• Published 1st Sep 2023
  • 259 Views, 36 Comments

Where Have All the Dragons Gone? - Alden MacManx

Captain Crane and the crew of the Voyager get a new assignment: Find the dragons on the Ohio. Easier said than done.

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Chapter 4: Louisville, Kentucky, part two.

Howard Crane looked up at Bart, somewhat dazed after being slammed into the ground by the larger griffon, who had Howard’s pearl-handled revolver in his paw, hammer back and pointed at Howard’s head. “Once you’re out of the way, I’ll have more under my sway!” Bart laughed as he pulled the trigger.

A soft ‘pop’ came from the gun, and nothing else. Startled, the griffon pulled the trigger again and again, only getting soft pops in return. When the pops turned to clicks, Bart shifted his grip on the gun, aiming to use it as a hammer on Howard’s skull. “No one beats me!” he growled as he raised the pistol.

Bart then let out a roar as what felt like sandpaper grated against his nerves, a high-pitched whine cutting through him like a buzzsaw. He raised his paws to cover his ears, dropping the gun in the process, but it didn’t help. The whine battered Bart to the verge of unconsciousness, rolling on the turf.

Frack and Bernie flew into view, landing next to the stunned griffon, both very angry. Frack reared up and brought his right foreleg down on the wing bone of Bart’s left wing, making it snap audibly. Bart flinched a little at the pain, but was too dazed to feel much more.

“You do NOT mess with my commanding officer, nor will you mess with my friends or ship!” Frack roared in his patented Gunny voice. “You had best start running, recruit, cause if you show your face in Louisville again, you will be lucky if you JUST get thrown in the river!”

Howard had by now recovered from his daze. He picked up his gun, emptied the dud rounds from it and swiftly reloaded. Casually, he pointed it at the griffon. “Or, I could just shoot you now and let the storm birds dispose of your corpse. You’ve proven you can’t be trusted, and the doctor you just met in passing did a thorough scan of your thoughts.

“I’ll give you a choice, Bart. You can let Bernie treat your break, and you can head south to another place to stay, never to return to Louisville, or I put a slug through your running lights, like you wanted to do with me. Decide now,” he said in such a matter-of-fact voice that Bart was certain he WOULD put a round or two in his skull.

Bart panted some, the pain in his wing increasing. “I’ll leave.”

“Bernie, do your stuff. Treat him and send him off. Be sure to do it right, or else Lucien will make you take his class again!” Howard said, backing up a few steps, but keeping the gun aimed at the big griffon.

“Twice was bad enough, Howard!” Bernie laughed as Frack got clear of Bart. “Now, Bart, roll over and I’ll set your wing. But first, take this,” she said, giving Bart a white potion.

Bart did as ordered, rolling over before passing out. Bernie, with Howard’s help, quickly set the broken wing bone and immobilized it, getting it taped and splinted. They left a note, saying that the bandages could be removed in three days time, any sooner and his ability to fly would be greatly impaired.

As the three flew back, Howard told the married couple, “Good thing you came up with the idea to lurk in the grandstands, out of sight as we flew in. We were sure he was going to pull something on me.”

“It was his line about the storm birds. Pegasi with good weather senses are bothered by them up to ten miles off. We’ve been closer than that for over a day, and I didn’t feel any hunting,” Frack said. “Plus, you were just as suspicious as I was. Good thing you had made some dummy rounds. Just primer, no powder.”

“Yes. I like making my own loads, in case we can’t find any scavenging. Keeps me in practice,” Howard replied. “Just what sort of screech did you use, Bernie? I didn’t feel a thing.”

“I waited until I could get close enough to make sure you were out of the line of fire, Howard,” Bernie answered. “I wanted him to HURT, and I did!”

“He sure looked like it did. Let’s hope you won’t have to use that very often.”

That evening, as a chilly drizzle fell outside, the eight ponies from Louisville gathered aboard the Voyager for a warm dinner. Other than Charlie and Patty, who went out to tend the fields before dinner, the rest stayed aboard that day. Lucien and Jessica worked on Julio’s wing, restoring it to rights, but with a caution not to try flying for a week, working it steadily because it had been broken in mid-July. “Yuh got sensation and flight magic back, but yuh need tuh regrow wing skin an’ build up your muscles again, suh. Move too fast tuh get back in the air, an’ you’ll go from a thestral to a penguin!” Lucien cautioned.

Julio saluted smartly with his right wing. “Si, coronel!”

Lucien smiled at the bandaged thestral. “Flying is a pure joy. Lord knows ah did enough of it in the Air National Guard. I want you to enjoy it for a long tahm to come.”

“So do I, coronel. So do I,” Julio agreed.

Dinner that night was spaghetti and meatballs, but the meatballs were Jason’s own style. Cornmeal-coated fish balls for the fliers, and panko-coated veggie balls for the rest, with a rich tomato sauce and garlic bread, something the Louisville ponies truly appreciated. Even the children liked it.

After dinner, the two groups sat in the Lounge, exchanging gossip and information. Having new faces to talk to is a real treat for the Louisville crew, and the two children, Sally and Linus, had a chance to watch some of their favorite cartoons again, via DVD, something that made the two very happy.

The chat worked around to what tools and goods that could be traded for. Jessica fetched one of the large first aid kits and explained what the potions could do, along with the rest of the pieces of the kit. The two unicorns, Rena and Igor, were told that the next day, they would get more detailed training.

Howard pulled Julio aside and had a chat with him about keeping in touch with the greater world. He offered the thestral a communications gem, so he could call out to either himself, Colonel Forest, or a lower officer in Northern command. Howard made it abundantly clear that this in NO way committed them to the Kingdom of Louisianne. Such a decision would not be due until springtime, said decision being if they wanted to join the WSU, the kingdom, or none at all. “How you make that decision is up to you. You’ll have six months to make it, and all parties will abide by your choice.”

Julio looked at the offered gem on its chain. “If I needed help, help would show up?” he asked.

“In time. It’s not like we have jet service. But, it will mean that your troubles would be known, and some sort of help would be offered. After all, we didn’t know about you until we showed up, right?” Howard said with a small smile in his voice.

“You do have a point, Captain. I will accept the offer. Now, how do I use it?” Julio asked, taking the offered pendant and slipping it around his neck.

“It’s not that difficult, really,” Howard sent telepathically. “Teaching and introductions will take ten minutes. Afterwards, you name the booze. You’ll want it.”

“Tequila if you have it, beer if you don’t,” Julio replied. Fortunately, Jason did have a bottle of tequila.

The next day, a skeleton crew stayed aboard the Voyager as the crew went around the city, helping the citizens find goods to help them, and teach them about methods that would help their lives improve. While they knew where to find gasoline and generators, they did not know how to purify fuel for them. The teaching, led by Frack and Bernie, did not take long. Splicing in the generators to the power lines leading to the luxury boxes at the stadium took a little longer, but by nightfall, the boxes had light and heat, the generators chugging away in a place where the ponies did not have to worry about carbon monoxide buildup.

The one earth pony aboard, Dexter Potter, spent the day with Charlie and Patty, learning about how to raise crops from the pair. He was offered a part of the harvest, which was accepted. In return, he offered dinner aboard again, which was also accepted. He also learned a lot of the gossip and history of Louisville.

Doctors Macombe and van Alten took half a day drilling the unicorns on healing spells, how to use the first aid kit and potions, and a couple of other useful spells that would make life better. They had some training from Cacofonix, but not much, only having Returned two weeks before the dragons left. They were the only two unicorns to remain behind, the other three following Cacofonix and Nikolai.

All told, the crew of the Voyager spent a week in Louisville before heading upriver to Cincinnati. The last night, Jason went all-out to prepare a farewell feast for the city-dwellers, asking each one what they would like to have that night, and doing his best to provide. In fact, he was able to make ice cream for everyone, a herd of cows having been found during the week. He knew how to milk them and treat it so as to get milk and cream. All told, he got over two gallons of the milk, and with help from the fliers, got it back to the ship for processing. The foals, Sally and Linus, gave the tall quiet Abyssinian hugs and slurps after. Gifting the two’s parents several bottles of chocolate syrup didn’t hurt, either.

Earlier that last day before departure, the engineering department (Frack, Bernie, Arnie, Dexter and Liz) spent time transferring diesel fuel from the Mary M. Miller to the Voyager, filling the smaller vessel’s tanks, while leaving more than enough for a return stop on the way back. With full tanks and good cheer, the Mississippi Voyager continued up the Ohio River, destination Cincinnati.

The ship and crew made their cautious way upriver, constantly checking the bottom for snags, drags, rocks, socks and what have you. The chosen destination that first night is the Trimble County power station, a place Howard knew had a pier to tie up at. As they were tying up, everypony outside saw a flash of light coming from the hills of the east bank. Said flash was followed by a fusillade of fireworks originating from the same spot.

“Frack, you, Bernie and Liz check out that light while we moor!” Howard ordered, using the ship speaker system.

“We heard you, Captain. Two minutes and we’re on it!” Frack reported. It took less time than that before Howard, from the bridge, saw the three winging east and a bit south in the darkening sky.

The three quickly made their way to where some road flares burned, set in the ground in front of two buildings that had seen better days. A unicorn was spotted running between the flares. They could tell it was a unicorn because its horn was lit with a yellow aura. Frack turned on a flashlight he had on his hoof to get the unicorn’s attention. It worked.

“Hey! You from that boat down there?” the unicorn shouted up at the winged trio.

“Sure am! Permission to land?” Frack shouted back.

“Please! I’ve been alone for quite some time! Good to talk to someone!”

The three landed away from the flares and the remains of the fireworks. “I’m Frack Larsen, this dark mare is my wife Bernie, and the parrot is one of my apprentices, Liz Ruiz. Who are you and why are you up here?” Frack asked.

“I’m Chad Randall,” the skinny yellow-brown unicorn with a black and orange striped mane introduced himself as. “I was at a Buddhist temple down the road here, trying to get my head together when I woke up one morning looking like this! It’s been several months already! Whatinhell is going on?”

Frack chuckled while the ladies averted their heads. “That’s a long story, Chad. Think you can make it down to the Voyager?” he asked, waving a wing to the lights of the boat below.

Chad looked thoughtful as the flares started guttering out. “There’s a ravine about a hundred yards that way,” he said, pointing with his horn. “Think you can light my way down? By road, it’s several miles.”

“Chief Officer Milsap will be up in a few minutes, once she gets the big lantern out of storage. She’ll come up and light your way down,” Frack said with confidence.

“How do you know that?” Chad asked. “I didn’t hear a radio.”

“Magic is free and loose on the Earth now, Chad. Some ponies know how to use it, and one in particular made us some magic devices that allow us to communicate telepathically. More details later on over a cup of coffee, okay?” Frack told the unicorn.

“Can I have tea instead? After a couple of months with the monks, I’ve come to like tea,” Chad responded.

“Easily done. Now, to see about getting you down the hill,” Frack said as a light came on downslope, quickly approaching.

Several hours later, after dinner, drinks and a whole lot of talking, Chad leaned back in his chair, looking at Howard, Lucien and Frack. After dinner, those three had taken Chad aside and filled him in on history since the Event. “Tell me if I got this right. I can ride with you back to New Orleans, then catch a ride to the Netherlands where I can find a job with the WSU, or, if the Queen would have me, work for her. No obligation to any one at any time?”

Howard handled the reply. “None at all. You could stay at one of the other cities we will encounter on our way back, if you feel you could fit in. As somepony has said before, there’s just not enough of us left to go on hating each other. Only together will we be able to thrive. If one set of neighbors don’t agree with you, find another.”

“We’s goin’ up the Ohio to track down what happened to some dragons that tried to take over matters,” Lucien interjected with his usual slow drawl. “Ouah next stop is Cincinnati, then probably Pittsburgh. We has some leads, but we’s lookin’ foah PROOF!”

“Yeah, what he said,” Frack added, pointing with a wing at Lucien.

“So, would you like to join the crew on a temporary basis?” Howard asked.

“Only if I can go back to the temple tomorrow before leaving, to pack a bag. I don’t know much about sailing, or life aboard a boat, but I should be able to learn something. I’m not one for sitting around, not any more. The temple did straighten me out, cleaned me up, and set me on a better road than I was on before. This way, I can thank them for their work on me by passing their kindness forward,” Chad stated. “Please, teach me how to fit in this new world!”

“Don’t yuh sweat that, young fella!” Lucien said with a laugh. “We’ll teach yuh proper!”

At ten in the morning, October ninth, twenty seventeen, the Mississippi Voyager set sail from the Trimble County Generating Station, destination Cincinnati. Chad watched from the bridge at the sailors doing the work. “Think you can pitch in next time?” Third Officer Lindley asked the unicorn.

“I can sure try, Esther. Try and try again until I do it right!” Chad told the white Abyssinian.

“We got time for you to learn,” Captain Crane said from where he was watching the line handlers work. “Willing students are a joy to find.”

Author's Note:

Two cities down, two more to go. Just what will they find on their journey up the river?

Until next chapter!