• Member Since 28th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


A man with more ambition than he will ever have time.


Whilst waiting for Rarity to finish her shift at Nightmare Moon's castle, the Cutie Mark Crusaders listen to cutie mark stories from a strange assortment of ponies who happen upon them, including a vain femboy, a headstrong veteran, a shifty necromancer, and more!

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe. More information can be found here.

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft. Additional proofreading and editing by Ebonyglow.

Detailed content warnings per chapter included in author's notes.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 35 )

Excited to see more!

...what a violent way to start things off for the CMC. That does bring in the question whether Carte is fated to like inflicting violence and is encouraged to do so thanks to his cutie mark giving him confirmation of what kind of future he'd have, but that might be for another time. Still, it was nice(?) to hear Carte tell his tale.

To be honest, Sol is such an interesting character, he could carry a whole story, from his relationship with his two siblings and parents, to his draft into the military, any friends he may have made either during training or in the field, meeting his future wife for the first time, him taking leave to transition, them falling in love after their second encounter with each other, and other significant events in his life. The document outlines these things, but it doesn't really go into detail. I'd be excited to read about any of these events, and you are just as incredible and distinctive with your storytelling ability as you are as an artist.

Thanks! And yes, I have stories planned with Sol as the POV character! Thing is I have a lot of *other* stories planned and I'm bad at sticking to one project all the way through. I'm committed to finishing this one as it's partly published but there's much much more that's currently a mess.

I understand. I've done a fair bit of writing covering various topics over the years, and not all of them get finish, and some take months or even years. I even have a custom-drawn map for a fantasy novel I have yet to write. It takes quite a lot to stay motivated, especially when working on a project which isn't monetized or being graded. That is on top of other more pressing activites, such as work or IRL commitments. I really love the AU you've created, and I wish you luck in both this and your future projects, both written and art-based. Nigtmare Moon would be proud.

the lore expands!

Fun with accents I see. That opening bit with Poca was great too.

As much as Selenite is a favorite of mine, I do feel bad for what AB has had to go through.

Oh yeah this is definitely a feeling I want to create. Behind all the pompous badassery, cool weapons, and cute bats of the NLM Lunar Empire is an imperialist police state that leaves a lot of scars. I sometimes worry about making the Empire look too cool in my art so I intend to highlight its more sinister aspects in my writing.

Props then, because you definitely are doing a great job at creating that feeling.

Beware, as sinister things tend to be cool on it's own ways. Unfortunally, practically only way to make thing absolutly unlikeable is to make it compeltly monstrous and even this not always work.
And as Lunar Empire of yours isn't completly monstrous by itself, adding more hard stuff behind it may make it paradoxically more cool by "virtues" of ruthlessness and "hardcoreness"

Sorry to hear about Applejack. What ends tp happening to her?

Slowly, he pushed the paper towards me. “This is a letter from Superintendent Neighsay..."

Well that sure explains a lot. Glad that her principal is a least a great guy.

A startling thud sounded through the kitchen as Mom slammed her knife into the cutting board. “That’s unexpected,” Mom said, her face still calm. “Getting that brazen, are they?”


I rubbed the back of my neck. “I believe him when he says he's working hard behind the scenes, honestly. But the EEA's word is final. What else can he do?”

He could always just pull a Twilight and leave the EEA all together.

“Metaphorically, don’t fall for its stare. But literally-” Mum stopped abruptly, almost literally biting her tongue. She held her breath and glanced off to the side. Some quiet moments passed. Turning her gaze back to me, she breathed out. She ceased her silence and spoke clearly and calmly, her voice never wavering or stammering. “Since going through Mr Electric or the PTA’s a dead end, you and every other thestral have to act on your own initiative or you’ll get nowhere. Make a demonstration of protest, of defiance, something. Show the EEA we can’t be held down and force them to back off. The student body is overwhelmingly thestral, you can reach out to them. They’re probably just as angry as you are. Most teachers are thestrals too, and I know they want to do something about this sh- rubbish, actually want to do something. One or two I see at the Lunar Temple say they might resign over it. Plus, I know there are plenty of non-thestral teachers and students at the school who’d happily join up as allies. Their hooves can be forced through a collective act of resilience, and at this point, it’s the only option.”

Best Mom of The Year material right here.

“Heya!” Moonatik popped through the door, following Rarity. “Uh, I’m here too!” he said, before quietly shuffling into the background.

I wonder why this feels rather accurate.

“So why are y’all forcin’ us to live in this eternal night?”

A point, the young one makes.

Rarity then stepped forwards. “Might I add, while I personally might not have received, hm,” she tugged at her uniform, “the best deal out of all this Lunar business, after I’d heard all about what Equestria's thestrals have been through it is only right that the rest of us give them a fair chance! Oh, and having some real competition in town is honestly quite thrilling!” Rarity said, her eyelids twitching as she put on a broad smile.

Something tells me that Rarity is more so saying these things because she is in the presence of the Warmaster, then because these are her true feelings.

While it's very clear and understandable, why EEA and Neighsay were trying to stomp Nightmarism and Culturkampf thestrals, doing so by oppression and rapid direct attacking of ways of life only galvanize these oppressed even more. Also being personal about thing isn't good for cause and Neighsay. I can say it from experiences of my nation, as we were target for such policy (with intend of removal of our nationality) for long time. About Apple Bloom's rant (which is pretty on point), unfortunally Vae Victis and revanchism are always a thing.

What happened to Neighsay and others from EEA in this timeline, Moonatik? Especially, as one of most mighty persons in Lunar Empire saw direct proof of their hostillity to them?


What happened to Neighsay and others from EEA in this timeline, Moonatik? Especially, as one of most mighty persons in Lunar Empire saw direct proof of their hostillity to them?

you'll find out next chapter :)

Just here to comment how cute that interaction was between Selenite and her mother. Arlia telling her daughter how lucky she is and then Selenite praying to Nightmare... it's not just the obvious exposition but these small bits, too, that make the world feel more alive chapter by chapter.

I feel conflicted, on the one hand I'm like super patriotic toward the Lunarist cause, but on the other hand I also want to side with Apple Bloom.

Neither side was saint, but also both had some points. About Neighsay, he simply ended on losing side of war and wars by definition mean killing. Also he did very much to be hated, so he kinda signed own fate.
I wonder, why Celestia chose or allowed him to be chosen as Chancellor, when she would surely be informed about his general posture, while also preparing for return of Luna?

Edit: Also, why they decided to start cracking down on Lunarism just few years before return of Nightmare, when it was obviously very too late to defeat Lunarism/Nightmarism, only achieving predictible resentment and fanatisation among thestral population?

The reasoning in-universe is that Celestia's government was generally very indecisive and slow to act, not responding to a crisis until its already breaking down the front door. It's not that they chose not to do anything until now, it's that the ponies who wanted to do something were wading through the swamp of government. The bigger efforts that were planned died in committee, and what efforts were launched (such as the efforts by Neighsay) were hasty, late, and not in coordination with any larger effort.

Would you say that the Lunar Empire is more Supremicest/Fascist or Non-aligned? Most creatures here aren't fanatically loyal to the government, and as long as they don't try to undermine or fight against the reigning monarch, creatures are free to live their lives as they please.

If we're using the EaW ideology groups it'd probably be Supremacist, but fundamentally I don't think these ideological distinctions matter if the end result is the same.

Alright. By the way, does AJ ever get out of prison?

Okay, so Grim Fate never was supposed to be actually absolved of her crimes, but still it's dark shit happening. If this mind Control device is so effective, why they didn't put it on her in more safe controled way? Still dark, vile shit. Also I should have predict, that Neighsay didn't died so simply, stupid me.

Also Lunar Empire is apparently proping Aquileian Revolution, I'am curious why? As a way for defragmentating of Griffonian realm?


If this mind Control device is so effective, why they didn't put it on her in more safe controled way?

Poca was just trolling, this is the consequence of giving immature lunatics too much power. They don't mind control Grim permanently because the methods currently available are too expensive upkeep-wise and prevent her from using the high amounts of mental energy required for her sort of magic.

Also Lunar Empire is apparently proping Aquileian Revolution, I'am curious why? As a way for defragmentating of Griffonian realm?

The Kingdom of Aquileia was very much an enemy of the Lunar Empire, propping up the rump Celestial Loyalist state in Puerto Caballo and preventing them from projecting power in South Griffonia and the islands between Equestria and Zebrica. By giving support to the Republican movement and by aiding its revolution (which in this timeline is really more of a coup by the MPA republicans with support from the masses and other republicans), they turn an enemy into an ally.

Ok, I understood with Aquileia, but what is stance of Lunar Empire on conflict between Kemerskai's Republicans and Herzlandish remnant of Empire? Who is preferable here, or maybe no one of them is and best would be if both would destroy themselves to hell? Also what is happening in Hippogriffia right now, as they probably fell much more endangered right now, with ascending, expansionist empire near?

With the Lunar Empire aligning with Aquileia they're necessarily aligned against the Archon-ruled Griffenheim. Kemerskai's lot are seen as too weak to bother with committing to, but some support is sent to slow the Archonate down. Meanwhile in Hippogriffia Crack Lightning is about to do a Japan reference and bombs Chiropterra defying the wishes of the civilian Arisian government, then completing his coup by forcing Novo to retroactively approve measures turning Aris into a fascist dictatorship.

Thank you for answer, Moonatik. It is interesting. :twilightsmile:

I would love to read a story about this one day. What happens to Aris after this happens? Will Chiropterra and the Empire invade and take over/install a puppet regime?

In your AU, which countries would have the highest quality of life and best outlook for the average creature? As in, they stay out of all wars, don't have a dictatorship government, and lack slavery.

The most consistently peaceful and prosperous might end up being the River Republic. I haven't quite settled on what I want to happen in that part of the world yet though.

For an outcome best suited for the darkness of this world and most in the Empire's favour, I would probably suggest the Lake City Coup succeeding, and the Nimbusia purists winning out, Queen Whitestar dies in the duel, Hellquill and Longsword invade from the west, and Caramal Haze takes over the River Republic, getting into skirmishes and keeping the lands divided and too weak to pose a threat.

There is no way I could ever see River Swirl ever accepting the Empire's legitimacy, as her mind was corrupted by her time at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, and having Twilight as a former friend means she probably would want to honour Twilight's desire to restore harmony. She's too dangerous to be kept in power, especially if she forms the federation in 1012. Harmonists like her and Water Lilly either need to be assassinated, voted out, or tricked into fighting each other to prevent them from threatening the Empire. Who knows, maybe a story with Carte Blanche could involve his efforts to meddle in the 1007 elections, in order to put Nova Whirl or Caramel Haze in power with the condition of recognizing the Lunar Empire, and staying out of foreign conflicts?

If the River Federation is formed, it would be a harmonic superpower with a large combined military might become a rival to the empire, possibly even harbouring refugees who fled from the former countries in the Empire's sphere of influence, like America did for German and Itallian scientists and intellectuals. I could imagine this being a total nightmare (pun intended) for Nightmare Moon. This could result in a cold war, like the US and the Soviet Union (or the US, Germany, and Japan in TNO), fighting proxy-wars, launching coups, and playing diplomatic games to win over the support of minor nations. Neither side would be able to overpower the other militarily, and when both have ICBMs, it's likely a nuclear exchange would destroy everything.

Under normal conditions, the Federation has a larger population, GDP, and ponypower pool, and a closer position to other nations, like Farbrook, the Firtree Villages, the Gryphian Host, Greneclyff, the Kasa Free State/Kása-Hreindýraland Confederation, Free Towns of Gryphus (Who can all join the Federation), and close proximity to the Empire's vassals and states. This massively boosts internal and external trade and cooperation once everything's settled down, and Grover VI can even go harmonist, leading to the majority of the continent allied against the Empire, in addition to Mount Aris down south.

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