• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 661 Views, 41 Comments

Losing Ponies Sucks - TheKing2001

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Chapter IV

I leaned against the bar with a grin, watching my patrons. It was always my dream to own a bar growing up. My grin grew even bigger when my friends trotted up.

“Hey Berry!” Golden Harvest grinned back at me as she, Raindrops and Shoeshine sat down in front of me at the bar.

“Hey guys. You guys want the usual?” I asked warmly. I knew all of the residents drinks by memory. I’ve only had this bar for the past six years but it feels like I’ve owned it my whole life.

“Yeah please,” Raindrops smirked. I gave her a nod as I got down a bottle of whiskey and three glasses, unscrewing the cap with my mouth. I spat it on the table and I poured the glasses full. I pushed the glasses across to the mares.

“There ya guys go!” I said a bit louder to be heard over the music in the corner.

“Busy in here,” Shoeshine commented as she looked around and took a sip of her whiskey. “Haven’t seen it this lively in a few days.”

“Yeah it’s nice. Bringing in all the bits. Ruby’s birthday is coming up,” I smiled. Golden glanced at the door and frowned suddenly.

“Here comes your best patron and loyal customer,” Golden sighed and we all followed her gaze. I sighed sadly as Starlight trotted in and looked around before sitting down at the bar at her usual spot in the corner away from everypony.

“I’ll be back,” I said as I slowly walked over to Starlight. “What can I get for ya?”

“Wine and tequila with a splash of absinthe,” Starlight said. I raised an eyebrow at her. Her normal drink was whiskey or bourbon. Not this.

“Are you sure about that? I wouldn’t recommend playing with absinthe,” I warned as I caught my friends watching out of the corner of my eye.

“I’m sure.”

“Okay,” I sighed as I got the drinks she wanted and started mixing it. I didn’t fill the glass as I normally do. Mixing alcohol like this is not a great idea often. Well without absinthe I would say go for it. “Here you go miss.”

“Thanks,” she muttered as she lifted the glass and took a sip. She sputtered and coughed, her eyes watering. “I don’t know how Trixie could drink this mix.” Now that would explain the alcohol change.

“Anything you wanna talk about?” I asked and rested my hooves on the bar top. I’ve been asking that question for the past three years she’s been drinking here. And she’s always said the same answer of no. This time she seemed to be considering it.

“Sure,” she finally said as I got us both a glass of whiskey and a chair. I pushed her glass to her and sat down across from her with my own. Benefits of owning your own bar, I could drink a small amount with ponies who need a listening ear. I pride myself on talking to the ponies who seem sad and drinking because a pony did that for me once.

“What’s on your mind?” I asked after sipping my glass of whiskey, savoring the familiar burning sensation.

“Just lonely is all,” she admitted as she drank from her own glass. I knew why she was here. The whole town knew. It didn’t hurt to ask though. “I shouldn’t talk to you about this.”

“And why’s that?” I asked.

“Didn’t you and your little gang laugh at Trixie when Golden Harvest spray painted her wagon as a few others ran Trixie out?” Starlight asked bitterly and I winced. I will admit, laughing at her wasn’t my greatest moment.

“Golden didn’t spray paint the wagon. Snips did. Golden just saw it happen,” I answered quietly. “And I regret laughing at her. The others regret it too. We should have been kinder to her. You were right, we will never get that chance again. If I could go back, I’d be much kinder to her. I didn’t really know her but my daughter loved her shows. Not many ponies other than me can make my daughter happy like I saw her that might Trixie first came to town. Let’s just say Ruby ripped me a new one over how I acted. And trust me, Noi went off on Golden about how she acted too. That was the first time our daughters ever yelled at us.”

“I guess forgiving you would be the right thing to do,” Starlight said after a moment of silence as I refilled her glass. “As many flaws as Trixie had, she would tell me to forget about it.” I didn’t expect that. I suppose Starlight did rub off on Trixie in that regard. Sounds like something Twilight would say honestly.

“Why don’t you tell me something about her?” I suggested with a smile.

“What do you wanna know?” Starlight asked as she swirled her glass before downing it.

“Anything. You knew her best after all.”

“She liked the weirdest food combinations. I once saw her eat celery with Tabasco sauce and peanut butter,” Starlight chuckled. “Let’s just say I didn’t let her kiss me for about three days after that.”

“That sounds disgusting,” I scrunched up my face in disgust. “I’m sure you did weird stuff too.”

“I snore. Loudly. How she ever got sleep in our bed is beyond me.” We both chuckled at that.

“I never did say sorry. Maybe one day we can be friends. You seem like a decent mare and I wish I could have known Trixie better. I will admit, I was very happy when I found out the two of you got married,” I admitted as we both drank from our glasses. “Me and my friends are going out tomorrow night for dinner. You should join us.”

“Maybe,” Starlight slurred. I forget how much she had drink till I glanced at the four empty whiskey bottles. I didn’t realize that much time had gone by. “I miss her ya know?”

“I know. I would lecture you on your drinking but well considering I did the exact same thing once it’s not my place and would make me a hypocrite,” I said. Starlight nodded as she stood up and promptly falling over. “Hey Raindrops?”

“Yeah?” The pegasus asked as she set down her bottle of whiskey. “Whatcha need?”

“Never mind. You’re wasted and I need to get Starlight home. I need somepony to watch the bar for me,” I said as I walked around to Starlight.

“I’ll do it,” Golden Harvest volunteered. “I haven’t drank that much. Mainly because of these two here hogging the damn bottle.” I rolled my eyes and grunted as I shoved Starlight onto my back.

“Let’s get you home.”