• Published 31st Jan 2023
  • 114 Views, 1 Comments

15 Seconds of Silence - Visharo

A tragic romance between Fear and Blue! This story was made for my own amusement, brave it if you dare.

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The Chapter

Blue, a large dragon covered in blue spikes and scales, stared in sorrow at the sight before him. The small donkey that captured his heart, Fear, lay unmoving on the floor. His beautiful eyes closed and his usually luscious grey fur was matted with rain water. The sight was too much for the dragon and decided to flee, to flee from his pain.

Anguish was all that Blue felt, water was pooling in the corners of his eyes, but the speed of his flying didn't allow for the tears to fully form before they were whisked away. Without any thought of his destination or his safety, the dragon just flew and let his wings take him wherever. Imagine his surprise to find himself at his and Fear's house when he finally dipped in exhaustion.

He crouched underneath the custom-made door, despite it being made especially made for him, it was still to short, and made his way to the couch, also custom-made. He collapsed on the red couch and immediately slouched and stared off into the distance.

Water started dripping down his cheeks before landing on the pillows. He chuckled mirthlessly, wondering how the Fear would react to him, crying on the couch. Before he could finish the thought, a frown formed. Something was missing. Blue heaved himself and lumbered over to the fridge. He opened it with a large claw and carefully extracted a package from within the depths. He then expertly maneuvered his way back to the couch with his prize.

"Perfect." Blue smiled humorously as he opened the tub of ice cream and started to scoop out the cold delicacy with a claw. After several scoops, the waterworks began again. His heart, cracked in too many places to count, was beating, albeit slowly. Blue felt it, hammering half heartedly in his chest, reminding him of his failure.

The dragon woke up from a loud noise. With a confused groan, Blue looked around, trying to get his bearings. The tub of ice cream lay on the floor in a melted heap, the satin pillows were drenched in tears and snot, and he no doubt looked like a mess. The noise came again. It was knocking.

With a tired sigh, Blue rolled his way to the door and opened it. He blearily looked at the donkey at the front door, uncomprehending. Through his blurry eyes, he swore he saw Fear, the donkey that captured then broke his heart. Then the donkey smiled. Blue gasped, it was Fear! With a great sweep of his claws, he grabbed the poor donkey,who yelped in shock, in a big bone-crushing hug.

"He...hey. Goo...good to see you! C...can you l...let me go...please?" Fear smiled weakly, his eyes sparkling with amusement and unshed tears.

"Fear!" Blue sobbed, but his mouth formed an unnaturally large smile. 'You're alive!"

"Of course! Did you think that could kill me?" Fear chuckled good naturedly, tears started flowing for him as well. "Ya big softie."

"I am not!" Fear laughed at Blue's immediate response. The dragon only sighed, before saying, "come. Let's go to bed. It's been a long day."

Fear, the donkey that started it all, awoke that morning feeling refreshed. His small grey body wrapped in blue scaly arms. He smiled contentedly, this was the life. He decided to stay there for just a bit longer. However, the longer he waited for his lover to wake, the more worried he became.

The donkey pried himself out of the grip with some difficulty and clambered around till he found his lover's head. Blue, the dragon that captured his heart, had his eyes closed. His chest wasn't moving and no breath was coming out of his nose. Fear stayed there, staring in shock at the sight before him. Then it started, the tears. The heart that was healed, that was mended, shattered into pieces.

Fear sniffled and got up, his hooves shuffling to the front door. With a great heave, he opened it and looked outside. It was beautiful.

Rustling in the background and then somecreature cleared their throat. 'QnA time for our favourite duo! We have 30 questions prepared for them today! Let us see how they answer.'

What's your favourite food?
Chocolate cake! or the souls of the innocent
Chinese dumplings.

What's your weight?
I don't know, probably around 55-60kg
50 Kg.

Do you enjoy yoga?
Sometimes, when I'm really bored or in the mood to.

What do you think about eating flowers?
They don't taste great.. would eat again
Flowers are pretty, they shouldn't be eaten... only looked at. also some are poisonous, but some are meant to be eaten so I guess you can eat them.

When you were seven, did you ever fall out of a tree?
I'm a dragon, I can FLY! WEEEEE
Not when I was 7, but when I was 13, lol.

Do you enjoy your relationship with your boyfriend?
Yeah, I like talking to him a lot and he is awesome and I love him and he makes me happy. rereading this it is very sappy. Hmm, lol.
No, It's the worst relationship ever ugh šŸ™„ I hate him so much, please set me free... he's the worst person ever; he isn't funny, he isn't cute or hot, he never wants to talk to me and he never compliments me or tells me that he loves me. I hate it.

If I said something like, ORANGES, what is your response?
I will stare you down until you are intensely uncomfortable then say "sure." and act like nothing happened.

How many times, on estimate, have you eaten honey?
Probably roundabout Haha Jojo 187.
About as many times as I've eaten toast, divided by 3, + 5 following the rule of equations, of course.

Why is the sky blue?
Cuz it looks pretty, duh.
The sky is blue because it wants to be?? Jee man, no need to question everything.

If you could go anywhere, where would it be?
Hmmmm, probably either Hungary or Scotland.
To your mothers house. If you want a serious answer then to China to study or see family or both

I saw a pink bush the other day, what is your reaction?
Thats crazy. Gimme some of that LSD by the way, I know its good.

If you could be any animal, what would you be?
Hmm, this seems targeted, but probably a doggo cuz cute and you get pats, lol.
Honestly I would be like an eagle or a bird or something, because flying and sh*tting on people sounds cool.

Is this QnA dumb?
No you- wait they didnā€™t make senseā€¦ guess itā€™s appropriate, neither did this QnA.
No dumb questions! :D

If a giant minotaur with the ability to suck souls suddenly appeared, how would you react?
I have no soul.
I would go on a suicide mission to tame it and ride it. If it works, yay, I can suck the souls outta the people I hate, if it doesn't work, oopsies, it was fun while it lasted. Plus getting ur soul sucked is probably not that painful and slow right? Probably.

Do you like bread?
Yes. Unless its Hungarian, Hungarian bread sucks.
Birds like bread right? Yeah, probably. I probably like bread.

Do you mind if I get some tea? I'm kind of thirsty.
Nah, its fine as long as you donā€™t mind if your recording equipment goes missing.
Make that 2 teas.

Recording starts going staticky and rustling is heard. A few moments later, the rustling happens again. A muffled, 'alright, I'm back...hey, give that back!' The rustling gets louder and bangs could be heard. Shouts and yells as well. After a few minutes of scuffling, no more noises were heard except heavy breathing. 'Right, okay...back to questions.'

What is your relationship with grass?
sShhhh, he can never know.

If I gasped right now, really loudly, would you gasp too?
Of course, it's only a matter of politeness.
Hmmm..... maybe, depends on the day. Otherwise, I would just ask "what is it?", I know Blue would gasp too though, lol. He loves gasping for any and all reasons.

What is your favourite food?
ā€¦ pretty sure you asked this before.
Not Chinese dumplings.

If you suddenly gained a daughter, what would you name her?
Decobapeapec.. for reasons.
Oceania, I love that name, I don't know why, pronounced oh-see-ah-ni-a.

What would you do if you suddenly got attacked by an aggressive cow?
I would vanquish it with THE POWER OF FR- 24 gauge shotgun, to the head.
Ow?? That hurt? Back off??

When was the last time you saw a porcupine?
4 years ago.
I... don't think I've ever seen a porcupine...? Are they rare-? Do they even inhabit Britain? Maybe I have seen one but I just forgot? Oh Celestia- I'm having an porcupine existential crisis...

Have you seen the GREAT AND POWERFUL...ahem, scuse me.
You are excused.
The wh- oh right, of course. You are excused... *visible confusion*

What are your thoughts on music?
Hmmm, I'll leave this one to donkey.
Music is life. It is intelligence, art, omnipotent, and will one day make us all its slaves. Music is something so diverse and depthful, with thousands upon thousands of layers stacked up, all waiting to be explored. Music is amazing.

If your greatest hero, the person you admire the most, suddenly turned evil, would you hug them?
Violence isnā€™t the answer, itā€™s the solution.
Honestly yeah. For sure, lmao.

Is this boring?
Eh, its fine, hard to come up with funny stuff to say though.
Depends... are you bored reading this? If so then yes, but I don't know, I don't think it is.

Do you believe in fate or destiny?
Absolutely, we are all slaves to fate, but it's kinda cool at the same time.

If you were suddenly transported to a world of faceless creatures that carry high powered rifles, what would your reaction be?
Thatā€™s.. awfully specific- but uh, probably around 5.
Well I'm f*cked. :l Let's explore until one of them shoots me! :D

Do you believe in the afterlife?
No, but I believe in you! *awws in the audience*
I for sure believe in afterlife... it just makes sense.

Do you think I should stop talking now?
Idk, stop talking if you wanna stop talking.

Eh, I'll stop talking.
Sure :>
Fair enough.

More rustling, then. 'Thank you everycreature! This has been Visharo, many thanks to Blue and Fear for answering our questions. Good Night and Good Luck!

Fear trotted to the apple tree where he first met Blue. He slowly lowered himself down so he could lean on the trunk. After finding a comfortable position, the donkey sighed and looked up. His gaze wandering the clouds, his thoughts immediately went to his boyfriend, of the dragon that held his heart, of how he would swoop and duck in the air. He chuckled mirthlessly and continued to stare until his eyes started to droop. Fear made no effort to stop them and let them close.

Ah, silence.

Author's Note:

This story was made with ideas from several Discord chats with my friend Blu. This story was also made for him and his bf, Fear. Kudos to you lovable fools.
Fun fact, I actually asked them these questions and these are their answers. Most of them are edited to be grammatically correct and whatnot, plus some altercations to make it MLP friendly. (kinda...)

Why isn't there a Donkey tag? I complain!

Comments ( 1 )

wow, such a story, i love the absurdly long QnA that has very little to do with the actual story in the middle of it, its great lol

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