• Member Since 5th Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago



This story is a sequel to Getting Shy

Rosa was training to be an 'Assistant Pony' - a coveted position within the mixed pony and human society on Earth - when an unusual job turns her life upside down. She will get to see the other aspects of life, meet new, fascinating people, and even embark on an adventure to find a missing friend.

Through her journey, she will discover a lot about why things are as they are, why her people are second class citizens, and what had happened to their mythical home, Equestria.

This is a sequel to 'Getting Shy', but in the loosest of terms, so reading that one is not really required to start this story. At best it's happening in the same universe.

Tagged 'Sex' and rated 'Teen' because there are some vague descriptions of "off camera" lewd acts, and some potentially racy (but non-explicit) situations.

Chapters (87)
Comments ( 137 )

This is going to be a long one and I'm doing a final editing pass on each chapter as I post it. I think I'll do one chapter per day.
The full story is already written though, so if you want, you can wait something like ~90 days and come back to get the whole thing in one go :)

Fair warning, the full story has something like 300k words.


I'm not gonna come back in 90 days in coming back every day

Funny enough I thought going in it was five chapter story and now I hear no...dude...and, its pretty long. :twilightsmile:


Yeah, this was hugely fun to write and I got a little carried away. Whoopsie.

This is so dark. I think this is my favorite story of yours. I really wanna know if the princesses are alive let alone can unicorns do magic? I don't remember if any of them have in the story.

This next thing went against Rosa's training a little bit. As an Assistant Pony, she should always steer her child toward being open and trusting with their human guardians. Rosa was supposed to reinforce the bond between the children and their parents and their friends. She had even been told to try and improve their trust in the public establishments, the government and the healthcare system.

I am really impressed with how much thought you put into this! Did you find it especially difficult?


A lot of it is my cynicism showing, some of it is forethought, but for the most part I guess I just have an overactive imagination :]

Thanks tho!

She had been assigned to this family on Mr. Boone's specific request. He had known she was training for an Assistant Pony, so he shouldn't be too surprised that Rosa was acting like one. True, Lillian wasn't the kind of special child she had been taught to expect, but she needed her the most in that household, so there it was. Rosa was her Assistant Pony and it was her primary duty to keep the child happy and make her life better. Doing that would help not only Lillian, who would become more sure of herself, more confident, and find it easier to relate to other people, but also her family, who would have a happier, friendlier daughter!

Beyond the darkness is the lovely idea of a assistant pony. Sigh.

Dude! I am here for the spice you just brung? Are bringing? To this story? (I am so excited. And it was done so well too!)


That's a pretty interesting idea. A positive take on this concept could be a very nice story to read. Would you like to give it a try?

Thanks! This particular story has always been one of my favorites, TBH.

I may. The idea really reminds me of that working pony series a while back.

I have read most of your work here ,and though I enjoyed your Celestia story this to me really hits different in a good way? Besides, your grasp on pacing is superb. Did you have to edit for that or did you just go by feel?


"Editing" was mainly converting it from second person present (the way I originally posted it), to simple past, third person, which reads better. I also tossed some of the phrasing around, swapped the odd word here and there (based on new experience I got since I originally wrote Rosa), but no story bits have been significantly changed, no.

Wow. And that end...

Oh! This is getting good! I wonder if you can get two cutie marks that would be pretty dope.

What would a special needs cutie mark even look like? Will her cutie mark change when she gets another talent?


Glad you're enjoying it :)

Huh, good question. I haven't thought about the actual graphical representation of it. Most likely something abstract with smiley faces, I'd guess.

I don't read prequel, but what issue with cutie marks? Geez, Rosa was nearly killed for this.



It's not part of the prequel, actually. This is a new development here (in the intervening years), and answers are coming in later chapters.

This was heartwrenching and also...Benjamin is a shit.

Part of me feels like the boones would get in some trouble since technically Rosa is an ADA asset that they probably illegally rented then damaged. Training a assistant animal is expensive and this was a legit school.


Huh, interesting angle. Never occurred to me, but it makes a lot of sense. Now I wish I'd thought of it while i was writing :)

As a special needs person I’m really invested And hope Rosas skills get used. Also I hope that Boone gets comuppance for damaging ADA staff


Oh, I'm really sorry, but this story will go in a completely different direction. Interestingly, someone else also said they'd like to see more along these lines when I first wrote it.

It stuck with me and a new story I'm writing will go in that direction. Can't promise *when* due to hectic work schedules, but it's in the works. If you like, I'll let you know when it's near done. I would quite welcome early feedback, since I don't have much personal experience with special needs or mental health.

Oh no, Rosa lose her only friend...



Many thanks! I hope it won't disappoint in later chapters.

Okay, so I see where it's going and how long it's been... But I have issues with the enslavement of a sapient race across the world. America's would be up in arms until the ponies had rights and Canada and the EU would certainly grant citizen rights before even the states would.
Generations being born into servitude wouldn't sit well with intelligent people on our earth, so why are they okay with it in this earth?
Slavery was abolished for a reason.

One of the reasons why slavery is basically extinct in the modern era is not only due to moral issues, but also because of economic problems.
90% of the civilians of the Roman Empire suffered poverty because normal workers were outcompeted by slaves.
The same thing will happen to modern society if they bring back slavery.


That's a common issue with stories that originated on SPG, yes. I'm using two methods to kinda sorta explain it:
- suspension of disbelief
- ponies represented more like pets than slaves in the public eye

I do agree with you that the actual scenario is very far-fetched in the civilized world. Some SPG stories solve it by calling it "indentured servitude", though that doesn't sound like enough of an explanation to me. Others have slavery as a result of a violent conflict, but I don't think that would hold up either without good ol' suspension.

This is so cool! FYI...totally thought it was pigeon...:twilightsheepish:

Wow, you update really fast!
So much Dedication.

If that's true then I guess what will happen is after one or two decades of being considered as nothing more than pets, people such as Lillian will start growing up and begun to sympathize towards ponies, over a decades ponykind will slowly gain right as a sentient people and no longer as pets.



Actually, i already have the whole thing written and edited, so I'm just clicking on "Publish chapter" each morning. That probably counts as cheating :]

I am really liking this story. I hope to get resolution from the last one.
It feels like it's going to make me happy.

It's still a very big dedication.

Ha, the boy hates ponies but clearly not their clothes. :yay:

That start wasn't so bad. It just exemplifies what the reality is.
You did a very good job and her reaction was very well written.

Wow, dreams are quite powerful, indeed.

Paolo, crossing cute lines across species.

Ha HA. Called it. That naughty boy wanting pony ponut.

Anyway, good chapter.

Great chapter. Can't believe it happened! Kinda did, but I wanna see what happens next!!

I hope to find out Rosa is Fluttershy's daughter. Lol

Naughty human boy. Who would have ever thought?!

Boy, this all got out of hand quickly.

Ben is a real jerk, even for a confused hormonal teen.
Very emotional chapter, nicely done.

It's sad but true that she's going to have to do some unsavory things to survive.
I like how you portrayed the characters in this chapter.

There was one other thing. When she saw Terry's smile Rosa remembered about her own. Then, as soon as she became aware of it, she couldn't get it out of her mind. Her teeth were fuzzy[i/]. She hadn't brushed in days and her mouth felt gross, especially after that vodka.

You need to start closing your italics properly.not the first time half a chapter has been in italics because you hand type your coding. It's not [I/]

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