• Published 8th May 2023
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Adventures of thestral Anon - ImNew2023

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I survived time travel and all I got was a tax dodging daughter

After twenty long years in the past, Anon returned to the present, tired and aged by the experience of being a single mother of three deities.

“Why are you a mare and why does it turn me on?” Cream asked.

Because obviously that’s what she was most concerned about.

“Discord’s birth mother and I think your just kinky” Anon replied.

Holding in a snort, Cream nuzzled her husband turned wife.

“Oh you poor thing, would a kiss make it better?” Cream asked teasingly.

“Unless you’ve gained be power to make a penis grow through kisses I doubt it” Anon grumbled.

“Unfortunately not, but in all seriousness how do we fix this?” Cream asked.

“Well it was his mother who did this so I’ll go to Discord, explain the situation and get him to change me back. Also I might see if he can deage me a little, because I know I’m only in my forties but I feel sixty” Anon stated, groaning as his bones creaked a little.

“Welcome to the world of single mothers” Cream said.

“Ugh, you don’t get nearly enough credit” he replied.

“Eeyep, I’m just glad I stopped at one before Button’s father passed”

“From a crushed pelvis?”

Ignoring her husband/wife’s comment, Cream brought Anon back to their living quarters with, their children and clones there to meet them.

“This is officially the wirdest thing you’ve ever done” Rosa said, her face neutral due to no longer being surprised by anything Anon does anymore.

“Don’t worry sweetie it’s only temporary” Anon reassured her.

“Does this mean I have to call you Mom now?” Button asked, his poor little colt brain still struggling to keep up with everything Anon does.

“No Button, don’t worry I’ll be back to normal soon. I just need to go up north to explain the situation to Discord and have him change me back” Anon explained to the colt.

“Um, your Majesty?” Crystal asked, herself perplexed about the situation.

Tilting her head, Anon asked what was wrong.


“While having your clones here was of great use in governing the Empire, I felt there was one major issue that needed your direct attention” Crystal explained.

“Well fuck you too bitch” Peganon whispered.

“Well, it’s Magehold” Crystal started.

“Oh for, Rosa what did you do while I was gone?” Anon asked her daughter.

“Don’t look at me, I’ve just been vibing” Rosa replied.

“Ok what did they do?” Anon asked again, this time turning to Crystal.

“They haven’t been paying their taxes” Crystal explained.

“Sweetie I’m so proud of you” Anon said, a tear forming in her eye as she smiled at her necromancer daughter.

Then her face dropped into a frown.

“Wait a minute I’m the government that’s bad” she added.

“Well most of Magehold’s population are dead so they can’t technically be taxed. The rest are slaves who don’t make a salary so they don’t pay it either” Rosa explained.

While technically right, Anon had to see the problems that would arise from it.

“Wait a minute I thought I made slavery illegal when I took over this place?” Anon asked, not remembering what she did 20+ years ago.

“Well they aren’t technically slaves, they’re volunteers. But they insist on being called slaves” Rosa explained.

“Is it the goth mares?” Anon asked.

“Of course it’s the goth mares” Rosa replied.

“Dang it, right we’ve got to come up with a solution because otherwise ponies can get away with not paying taxes by identifying as undead” Anon said.

“Would they really try that?” Cream asked.

“Hey I have a cousin who pretended to be a Native American to get into college” Anon explained.

Sat in Twilight’s castle, the Main 6 discovered another side effect of Anon’s travels through time.

They all had foals.

Well except for Princess Twilight the Unfucked.

Starlight didn’t have any either.

I think?

“Ok so Anon at some point causes a ripple effect that resulted in magic backed birth control never being invented” Twilight hypothesised.

“Ya think?” Applejack asked sarcastically as a trio of light green earth pony foals sat on her back chewing on her hat.

“Ok I know you’re all upset about the situation-“ Starlight started.

“I’m not” Pinkie corrected/interrupted.

Oddly enough it appeared Pinkie didn’t have any foals with her, something the others seemed worried about.

“Pinkie, where is your foal?” Twilight asked hesitantly.

Rummaging around in her mane, Pinkie pulled out a small pink foal with a black mane and tail.

“You keep her… in your mane?” Rainbow asked, frankly disturbed by the situation.

“I keep everything in there” Pinkie explained.

“Alright we’re getting a little off track, what do you girls want to do about this?” Twilight asked.

Her friends looked at one another before looking back at Twilight.

“Sugarcube, it’s not convenient for us to be mothers right now, it ain’t right to undo their existence now they’re already alive” Applejack stated.

“I always wanted to be a mother, I just didn’t have the time” Fluttershy said.

“But I’m still killing Anon” Rainbow added.

“Agreed” Rarity agreed.

Before Twilight could shut the idea down, a knock on the palace’s doors echoed.

“Spike! Could you get the door!?” Twilight called.

Being torn away from his newest comic, “Power Ponies vs The Home Owners Association” Spike opened the door, being met by Anon.

“Spike, where are the girls? I have a tax problem” Anon said, not bothering to say hi.

“Don’t you mean a friendship problem?” Spike asked, hoping Anon had spoken wrong.

“Nope, tax problem. I need them to help me figure out how to make dead ponies pay taxes so Magehold can’t dodge it” Anon explained.

Leading the stallion turned mare to the Mane 6, Spike went back to his comic.

“Well look who it is, Daddy” Rainbow said, her voice full of sarcasm.

“Rainbow I get it, compared to me any stallion feels inadequate but I’m married now- wait why do you all have foals?” Anon said before getting sidetracked by all the babies.

“I’ll give ya three guesses” Applejack said, also not very thrilled to see Anon.

Stood in thought for a few moments, the cogs in her brain turning to find an answer.

“You all adopted” Anon guessed.

“Nope” Applejack replied.

“Cadence has an NTR kink?” Anon guessed.

Twilight proceeded to vomit profusely at the thought.

“No” Applejack said.

“… well I give up what’s with the foals?” Anon asked, not having the energy for a third guess.

Everyone looked at Anon with rather annoyance or flat out unamusement.

Except for Pinkie who was just giggling the whole time.

Then she realised.

“Oh, oh no” Anon whispered.

“She can be taught” Rainbow said, her voice full of snark.

“But- when- how!?” Anon asked, trying to wrack her brain around this.

“Sex?” Pinkie said.

“I know HOW, but you all said you were on the pill!” Anon replied.

“Well we did some digging, turns out at some point you did something that altered the timeline so magic backed birth control pills don’t exist” Starlight explained.

Thinking back, Anon couldn’t imagine what she/he did to alter the timeline so much.

Except on the way home through the time portal, when she slipped and her rear fell through the fabric of time for a few seconds.

But Anon was pretty sure that wasn’t it.

Those thoughts were quickly thrown out her mind as a darker thought quickly consumed her mind.

Swallowing her breath, Anon looked at Twilight nervously.

“Twilight? What’s the fertility rate of the average pony?” She asked.

“Well, there are various factors that can determine fertility such as diet, genetics or exposure to magic but-“ Twilight began before realising what she was being asked.

Showing true fear, Twilight looked Anon in the eyes.

“Anon, how many mates have you slept with since coming to Equestria?” She asked.

Putting her hoof to her chin, Anon began doing mental gymnastics of the highest order.

“Well I was human for the first year I was here so none during that time, I was single for eighteen months before meeting Cream, then the Bug Bitch who pretended to be Cadence… then there was the time I slept with the Queen of Saddle Arabia, and her husband’s harem, and her sons harems all of whom I mistook for the King’s harem. So divide that by the number of days comes to one mare per three days”

Everyone in the room other than Anon and Pinkie dropped their jaws to the floor.

“What?” Anon asked, tilting her head innocently.

“Anon, that’s one hundred and eighty six mares” Twilight said.

“Yes, and?” Anon asked, not getting her point.

“Accounting for the 30% chance of twins. You could have nearly two hundred children!” Twilight explained.

“Who’s Mama’s little princess? Is it you? Is it you? Oh yes it is” Celestia cooed over her beloved daughter Sunset.

And then her beautiful moment was ruined by a low distance sound coming from the south.


“Why didn’t you stop me!” Anon cried as she shook Twilight back and forth relentlessly.

“Iiiiiiii diiiiiiiiiidn’t seeeeeeee” Twilight replied as she continued to be shaken.

“Dude you owe so much child support” Rainbow chuckled.

Releasing Twilight from her grasp, Anon began hyperventilating.

“Oh no, oh fuck, Cream and I have hardcore orgies with… ourselves every night! For all I know we’ve got a nursery full of foals, fuck Hippanon, Griffanon and Drakeanon are from races who lay eggs. Cream could have a clutch growing inside her for all we know!” Anon panicked.

Seeing their insane time travelling friend was having a panic attack, the girls tried to calm her down.

“Hey, why did you come down here?” Pinkie asked.

“Huh? Oh yeah. I need your help figuring out how to make Magehold pay taxes. Because you know, they're mostly dead and therefore can’t be taxed” Anon explained.

That was a problem the Element’s weren’t particularly skilled in.

“Well why don’t you throw them a tax party? Maybe they’ll want to pay taxes then?” Pinkie suggested.

“Yeah I don’t think anypony wants to go to a party they’ll have to pay for” Anon pointed out.

“Did you try asking them nicely?” Fluttershy asked.

“I did, they said F off” I replied.

“F off? Really?” Rainbow asked.

“I’ve realised there are tiny ears around” Anon said.

“Have you tried making them pay anyways? You’re the King ain’t ya?” Applejack asked.

“Yes let me do that to the cabal of liches and vampires with hordes of the undead. Making them do anything is a Herculean feat” Anon said.

Looking to Rarity, the rest of the girls hoped she’d have an idea.

“What are you all looking at me for? I don’t pay taxes, why would I know how to make others pay them” Rarity asked.

“Wait you don’t pay your taxes?” Twilight asked in surprise.

“Well I don’t pay myself a wage and my business account is registered to Puerto Caballo, which is a registered tax haven. So officially my tax rate is 0” Rarity explained.

“So much for the Element of Generosity” Applejack murmured.

“Where do you think all the bits I give to charity come from darling?” Rarity shot back.

“I think we’re getting a little off track” Starlight said before turning to Anon.

“You could change the tax law so any creature within the Empire’s territory living or dead that makes money rather through wages or a business are required to pay the appropriate taxes” Starlight suggested.

Thinking for a few moments, Anon nodded her head in agreement.

“Alright, thanks girls. But I do have one more… minor request” Anon thanked.

“What’s that Nonny?” Pinkie asked.

“I may need help tracking down all of my potential baby mamas. I promised Cream I’d crack down on the whole surprise thing. So yeah I need to find them before they come to me” Anon explained.

AN: Question, how much child support do you think Anon owes? XD

Also I might do a spin-off about Anon’s adventures during his/her time in the past.

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