• Member Since 8th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Stories about families, friends, the past, the present, the future, the science of magic and the magic of science.


... because ya never know whatcher gonna get!

This is where I have my collected shorts, contest entries, etc. Enjoy!

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 40 )

The RADWICKINS sing these songs as part of their routine, I am sure! Wonderful stuff, Dafaddah!

Really good, I would imagine former humans to make songs about their demise, so to say... One thing though... I'm sure I've heard the original of the first song, but what was it?


If you have any ideas for songs please see this thread and contribute! Songs of the Conversion Bureau thread


1369346 I guess I was wrong, I've never heard it... :twilightblush:



'Cause it's a thread off the old blog! :trollestia:

Hah! :rainbowlaugh: That was good enough that I think we can wave off the 5 extra words. I'll get with the Commitee. :rainbowkiss:

Muchas gracias! Your forbearance is exemplary. :pinkiehappy:

Timmies? Was a doughnuts joke too obvious?

Only to Canadians. They only have them in a few northern states, as far as I know.


Thanks, and I'm really glad to see you re-engaging on FIMFiction. :yay: It also makes me very happy that you liked the idea of Box of Chocolates. I've done several little group contribution projects that didn't get near the amount of participation that I thought they would. The PTCB/ATCB discord has been somewhat off-putting to a lot of people. Sigh.

I'm really looking forward to reading your continuation of Tales of Los Pegasus. This whole thaw has made me feel so much better about this community and the discussions have become actually interesting again!

It all has given me hope and some portion of joy for the first time in months.

Alright, that was pretty good, worth my time reading.

I thought this was very cute.
So your style I thought I would loot.
Your limerick was fun,
but now I am done,
Responding was really a hoot!

Limericks are hard,
I never learnt to do them well,
Haiku it is, then.

I can't rhyme so well,
but your limericks are neat,
keep up the good work.

Fluttershy, are you trying to explode Twilight's head?

See? This is what you're good at: Jokes about dead people, but in a good way. You know, deep and stuff. Not that I want to stop you from challenging yourself, it's just that this kind of story seems to work better.
On a more technical note: Did you know all those from the top of your head or did you read the 'dead parrot' sketch?

¡Never let family get in the way of a good ’ship!

This story is bittersweet. Also, everypony should use UTC/GMT and ISO-8601.

4929705 I pulled about half from the scene from the movie Patch Adams. The rest are common euphemisms for death.

I never saw Patch Adams, so that list was new to me. Guess I got one last joke from Robin, secondhand.

...He was the first person who made me feel good about being weird. From Toys to Hook, he convinced me I'd never have to grow up completely, nor conform until my spark of madness was extinguished.

He could bring out the funny anywhere, which is why the news knocked me over for a day and a half. I wrote my own for /mlp/ that sad evening, but I probably won't be posting it on FF. It's about Pinkie finding out about Ponyacci's demise only a year after she helped him found the clown college, though his manner of demise was left to the reader to interpret.


He was and always will be the kid I saw in the mirror some 40 years ago. Well, maybe he was a little less shy! :twilightblush:

Please send me the link to your story, it sounds very interesting! :twilightsmile:

This story made me cry, not from the story but of all the memories brought back of Robin Williams.

R.I.P Robin Williams.

By the way, great story.

Comment posted by Dafaddah deleted Dec 18th, 2014


I kept seeing his face when I was writing the dialogue from Laughter Patch. I just hope I did his memory justice.


I wrote this for a contest for stories about ponies who weren't who we thought they were. I write this in season two, long before Discord's reform and Twilight's ascension, si I chose to show that Derpy was actually Celestia in disguise and Dr. Hooves was actually Discord, and the purpose of doing so was to provide Dinky with a normal upbringing and family life.

These are great. :)

I enjoyed reading them.


And I certainly enjoyed your much more comprehensive set of Hearth's Warming Eve Carols! It's also great to be reading these in the middle of summer as I sit in my back yard listening to the crickets' serenade!

I wrote this one for Taste of Grass (it didn't make the final edit, ah well)

Upon Four Hooves
by Aedina/Eldenath S. de Vilya

Upon four hooves, I sweet grass tread
Where once was devestation
And flower'd meadows, verdant, spread
Across my newfound Nation

The bubble gate, which open’d doors
Of hope, long cast aside
Dismiss’d away all human mores
And vanquished human pride

A new beginning, second chance
Was gifted to my ken
Compassion for our circumstance:
The plight of mortal men

And those who had the sight to view
Beyond all compass’d fear
Traverse’d the dangers to pursue
The better life found here

Equestria, the Fairest Realm;
Where dwells no earthly pain ~
Our Princesses are at its Helm
May They, forever, reign

What does Molasses Cookies have to do with My Little Pony?


It's okay, Dafaddah. I've got your back.


Molasses Cookies

A C o n v e r s i o n B u r e a u S t o r y
By Dafaddah and Chatoyance

I still make my mother's molasses cookies every once in a while - usually around holidays. After she passed on I would make a batch before every family get together. My dad in particular loved them until he passed on as well. The smell of those molasses cookies are pretty much the closest I'll ever to that feeling of being in my childhood home. It's good to still have something that can do such magic for me, and to have a way for me to share the experience of who my parents were with others, even though they're gone.

The way I make those cookies is very different now, only to be expected considering that I ended up a unicorn. I still use a spoon, a wooden one no less, just as my mother did, long ago on earth - but mostly I do so out of nostalgia. It just feels more... real... somehow, to use a spoon. I could just lift the batter up in my telekinetic field and mush the ingredients with my mind. I tried that only once. The cookies that resulted just didn't taste right. Somehow, mixing with a spoon adds some secret ingredient. Rationally, I know it is my own attention and memory at work, but in my heart, it feels like love.

For all I know it is love. I live now in a cosmos where friendship is a basic law of physics. Maybe love is a fundamental force, transmissible through a spoon made from wood. What I do know is that when I make those cookies, when I bake them, when the smell fills my little cottage, my mother is there. I mean it. I close my eyes, and she is right there, behind me. Everything in my heart says she stands to my left and about six hooves to my flank. Sometimes, I swear I can sense her smile, and nod her head.

When I feel her there, she is a pony, like me. I can't really remember her clearly as a human anymore. Her face, her human face, is just a blur in my memory. But the pony face - in my mind she is a pegasus - is clear to my thoughts. I could almost paint her picture, if I could paint at all. It's that clear. Of course, it's been just over a century since the last day of old earth. I shouldn't expect to remember any human face clearly after this much time. I still wish I could, though.

Sometimes, in those moments, when I am stirring with a spoon in my mouth, feeling the tug of the batter, I wonder if... if maybe she really is there, somehow.

I've been told it isn't possible, of course. No souls in Mundus. Our old universe was a magic-free zone, a dead and mechanical universe. No gods, no afterlife, no ghosts. Maybe. I don't know such things.

But I've always heard that people live on as long as you remember them. And I remember my mother. I remember her laugh, how she scolded me when I was bad, how she comforted me when I was frightened or sad. I remember her filling my world, being my Celestia long before that bubble appeared on my old, long vanished world. And my ponified version of her is just the same, only the shape is changed - the soul remains the same.

And sometimes I think to myself that maybe some part of her did survive through me. They say that ponification gave us Newfoals souls, real souls. And, since the Centennial Event, I guess that has been proven true... nopony dies anymore. We just respawn.

Perhaps some part of what made my mother herself rode along inside me, back when I went to the Bureau, some intangible part that even the magic of Equestria cannot account for, and when I gained my soul, that part of her, inside me, did too. Maybe my remembering her really did let her live on, in some fashion, in some way.

I would never admit it to anypony, but I like to believe that.

Ah, the cookies are ready. I love that smell. I like to close my eyes and just become a nose - my fabulous, amazing pony nose - and live in a private universe of freshly baked wonder and joy. And there, to my left, six hooves to my flank...

I know, with all that makes me myself, that my mother, invisible, ethereal, is sniffing that delicious smell too - and she is smiling.


Thanks Chat for expanding my little paragraph of nostalgia into a full fledged story! It's amazing how you've captured so much of what I'm feeling when I make these cookies. The bit about the wooden spoon is scary accurate. I even sprained a wrist one Christmas making way too much batter manually, rather than using our food processor because "it just doesn't taste the same"! When I'm making these cookies, I'm back in her kitchen, sitting at the table and doing homework or reading Asimov, or Clarke, or Pohl, or Heinlein, as I wait for the cookies to be done and getting that first taste right from the oven. Wow!

And thanks! :heart:

You inspire me, Dafaddah.

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