• Member Since 6th Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Soft Shake

I like the pretty ponies.


It happened a long time ago. Maybe it's been long enough now that things could start to change. Or maybe she won't be ready for a little while longer. Whatever the case, Twilight won't be going anywhere.

Featured 4/2/23 for a bit!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

Dang Soft Shake,

I have a heart made out of stone and this almost made me shed a tear. Well done.

Ahh I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks for commenting! ^^

Sweet Celestia that was amazing!

Every word, phrase, paragraph, sentence of dialogue, everything's charged with such immense meaning and emotion.

You, good sir, have epitomized the art of stating little yet saying much.

So, so much.

And none of that is to speak of the writing style of this, which I feel is easily the best part. At first glance and indeed if one were only to analyze the words themselves, one could criticize the apparent 'telly' nature of the narrative. I'll be wholly honest: when I began reading this, such a course of action was the first thing in mind. I was prepared to give the whole 'show, don't tell' spiel by the end, but then I read a little...deeper.

And then I realized that you showed. You definitely showed and implied far more than you told directly, and what's absolutely genius is that you did so by telling. I don't even know what to call this kind of writing style, but the first thing that comes to mind is 'tasteful telling'. I can say with certainty that this is the only place I've read such a method and I found it greatly refreshing to have something so new.

It is my personal belief that the most admirable and defining quality of any writer is their ability to imply, rather than state. In some incredible backwards manner, you accomplished this magnificently and consequently you have my immense respect.

And finally, the subject matter of the story is my very favorite thing to read about: A victim getting the help and support they both need and deserve.

Dare I ask for a sequel? Some continuation of this narrative, to more fully round out the events and develop their relationship? It's understandable if that's not in the cards, but I must say I find the idea of such a thing very desirable.

Well done, good sir, and thank you. I believe you've made my day with this.

Wow, Soft Shake!

This was really nice! I, like Spitfire, have a hard time accepting that it’s okay to be broken from time to time. So this story hit home for me.

Great job, friend!

Wow, this is fantastic! What an exercise in showing us the interior of a character! I really like how there's just enough implied about past events to set up the canvas, but then letting the characters in the moment paint the picture, without leaning on telling a bunch of exposition to paint it for them.

Well done.

Dang this is such a nice comment, I don't even know what to say! I'm so beyond glad to hear from someone other then myself that there was merit in this stye of story telling as I was pretty nervous about it. Thank you so much for the feedback!

Dare I ask for a sequel? Some continuation of this narrative, to more fully round out the events and develop their relationship? It's understandable if that's not in the cards, but I must say I find the idea of such a thing very desirable.

I can definitely say that a continuation of this story in some form is not beyond the realm of possibility. A lot of the time, a small fic I write is born from a much longer and more complex story in my head, but writing one key moment with the characters as a stand alone serves as a way for me to ensure I actually create and finish it-- and this fic was definitely one of those cases. Theoretically I'd absolutely love to explore more of this story and the developing relationship because it all lives rent free in my head, it just comes down to whether I ever get the time and the self-discipline required to get it all done. It's certainly nice to know there's interest!

I can only echo other commenters in saying that this story is wonderful for what it says, how it says it, and when it knows to be silent.

It's certainly nice to know there's interest!

There definitely is.
It's a very interesting premise and the little snippet that's there so far is very well written.
An older more confident Twi and a mellowed out Spitfire who's more than the stereotypical drill sgt ... it's an interesting duo, regardless of how they'll end up defining their relationship

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