• Published 12th Jul 2023
  • 1,653 Views, 47 Comments

Generosity's Wakfu - steel soul

Rarity finds herself taking care of a colt who came crashing into her home from out of thin air.

  • ...

Chapter 8

The gentle ring of the bell caused the owner of the variety shop named the Quill and Sofa to look up, his eyes catching sight of two ponies making their way within. A smile would grace his lips, recognizing the older of the two immediately. "Well if it isn’t Ponyville’s most radiant and most fashionable fashionista, Miss Rarity, in the flesh."

Said fashionista flashed a smile as she made her way towards the store owner, her cheeks burning a nice shade of pink from what Yugo noticed. "And a good morning to you too, Mr. Davenport. It's always a pleasure to visit your charming little shop."

"And as always it's a pleasure for you to come visit said charming little shop." The stallion smiled giving the mare a wink. "Once again I do have to thank you. Your suggestion to sell things in between Quill's and Sofa's was quite the genius one. Business has been picking up because of it."

Rarity beamed with pride, preening her mane with a hoof. "Well, I do have a good eye for design and merchandising. Your specialty might be Quill’s and Sofa’s but that doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself darling. Just like how I can always find the perfect gem for my outfit, we are more then just our mark.” The mare waved a hoof. “Though, I must admit, I'm not here just to bask in my own success."

"Oh? And what does brings you here then?" The stallion asked before looking towards the colt beside her. "And who is this little guy? Don't think I've seen him before in Ponyville."

The white Unicorn smiled as she gestured towards the young colt. "His name is Yugo. He will be living with me for the foreseeable future you see and I thought it was prudent of me to gather him his basic necessities for bathing and other selfcare."

"My, my. Well aren't you the lucky colt." The stallion smirked. "Living with the charming Miss Rarity. I must admit I am quite envious." His gaze fell towards the alabaster unicron. "I'm guessing he is the reason you had to cancel our date a few days ago."

"Yes, unfortunately, Yugo needed my attention after all.” The mare answered after a soft sigh escaped her lips. She smiled as she moved a bit closer towards the stallion. “But I promise we can and will reschedule. It is the other reason why I am here after all."

Davenport chuckled. "No worries or rush, Rarity. I understand the importance of obligations."

Rarity nodded graciously. "Thank you, Davenport. Now, if you don't mind, could you show me where your bathing accessories are?" She turned towards the colt. "And Yugo, don't wander too far off alright?"

Said colt nodded obediently, watching as Rarity followed Davenport towards another section within the building. When they were out of sight, the young colt began his own exploration in earnest. He remembered Rarity calling this place the Quill and Sofa, and he couldn't help but see that there was indeed quite the abundance of both items within. Though as he went further back he could find more than just those two things, just as the two had been talking about. Mostly odds and ends one would decorate one's home with but it was quite of bit of those odds and ends. Despite that though there wasn't too much for him to look at. At least, nothing he thought was interesting. That was until he found himself looking upon a strange statue.

It was small. Not extravagant. A small circle surrounded by a larger disconnected circle. Spikes sticking out from every which way. It was simple and yet...

Gently, the colt reached out for the small object, it fitting neatly within his hoof when he had grasped it. Of course it didn't do anything when he held it. It was just a statue after all. Despite that however, he couldn't not like what he saw. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before. At least, as far as he could remember. That he he couldn’t help but feel…a familiarity.

"What do you have there, Yugo?" Rarity asked, a bag of items floating beside her. She had returned from her small shopping spree and was now standing in front of him, her eyes curious.

“Oh!” The colt was startled by the mare’s sudden appearance. He turned to face her, still holding the statue in his hooves. "Sorry. Looking around. Saw this. I put back."

Before he could however, Rarity held a hoof out. "May I see it?"

Yugo hesitated for a moment before slowly giving the statue to Rarity. She examined it for a moment, her brow furrowing in concentration. "Hm, interesting. I've never seen anything quite like it before.It seems to be made of a unique material too. I wonder where Davenport got this from."

"That thing?" Devenport asked as he pulled up towards the two. "I picked it up from a traveling merchant not too long ago. It caught my eye as well, but I couldn't find a use for it in the shop." He shrugged. "Not too many asked about it either. If the kid is interested in it I don't mind giving it to him."

Rarity considered the offer for a moment before nodding in agreement. "I think that would be a lovely gesture, Davenport. Yugo seemed quite taken with it after all."

"Oh...It's...Thank you...though” The colt hesitated again, frowning. “...I would like to pay if I can."

Davenport chuckled. "No need, Yugo. It's my pleasure to give it to you as a gift. Rarity told me how you came to be in her care so consider it a welcome to Ponyville and get well present from me to you."

"You...are kind. Thank you." Hugo responded before looking at the stature once more.

"Hehe...Indeed Davenport is.” She gazes at the stallion with a sly smile. “Though are you sure you are not doing this to further get into my good graces?"

Said stallion chuckled. "Well, if it helps my chances, then I won't say no to it." He winked at Rarity, causing her to giggle softly in response.

Ignoring the older ponies obvious flirting, the colt focused his attention back to the object. Trying his best to figure out why he was drawn to it so. Yeah he was drawing towards Pinkie Pie’s cook book but that was different. What he held in his hooves felt…different. Was it something from his homeland? Or was it just the uniqueness of the statue that drew him in? No matter the case, it was his now and he liked it, for whatever reason.

With their businesses concluded within, the duo would make their way out of the shop, Rarity bidding the shop owner goodbye with a gentle peck to his cheek before doing so. "I promise to reschedule our date, Davenport. Mostly when things settle down of course."

"I know you will.” The stallion mused, blushing at the kiss. “And I'll be waiting."

Yugo watched the interaction with interest this time, all the way till Rarity made her way towards and beside him. She smiled, looking down at the young colt. "Shall we get going, Yugo. We still need to see Twilight after all."

The colt nodded, tucking the statue into his hat before following after the mare. The two of them would walk in silence for a while before the colt spoke up, asking her a simple question. "You...like Mr. Davenport?"

Though slightly caught off guard by the question, she would chuckled softly none the less, glancing down at the young colt beside her. "Well, he is quite charming, isn't he?" She replied with a coy smile. "Let's just say that Mr. Davenport and I are just good friends for now." She paused. "But I am willing to see where it goes. He has been nothing but a saint since I met him after all."

Mulling over the mare's words, the colt nodded slowly. She liked him, Yugo could see that...and yet she seemed to have her guard up despite wanting to date. More than likely for a reason he didn't know. Despite wanting to know more, he didn't press the issue, instead changing the subject.

"So why go to Twilight's?"

"Mostly to shoot the breeze as it were...though" She smiled. "We still need to set up something for your speech lessons. If you are to go to school, you will need to speak properly."

"School..." He was pretty sure Applebloom and the other two had mentioned that word before.

"Yes, school," Rarity confirmed with a nod. "It's where young colts and fillies go to learn all sorts of things and make friends." She smiled warmly at Yugo. "It's important for everypony to learn and grow, and I want to make sure you have every opportunity to do so."

The colt nodded. He didn't know what school would entail but if his new friends are going to be there, how could he not go?


Despite the short time it took for Rarity to lead the colt to Twilight's home, the colt couldn't help but relish in the walk in between. Ponies of every shape and size and of course colors would walk by, nodding their heads in hello to Rarity, and sometimes to himself much to his surprise.

Maybe they knew about his situation or maybe they were just being friendly. He couldn't quite say. Still, it did leave a rather nice feeling in his chest when he would smile and nod back, returning their gesture.

It wasn't just the ponies though that he liked. The sights and sounds of the picturesque town around him was something that made him feel at ease. The greenery and flowers. The gentle breeze that carried the scent of baked goods. The warmth of the sun on his body. It all felt...familiar to him. At least...to his body. Maybe he lived in a town just like this before he…well…before whatever happened to him happened to him.

Before he could go deeper into his thoughts, Rarity's voice brought him back to reality. "Here we are, Yugo. Twilight's home." She gestured towards an ornate treehouse that stood tall before them. "Shall we go inside?"

Yugo raised an eyebrow at the odd looking house. He was sure he saw it when Pinkie Pie had given him his rather quick tour of Ponyville, but now having the time to actually take it in, he couldn't help but be quite impressed with it.

The tree is tall and strong with a deep green canopy of leaves that covers its entire structure, almost as if it were an additional roof. Perfectly crafted windows could be seen here and there, matching perfectly with the scarlet red door, a picture of a lit candle adorned upon it. It stands out among the other buildings in Ponyville, yet somehow also fits perfectly with its surroundings.

As they approached the door, Rarity knocked lightly before calling out Twilight's name. A moment later, the door opened, not to reveal Twilight per say, but a rather odd purple and green lizard Yugo had never seen before.

"Hello, Spike," Rarity greeted the creature with a smile. "Is Twilight available?"

Spike blinked before a hot blush formed on his cheeks. "R-Rarity! It's good to see you again. And yes, Twilight is available. She's just in the back, organizing some books." Spike stepped aside to let the two in before turning to Yugo. "And you gotta be Yugo, right. Glad I can finally meet ya. Names Spike. Spike the Dragon."

"A...Dragon?" Yugo asked, his eyes widening. For some reason, the word resonated with the young colt.

"Yep, yep." Spike nodded, puffing out his chest proudly. "That's right, I'm a dragon. Twilight's faithful assistant and friend." He then gave the colt a sheepish smile as he extended his claw towards him. "Sorry I couldn't be at the party the girls threw for you the other day. Just got back from Canterlot this morning after running a few errands for Princess Celestia."

The colt blinked as he looked between the claw and the drake that it was attached to. Smiling, he held out his hoof, allowing the dragon to grasp it. "It's fine. Glad to meet you."

"Likewise!" Releasing his hoof, the drake smiled. "Hope we can become fast friends and hang out a lot." He wrapped an arm around the colt’s neck, pulling him into a sideways hug. "The girls are cool and all but having someone else to hang out with is always good."

“Is that so?” a familiar voice asked, causing Spike to jump. All three turned to see a lavender unicorn strolling into the main room with an open book hovering at her side. "What? You don't enjoy our company, Spike?" she pondered aloud.

The drake rolled his eyes as he gave the mare a side eye. "It's not like that Twi and you know it. You girls are great but...ya know. It's just you girls most of the time. Sometimes guys just have to have guy times and hang out with other guys. It's in the bro code."

"Ugh...not that again. You and Shining would always use that excuse to go off and play Ogres & Oubliettes and Celestia knows what else" Twilight teased with a roll of her eyes. “And leave me out of it all the time.”

"What can I say?" Spike shrugged. "The bro code demanded it."

"Well you and Yugo can have your silly guy time later." Twilight miffed. "I have a few things to discuss with our guest and you have books to shelve in the other room."

Spike let out a groan, but nodded in understanding. "Yeah, yeah. I know the drill." He then turned to Yugo with a smile. "Nice meeting you, Yugo. Hope to see you around more often."

"Nice meeting you." The colt responded with a nod.

The drake then turned to Rarity, bowing low. "Milady."

Said mare giggled at the dragon's chivalrous gesture. "It was good to see you too, Spike."

The dragon smiled before waving goodbye to the ground, exiting through a nearby doorway. With him gone, Twilight gestured for Yugo and Rarity to follow her towards a nearby table. Once seated comfortably, three cups and a pot of tea appeared on the table in front of them with a purple magic.

"I had prepared some tea early this morning. Still have quite a bit left if you two are interested."

Yugo nodded, though he had never had tea before. At least, as far as he knew. He watched as Twilight expertly poured the hot liquid into each of their cups. The aroma was strong yet calming, and he wondered what it would taste like.

"Thank you, Twilight," Rarity said graciously as he placed two cubes of sugar into the hot concoction. As graceful as she looked, she took a small sip, her eyes closing as she savored the taste. "Mmm...this is quite delightful. Where did you get it, darling?"

"Just a blend I made myself. Been experimenting with different tea leaves and spices lately."

"Well you must give me the recipe. It's positively divine" She commented before taking another sip.

Yugo looked between the two girls before bringing his attention back to the steaming drink before him. Reaching for it with his hooves, he tilted the edge of the cup into his lips, and gasped softly as the hot liquid nipped his tongue, surprising him with a slight burn. He quickly set it back down, holding his mouth open so it could get some cool air.

Rarity gasped as she placed a hoof across his back. "Guess we should have warned you how hot it is."

The lavender mare frowned "Are you alright, Yugo?"

The colt nodded, still feeling the heat of the tea on his tongue. "I'm fine. Just sorta surprised me."

"Well let it cool for a moment." Twilight advised. "In fact we can talk while it does so." Leaning over the table a bit, she smiled. "So, Yugo, how have you been settling in? Have you had a chance to meet any of the other ponies in Ponyville?"

The young colt thought for a moment. "Well...said hi to ponies...and met Mr Devenport."

"The owner of Quills and Sofa?" Twilight asked. "I know him. He's the first place I go to for all my quill needs." She smiled sheepishly. "I tend to go through many quills a week."

"Like a hot knife through butter." Spike yelled in the other room, much to Twilight's chagrin.

Not paying the drake's words any mind for now, Twilight continued. “Anyway. He’s a nice stallion. Gives me a discount when I buy in bulk.

Yugo nodded. "Yes. He was nice."

"Not only nice but giving too." Rarity chimed in, looking towards the colt. "He actually allowed Yugo to have a little statue he had taken a liking to. Free of charge I might add."

"Oh? Well that was very nice of him then." the lavender mare commented with a nod. "Devenport has always been quite generous with his customers. Like a certain mare I know."

"Well it is my Element after all." Rarity mused as she fluttered her eyelashes. "Still, his generosity is still quite something. Is that not right, Yugo?"

The colt’s ears flicked at the mention of his name. "Um…" He looked down at his hooves that rested upon the table. "He is…ah…nice. You are right..." His voice was low if not a little downtrodden.

"Yugo? Is something the matter?" Twilight asked, concern etched on her face.

Yugo hesitated as he looked between the two mares. He knew what they were going to tell him. They always do so. But...

"It's just...I want to help pay back...for your kindness."

Rarity sighed softly, placing a hoof on the colt's back. "Now darling, I told you before. It's alright. You don't have to repay him because it was a gift. And you don't have to repay us because this is for getting you back on your hooves."

"I know...but...but still..." Yugo sighed, leaving a pregnant pause in the air.

"Well...how about I let you work in my Library." Twilight suggested, a small smile on her face. "I know Spike would love the help while organizing and shelving books."

"Twilight? You do know he can't read." Rarity pointed out gently, not wanting to hurt Yugo's feelings.

The mare nodded and winked. "I know that, Rarity. Which is why I'm offering him this part time job." She smiled. "We can work on his speech and reading skills and then, if he wants to, he can help out around here and I can pay him for his trouble and still learn a bit more about words, keeping the lessons fresh in his mind and putting them to good use." She gazes at the colt with a smile. "And with his money he can do as he pleased without feeling down about always taking from us."

Yugo's eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Of course. But only if you are up for it." the lavender unicorn reminded him. "You are still recovering after all. And I won’t hesitate to turn you down if I feel you can’t handle it yet."

The colt nodded. "I...um...Try. To learn. To help."

"Then how can I say no to somepony willing to work and learn." She looked towards Rarity. "Though I do have to ask if it's okay with you, Rarity."

"With how excited he is about it, how can I say no?" Rarity answered after taking a small sip of her tea. "Just remember Yugo. Don't over exert yourself."

"Won't! I promise!" The colt answered with a pump of his hoof.

Twilight sighed before smiling. "With that out of the way then, maybe we can plan on how you speech lessons will be conducted." She used her magic to conjure a scroll to her side. "I do have your latest assessments from our time at the hospital and between then and now I say you have a good grasp on understanding. Most of what we would need to do is work on your verbs. You tend to forget to use them when speaking after all. And then we move on to reading. After that..."

As Twilight and Rarity discussed the details of his speech lessons, Yugo couldn't help but feel grateful to Twilight and Rarity for their kindness. Or the rest of these ponies for that matter. They had taken him in when he had nowhere else to go, and now they were helping him in so many ways. He vowed to repay their generosity in any way he could. Whether it was through hard work or some other means, he didn't care. He didn't have the right.

It was...the least I could do...after all...I-


The colt gasped as his name was called, looking between Twilight and Rarity who both had a look of concern on their faces.

"Are you alright? You seemed to have zoned out for a moment there," Twilight said, a hint of worry in her voice.

Yugo shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "I'm sorry, I just got lost in my own thoughts for a moment."

"Well, if there's anything on your mind, you know you can talk to us," Rarity said reassuringly, a soft smile on her face.

"I know. Thank you. And I am fine. I promise. Might just be a little tired." He smiled, pushing his musings to the deep recesses of his mind. He had time to worry about repayment later. Right now he had a delicious drink to finish.

It really was good. Sweet. Like candy.

I might ask Twilight for the recipe as well.