• Published 28th Apr 2023
  • 5,737 Views, 358 Comments

Queen Weaver - TenebrisScholar

After stopping the apocalypse Taylor Hebert is shot in the head. However, a mysterious force grateful for her actions in saving the world saves her and subsequently transports her to Equestria, transforming her into a Changeling Queen.

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Chapter 16

With my eggs in the care of Queen Amore and the situation in the Crystal Empire under control, we headed back to Ponyville. I still had to finish my armor before I headed to Griffonstone. It was nearly done but it would still take another few days to a week.

When I got back, I immediately returned to my hive to feed my spiders and get to work finishing my armor. Twilight helped me bring the small stock of diamonds filled with love donated by the ponies of the Crystal Empire back to my hive, without having to carry them directly through the Everfree and risking being followed.

After about a week, I was done.

I slipped on my armor and looked at it in a mirror. It was designed for my changeling form but it looked almost exactly like the costume I’d worn during Scion’s rampage, back when I was ‘Khepri’. The biggest difference was how the suit glittered no matter how much I tried to dye that out of it. Star Spider silk was just naturally sparkly much to my dismay. No wonder Rarity was so happy about the fabric. I ended up rubbing charcoal dust over the black parts, which managed to dull the sparkles at least on the black parts of the suit. The white parts still glittered, but there wasn’t much I could do about that unless I wanted to make the whole thing black like my original costume. I didn’t want that. It felt wrong. I’d left that chapter of my life long behind me, for better or worse.

I morphed into my human form and my magic morphed my suit along with me. Now I literally looked exactly like I did in my fight with Scion, except my costume looked like it had glitter sprinkled on it. The only thing missing was my mask, which I’d made but hadn’t put on. I had to get a second pair of prescription glasses and pop out the lenses so I could put them in the mask. Fortunately Equestria did have sunglasses and swimming goggles with tinted lenses, so I was able to install those over the glasses lenses just like I had with my first costume. The difference being, these lenses were blue instead of yellow. More like the lenses of the mask I wore as Weaver.

I had a quiver full of crossbow bolts I’d acquired in the Crystal Empire. I didn’t have a crossbow but I could use my telekinesis to throw them hard enough to rival a lower powered crossbow. Despite the lack of power, I could throw them enmasse or one after the other making my rate of fire far above any crossbow which was well worth the trade off. I’d have vastly preferred a proper gun but I’d take what I could get. I was going to have to leave them in my saddle bag until I needed them, as I didn’t want to come off as hostile until after I’d gotten the Idol of Boreas and the fighting started. If it started. I had to try and be optimistic. Maybe things would go better than I planned.

I also had a few pouches full of iron flechettes. They were smaller and lighter than the bolts so I could throw them faster, but they hit with less force. But they were even smaller, about the size of common wood nails at three inches long, so I could carry even more of them without taking up too much space.

I also had a sack of bits Amore had given me for the trip since she claimed Griffons were as greedy as dragons and money would be the only way any of them would agree to help me.

I’d have to pay her back after this. I’d probably clear out the coffers of more than a few dissenters when the civil war started up again. Either for my own benefit since they’d be dead anyway or to ruin them without having to kill them. Preferably the second option. Making them go bankrupt so they can’t pay their own men would be preferable to the alternative.

Seeing how Amore had managed to end things with Sombra…

I didn’t like how used to killing I’d become. When had that change started? Coil? Alexandria? Tagg? Aster? Or was it sacrificing all those capes to stop Scion? When did taking a life become so normal to me? Well… maybe ‘normal’ was a bit of exaggeration, but something I wasn’t bothered by?

With the Umbrum it was a desperate situation. Do or die. I didn’t have a choice. I could argue something similar with the Changelings on the Train. They derailed a fucking train and sent soldiers to kill me. But this? This was something I was choosing to do. It was my decision to go to Griffonstone and get the Idol of Boreas, restarting the Griffon civil war and killing whoever opposed whoever I installed as ruler. Every death that would come of this would be a direct result of my actions which I couldn’t wave away by calling it “self defense”. And knowing that… I didn’t care.

It was the fact I wasn’t bothered by it that bothered me rather than the action itself. I felt like I should care. I knew I should. That girl with ambitions of being a hero back in Brockton Bay would have been upset. Sure she rotted the dick off of Lung with venomous bugs, but that was an accident due to inexperience, technically. There were only a select handful of people I’d killed before the apocalypse, each justifiable in their own ways.

Then again, this was a war. It wasn’t like the game of cops and robbers that heroes and villains played on Earth Bet where there were unwritten rules and killing was to be avoided in hopes of keeping things at least somewhat civil. As far as I was aware there weren’t even any treaties like the geneva conventions limiting warfare.

So I couldn’t afford to hold back, because my enemies certainly wouldn’t.

I decided to just leave a note asking Twilight to take care of my spiders while I was gone. She checked on me pretty much every day, so I knew she’d find it. In fact it was roughly about time for her to show up.

I honestly felt like shit leaving without saying anything like this. I still wasn’t sure about them, but on the chance their emotions were real and they did actually like me, I would have liked to say goodbye. It was something I’d missed the chance to do too many times in the past. If I got killed in this civil war or a Changeling assassin managed to kill me in my sleep, it would have been nice to have said goodbye. But I didn’t want to risk them insisting on coming with me. I didn’t want to have to explain what I was planning to do and I didn’t want them interfering. This was the best way I could avoid having them follow me.

So I morphed into a wasp to sneak out of my hive and I left. In my bags I had several love crystals so I would have something to eat on the way there.

I was getting better at flight and had sped up since my initial evaluation of my powers when I first arrived. I wasn’t anywhere near as fast as Rainbow Dash but that wasn’t a fair comparison to begin with. I could fly at about two hundred miles per-hour at what would be the flying equivalent of a casual run. About as fast as a moderately athletic pegasus. At a “sprint” I could reach a little under four hundred miles per hour, but I couldn’t sustain that for very long before I got exhausted.

Right now I was flying at my “casual running” speed. I’d have to stop and take a break to catch my breath, but that wouldn’t be any real issue. I had looked at some maps, measured the distance, and calculated how long it would take to get there ahead of time. If I kept going at this pace with only a few breaks, I could get there within two days if I traveled in a straight line from Ponyville to Griffonstone.

The issue with that was that I’d have to fly across the Celestial Sea to get there. Fortunately I had tested it and it turned out what Twilight had told me about changelings not being able to stand on clouds was complete bullshit. We absolutely could. I couldn’t make them rain, shoot lightning, or do pretty much anything else pegasi could do with them, but I could stand on them. I could lay down on them too.

So while I flew over the ocean I stopped to rest on clouds.

At one point I’d gotten tired from all the flying and accidentally dozed off while resting on a cloud and ended up drifting several miles off course. That cost me another full day as I had to figure out where the hell I’d ended up and then I had to consult my map and reroute my course to Griffonstone.

Somehow I’d gotten caught in a strong breeze and ended up in the Hayseed Swamps just past Baltimare and Horseshoe Bay which in fact turned out to be shaped almost perfectly like a horseshoe just like the map said.

I continued on my way to Griffonstone, this time without sleeping until I reached solid land. I wasn’t going to risk drifting away on a cloud again.

Finally, I reached Griffonstone.

I got some odd looks but apparently news of me had spread over here since no one really seemed to care about having a Changeling Queen in their midst. Even their emotions felt more apathetic and greedy than anything.

I approached a random griffon, already taking out a handful of bits. “Excuse me. Do you know a really old griffon with one eye by the name of Gruff? He’s the ambassador to Equestria.”

The Griffon looked at the bits. “Gruff huh… The name sounds familiar… Maybe you could jog my memory?” There was a greedy glint in the Griffon’s eye as he held out a talon.

“I’ll double the bits if you tell me where he lives. And the info better be good or I’m taking my money back even if I have to leave you with a few bruises.” I told him.

“Bits first, then I’ll tell you where he lives.” The griffon stated.

“Half now, half after you bring me to his house.” I retorted.

There was a bit of annoyance and frustration from the Griffon but he sighed. “Fine… Bits.”

I passed him the first half of the payment. Ten bits. The fact he was willing to accept such low payment to lead me to Gruff spoke of such greed it was almost depressing.

“Now take me to Gruff. I have business with him.”

The griffon stuffed the bits in a coin purse then raised a talon. “This way, bug.”

I followed the griffon, making sure to keep enough distance between us that he couldn’t pick pocket my sack of bits. In fact I kept a telekinetic grip on my bits just to make sure no one would be able to cut or steal the bag. From what Amore told me, I shouldn’t expect anything less.

The griffon stopped and pointed at a particular house. I sensed emotions inside. “There, that’s where that senile old bird lives. Now where’s my bits?”

I passed the Griffon ten more bits.

He took the money and started walking away. I kept track of that Griffon’s emotions just in case he scammed me, and I approached the house. I knocked on the door.

There was no response for a moment. I knocked again.

“Gah! Hold on! I’m coming, I’m coming! Darn kids!” An elderly voice grumbled from inside the house.

The door swung open revealing Ambassador Gruff. “Whaddya want?!” He demanded.

“Ambassador Gruff? We met at that ball in Canterlot. I’m Queen Weaver. I’d like to discuss some business with you. It involves money.” I told him. I was actually almost disappointed it was actually Gruff’s house. I could be here to kidnap or kill him for all that other Griffon knew, yet he led me here anyway for twenty bits.

Gruff looked at me suspiciously. “What kinda business?”

“The political kind that can’t be discussed in the streets like this. I don’t want someone overhearing us, just in case. You have nothing to lose by hearing me out and potentially have a lot to gain. Your choice.” I told him.

Gruff squinted at me and raised a talon to the underside of his beak in thought. Like a human might raise a hand to their chin. “Hm… You aren’t here to try and snatch me right? I know what you changelings do…”

“No and I wouldn’t be here in broad daylight if I was. Anyone around here could be paid off to say I was the one who spoke to you last.” I told him.

“Hm… Fine, but this had better not be a waste of my time! Come on, get in here…” Gruff grumbled walking back inside.

I followed him in and closed the door behind me.

“I still can’t believe she just left without telling anypony!” Rainbow Dash complained as she laid back on the seat of the train.

“I’m sure she had her reasons, Rainbow.” Twilight responded. She was currently reading a massive book titled Bygone Griffons of Greatness. She had already read it several times but she couldn’t help herself but read it again since they were on their way to Griffonstone. “She might have just been so excited to visit that she couldn’t wait anymore! I know I am! Griffonstone must be absolutely amazing based on what it says here. So much rich and fascinating history!”

She flipped through some of the pages to specific pictures. “In ancient times, Griffons were known to be as greedy as dragons, always hoarding their bits and other treasures. But all that changed when King Grover found the mysterious Golden Idol of Boreas. Legend says the Idol of Boreas was made from the dust of golden sunsets, blown across the mountains by the north winds. Possessing the Idol of Boreas filled the Griffons’ hearts with pride! It’s said that that one great treasure is responsible for turning Griffonstone into the most majestic kingdom of all the land!”

She sighed wistfully. “It sounds like the coolest kingdom in Equestria. I really can’t wait to see it with my own two eyes! To tour the palace and see the actual idol that unites an entire species would be super amazing!” She practically squealed in excitement as she closed the book and hugged it.

“Yeah, you’ve said that like a dozen times now. I think I get it, Twi… Seriously, don’t get your hopes up. Griffons are rude, insensitive, bullies.” Rainbow stated, less than enthused.

Twilight rolled her eyes and set her book off to the side. “I’ve told you Rainbow, you can’t let your bad experiences with Gilda ruin your opinion of all Griffons. The Griffons are a proud noble species! You’ll see. You just need to give them a chance.”

“Yeah, yeah… I still don’t get why you had to bring me.” Rainbow sat up and stared out the window of the train.

“Because, you’re the one with the most experience with griffons.” Twilight told her with a smile.

Then her smile fell and was replaced by a more concerned look. “And… well… You know the situations Taylor gets herself into tend to be a bit more… uh… violent than we’re used to? The situation with the Changelings derailing the train, then Sombra and the Umbrum… Not to mention all the stuff she went through back on Earth Bet. The two of us are going to Griffonstone just in case something happens and she ends up needing help. I’d have asked Applejack to come too, but we don’t even know how long we’ll be there and she can’t be away from the farm for too long. And the Cakes just got a huge order that Pinkie Pie needs to stay and help with. And Rarity and Fluttershy aren’t really suited to the kinds of things Taylor gets into. That’s why I left Spike back at the Library. If something happens I don’t want him to be in any danger.”

Rainbow sighed. “I guess… But Skitter’s tough. Didn’t she survive the literal end of the world or something? Even if something happened, I’m sure she’d be fine.”

Twilight shook her head. “That’s not the point. We’re her friends. We should be there to support her when she’s in a tough situation. She really has a problem asking for help even when she knows she needs it. She tends to think of everypony else first and herself last. We saw it in the Empire. She pushed herself to the brink of collapse because she thought that us conserving our energy was more important than her own wellbeing. She prioritized us to the point she was willing to hurt herself and maybe even risk permanent harm or even death. She’s self sacrificing to a fault.”

Twilight sighed and looked at Rainbow Dash with a sad and worried expression. “You want to know why she left without telling anypony? What I said before was me being really, really optimistic. More realistically, if I had to guess the actual reason she left without telling anypony, it’s because she knows what she’s about to do is dangerous and she doesn’t want to risk any of us getting hurt on her behalf. Maybe she got news that Chrysalis is up to something in Griffonstone and she wants to stop it or something. So she left without saying anything because she didn’t want to risk us coming with her. It would explain why she was avoiding telling us why she was going too. She may have thought we’d insist on coming with her if she told us the real reason. But that’s just speculation, I honestly don’t know.”

Rainbow was silent for a moment before nodding. “Maybe you’re right… I still don’t like it though.”

“I don’t either, honestly. I’d be a lot happier if she’d just open up more and tell us what’s wrong rather than insisting on doing everything herself. I’m starting to think it might be a deeper underlying issue. Maybe it’s the trauma of what she went through in her world. I’ve written to the princesses about it and I’m thinking she might genuinely need therapy.”

Rainbow scoffed. “Yeah, good luck with that. Even if she does, she’ll never agree to it.”

Twilight nodded in agreement. “And that’s exactly why I haven’t brought it up yet. I’m hoping that once Chrysalis is dealt with and her foals hatch, she’ll start to calm down a bit. Then she might be a bit more willing to at least consider it…”

“Maybe… Hey, I think I can see the station. Finally I’ll get a chance to stretch my wings…” Rainbow pointed out at the train station through the window. It was still a distance away, but they’d be arriving soon.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the shorter chapter. Since it took so long, I just wanted to get it out once I got it to an ending point that felt somewhat natural.

As for why this chapter took so long, there's two reasons. One, I was writing a dark souls crossover, you can find it here, and I wanted to release at least a couple chapters for it rather than leaving it on chapter 1 for however long. Second, I was originally gonna have Taylor go to the library and tell Twilight she was leaving but I couldn't find a good way to write that so Twilight and Rainbow could come along. So I decided to do this instead since I wanted to have those two come along somehow.

Hopefully the next chapter will be longer and won't take quite as long to release.