• Published 26th Sep 2012
  • 70,677 Views, 4,627 Comments

No, I Am Not A Brony, Get Me Outta Equestria! - BronyWriter

A non-brony is transported to Equestria

  • ...


"Hello Everypony, dragon, diamond dog, and loyal reader, this is BronyWriter coming to you with the promised Q&A. With me is my fictional counterpart TD Harrison Powell. Say hello, TD."

"Where are we?"

"And I'm sure the readers are pleased to see you too. Now then, TD, it's time to do the Q&A that I told them all about. Are you up for it?"

"Are we back in my dorm room in school?!"

"I thought that you'd be more up to this if you were in some place comfortable."

"Hang on a second, you have the power to send me back to Earth whenever you want?!"

"W-Well yeah. I'm the author. I can do whatever I want to you. I can put you in whatever setting I feel is best."

"Oh. Oh that's just brilliant. That's just amazing. I got my spine snapped, I was pulled through a portal and nearly crushed, I was set on fire, and I had to live amongst technicolor ponies from a show I don't care for for six months and all you had to do to stop that was type a bit on your keyboard?!"

"Oh come now, that's no fun. What reader would spend their time reading a story that went 'once upon a time a college student was sucked into Equestria but his author was a kindly soul and with a few keystrokes on his mighty keyboard, he sent the college student back home.'"

"You set me on fire."

"Pinkie Pie set you on fire, dude, now are we doing this or not?"

"I don't suppose I have a choice, do I?"

"Not really After we're done with this, I'll let you go on a date with your crush."

BronyWriter rings a nearby bell causing a nearby door to open. The open door reveals a velociraptor in a tuxedo balancing a silver tray in its stubby little arms. The velociraptor walks through the door and stands next to BronyWriter.

"YAAAAA!! What is that?!"

"That would be my velociraptor butler, Francois. He shall be delivering the questions."

"You have a velociraptor butler."

"I'm the author, I can have two velociraptor butlers if I want. The other one is making the tea."

BronyWriter takes the large stack of envelopes from Francois. with a wave of his hand, BronyWriter dismisses Francois who walks back through the door and somehow the door shuts on its own. BronyWriter places the envelopes on a nearby table and picks up the first one.

"Are you ready, TD? Most of these seem to be for you."

"Sure. Fine. Whatever. I'm going to wake up in Equestria after this anyway, aren't I?"

"It would be an insult to the readers to do it any other way." BronyWriter opens the first envelope.

"Now then, our first question comes from us courtesy of junkers1337 of Newark, WestNewhamphshiredam."

"Well, somebody is making things up, aren't they?"

"Hey, I asked them to put where they lived on the envelope and they all did just that. As such, junkers1337 lives in Newark, WestNewhampshiredam. Anyway, his question is this: TD, what were you doing before Celestia transported you to to Equestria, that is to say, what would your day have looked like if you had made it to the other side."

"Ah, a 'why did the TD cross the road?' question. I suppose that's simple enough. Well, if you recall I was wearing my work shirt when I was pulled in so that should give the hint that I was on my way to work at the school dining hall. based on the supervisor's usual preferences, I imagine that I would have been put on clean side, AKA, putting away clean dishes, or pots, which is scrubbing dirty pots. after work I would have gone to my Child Psych class, followed by my Art class, my history of film class, and my Intro to Lit class. I would have finished up the day playing computer games while avoiding my five page art paper on Harry Chapin that I needed to have done by the following Monday. Uh...I guess that's it. It was a pretty mundane sort of day. Or at least, that's what it should have been if that JERK Celestia hadn't interfered with--"

"Yes thank you, TD, for that thrilling illumination of your previous life." BronyWriter opens the next envelope.

"Question number two comes to us from Jh5kPony of Istano, Mars. Jh5kPony asks, 'TD, if you had unicorn powers what would you do with them and why?'"

"Hmm... unicorn powers? Well I suppose that I'd begin by studying up on the portals that Celestia opened. If I wasn't strong enough I suppose that I'd begin by placing Rarity under a freezing spell and having her try on really ugly clothes. Or I would agree to watch the Cake twins again and put them in a sort of stasis while I took a nap. The possibilities are absolutely endless."

"Er, I suppose that they are. Next we have Lord Destrustor from Hufflepuff House in Hogwarts. Lord Destrustor asks 'who is best pony?'"

"I'll answer that if Lord Destrustor can tell me why a person with one of the most interesting Derpy-based avatars can't type his freaking articles! THE best pony, who is THE best pony?!"

"Uh, TD, that's kind of how the fandom asks that question."

"Well according to AdobE, I myself am 'best pony' if his comment in chapter 8 is anything to go by. He seems to have missed out on the fact that I am, in fact, a human and that is where the conflict is coming from."

"AdobE was just--"

"I know, I know, it was just one of those joke thingies. Anyway, I would have to say that THE best ponies are the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They're actually fun to teach and all and they make life in Equestria tolerable. They aren't after anything from me unlike some of the Mane Six and they aren't manipulative so that's nice.

"Makes sense. Okay, the next question is from DarklordKyo of... inside your closet watching you sleep?" Bronywriter and TD stare at the return address in open mouthed horror. "Well, I'm sleeping with a shotgun tonight."

"Can you write me with a bazooka?"

"We'll talk about it later. Anyway, creepy Mr. DarklordKyo asks TD, if you were turned into a pony, what would your race and cutie mark be?"

"Alicorn and hydrogen bomb. I also have another answer for that unicorn powers question."

"Er... yes, quite. We'll see how you react to the chapter where I... uh, never mind."


"I said 'never mind'. Anyway, our next question is from Fresh Cookies of 'inside an Oreos packet'. Fresh Cookies asks TD, if you ever got out of Equestria, what is the first thing that you would do?"

"Well I have thought about this a lot, and I think the first thing that I would do would be eat fresh cookies."

BronyWriter stares at TD in horror, causing TD to shoot him a confused look.


"Don't eat my readers."

"WHAT?! No, I mean like I'd eat a whole packet of Oreos. They don't have Oreos in Equestria."

"Fresh Cookies lives inside a packet of Oreos."

"Wha-- n-no! I mean... fine, I change my answer to I would go down to George's and get a double bacon cheeseburger with only pickles and lettuce with a large fry. They don't have hamburgers in Equestria either."

"Good answer. Better than cannibalizing my readers anyway. Okay, the next question comes to us courtesy of Bloodwolf432 of Unahim, New Jersey. Bloodwold432 asks you... uh... if you were presented the chance to go home, but you had to have positive intercourse with Celestia, would you?"

BronyWriter and TD stare at the envelope, neither of them quite sure of what to make of the question. Eventually BronyWriter grabs a bell and rings it, calling Francois the velociraptor butler once more. Francois salutes BronyWriter as best as he can before BronyWriter hands Francois the envelope. Francois nods, opens his mouth, and a white hot jet of fire spews from Francois' mouth, completely disintegrating the question.

"Did you just send that to somebody?" BronyWriter waves Francois off.

"You've spent too much time around Spike. Francois disintegrated it. Anyway, the next question is from greatodyer from the Wonderbolt's Academy. greatodyer asks you who is your favorite and least favorite student to teach."

"You know, I know that people would expect that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would be disrespectful and I guess they would count because they can kind of be snooty, but I wouldn't say that I hate teaching any of them. Even if the two of them can be snooty, they're still fairly interested in what I'm teaching them and it's hard to dislike them for that. Plus they really enjoy hide and seek tag, even if they're not very good at it. So, I wouldn't say that any of them are my favorite or least favorite to teach because I just enjoy teaching all of them. I don't want to play favorites. "

"Huh. Okay then. So, our next question... uh, questions come from Shadowstalker from 'your nightmares'. Okay then. He's asking quite a few questions. One: what is the craziest thing you've ever thought about yourself? Two: what do you think of Big Mac? Three: what did you think of the Discord statue? So yeah, he's a real over achiever with those questions.

"It would seem so. Okay, the first question I don't quite remember, but I think one of those times that I had hard Apple Family Cider I said something to Fluttershy to the effect of I was Ken Wisenhunt in a former life and how I was a younger Jim Harbaugh when I slept, but only on Thursdays and ever fourth Sunday. It took three days for Fluttershy to be comfortable around me again."


"Don't ask me right now. In fact, never ask me that again."

"Uh, okay."

"As for the second question, I did meet Big Macintosh. Once. That was the time of my Wisenhunt/Harbaugh comment. He responded to that with a 'eeyup'. He seems cool enough. With Discord, I asked about his statue because I was curious about it, but Celestia didn't want me to see it for whatever reason. I mean, I wasn't going to release him or anything."

"It's hard to say what you'd do with Discord, but I will say that I had a rather dramatic ending planned with you and him. It was going to be quite something."

"What do you mean?"

"Never you mind. The next question is from ResidentZeldaBau5z. His question... well, it's a little elaborate so we'll just paraphrase. He asks you if you've seen Dr. Whooves and asked him if he can use his Tardis to send you home."

"Wait... who?"

"Exactly. There is no Dr. Whooves in your story."

Bronywriter places the remaining cards in his pocket and stands up. "You know I think we'll leave it here right now. let him have his date. So, that aside, we'll do the rest of the questions next time. As for the sequel to TD's story, I have two announcements. One, I have finished not one, but TWO chapters of the sequel and sent them off to my first pre-readers so hopefully they get it to me, and by extension you, as soon as possible. The second announcement is that I am opening up the deleted scenes to anybody who wants to write one. If you have a good idea for a TD story then go ahead and write it. If I like it enough, I'll even make it canon. The 2000th comment thing still applies so good luck on that. Do whatever you want to to TD but make sure to keep it in character and let me know if you do. I doubt anybody will take me up on it but if you want to then go right head. Well, until next time, I'm BronyWriter. Goodnight."

Author's Note:

If the colors are too hard on the eyes I can change them.