• Member Since 11th Nov, 2022
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

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I do not like my litle pony I like the fanfiction and initially for several years had the idea that Tirek was a redbull add also I sometimes replace fuck with nuke.


Yall know the stick caracter gets displased as a Gundam 00 Command Qan[T] custom will he get petrified?
Takes place pre pillars dissapearence.

Here is some basic info about the mc, they were born in 1/3/13131 human era calander do not hava a gender (anymore) they ranked 711th place in the intersolar rankings of mobile suit combat online of witch they are a AI developer and likes to collect old gunpla models.

tags come as story goes

please tell me what you do not like I hope to make an enyoiabe story for those whom read it

Changing the beginning to make it more readable.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 34 )

... You got an F in English class, didn't you? And that's just in the titles and descriptions 😒.

I do not do english klass my land already has 3 they do not yet teatch ingles
edit: They also do not use a letter grading sistem.

Then be ready to be called out for atrocious... Everything.

Oh no tha grammar natzis are comming quick hide and use their knollege to improve the reading expierience!

I know this story will have more downvotes than upvotes because of your grammar and stuff. Plus....

ls my grammer realy that bad?
I have read worse and what is the other stuff?

How did this even get through moderation? The grammar, spelling, everything about it...just feels so completely wrong.

Just one example - "tags come ASS story goes".

It's one of the simplest words to spell, with only two letters, and you misspell it nonetheless.

How have you read anything worse than this?

Or are you trolling in some way that I don't understand yet?

1. I have been on this site for 8 years. I am not new.

2. My intention was to highlight that this story needs complete grammatical restructuring, not what needed fixed.

1.1 you have not seen mutch then

2.1 my country (is that the correct word?) is not english
2.2 do you have any suggestions to improve the structure?

Well other than some needed spell corrections, the story is a nice humorous read.
Although, it bounces back and fourth between reasonable & silly which leaves a distasteful feeling. The characters could use a tad more rounding out to match their canon selves while leaving those unique quirks you've given them in a smaller capacity so it doesn't read like an intentionally confusing fortune cookie. For example, you could have it so this Flash Sentry stresses a bit more when facing something confusing by yelling or have the humor Starswirl is shown used sparingly.

If you continue this story as is, you may need to add the comedy tag. It really doesn't fit the adventure tag if you don't make some changes. Such as using "which" instead of "witch" properly for sentence structure.

Thank you for the tips I shall try to remember them for future chapters and when I modify the current ones.

I like it. Some grammar aside, it sounds believable that some dude got dumped into a new body based on his own designs of a model kit and artificial brain. And you left things off with an ending that isn't a cliffhanger. I look forward to the next chapter.

Nuke clifhangers only akcept kliffallers.


Was this meant to be spelt this way?

Acording to the box I think so and it was originally クァン[タ] so I dont realy know.

Comparing you writing in and out of story, I'm having to assume your writing it this way to troll a lot of folks. Correct?

This is the second time the robot interacted with the ponies there will be some explanation during the third log

That's how it's spelled the last time I looked. Unless Bandai changed the naming.

I feel like I’m being infected by an unknown virus the more I read this.

...I want to ask you a question, why you did not use google translate to write this?

I mean, if you did not understand English to the point you didn't even know how to properly write the word in it then why not just translate whatever language you use to English? Then copy the sentence or word after you translate it and paste it in this story.

It was easy and effective way to write a story in English if you don't understand English. While I did not understand English one hundred percent, I at least know the basic.

I know English better than my mother language and I do use Google translate I sometimes also search the word up if I am worried about the spelling please tell me what I got wrong it would help more.
Thank you for reading.

If you don't mind, what was your mother language?


You may need to get an editor for this, because I have read through all of your chapters up until this one. Idk if English is your native language, but I keep seeing lack of comas in some cases and spelling errors. Like I stated in the beginning, my advice is to get an editor to improve the grammar and correct spelling errors which, admittedly, should be impossible to make.

Holy shit. The amount of dislikes.... this placed is like iraq under artillery bombardment.

I used this connection with myself (That sounded better before I put it into the log.) to inspect the g i a n t lazer the enemy are using. 'okay so I seam to be able to use my fucking subrou-' I already went over this part lets skip it. [ memory fast-forward's] 'Okay the enemy beam seems to be made up of seven parts held together by the middle one if I am correct then I should only be seriously efected by more than 000010 hitting wait do I calculate in binary now?' Yes yes I even think in binary but am translating it all to English. 'more than 2 parts hitting me but the center beam is being protected by the other 000110 no 6 beams for al but a tiny hole in the center so bucking and mostly focusing on that point shall in theory save me and allow me to split the opponents beam allowing me to final fucking win this nuked beam struggle.'

I don't really think he would think in binary, just like human didn't think in neural network's weight (analog logic gate).

Beside, lower level function are likely hidden amd simplified by API calls.

It is fully capable of controlling any part of him and observe almost any part.

I didn't talk about that, what I mean is that he wouldn't actually see binary number when he do calculation, because API hidden it's away, along with the rest of lower level operation.

For example 5*5 = ?
He would called function from a math class named multiply()

Then multiply() will called plus() recursively 5 times(5+5+5+5+5)

Then plus() would check if it was negative number first, then called binaryPlus()

binaryPlus() will do the calculation in binary and send back to plus(), which will turned it back to base 10, then send to mulpiply()


In the end, he will only recieved 25 as the answer.
He will not actually see the binary number at all.

You should do something like this instead

"Okay the enemy beam seems to be made up of seven parts held together by the middle one if I am correct then I should only be seriou-"

applet-run threatAnalyse.app -target "current" -result "simplified_float"


"Wow, that's fast!" He though, but then noticed he actually didn't account for harmonic fie-"

applet-run threatAnalyse.app -target "current" -mode 2 -result "simplified_float"


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