• Published 27th Feb 2023
  • 3,923 Views, 129 Comments

Warhorse - Hypnotwist

Sunset is struggling with the betrayal by her so called friends, the aftermath of Anon-A-Miss only makes things harder for her. She struggles with rekindling her friendships with the ones who hurt her the most.

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The rest of my hospital stay was long, boring, and painful to say the least, I had to re-learn how to walk and pretty much do everything I had taken for granted.
I'd decided that it wasn't a good idea to speak to the girls if I wasn't ready to, I learned that things were going to be a lot more complicated than I'd originally believed and I was going to talk to my former friends on my time.

Speaking of Rarity and Fluttershy, they really helped me not lose my mind throughout the hospital stay, they came every single day and hung out as long as they could. The three of us would talk for hours about our interests and hobbies, I really enjoyed their company and I hoped they enjoyed mine. Flutters always went to my place every few days to feed Ray and give him water, I really appreciated that because if Ray starved I wouldn't ever forgive myself.

Whenever Fluttershy walked in I always felt.. Angry. It didn't last long, it ebbed away quickly but it was still there.
Without fail every time she walked in I felt this red hot anger burning in my soul. I never told them though, I was making an effort to let go of my hurt and I didn't need to make things objectively worse by outright telling them, 'Oh! Whenever you walk in Flutters, I want to strangle you!'

Fluttershy and Rarity had just left, leaving me feeling a little sad, I really did enjoy their presence and I already missed them. Their visits kept me going honestly. I leaned back in my bed and sighed, I was told I was going home tomorrow and I was happy, that also meant I'd be returning to school shortly and I wasn't happy about that one bit. I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep, I fell asleep eventually and was immediately greeted by the lunar princess in my dreams.

"How are you feeling tonight?"

Oh, she was getting to the point. Great, I'm not really in the mood for small talk at the current time.

I lifted and looked at my arm to see if I were a human or equine, I saw a furry orange hoof so I had wisely deduced I was currently a pony. I put my hoof back down and realized I hadn't responded.

"I'm going home tomorrow, I really don't want to go back to school. It's.. I don't want their pity."

Her horn lit up and she used her pale blue magic to press gently on my lower back, indicating that she wanted me to sit down, I complied immediately.

"They're likely worried Sunset. But have you made any progress with your former friends? I'd like to know what you've been up to."

Luna sat in front of me, using her magic to manipulate her realm enough to conjure a table and chairs so we could speak comfortably.

I slowly nodded, "Perhaps but.. I still feel angry whenever I see Fluttershy walk into the room, and I don't know if I'm truly forgiving someone. I say I do but I usually don't know if I mean it or not and it feels like I really don't."

"Hm.. I'd think that is normal considering what has happened, you've been through a lot and it's not going to get better magically. You're trying, that's what matters right now. You need to take your time to heal, never try to rush it." She paused, clearly thinking of her next words carefully, "I think you need a therapist, someone who you could vent your frustrations out to. I'm unashamed to admit that I have one, and it's not that scary once you get over the initial obstacle of asking for help, I promise."

Guilt hit me like a truck, I hadn't realized I was damaged enough to need a therapist. I didn't want to have that conversation with principal Celestia or vice principal Luna, I was so scared to ask for help.
It was a terrifying concept to me, going up to someone and saying that I wanted to die and I needed a therapist and asking if they knew anyone who I could go to.

She extended a wing and lightly grabbed my hoof, she held it in her wing and judging by my lack of reply she knew I was feeling pretty shitty about the whole thing.

"Come now Sunset, it's going to be scary but in the future you'll look back and be glad you asked for the help you needed."

I gulp, I know she's completely correct but it still doesn't make it any less terrifying, "I know princess. I'll try. I'm still scared and I don't know if it's going to work."

She lets my hoof slide out from her wing as I pull it back closer to me, "I'll always be here for you, and if you ever need or want me to relay a message to my sister then I will do so gladly."

My heart starts racing, now's my chance to let Celestia know I'm truly sorry, "I.. Thank you princess. If it's not too much trouble could you tell princess Celestia that I'm sorry?"

"Of course Sunset, but please just call me Luna, I consider you a friend. I'll let you wake up now and next time we meet I'll tell you what Celestia may have to say in response. Please stay safe, me and Celestia would both be very upset if you got hurt again."

I say nothing as she lights her horn and begins to bring me back to the waking world, in the blink of an eye I'm back in the hospital beginning to wake up. I open my eyes and look around, glancing at the clock to see what time it is.

"Little after eight." I murmur, hoping I'd be able to get breakfast before I'm discharged. I wouldn't be too bothered if I didn't because the hospital food is pretty crappy, and I could always stop by Sugarcube Corner if I didn't get breakfast. Honestly, I'd probably stop by even if I did get breakfast here, I was craving their red velvet cupcakes.

"Mmmm... And a hot cocoa, my usual favorites." I say softly to myself, "Delicious.."

I attempt to rest for a few more minutes though I'm forced to abandon my plan when the nurses bring me breakfast and the doctor comes and explains what I'll need to do to recover fully once I'm discharged.
I'm forced to wait a lot longer to get the discharge papers that explain what they had done while I was taking my incredibly long nap.

I finally get out of the hospital around ten, I'm still very sore but I can at least walk, write, and move on my own again and for that I'm incredibly grateful. I should probably get some exercise and walk home, thankfully I don't live that far away from the hospital and I could probably walk home in ten or twenty minutes.

Nope. Nope nope nope. I had seriously overestimated my abilities to walk a somewhat far distance so soon after I get out of bedrest, my limbs were screaming at me to stop but I didn't really want to stay out in the unforgiving cold too long. I got my ass home, I quickly plopped myself down on the couch and threw my shoes off haphazardly, I took a deep breath before groaning, I had to go to school tomorrow and ask my principal if she knew of any good therapists.

"Oh fuck me that's going to suck so bad."

I sigh, "Oh fucking fuck. Shit, shit, Twilight!"

My body hated me so much for how quickly I shot up from the couch, I hissed in pain. The pain didn't stop me as I powerwalked up to my loft and I grabbed the journal. I threw it open and began to read her messages. I probably scared the shit out of her when I never replied and disappeared for almost two weeks.