• Published 29th Jun 2023
  • 6,721 Views, 167 Comments

Run Without Debugging - RunicTreetops

After a misunderstanding, you end up sustaining a serious injury while trying to protect Chrysalis. Now, the ex-queen is on the run, carrying you with her as your time among the living grows short.

  • ...

Run Without Debugging

You and Chrysalis sigh simultaneously as you close your front door behind you. You both force yourselves to take a few tired steps into the living room before collapsing onto opposite ends of the sofa. That party was wild, and it lasted hours. You're absolutely exhausted, and you can only imagine how Chryssi must feel.

You both lean your heads back and close your eyes as you relish in the sweet, sweet silence of your dimly lit living room. Considering that you went straight from the hospital to your party and that you didn't actually consult Chrysalis prior to her arrival at said party, it has been some time since the two of you have been alone like this.


"Yeah, Chryssi?"

"How did you know I was going to show up to the party? And how did you see through my disguise?"

"I figured you would show up because you would want to know how I was doing health-wise, especially after everything we went through after I got shot. As for your shapeshifting, I've picked up a few things since you moved in."

"Like what?"

"Have you ever heard the phrase 'the eyes are the window to the soul?' I've picked up a few of your mannerisms. You can make yourself look like whatever creature you want, but between those beautiful eyes of yours and your... less-than-normal habits, I'm pretty confident in my ability to pick you out from a crowd."

She scoffs at you.

"If it wasn't for the fact that you literally just did that, I would take that comment as an insult."

"No insults here! Your shapeshifting is incredible! I just... know you really well, that's all."

"Hmph. You're the first creature to ever say something like that."

"Should I be flattered or concerned?"

"You should shut up before I make it look like you shapeshifted your face."

The room is silent for a moment before you both start to laugh. It's still jarring hearing Chryssi's genuine laugh, but it's a treat every time it happens.

"While we're putting everything out there, I do have a confession to make."


"While you were sick, I may or may not have gone downstairs."

Chrysalis glares at you, though she doesn't appear quite as angry as you were expecting.

"And? Were you disappointed?"

"I was mostly just confused. I mean, in hindsight, I get why you were reading up on the differences between dark and light changelings, but I really didn't understand your notes. I also didn't get why you stole that picture."

"Oh. You found all of that."

"S-sorry, I just... couldn't help myself."

Chrysalis sighs.

"It's fine. I was lying to you about my light changeling form for a long time. Now, we're even."

"If it's not too much to ask, why did you steal that picture? And what were those notes?"

"They were both... practice."


"I was using the picture as a guide to help me practice my shapeshifting. As you know, it's much more preferable for me to take love from somecreature who actually loves 'me.' I was hoping that I could take the form of..."


She sighs again. She hesitates a little before she speaks, and her cheeks grow a bit flushed.

"I was trying to invent someone new. At first, I thought I'd come up with the most beautiful mare in the world, until I realized that you'd probably prefer a human woman. That, uh, didn't go very well."

"Chryssi, you didn't have to-"

"Don't say it. I know. I dropped that whole thing once you started telling me you love me or whatever. I'm pretty good at knowing when I'm being lied to, and yet I still found those words hard to believe."


"But, your love doesn't lie. You meant every word. So... I stopped trying to be someone I'm not."

"...And the notes?"

She lightly chuckles.

"Care to take a guess?"

"Hm..." You actually did have a guess in mind, you just wanted her to confirm it. Still, she's challenging you now, so let's see if you were off the mark. "Light changelings can have a hard time changing their form depending on their mental state. When you turned into one, you were finding it hard to keep yourself shapeshifted for long periods of time, so you were practicing staying in a different form for as long as you could?"

"That's... exactly right, actually. I needed that practice, too. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to convince you that I was still a dark changeling for as long as I did. Luckily for me, all I need is a couple of seconds to breathe in this form and I'm good to go again. I just had to get you to look the other way for a bit when my time was running short."

"You really did go through a lot of trouble to convince me you weren't a light changeling, huh?"

"W-we've already discussed this, and I would rather not dwell on it."

"Okay, if you say so. Though, if you would, I do still have one more question about that."


"You never gave me a solid answer before. Do you WANT to be a light changeling?"

"..." Chrysalis is silent for a few seconds, apparently seriously considering your question. After a little while, she shakes her head and looks you in the eyes. "To be completely honest, no. I..." Her cheeks grow even redder, and she hesitates again before continuing her thought. "I feel like this isn't me. Look, I plan to be on my 'best behavior' from now on or whatever, but 'Queen Chrysalis' is who I've always been. Heh, how ironic that after a life of shapeshifting, it's my 'real' body that feels like a lie."

"Then why don't you just permanently shapeshift back into your old body?"


"I thought some of the strongest changelings could shapeshift indefinitely. Seeing as you're the strongest changeling, I can't imagine that would be an issue for you."

"Were you even listening when we discussed my notes? Since becoming a light changeling, it's like I've had to re-learn how to shapeshift. I have no idea why, either. It seems like the rest of the hive never had this problem, but there is no way I'm asking them for advice."

"You sure it's not still your mental state?"


"Well, I'm no changeling, but isn't it typically the case that your body prefers to shapeshift into something indicative of your mental state? Maybe, since you've been so afraid of others knowing that you're a light changeling, your body keeps forcing you to actually look like one."

"That's... surprisingly plausible, actually."

"But we all know now. No one is making fun of you. In fact, after today, I'd say you probably have more supporters than you ever have before."

"Yeah, well, we'll see how long that lasts."

"What I mean is that there's no reason to be afraid anymore. If you want to keep being your dark changeling self... who's stopping you?"

"You don't have a problem with that? I thought you were all about teaching me to be 'kind' or whatever."

"I don't see a rule saying you can't be both."


Chrysalis looks at you, first with surprise, and then with an uncharacteristically warm smile. She closes her eyes as her body begins to shimmer. Her form begins to morph, the smooth edges on her horn and legs becoming more jagged and filled with holes. Her wings become less fine, and her mane and tail become a bit less silky. Finally, the shimmering stops, leaving behind the familiar form of Chrysalis, ex-queen of the dark changelings. You do note that, despite transforming back, her wings are still much more glittery than when you met her.

"How's this?"

"You look beautiful, Chryssi."


Without another word, she shoots across the sofa in one bound, catching you completely off guard. She wraps herself around you (carefully avoiding your chest wound) and wordlessly looks you in the eyes. It's an expression you've never seen from her, but before you can think too much about it, she closes the gap between you and locks her lips with yours.

For a moment, your mind goes blank. Is this really happening? You look at her in shock as you feel her breath against your face. Yeah, this is really happening. Her face is red as a beet and her eyes are shut tight. Smiling to yourself without ever breaking the kiss, you wrap your arms around her and pull her in closer, relishing the feeling of having her here in your arms.

It's in this moment that you finally know, without a shadow of a doubt, that everything is going to be okay.

You wake up to the sound of voices outside your room and the feeling of a weight on your chest. You crack your eyes open and glance at a nearby clock. It's 7:00 A.M. on a Saturday. Ugh. You look down at your chest, recalling that time Twilight shot you several years ago. You smile to yourself as you recognize where the weight is coming from. Resting her head on your left pec is Chrysalis, an almost imperceptible snore escaping her nose as she continues snoozing away. Her long, messy mane is draped over the rest of your chest, her hole-filled horn is resting against the side of your neck, and one of her legs is lazily strewn over the top of you. With a chuckle, you gently stroke her mane behind her ear and watch as her eyes slowly open to look at you. She smiles at you until she hears the voices outside escalate in volume.

"Good morning, Chryssi."

"It's a bit early to be that great of a morning."

"It's always a good morning when I wake up next to you."

She rolls her eyes and smiles.

"How many times are you gonna use that line?"

"As many times as it remains true. So... you'd better get used to it."

"I already am, Nonny."

With a stretch, she slowly lifts herself off of you, a groan escaping her mouth as she does so. You follow suit and slowly crawl out of bed before getting dressed.

"Why are they up so early today? It's a weekend."

"School of Friendship field trip. They're going to 'learn what a typical day is like for the animals over at the Sweet Feather Sanctuary.'"

"Let's hope this doesn't end as poorly as their trip to the Canterlot Castle gardens."

"What can I say? I taught them well."

"Really? You taught them to argue with their teachers when they start discussing the Tirek and Cozy Glow 'statue?'"

"It's not my fault they want to stick up for their mother, hmhm."

"Maybe they should just settle for knowing that their mother was a part of history."

You open your bedroom door and Chrysalis follows you out. Making your way down the hall and towards the kitchen, you see five young light changelings arguing over a couple of bowls of cereal.

"Alright, what's all this about?"

The largest of the children, a green changeling with bright blue eyes, looks up at you in annoyance.

"Tarsus ate the last of the Duke Chocula!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

With a single stomp of her hoof, Chrysalis gets all five of the rowdy children to fall silent and give her their utmost attention.

"Have you all eaten?"

"Y-yes, but-"

"Are you packed?"

"Gena isn't!"

The second smallest of the changelings, a light-pink girl with a thin stature, looks up at Chrysalis with guilt in her eyes.

"I can't find my bag!"

Chrysalis rolls her eyes as her horn glows green. After a second, a small saddlebag floats around the corner you just came from and lands in front of Gena.

"You need to stop leaving it on the bathroom counter, it's unsanitary."

"Th-thank you, mom!"

You glance at a nearby clock, which reads "7:45."

"You kids had better get going if you don't want to be late."

The five changeling children all follow your gaze and look at the clock before collectively gasping. The kitchen suddenly becomes a whirlwind of movement as bowls are tossed in the sink and saddlebags are thrown over torsos. One by one, the children each give Chrysalis a hug before booking it out the door. After the last one makes it outside, you shut the door behind them, finally giving you and your wife a moment to breathe.

"How are you so good at this?"

"Running a hive for hundreds of years will do that to you."

"Apparently. Sheesh."

With a smile, Chrysalis walks up to you and gives you a peck on the cheek.

"You're not doing too bad, yourself." She chuckles and makes her way towards the door. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting with Thorax and the rest of the Changeling Board in about an hour."

"I still can't believe he asked you to be one of his advisors. Or that the kingdom was okay with it."

Chrysalis shrugs.

"I've said from the beginning that a kingdom cannot be run on kindness alone. There are a lot of logistics that need to be ironed out to feed a populace, even if they're supposedly 'self-sustaining.' They simply got their wits about them and finally realized that my experience is good for something."

"So long as they aren't mistreating you over there."

"Oh, please. I may not be the queen anymore, but I am still the strongest changeling there. You don't need to worry about me."

"Heh, ain't that the truth." You take a few steps forward and give Chrysalis a smooch. "Have a nice day, Chryssi. Love you!"

"Love you too, Nonny."

With that, she finally turns around and leaves your Ponyville home. Now alone, you sigh to yourself and make your way into the living room which is, unsurprisingly, a complete mess thanks to those rowdy kids of yours. You need to be getting to work too, but you'd best clean up before doing so. For the next few minutes, you find yourself picking junk up off of the floor and putting all manners of cushions back where they belong on the furniture. Just as you're finishing up, you notice what looks like a small piece of paper in the corner.

Picking it up, you recognize it. It's the old photograph of you and your Ponyville friends that Chrysalis swiped and hid downstairs all those years ago. With a chuckle you flip it over. Sure enough, the faint outline of her old sketches are still barely visible. You smile as you look towards the wall, where the old collage of photographs still rests upon the wall. You place the photo where it belongs, now surrounded by pictures of not just you and your pony friends, but also dozens of photos of Chrysalis and your children.

It's been a long and difficult road to get here. And yet, you can say with utmost certainty that it was undoubtedly worth it. It doesn't matter how many obstacles you may face in your life. It doesn't matter how many mistakes you've made in the past, or how many enemies you've accumulated. Heck, it doesn't even matter who you are, so long as you know who you want to be. Because in the end, everything is going to be okay.

All it takes is a little bit of love.

Author's Note:

And that's that! Thank you so much for reading! I had an absolute blast writing these stories about Chrysalis, and I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!

As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

EDIT: Now featuring another story that takes place during the time skip! It's called "Gamophobia," and you can click here to check it out!

Comments ( 48 )

thank you for this story

Loved thiiis, good story thank yoou!

Knew there'd be the lil buggies in the end :trollestia: great work!

Loved the story mate!

Absolutely adorable :heart:


I am a sucker for a happy ending.

I’m a sucker for a reformed Chrysalis story. This trilogy was absolutely adorable. I loved it.

Incredible story made my week!

this was so adorable, my heart


Absolutely spectacular. Instant fav.

Absolutely loved this trilogy. Thanks for writing it!

Wow that was simply amazing I’m so glad I found you. Your work is simply superb.

More I want more lol

Wow. A wonderful series, finally at its end. I’m shocked that a small story like Bed Bug evolved to something so simple, but more invested as it continued. The small joy of seeing Chrysalis become accepted, not just by the pony and changeling communities, but accepting herself physically and me tally. And of course, that cute kiss and wonderful life they have now. And yes…

All it took was a little bit of love!:heart::twilightsmile:

A really solid trilogy overall. The growing relationship between Anon and Chrysalis was well done. The interactions with the other characters were great too. It was a fun ride and I enjoyed this trilogy overall.

Loved every second of it :rainbowkiss:

Loved it, Chrysalis is one of my absolute favourite characters so I always love stories about her, and I always love stories where it involves her having new offspring, shame there was no hatching scene as I always enjoy the adorable fluff that comes with those moments, and now I am sad that the story is over, but I enjoyed it greatly

<3 such a happy ending yay

What a cute Last Problem-esque ending. Amazing story, definitely going to reread.

Oh my god they fyay!ed.

Absolutely amazing story. I’m only sadden that I’ll have to wait for another amazing Chrysalis story to come along 😭

My only regret is that I can't upvote it more than once. Every chapter deserves an individual upvote.

A top floor series you have written here. Very good indeed and I am glad it came out great in the end

I mean, that's fair, but look at when she decided to use it. Like, she knew that Chrysalis is not magic resistant and that this kind of spell is both excessive and necessary. The only person in that scenario that you would *need* that to hurt or kill them is Anon.

This series has been a really cute and emotional read, and I have loved the whole ride. Definitely one of my favorite reads on here.

So good! I still don't know how you can pump out so many stories of the quality that you do, but I am glad for it.

Hello, Zecora incident? She has been the LAST being to belive that Zecora was evil. So, "quick to jump to conclusions" doesn't really fit. And can PROBABLY buy into Twilight being traumtized.

But this is what I am talking. A giant ass IDIOT BALL, with Twilight's name on it!!! Just before shooting, Twilight and company has just confirmed that REPORTS of Chrysalis attacks are just that. REPORTS. While Chrysalis just TALKED, it's TWILIGHT who attacked FIRST.

In the very FIRST story Twilight have been informed. And they found out that Magic doesn't really affect Anon. I THINK it includes brainwashing. So the guy KNEW what he was DOING, housing that criminal in his house.

"Really? You taught them to argue with their teachers when they start discussing the Tirek and Cozy Glow 'statue?'"

"It's not my fault they want to stick up for their mother, hmhm."

One down, two to reform. Hopefully. :)

Tirek? MAYBE. He plots, but he knows what he is, so he MIGHT let go of ambition, his biggest sin. He is smart, he let Cozy and Chrysalis try to climb the mountain, so that HE would learn and do better than them. Cozy? NEVER. She doesn't LISTEN. She NEVER listened. ALL that friendship is to her is POWER. She said that she would make friends withOUT making them trust her(truth/loyalty). Without making it interesting for them to stick around her(generocity/laughter). Without making it important for them to side with her, instead of others(kindness/loyalty).

D'awwww, that's a cute ending. And glad that she's able to keep the look she prefers.

Hahah, I imagine she might try convincing the other two to reform at some point as well.

Very enjoyable story. Wouldn't mind seeing some one shots or short stories from their life during the time skip.

This story is all the good things a story should have.

Good job

These series was unexpected but loved it :heart:

I loved this entire series! Though I wish for one more story. A story that explains how "Nonny" managed to impregnate "Chyssi" with them being two very different species. You could tell it like an in-story memory, like have one of his 5 children ask how they were even conceived and born since up until their birth it was assumed impossible. That would be the prologue chapter, then start chapter one as a flashback on their wedding day and work up from their then end the story with an epilogue that return us to the present as Anon and Chrysalis finish telling the story.

I would love to read how in your universe it was possible

These three stories were an absolute blast to read through and through! While I’m sad we didn’t get to see more of their relationship and how we got to the point that foals were considered and conceived the story leading to that point not the naughties that made it happen it was still a joy, I just wish there were more Chryssi x MC stories that actually go into their life as a couple then a married couple and finally family life, but none the less I Stil enjoyed the fact that a family actually did happen so thanks for the fun little reads!

Also I claim

It doesn't matter how many obstacles you may face in your life. It doesn't matter how many mistakes you've made in the past, or how many enemies you've accumulated. Heck, it doesn't even matter who you are, so long as you know who you want to be. Because in the end, everything is going to be okay.

All it takes is a little bit of love

for my lovely steam profile’s quote wall with proper reference to you my good author.

Lol my comment is relatively the same as yours

How dare you make a story so God damn wholesome!

Thats was amazing and there aren't many Chrysalis fanfics on youtube so I was glad when I found this one after making an account and I will also say I hope to see it narratored and with voice actors on youtube one day because I really enjoyed it

Alittle sad it didnt end with Thoraxs head mounted on the wall, but it was a sweet nonetheless. Definitely liked.

There are a lot of logistics that need to be ironed out to feed a populous, even if they're supposedly 'self-sustaining.' They simply got their wits about them and finally realized that my experience is good for something."


Internal consistency does wonders to keep the suspension of disbelief.
Yes there is magic, changeling, the laws of physics accepts the cordially worded notes that half the cast do not play with them, BUT he is a normal human, and it’s expected that he follow more or less the normal human rules. An hole that big in the chest is going to smash through a lung, probably the aorta or directly the heart and possibly the spine…
Nowhere in the show you have THAT kind of wounds.
The pony simply are TOUGH and don’t get wounded. Rainbow Dash can faceplant into the dirt going at Mach 3 and simply dust herself off. They can heal with magic pretty serious things it seems, but they NEED the magic.

To bad it ended. I could see the what it could become if it wasn't for the time skip In The end. I enjoy it alot.

It may behoove you to read Gamophobia, a story I'm currently working on that takes place during that time skip. :raritywink:


All the lings! Clearly they were compatible. 😏

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