• Published 18th May 2023
  • 1,076 Views, 6 Comments

We're Our Own Worst Enemy - TheKing2001

Diamond Tiara sits on the edge of her school's roof before someone comes and talks to her

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The only chapter

Sitting on the edge of the roof, Diamond Tiara gazed down at the students walking around below her unsuspecting. None of them knew she was about to find out how much face planting hurt. The wind blew her light purple hair in front of her face and she pushed it aside, minorly annoyed.

“So annoying. I really should have worn a hat,” she grumbled to herself. “Then I could actually see around me. It’s crazy how all of them are just walking around without knowing what’s about to happen in front of them. I just hope Silver Spoon doesn’t see the aftermath. I’ve heard jumping is messy and gross.”

“It is,” she slightly jumped and turned around, eyes wide. Sunset Shimmer stood with her hands on her hips staring at her.

“Don’t come any closer or I’ll do it. I swear to God,” Diamond threatened with a shaky voice. Sunset rolled her eyes and stepped forward, sitting down on the ledge and swinging her legs over it. “W-what are you doing? You could fall!”

“So could you,” Sunset retorted. “Anyway, you’re afraid of heights and scared, I’m afraid of heights and scared. Figured we might as well be scared together.” She stared into the dark sky.

“Don’t expect me to be talked out of this,” Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. “I’ve made up my mind.”

“We’re just talking. Why are you up here anyway?” Sunset asked as she kicked her legs back and forth.

“Because I lost my only best friend. I’m a changed person but no one believes me,” Diamond sniffed and wiped a tear away. Sunset gave a snort and nodded.

“I know how that feels. Trust me,” Sunset sighed. “Only the Rainbooms believed I changed during the Battle of the Bands and even then, they barely treated me like a person. They treated me more like a chore.” Diamond glanced over at her.

“I didn’t know that. They seemed really close to you,” she said.

“We are now. At the time, we were anything but close. I never got invited to their sleep overs, never hung out with them one on one. They constantly brought up my past. In a way, they helped me never forget what I’ve done. It hurt and made me depressed but I recovered.”

“I miss Silver Spoon. She was my best friend. She knew me best. At least she’s happy with her new friend group. Happier than she was ever with me,” she grumbled.

“She could always come around. Even if she doesn’t, you’re a strong young women,” Sunset smiled.

“I’m not. I’m a weak minded person who was a bully for years,” Diamond sighed sadly.

“You are not weak minded,” Sunset chided.

“You know where we are right? We’re sitting on a roof where I’m debating jumping to my death. Only weak people commit suicide or that’s what mom says at least,” Diamond grumbled.

“You’re mom is wrong. Weak people don’t commit suicide. It’s not weak to talk about your feelings.”

“You sound like you’re talking from experience,” Diamond snorted.

“Because I’ve been in this exact spot on this roof debating suicide myself,” Sunset admitted and Diamond stared at her curiously.

“You? Really? That surprises me. You’re a strong person,” Diamond stared at the start of the sun rising in the distance.

“I’m strong yeah but even strong people can fall. I’m just like everyone else with my feelings and thoughts. I’m not infallible, after all,” Sunset smirked.

“I wish I was. I was awful for so many years and for what? For my image?” Diamond growled angrily and inched forward. Sunset stared with wide eyes and quickly changed the topic.

“I was awful too. I turned into a demon and put you along with everypony else under my mind control.” Diamond stopped inching forward and gazed at her.

“Everypony?” She snickered. Sunset rubbed the back of her head sheepishly with a faint blush decorating her cheeks.

“After Twilight left, I kinda fell into my old habit of saying everypony. It’s hard to explain.”

“What’s it like?” Diamond asked quietly.

“What’s what like?” Sunset cocked her head to the side curiously.

“Being a hero. Being liked and adored by everyone.” Sunset smirked and gave a chuckle to Diamonds confusion.

“I’m no hero. And I’m certainly not liked by everyone. There’s still a few people who don’t trust me and are watching me like a hawk,” Sunset admitted.

“Why?” Diamond wanted to know. “You freed us from the Sirens spell. You literally turned your life around.”

“I’m not sure to be honest. It took a lot of work to be a better person. It’s definitely not a walk in the park,” Sunset smiled. “You’re just beginning and life will look up.”

“Will it?” Diamond whispered. “Sure doesn’t feel like it will.” Sunset hesitantly placed a hand on her shoulder and she tensed up before slightly relaxing.

“We’re our own worst enemy. Everyone is, not just me and you. Humans and ponies are fickle beings. We have crazy emotions and beat ourselves up over little mistakes. Trust me, I know. I beat myself up for months after the Fall Formal.”

“I’m sorry for how I treated you,” Diamond apologized sheepishly. “You didn’t deserve to be ignored like how I ignored you and bullied you.” Sunset waved a hand nonchalantly.

“It’s fine. I don’t blame you for it after what I did at the time.”

“Why do you care so much about stopping me from jumping?” Diamond questioned.

“I see myself in you. You have so much potential inside of you. You have a lot of good in you that is waiting to be released and shown to the whole world. You can do great things with your life. You remind me of myself,” Sunset admitted. “You can do anything you want. So many doors are available to you. Jumping will close them.” Sunset edged back and stood up.

“What are you doing?” Diamond asked.

“Going inside to school. Contrary to belief, I can’t force you to not do this. Sure, I could yank you back and away from the edge but I assume we would be right back here. Only you can make the decision to step away from the edge. Only you can decide to not fall to the dark thoughts. I’ll see you in math class, Diamond.” Sunset stared at her.

“You know how Rainbow Dash has Scootaloo under her wing and is her sister figure?” Diamond mumbled.

“Yeah?” Sunset raised an eyebrow curiously.

“Would you maybe be interested in being mine? If you say no it’s okay,” Diamond looked down to where a mint haired girl was pointing up at her. A two toned blue and pink haired girl was talking to her.

“I’d love to. Now I’m going to class. I’ll see you at lunch Diamond,” Sunset opened the roof door and disappeared behind it, the door shutting with a clang. Diamond stared down again and behind her. She shrugged and stood up, stepping away from the edge and walking to the roof door and opened it with a smile.

“I’m my own worst enemy but I have people who care about me,” Diamond whispered to herself.

“Damn right,” Sunset smirked, leaning against the staircase.

“I thought you went to class?” Diamond demanded.

“Just wanted to see if you would actually come with me. Let’s go get some breakfast. I’ll come up with an excuse to the principals.”

“Are you sure everypony won’t care?” Diamond tested out the word and smirked. “Sounds so weird to say.”

“Oh they’ll care. But I don’t care,” Sunset laughed. “Now let’s go. I’m in the mood for pancakes.”

“Me too,” Diamond smiled at the older girl. “Thanks Sunset.” Sunset wrapped an arm around her shoulder and the pair started walking down the stairs.

“It’s not a problem.”