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Someday, I'll stop writing silly comedy stories. However, today isn't "someday".



Canterlot Castle's Royal Guards haven't had the best track record when it came to doing their jobs as Canterlot's defenders. This hasn't gone unnoticed by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

When the sisters pondered the reason for their guards' ineffectiveness, Luna concluded that Celestia's motherly nature toward her guards – as well as all her ponies – had prevented her from ensuring they received the proper training. Therefore Luna volunteered to personally turn the guards into buff, mean, fighting machines.

That is, if the guards could survive what the Princess of the Night had in store for them.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 69 )
Comment posted by Grayson Judd deleted Apr 16th, 2023

Technical Sergeant Jim Moore... the man that 'Gunny' learned from...

Back in 2010 or thereabouts I went to a week long "mini boot camp" with my NJROTC unit and several other area schools. The first couple days were not easy, but I am proud to say that I made it through, possibly stronger than I was before HS. I thought of joining the Navy out of HS but medical conditions made that impossible and now I'm past the age that is desirable for recruitment.

Celestia means well, but I can definitely see her being too generous with the mares and stallions of the corps. I just hope that Luna doesn't swing too far the other direction, going full on SEAL training.

:moustache: Welcome Ladies to Camp Equestria where we will reshape you into the most lethal fighting force on the globe!
:raritystarry: You will have the most fashionable uniforms!
:ajbemused: You'll eat things that'll gag a goat!
:flutterrage: You will say "Sir" out of your pie hole - Before and After every answer, If that's okay with you , If you don't mind...
:rainbowlaugh: You will faint at my awesomeness and grovel at my hooves!
:pinkiecrazy: I have my plans for you my little ponies
:trollestia: Hello My Little Ponies
:twilightangry2: What's this jelly roll doing on my parade ground?
:trollestia: I'm your Princess

She combed the castle for a hat, one that screamed “drill sergeant”, and eventually found one for her taste: a green one.

Is it a beret? I kinda hope it's a beret. Luna making Equestria's Green Berets would be funny.

I'm looking forward to seeing Luna unleash her inner DI, though I couldn't help but think of Full Metal Jacket while reading this. :rainbowlaugh:

"I am Gunnery Sergeant Luna, your senior drill instructor. From now on you will speak only when spoken to, and the first and last words out of your filthy sewers will be 'Ma'am.' Do you maggots understand that?"

"Ma'am, yes Ma'am."

"Horsefeathers, I can't hear you. Sound off like you got a pair!"


"If you fillies leave my castle, if you survive recruit training, you will be a weapon. You will be a minister of death praying for war. But until that day, you are pukes. You are the lowest form of life on Equestria. You are not even ponies. You are nothing but unorganized grab-asstic pieces of amphibian manure! Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard but I am fair. There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on earth ponies, unicorns or pegasi. Here you are all equally worthless. And my motive is to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Guard. Do you maggots understand that?"

I’m seeing a Battery Sergeant Major Williams coming up here. A more WW2 style of Sergeanting, with extra curly moustaches.

but even Rarity can hold her own better, from what I heard!” Luna threw her arms up in exasperation. “ Rarity, Celestia, and in hoof-to-hoof combat no less!



:duck: Lacking the inclination to violence does not equate to lacking the ability, darling!

one wonders if this will go either horribly wrong or horribly right heh heh



That could be suitable if Luna decided to give them combat drills when they try to fight her:rainbowlaugh:

Nigh indeed.

Not too inaccurate a preview of what's coming.

I don't know if I would have been able to handle even a mini boot camp in high school. I might have been too sensitive for something like that back then. But good for you for doing it and coming out stronger, even if you couldn't try for the Navy.



I used "hat" in the narration, but now that you bought it up, the hat I pictured in my head Luna wearing is more of a beret. It's something that's more up to a reader's interpretation since I didn't go into detail about the specifics, so if you want it to be a beret, picture it as a beret!:twilightsmile:

Although now I have an image of Luna opening up a business when she sells hats...


Glad to hear it, and I'm planning to have it out in around 5 or 6 days or so. I planned to give it out a little sooner, but let's just say some complications came along that will delay the chapter a little.

That's pretty good. Luna would probably be a little nicer when she gives her version of that speech, although "little" is the operative word since she's going to be pretty hard:rainbowlaugh:


Rarity: why looks can be deceiving. She could enjoy a fine cup of tea, stop to kick someone's ass that had it coming, then go back to enjoying her tea as if nothing happened.:rainbowlaugh:

It could go either way at this point.

She could be quite useful over there to say the least, if not as a DI then as a solder.


It does. I had it picked out for this story before that story came out -- which I'm planning to read -- and I even considered changing it once I saw that story come out, but it was just too fitting:rainbowlaugh:

TBH I originally joined the NJROTC in 9th grade because it looked like a way to get out of taking gym :rainbowlaugh: Had I ONLY known :rainbowlaugh:


Like every other veteran throughout history, I still have nightmares about my Drill Sergeant...

... and for me Basic was over twenty years ago!

A Sam Brown is the issue for a DI cover (Look to Smoky the Bear)
Beret were for Special Forces or foreign countries

Or "Wild Geese"

First day of the "mini boot camp"

DS comes on the bus: Welcome to Camp, Hope you have fun, learn stuff, yada yada NOW YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO GET YOUR GEAR AND FALL IN MOVE MOVE MOVE!!

Standing in line to get our camelbacks: stalking up and down the line telling people that this isn't going to be some namby pamby day camp and if we don't think we can cut it the bus is back there

Later on there was some nasty weather and we had to do the Thunder Crouch in our uniforms.

Several days later one of our cabin mates left the canteen early and left his tray behind, front lean and rest while he finished his toast
As the days progressed the DS's gradually lightened up a little bit climaxing with a pool party and stuff.

Why do I think Luna will not be much better? Still let’s see how she does.

“I do. I will be tough, but they are nevertheless in good hooves with me.”

Luna the next day, probably:
Did your parents have any children that lived?
: Ma’am yes ma’am!
Luna: I bet they regret that! You’re so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece

Reminds me of being in NJROTC in high school. During dismissal; both male and female senior commanders (CO & XO) gave orders to 'Fall Out (dismissal)' and there was a "yes s'ma'am". Even the instructors were unsure of who said that.


I see. Safe to say that plan backfired:rainbowlaugh:

Gym was one of my favorite classes, so even if I had more toughness, I wouldn't have ever dreamed of trying to get out of Gym that way. Although if it could have gotten out of History classes...


So that and other Drill Sergeants can sure leave a lasting impact huh?


We will see indeed.




There were some good things, but I do kind of wish I had taken a few more theater/arts/shop classes.

Teasingly might be a better term for when Luna enters.

Also I’d say best drill sergeant is R Lee Ermey. Guy was a drill sergeant brought in for technical advice in Full Metal Jacket. He ended up playing the role he was meant to advise and was nominated for a golden globe.


Teasingly might be a better term for when Luna enter

It would. Thanks for pointing that out.

Also I’d say best drill sergeant is R Lee Ermey. Guy was a drill sergeant brought in for technical advice in Full Metal Jacket. He ended up playing the role he was meant to advise and was nominated for a golden globe.

It's safe to say R Lee Ermey overachieved what he was initially brought in for.:rainbowlaugh:

“Fine, but I’m not sure what’s wrong with our guards. I supervised their training myself.”
“You did not make things too easy for them, did you?”

The training:

They're doomed. Also, I couldn't help but imagine the Make a Man out of You song from Mulan

Barracks not bedrooms
Chow Hall not dining area
:trollestia: What are you doing here Guard?
:flutterrage: Pony Training Sir!
:duck: Where's your Drill Sergeant?
:ajsleepy: Blowed up Sir!
:twilightsheepish: I need some ponies for a special project,,,

“ She is already here. Your final test and opponent is me.”

Uh oh

Ah, the joys of boot (USMC, Paradise) ...

As for the Sargeant, team up to 'tag' her, who knows, someone just might be able to ...

so the final exam is fighting a GOD... seems simple enough

I imagine many would dream of getting a chance to take out their frustrations on their drill sergeant. Shame for this lot that even in their dreams that’s likely to end badly.

While reading this had wondered whether Luna ran her drill and training ideas past medical professionals heh heh

Not sure why you didn't just write 'maggot', it just detracts from the intimidation factor.


Yeah, that song Is kind of fitting.


That song works too:rainbowlaugh:


:twilightsheepish: I need some ponies for a special project,,,

Do we even want to know what that "special project" is?


"Uh oh" is putting it lightly:rainbowlaugh:


As for the Sargeant, team up to 'tag' her, who knows, someone just might be able to



It might be simpler than those guards are going to think. Or maybe not.


I imagine many would dream of getting a chance to take out their frustrations on their drill sergeant

It's even possible Luna was taking that into account, if not even counting on it.


Not sure why you didn't just write 'maggot'

It was something I considered, but I felt it was a little too easy a choice for this story, so I wanted to take a shot by going against the grain and have Luna say something a little different. I also wanted to try to have Luna sound more like a Equestrian drill sergeant, and having her say "maggot" felt a little more like what a human drill sergeant would say instead of a pony one. At least that was the angle I was trying to go with.

:twilightsheepish: Dracony hybrid super troopers? Spike!
:raritystarry: Sounds dangerous
:rainbowlaugh: Only for Dragon Boy here!
:moustache: Oh gosh
:facehoof: Oh no
:raritywink: Oh yes... Darling
:twilightoops: Wut?!

They would continue to carry out non-combat-related duties, such as supervising or guiding regular citizens who visited Canterlot Castle or (even if mostly for show) standing watch in front of the castle’s front and back doors. Those lucky guards.

Royal Guard: "Hold on! I thought that was all we had to do as guards..."

“Heh heh, this we can definitely handle,” the gray pegasus guard who received Luna’s “pep talk” earlier said. “Princess Celestia had us punch similar bags 150 times in her training regimen.”
“Reaaaally?” Luna’s lips curled into a smirk. “I underestimated you. If two hundred times would be so easy, then you will have to punch them four hundred times.”

This pegasus won't get popular among the other guards if he keeps this up for much longer...

Remember, do not punch them with weak blows! Punch them as if they are an enemy or a pony that took the last slice of pizza without permission!

Let me guess: some of them consider the latter example as the bigger motivation?

“Ow...what a day. I’m going to have nightmares about flying targets.”

Luna: *smirks* "I know. In fact, I literally guarantee it..."

“Wait, it’s not so bad,” The (still) big-mouth blue pegasus pointed out. With a confident smirk, he added, “This is a dream, so we can do anything we want! We can even make ourselves alicorns twice this guy’s size!”

At this point I'm not sure whether I should hope he will learn to shut up or hope he will continue like this.

Good chapter!
I enjoyed reading it.

And now I look forwards to see how they manage to beat their final opponent.


Royal Guard: "Hold on! I thought that was all we had to do as guards..."

I wouldn't be surprised if some of them thought the job would be all they would have to do. In way, it is, but it doesn't mean as much if you can't fight should villain(s) decide to break into the castle or something:rainbowlaugh:

At this point I'm not sure whether I should hope he will learn to shut up or hope he will continue like this.

At this point, if he ended up getting knocked halfway across Equestria by the guards' "final opponent", that opponent might actually get cheers from the rest from the other guards:rainbowlaugh:

Good chapter!
I enjoyed reading it.

Glad you're enjoy it so far! BTW, you didn't know it, but you just helped me catch a mistake I missed when you quote this paragraph:

“Heh heh, this we can definitely handle,” the gray pegasus guard who received Luna’s “pep talk” earlier said. “Princess Celestia had us punch similar bags 150 times in her training regimen.

I missed that one; it was supposed to be "blue".:twilightblush:

Canterlot Castle's Royal Guards haven't had the best track record when it came to doing their jobs as Canterlot's defenders. This hasn't gone unnoticed by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

That is true, but aren't Celestia and Luna being huge hypocrites in this story? It isn't like they're shining examples of competency either...


Chapter 1 gave some explanation as to why it's not as hypocritical as it might sound.

Besides, as much crap as Celestia and Luna might get from the fandom, even from me a little in the past, they do a better job at their duties than they sometimes get credit for. Luna has never shown to be at all inefficient when dealing with ponies' nightmares, and Celestia has honestly done a pretty good job running Equestria as far as being a princess, given how smoothly Equestria seem to overall operate in general.


I take it Celestia is going to declare Luna the Permanent Latrine Orderly (PLO) when she hears about the flanks remark.

:moustache::raritywink: The Royal Guards did it.
:flutterrage: Now try DISCORD!
:trollestia: Does Luna make my butt look fat?
:twilightoops: No Cake makes your butt fat
:moustache: It'd take me a week just to get around you
:duck: Precious Scales you have wings now :moustache: yea I know

They even tried to pull a “What’s that behind you?” trick! Alas, everything they tried ended with at least some of them on the ground and Luna scolding their attempt.

And she didn't fall for it?:twilightoops:........ she's good :trixieshiftleft:

Why do I think that the Mane 6 would have had an easier time?

I’ve always preferred the variation where you look in flabbergasted horror at something to get them to look.

“You smiling worms were too slow! If that waw Nightmare Moon’s attack, you all would be dead!"

Guards: "To be fair, if you were Nightmare Moon we would employ a different tactic right now."
Luna: "Oh? And what would that tactic be?"
Guards: "Running away and hide behind Celestia's legs."
(Not sure if waw is a typo or intended.)

“I think she’s getting tired and running low on magic! Let’s surround her!” a familiar blue pegasus shouted—the one still dreaming of being the top guard.

Seems like some guy is learning.

After the light faded, ten ponies flew through the air at the light’s location, end over end, screaming.
“If it makes you feel better, your guards are improving,” Raven preemptively said. “I believe that Princess Luna’s attacks were sending all of them flying when they first started her ‘final test’.”
A wave of magic burst into existence. Eight guards streaked through the air.
“I think that was even fewer of them.”

It's progress. Slow, yes. But progress.

They even tried to pull a “What’s that behind you?” trick!

Try that again, but next time have someone actually attack her from behind!
(Not that it would ever work, but try nonetheless.)

Pegasi streaked to and thrust themselves into Luna’s barrier. They bounced off of it, but they Immediately re-thrust their bodies into the all-mighty barrier. Over and over.

Like this?

All the guards readied to continue their vicious barrage with their teeth gritted. Their thirst for vengeance had yet to be fully quenched. However, agony-filled moans, and the fact that Luna was lying in a crater with her eyes squinted closed, pacified the guards. Guilt gripped their hearts.
“No! We overdid it!” the blue pegasus exclaimed. “She’s hurt!”

Maybe Luna should have invested in some armor of her own.
It worked well to protect the guards, after all, and she must have known this would happen sooner or later.
As a side effect it would also look cool!
Or what would you imagine might her armor look like?

Good chapter!
I enjoyed reading it.

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