• Member Since 5th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen May 27th


I like writing about the worst day of a character's life; it lets us see the mettle inside. (Pronouns: RB/20 )


This story is a sequel to Autumn Blaze, Formula One Driver

🇫🇷 ⚜Alpine's new boss leads the team to the championship. ⚜🇫🇷

Thanks to Discord folks for brainstorming.
No need to read the prequels first.
Fleur asset.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

This is brilliant.

I loved this one, Will be there more of these?


In this universe, Chanel probably sued the hell out of Coco, sorry,*Miss* Pommel as well. Or hired her. One of the two.

Whenever I think of a good pairing. I'm trying to write "Iron Will, Formula One Announcer" but it's harder than it looks.

LOL. She would make a great spokesmare.

She had to wait until Alonso left the team, didn't she? XD

Iron Will, WWE referee/announcer?


Considering Chanel was a vicious Vichy collaborator bitch, Coco would want nothing to do with that company.

Starts as spokesmare, ends up owning the company.

I've always loved a character that presents themselves as shallow and actually has several advanced degrees.

That having been said, I think that Fleur's claimed strategy might work, too. Could you disappoint this pony?


Scootaloo is a spoilsport :(

Posted in
Admiral Biscuit's Fleet (group)
Signal Boost (folder)


Hahaha, yup. It can be two things.

I'm pretty sure Toto Wolff would straight up quit if Alpine passed Mercedes. Just on principle.

> "Alpine's gutsy decision to bring in a new team principal from Equestria has clearly paid off. I apologize for my skepticism over the winter break. An amazing result for the French team."

One should not apologize for skepticism:

In a world full of believers (credulous ponies believing without evidence) and deniers (ponies rejecting despite evidence}, skeptics (ponies requiring evidence to accept claims, but when presented with supporting evidence accept well-supported claims) are a breath of fresh air.

Could my OC, Danger Dean, be Ferrari's principal because, he does his own strategies that are WAY better as his throws the Ferrari strategies in the trash and he is also a smart guy, very smart.

Hahahaha. Scootaloo with the strike, damn. Very well done, bravo n_n

Scootaloo should be saying what she says in a tone of respect, even though she doesn’t like her…

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