• Member Since 8th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen May 20th

Writer of Fantasies

An unprofessional writer who enjoys what he does whether he's good at it or not.

Comments ( 86 )

Very happy to see this story get rebooted. Hopefully you will be able to finish it this time around.

It will be. Over the last few years as I've settled into my life, I've constantly come back to it. While I never continued the original after I cancelled it in 2018, I could never go for long without thinking of it. Now settled in and comfortable in my place in the world and more mature than before (as well as having a better understanding of writing,) I found myself drawn back into my own story again as I reread it and finally set myself to rewriting and completing it, now that I had no reason not to.

Five years is a long time, though, and despite still knowing the general plot I was going to take the story, most of the details I had brainstormed and saved were long gone. Instead of simply continuing the original, I'm completely remaking it. If you remember much of the original (or happen to have it downloaded from the site,) don't expect a lot to carry over. Even the overarching story has undergone massive changes and the characters and events of the original story won't exist here.

Holy shit he's back!!! So glad to see ya, and I'm not even upset the story is getting totally overhauled. Welcome back and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us.

Where can I read the original story?

Due to the rules regarding rewrites of a story and the fact that I used the exact same title and cover art, I revoked the submission of the original story. I did not delete it though and can send you it in a .epub file via messages

Are ya going to stick with the three he was involved with or is that going to chance too?

There may be a few things different in that regard, but I don't intend to change that part of the story. :raritywink:

Good, that's probably the best part of the original. Something else, you can find the original on fimfetch.

It always brings a smile to my face whenever a dead story is revived and/or an author returns! Glad to have you back!

I'm glad to see the return and update of one of my favorite stories on this site, Great 1st chapter, I can't wait to see how this rewrite will go:twilightsmile::heart:

Hopefully gollum isn't in this. :trollestia:

:twilightblush: That's good to know, I didn't even know that was a website. I've also become aware that, apparently, a year before I published the original DNW, I wrote a 'first draft' that I apparently also published. Truth be told, I don't remember it at all and just the glances I've given it made me cringe.

I'm glad that even this long after the original was cancelled, my story is still held in high regard. I didn't expect anyone to really remember the original, but apparently enough people did that my rewrite was featured in less than 24 hours with only one chapter posted

Holy shit this is exactly what I needed today after my pc died I missed this story a lot and now it's back!

i was wondering if you ever plan to continue aetherium mage?

In time, I do plan to rewrite and complete my other stories as well. For the time being though, I'm focusing solely on Daedalus' New World until it's complete, then moving on to one of the other two.

Looking forward to it dude ur stories are great!

Question; So is this an alternate Universe where Mercer beat and absorbed Heller? Because in Daedalus info recap it says mercer lost BUT he also absorbed Heller, so I'm a bit confused.

Checking back over the segment, it was worded slightly confusingly but yes, this is an AU where Mercer killed Heller and continued the outbreaks

Oh my, HE LIIIIVES! Absolutely loved the original, so I'm excited to see how this re write goes. What a wonderful way to start my Thursday!

Ooh, double feature in one day? You spoil us, sir. Not complaining at all, however.

Definitely liking this so far, quite excited to see how this goes. Hadn't read the original in a while so I can't give a good comparison, but so far the events are progressing smoothly. I eagerly await the next chapter.

Well, the second chapter was pretty much a repeat of the first from Daedalus' pov so I released the third chapter to make up for it. As for how it compares to the original, what I will say about that is that the start of the story occurs completely differently than how it does now.

"R-right. As a virus, I'm neither alive or dead and cannot be killed. Unless I choose to mimic them, I don't have organs, blood, or a brain and don't need to breathe. I don't even need to eat except when my biomass runs low, and even then I can choose to just let Blacklight's passive generation return me to my normal levels. I don't age and can heal from any injury so long as a single cell of Blacklight remains. Without a nervous system, I can't feel pain and even my senses are just a mimicry of natural ones." Daedalus explained as he reached out and gently put a finger on Luna's snout, slowly pushing back. She blinked at him in surprise before a smirk came across her muzzle and she reared up, planting her front hooves on the table and spreading her wings wide as she leaned even closer. From his far left at the entrance to the dining hall, he was aware of the door opening as several sets of hoofsteps entered the room.

yesssss boop the snoot

I like that Luna and Celestia were forthcoming about their auras. Putting a truth spell on Daedalus while returning the favor of being honest with him means we'll hopefully see these three have a respectful relationship between them!

for those wanting to read the original version you can find it on fimfetch under the same name as this one, which is also there already!

A Evolved frickin lost!?

I already feel that Alex Mercer will be very disappointed.

Damn me and my gf was reading this together I bet that Luna would lose I owe her $25 now :flutterrage:

It was a canon event that he had to lose bro. :ajsleepy: I'm sorry...

Hey, I mean, if you gotta lose, go big and lose to a demigoddess yeah?

Hey, Shining owes Twilight 100 bits too so don't worry.

I freaking love these memes now lol

Absolutely awesome job with the fight scene. Action packed, fun use of abilities, and it didn't drag on longer than it needed to.

wait. are starfall and luna the same pony

I get why it might seem like that and as much as I'd love to joke, no, they aren't. Starfall's mane matches Luna's coat, and they both have a large black splotch behind their cutie marks, but that's where the similarities end. Plus when Daedalus met Celestia and Luna, it was Starfall who escorted him there.

to be honest it was her flank that made me think that not her mane color

.....i think im a pervert lol

Nah, the cutie mark was specifically called out as reminding Daedalus of Luna's, so it put the connection right in your face. Her mane was just said to contrast with her coat so it was a little less obvious since, y'know, a lot of ponies are blue lol

I'm loving this so far! looking forward to see how it goes /) :heart::heart::twilightsmile:

Why did you decide to rewrite this story?

Things have settled down and I've grown as a person. I kept thinking back to my stories and wanted to finish them. However, I have a lot of things I don't like about the route the original took, both in the very beginning and toward the end (though the middle was mostly alright to me). Not to mention, after five years I have forgotten so much of my own story that I was able to reread it and not know what was going to happen next, and I didn't have a clue how I originally planned to end the story or even the chapter arcs that were coming up. All that together, I knew if I tried to just finish the story, I'd be forcing myself to write and I imagined I'd lose interest in writing and abandon it again quite quickly. So I chose to rewrite it entirely, in a form that I enjoy writing.

"Oh, I think we'll get along just fine, Jay." Beam said, licking her lips as she gazed at him. "I feel like you'll make things so much better around here."

Jay: “I need a adult.”

lol it would be funny if that was in the next chapter

So Starfall is a changeling.
I already had the thought in chapter 7 but nice to see it pretty much confirmed.

Are you sure about that? :raritywink: A changeling, disguised in Canterlot castle and employed as a Solar Guard long enough to rise up to LCPL without being detected? Sure, Chrysalis pulled it off for a few days but could a changeling do it for a few months? Guess we'll have to see if other ponies have the same kind of blurriness to their DNA- once Daedalus gets around to checking somepony else

Alrighty then. you have my attention.
let's see what you got for us.:duck:

It's also entirely possible that this particular changeling is known and has her own token to prevent the dispels from taking effect. This chapter is a bit info-dumpy, but solid all the way through and I'm looking forward to getting further into the story!

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