. "I swear when I see him I'm gonna--" She stopped when she saw DS and Neighsay standing a few feet away from each other while they faced each other and the others standing on the sidelines. "Hey, what's going on here?"

"Get ready, because my soul is about to shine!" DS declared as he threw the gauntlet up in the air before jumping high and thrusting his fist into the hole of the gauntlet to put it on his arm and his hand is covered in a black glove with a white spot on the top. Once he landed on the ground, he took his deck box and inserted in the rectangular hole above his wrist and the blue part of the box folded into show his cards.

Once his deck was in, the diamond-shaped screen lit up before a golden yellow V shape blade appeared in front of the gauntlet with five slots going around it and two slots hovering just on the ends of it. On one side of it, a pair of goggles with blue lenses popped out and DS put them on. Neighsay had one similar, only it was dark red. The area around them turned dark as a ring spread out from both sides of the field. Both of them then drew five cards from their decks and were prepared to start. "Let's duel!" They both declared as a holographic screen appeared in front of them and showed their life points.

DS L.P.: 4,000
Neighsay L.P.: 4,000

"Yeah, go DS!" Silverstream cheered before she turned to the others. "By the way, what kind of duel are they doing?"

"Yeah, I asked that like five minutes ago." Smolder complained.

"They called a 'Duel Monsters', but what exactly is that?" Ember asked Spike, who looked really excited for what's about to happen.

"Only the most greatest card game ever made!" Spike shouted, only for Ember, Smolder, Sliverstream, and Seaspray to still not get it.

"Anypony want to explain it to them?" Applejack remarked before Twilight stepped up.

"I allow me." She spoke before before she pointed towards the two duelist. "You see, Duel Monsters is a card game where you have to get your opponent's life points down to zero. Both players have to start out with 4,000 life points and the five cards in hand."

"And right now, the first turn is mine!" DS declared as he reached for his deck. "I draw!" After he drew a single card out of his deck, he looked at his hand and ground a monster card that looked like a buff dragon with orange scales and armor made out of gems. "I summon level 5 Gem Dragon Knight: Jasper Basher!" He took the card and placed it on the slot on his blade. The ground started to shank before the exact same dragon on the card burst out of the ground and roared before he pounded his fists.

Gem Dragon Knight: Jasper Basher

"WOW!! WHAT IS THAT?!?!?" Sliverstream asked excitedly when she saw his monster appear.

"That's a Duel Monster." Twilight answered. "Each monster has attack points and defense points, as well as levels. But he can only summon monsters that are Level 1 or 4. To summon a level 5 or 6 monster, you have to tribute summon it by sacrificing one monster on the field. If you want to summon a level 7 or above monster, you've had to sacrifice two or more. Not only that, you can only summon once per turn."

"Yeah, but I can special summon Gem Dragon Knight: Jasper Basher when I have no monsters on my field." DS explained. "The downside is I have to reduce its attack points to 1,500. But since I special summon him to the field, I can special summon Gem Dragon Knight: Pearl Defender to the field." He took another card from his hand and placed it sideways on one of the slots on the blade and a white dragon with arm shields and armor made of pearls appeared on the field.

Gem Dragon Knight: Pearl Defender
Level 4

"Next, I summon level 3 Gem Dragon Knight: Ruby Archer to the field!" DS declared as he took another card from his hand and placed it on the slot on his blade. Then in burst of flames, a red dragon with a hood over its head along with a bag of arrows on its back while it hold a bow appeared on the field.

Gem Dragon Knight: Ruby Archer

"Would you get on with it?!" Neighsay demanded impatiently. "Honestly, you're taking too long with your turn!"

"You really need to learn patience!" DS remarked. "If you're not liking the way I duel, then you're definitely not going to like Ruby Archer's special ability." They saw the monster he just play take out three arrows before spitting flames on the arrowheads. "He deals you 500 points of damage for each Gem Dragon Knight on my field." Ruby Archer then took aim at Neighsay before firing the three arrows. All three arrows struck him and he lost 1,500 lifepoints.

Neighsay L.P: 2,500

"And since this is my first turn, I'm not allowed to attack." DS said before he took a card in his hand and placed it in the slot in the gauntlet. "So, I place one card face down and end my turn." A card behind the three monsters appeared before it became Neighsay's turn.

Neighsay clutches his eyes tight as his eyes tight as he was struck by the first arrow, then stumbling backwards as the next two arrows hit. He opens his eyes to glare at DS.

"You most certainly pay for that!" Yelled Neighsay as he drew his card. He looks over his hand closely before picking one of them up. "I start my turn by activating the continuous spell Ancient Gear Castle!" A large stone castle with many turning gears slowly rises up behind Neighsay. The castle reaches the same height as the school as loud steam sprays out from many cracks of the castle. "This card increases the attack of all my Ancient Gear monsters by 300, it also gains one counter for each Ancient Gear I successfully normal or special summon. Now I summon my Ancient Gear Soldier to the field!" The castle whirls loudly as the front gate opens and a robotic soldier slowly steps out and takes it's place in front of Neighsay.

Ancient Gear Soldier

"Now watch closely colt, my soldier now increases its attack to 1600 thanks to my castle, and my castle gains a counter for my successful normal summon of my soldier. But my turn is far from done, as I now activate the equip spell Ancient Gear Tank!" A large gun turret is summoned next to the soldier who then slowly climbs inside it and turns the gun directly at DS. "This equip spell increases my monster's attack by 600, making his final attack points 2200! Far stronger than your pathetic monster! Speaking of which, to prevent you from using your Archer's effect next turn, I will be taking him out right now! Ancient Gear Soldier, destroy Ruby Archer!" Neighsay shouted as his command as the soldier shifted the cannon at the archer. It fires its massive gun, and strikes the archer, exploding it in a huge fireball.

DS L.P: 3,200

"I have just performed a flawless counter to your floodgate of monsters. Try topping that colt, your move." Neighsay taunted.

"Ha! That's all you got?!" Rainbow Dash shouted from the sidelines. "He brought your life points down to 2,500 while you only brought his down to 3,200!"

"If anything, you only managed to put a dent in his life points!" Gallus added.

"Still, he did manage to deal me damage." DS told them. "But that doesn't mean I'm out!" He then drew a card out of his deck. "It's my turn, I draw." He then looked at the card he just drew and smiled. "I play the spell card known as Pot of Greed, which lets me draw two new cards in my deck." After playing it, he drew two new cards and looked at them. "I now play the spell known as Card of Sanctity." A card that showed two warriors gathering gold coins that are raining from the sky was shown on the field.

"Now both of us have to draw until we have six cards in our hands." DS explain before they both did that. "I now play my face down, Dragon Knights Retreatment!" He pressed the card on the diamond screen and the card on the field flipped up to revealed to be a trap card. "By sending two cards in my hand to the graveyard, I can revive my Ruby Archer from it." His monster then reappeared back onto the field. "I now sacrifice both him and my Jasper Basher so I can tribute summon my own soldier to the field, my level seven Gem Dragon Knight: Garnet Soldier!" Both monsters vanished before the ground rubble and a pinkish red dragon with Garnet armor while wielding a sword burst out.

Gem Dragon Knight: Garnet Soldier

"With her on the field, I can play my spell Garnet Magma Sword which destroys your monster and deals you half of its original attack points as damage." DS explain before Garnet's sword burned bright as she slashed the Ancient Gear Soldier before it exploded and dealt him some damage.

Neighsay L.P.: 850

Neighsay shields his eyes from the explosion with his arm. He grits his teeth and clutches his fist seeing that his whole field is empty. He looks down at his hand however, full of cards from Card of Sanctity. Slowly he smirks as he begins to form a strategy. “Is that all you’ve got, colt?”

"Unfortunately, it is." DS admitted. "Due to the sword's effect, Garnet can't attack until my next turn." He then took two cards from his hand and placed them face down on the field. "So I'll just place two cards face down and end my turn."

"Finally, I draw." Said Neighsay drawing from his deck. "Now I activate the spell card Ancient Gear Catapult. I can only activate this card when I control no monsters on the field. I target one card on my field and then I destroy it. I chose to destroy my own Ancient Gear Castle." The castle behind Neighsay began to crumble before finally collapsing on itself. This move caused a few confused looks from the group as they wondered why Neighsay would willingly destroy his castle. "Now that I have fulfilled the cost I can now unleash one of the many destructive monsters inside my deck. As after I destroy one of my own cards, I can now special summon one Ancient Gear monster from my deck, completely ignoring any summoning requirements or conditions!"

Twilight gave a worried look, she knew what card he was about to summon. She had seen Neighsay use this card before to bring out his ace card. "DS! Watch out! he is about to summon one of his best monsters!"

"Right you are, Princess! I summon to the field, the Level 8 Ancient Gear Golem!" Yelled Neighsay as his golem slowly arose from the ground and stood tall. The Golem was just as tall as the school, just like the castle. Neighsay had an enormous smirk across his face. "Now is your time to back out now colt to spare yourself a humiliating defeat! My Ancient Gear Golem is one of my best monsters! I'd like to see you beat over this giant!"

Ancient Gear Golem

"That..is one big golem..." Ocellus remarked when they all laid eyes on the Ancient Gear Golem.

"It's got 3000 attack points, but it won't do any good." DS said with confidence. "Because Garnet has 2,300 attack points and my Pearl has 2,400 defense points. Even if you destroy one of them, I won't take that much damage or won't take any damage at all!"

"Oh ho! Right you are, colt! But you are unaware of my Golem's special ability! If he attacks a monster in defense position, he inflicts piercing damage!" Said Neighsay. His eyes glared at DS as his smirk grew larger. "After I destroy one of your monsters, on my next turn I will decimate the other, and it doesn't matter if they're in defense mode, you will still lose your life points! Now Let's see which of your monsters I want to destroy first." Neighsay puts his finger and his thumb onto his chin as he examines the battlefield. "Your Garnet has the lowest points, she will be the one to taste the might of my Golem! Ancient Gear Golem, Attack his Garnet with your Mechanized Melee!"

"I activate my trap card, Gem Defender Half Break!" DS declared as one of his face downs flipped up and it had a picture of his Pearl Defender with a half broken shield on it. "Thanks to this, I'll only take half damage for the rest of this turn!" When Garnet was destroyed, he was sent flying back and lay on the ground.

"Golem smash hard." Yona remarked as DS's lifepoints dropped.

DS L.P.: 2850

"You may have saved a majority of your lifepoints, but I am the one who still controls the strongest monster on the field!" Said Neighsay, obviously a bit annoyed he wasn't able to inflict a lot of damage this turn. "Since you plan on dragging this duel out as long as you can, I will enter main phase 2 to set one card face down. My turn is over, make your move colt, I ain't getting any younger."

DS still laid on the ground and didn't move, causing the others to worry a bit. "Oh dear, I think that last attack might have shock him." Fluttershy said in a worried tone.

"Hey dude, are you going to be okay?" Sandbar asked before they noticed him chuckling a bit before that chuckling turned into laughter.

"Are you alright?" Rarity asked before DS jumped off the ground and had a bright smile on his face.

"Of course I am! This is the most exciting duel I'm having!" DS declared with an exciting tone in his voice.

Neighsay's smirk slowly faded seeing DS start to laugh. His smirk turned into frown, and then he gritted his teeth. "Is he really having fun?" Neighsay thought to himself. "This is supposed to be a serious duel! Is he mocking me!?" Neighsay started to grind his teeth together, that thought making him angry. He refused to be shown up by the overly confident colt who was standing up for those…non ponies. Those creatures. Oh how he was going to enjoy mopping the floor with him for mocking him.

"Uh, did you hit your head or something?" Smolder asked him in confusion. "He's got a very powerful monster on his side of the field and you only got one that doesn't have enough to take it out!"

"Yeah I know that!" DS replied but still had a smile on his face. "But who cares about what's on the field or who's winning? As long as I'm having fun, this duel is just getting started! Get ready Neighsay, because my soul..." He then ran forward before jumping high. "...will shine bright as a diamond in the starry night!!" Celestia let out a gasp as she heard those words before very, very long ago before the diamond he is wearing around his neck started to blow bright. "It's my turn, I draw!" He drew his card before landing on the ground and seeing what card he got. "All right!"

"Did you get the card you need?" Gallus asked as DS gave a nod in response.

"But first, I activate my face down!" He declared as his other face down card flipped up and revealed to be another Card of Sanctity spell.

"Another Card of Sanctity?" Ocellus asked as the two duelists drew their cards.

"What can I say? I'm a generous colt." DS remarked before he held up a card. "Now I play the ritual spell known as Hymn of Light!" A card then was shown on the field that looked like a church with the stained glass windows shutting down in the form of a circle. "With this, I offer up my level 4 Gem Dragon Knight: Pearl Defender and my Level 2 Gem Dragon Knight: Pebble Squire that's in my hand!" Both monsters were offered up as a light shined up to the heavens.

Neighsay rolls his eyes at DS's catchphrase, brushing it off as overconfidence. However he then raises an eyebrow seeing his necklace light up. When DS played the ritual card, neighsay became intrigued as he examined the card art. "What in Equestria is that? I am not familiar with that card. What exactly are you doing Colt? What monster does that card summon?" Demanded Neighsay, shifting his eyes from the card to DS.

"May the light shine down on this duel as the queen of the light arrives! I ritual summon Saffira, Queen of Dragons!" DS declared as he placed a blue card with a monster on it whose beauty can shine like the sun from above.

"Wow, she's really beautiful!" Spike shouted at the site of Saffira.

Even Neighsay had to admit to how graceful Saffira was, his jaw partially gapped. His amazement soon turned into confidence as he began to chuckle, and then his chuckle turned into a mocking laughter. "And here I was almost impressed by your monster. She only has 2500 attack points! She is still weaker than my Golem, how do you plan on winning with that?" Neighsay taunted as he crossed his arms. Ancient Gear Golem slowly and stiffly shifts his head downward to look at Saffira, steam ejecting around his neck as he did.

"Maybe for now, but first let's take care of your face down with the spell Stamping Destruction!" DS declared as he placed a card in his gauntlet and it looked like a dragon's foot stomping on a building. "This card not only destroys your face down, but deals you 500 points of damage!" The card then let out a powerful pulse that destroyed his face down and dealt some damage.

Neighsay L.P.: 350

"No!" Neighsay yelled as he watched his card get destroyed. "No...No matter! I still have some life points left, and I still have faith in my Golem to achieve victory for me!"

Before he was going to make his next move, he looked at Saffira who had a warm smile on her face before she gave a nod. "This is for my new school." He thought before he took another card in his hand and played it. "From my hand, I play the continuous spell known as Solidarity! With it, Saffira games 800 attack points for each of the same type monster that's in my graveyard."

"Awesome!" Pinkie Pie cheered before she realized something. "How many dragons are in his graveyard again?

Neighsay began to count the number of dragons he had summoned that were in the grave. His eyes widened in horror as he realized the final amount. "Four... you have four dragons in the grave.... Th-That's 3200! Making your monster 5700!!!" Neighsay shiver as he adds up the final attack number of his monster.

"You got that right!" DS shouted as Solidarity made Saffira glow bright as she started to grow in size until she was bigger than the Ancient Gear Golem. "Saffira, let's end this together!" Saffira then flew high into the sky as she held up her arms and a ball of light energy formed. "Serrated Light." She then threw the ball of light right at the Golem and destroyed as the whole field was covered in its light. The impact was so great that Neighsay was sent flying back and the moment he hint the ground, his life points dropped to zero.

Neighsay L.P.: 0

Winner, DS.

With the duel over, Saffira vanished when the world around them return to normal and DS gave a thumbs up to his soon-to-be classmates and friends. Neighsay lands hard on his back and closes his eyes tight. "I... lost?... I LOST!?" Neighsay shouts in his head as he slowly sits up, still on the ground with a very angry expression, seeing DS standing triumphantly as the students standing behind him begin to cheer for him.

"Yeah! You showed him up! How do you like them apples Chancellor!" Yelled Gallus.

"That was so amazing!!" Sliverstream shouted excitedly.

"That was like, the greatest duel I've ever seen!" Sandbar complimented.

"You have got to teach me how to use those cards!" Smolder demanded with a bright smile.

"And maybe new friend can take on Yona and her Super Heavy Samurais!" Yona shouted.

"And you not only did it for us, you also did it for our school!" Ocellus pointed out in a impressed tone. Twilight then walked over to Neighsay with a smug smile on her face.

"He won, now you have to hold up your end of the bargain and let us run our school our way." Twilight reminded him. "And I promise you, my school will bring all of Equestria's creatures together."

Neighsay shot Twilight a very angry look. He slowly stood and got in her face. "You can have this victory Princess, but I will not fully bend my knee to you! I will uphold my end of the bargain, but one slip up, and I mean even the slightest slip up that would jeopardize the safety of ponies, I will throw the entirety of the EEA book at you, and you will face the consequences!" Neighsay turns around before pulling out his medallion around his neck from under his robe. With a light tap of it he opens a portal and walks towards it. He pauses and he looks back over at DS. "And as for you colt, don't assume that this is our only conflict, as that threat is extended to you as well!" Neighsay then steps through the portal before it closes.

"I'll admit that was a pretty nice duel." The mare complimented as she walked up to them.

"Thanks." DS said before he realized who said that. "Wait, who are you?"

"Oh right, the name is Sparks, Sparks Surge." She introduced herself. "And I originally came here to chew you out for making me spin when you ran past me earlier. But after seeing that awesome duel of yours, I've decided to also come to the school as well."

"Really, that's great!" Sliverstream cheered as she pulled Sparks in the group hug. But the moment she made contact, they except her got electrocuted.

"Whoops, I guess I still had a little charging me." Sparks said with a blush as she rubbed the back of her head.

"You don't say..." DS remarked as all seven of them coughed up puffs of smoke.

Sandbar's mane stood on end from the shock, he quickly used his hands to fix it back into his original mane style. "What was that all about Sparks? How come you shocked us just now?" Asked Sandbar.

"And are you a duelist as well?" Asked Gallus. Sandbar's eyes widened a bit as he noticed one of Gallus's feathers had a small flame on them from the shock. He licks his thumb and finger and pinches it to snuff it out.

"You see I was born with this special kind of magic whenever I get a little upset, I kind of charge up my own electric charge." Sparks admitted before her small blush turned into a confident smile. "I just hope you guys can handle my electric charge as well as handle me in a Rush Duel."

"What's a Rush Duel?" Both Smolder and Sliverstream asked, causing Sparks to fall back to the ground.

"What's a Rush Duel?!?!?" Sparks shouted as sparks of electricity came out of her horn when she jumped back up. "What, do you live in an igloo or something?!?!?"

"I've lived under the ocean half my life." Silverstream admitted.

"And we don't have card shops in the Dragonlands." Smolder pointed out.

"Then I'll bring you both to my mom's card shop." DS spoke up. "She's probably done setting up and she can hook you both up with duel disks and starter decks."

"Yeah! That sounds awesome! I can't wait to get a deck of my own!" Gallus excitedly said as he pumped his fist.

"And maybe after that you can give some of us a quick tutorial on how to duel DS, and then you can show us a Rush Duel Sparks." Said Ocellus with an adorable smile. "This game looks fun and I wanna learn how to play!"

"Me too! This game looks very competitive, and we dragons love to get competitive." Said Smolder with a smirk as she put her hands on her hips.

"All right, let's go!" DS declared as he ran past and spin Sparks around again before she fell to the ground.

"You did that on purpose!" She shouted at him before chasing after him with the Young Six following behind. The leaders, Princess Celestia, and the Mane Six watched as the group headed towards the card shop. Twilight had a warm smile on her face before Flash walked up to her.

"You know, I have a feeling this is going to be one interesting school year." Flash remarked as she nodded in agreement.