• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 908 Views, 58 Comments

Ratchet, Clank, And Spike: Journey Through The Galaxy - Dragonfan101

Spike is transported to another galaxy alone, he is found and taken in by a Lombax called Ratchet, and after they meet a small robot called Clank, they go through adventures that save the universe

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8: Blackwater City

The trio proceed to fly through space some more, they soon come upon planet Rilgar, they enter the atmosphere and land near the outskirts of the city

"Man, this place looks like it needs a bit of a fix up" Spike says looking at the nearby city.
"Tell me about it, let's head into the city to try to find the way to the hoverboard races." Ratchet suggested.
"Hopefully we will find Qwark here too" Clank said and they nodded in agreement.

They proceeded to head to their left and try to get to the races first, they had to jump over some supplies ships and head to a nearby elevator.

"Man, Twilight's never gonna believe what i'm seeing now" Spike said as they look around, they take down some of those weird blob creatures in the process, fire is apparently the best way to take them down so they both had the advantage in that, they activated a bridge which helped them get across and they fought they're way through more of the place.

"Aren't these guys only meant to be targeting these blob monsters?" Spike asked as he slashed one in half.
"I don't think they're programming was properly finished if they are attacking us" Ratchet said as he knocked one away with his wrench.
"Yes, i believe that they either are malfunctioning.. or are just a little stupid" Clank suggested and they chuckle at that.

"Wouldn't be the first robots we've seen that are like that then" Spike said as he finished the last one, Ratchet then noticed a taxi nearby.
"There, that should take us into the city let's go." Ratchet suggested as they walked over to it. They hovered around the place for a bit and they entered the city, only to see more robots taking down the monsters.

"Guess they are somewhat working properly" Spike said looking the battle go out.
"We aren't gonna get anywhere just watching them, let's take care of them" Ratchet said pulling out his flamethrower with Spike taking out his blades.

They fought through the area until it was all cleared out, Spike then noticed a sketchy looking guy and Ratchet noticed him to, they both took caution and walked up to him.

"Psst hey guys, RYNO for your robot trade you" He offered much to Spike's confusion what he meant.
"Well... okay" Ratchet said.
"Ratchet!" Spike and Clank both shouted.

"I'm kidding, sorry he's not for sale, neither is Spike, what's a RYNO anyway?" Ratchet asked
"Rip ya a new one" He explained.

"What did you just say to me?" Ratchet asked a little offended.
" R Y N O, Rip ya a new one" He explained again.

"Why that is the most powerful missile launcher in the galaxy! I know it is worth a lot of bolts! He must have stolen it from the Blarg" Clank accused.
"Stolen?!" He asked offended.
"Clank given what the Blarg's are doing right now, i don't really mind if he did or didn't" Spike explained.

"Yeah listen to the kid, you got anything worth it?" He offered, Spike thought about it for a moment and got an idea.

"How about this?" Spike asked as he pulled out a sapphire gem he had from home.
"Quite the gem you have there, what is it?" He asked and Spike thought over a good way to get it.

"This is an extremely valuable gem where i'm from, the right person can get ya a lot of money, how about it?" Spike asked.
"Quite the deal you making, sure thing then" He agreed. he then pulled out the RYNO and handed it to Spike and he gave him the gem.
"This thing is heavy!" Spike said struggling to hold it

"Yeah try carrying it around in your trench coat for 2 months" He said showing 2 fingers, Spike put it away and looked at him.
"Let's agree we never spoke about this.' Spike told him and he nodded.
"I like ya already kid, pleasure doing business with ya, you's three have a nice day" he said walking off and the others were walking off as well.

When they were far away long enough Ratchet looked at Spike.
"That was easier then i thought it would be" Clank said a little surprised
"Is that gem really valuable where your from?" Ratchet asked, and Spike chuckled

"Your asking the wrong dragon, you wanna buy some gems?" He asked and he showed a bag full of them, and Ratchet laughed hard at that.
"You sly dog!" Ratchet said laughing with Clank even laughing as well
"I must admit, even i did not expect that!" Clank said as they were still laughing, Spike was trying to shush them but it was hard to and they continued off.

Spike used this new weapon to help them tear through any enemy that came they're way, Clank wasn't kidding when he said it was the strongest missile launcher in the galaxy.

"Man how do they make these things?!" Spike asked amazed as he shot down more enemy's
"I don't know, but i'm glad we have stuff like these" Ratchet said as they continued.

They fought they're way through more enemy's and through a maze like area where they had to turn off laser grids and jump over a manhole pipe as the steam brought it up, they took down a large tank of sorts and took one more elevator and ended up near the entrance.

They saw a woman near a large screen and walked up to her.

"Welcome to the intergalactic hoverboard competition! Qwarks giving away a Platinum Zoomerator and a special device to the winners of this years competition" She explained.
"A platinum Zoomerator! perhaps that is the proof that skid's agent requires!" Clank told them, and Spike got curious about the other thing she said.

"Special device?" Spike asked curious
"Yeah, we found it not to long ago, we don't know what it does, but higher ops figured some people would be more interested in it." She explained and Spike nodded in understanding
"Sounds like something i should look into. You ready for this Ratchet?" Spike asked.
"Of course, let's go!" Ratchet said ready to go.
"We'll good luck you two." She told them and they entered the races.

Ratchet and Spike had the most fun they had in this race, the racers they were against weren't the meanest out there, but they were a tough competition. Spike used his hoverboard to pull of multiple tricks for the race amazing the audience, Ratchet took multiple speed boosts to get ahead further. Spike and Ratchet were neck and neck right before the finish line, but it ended up being a tie as they both hit the line at the same time.

"We'll at least we're evenly matched with eachother right?" Spike asked as they heard the audience cheer them on
"Yeah, i'm glad we could finish together!" Ratchet said as they bumped eachothers fists.
"Look Qwark is on the screen!" Clank said pointing at it and the other two looked at it.

"Hi folks, Captain Qwark here! it is my distinct pleasure here to introduce this years intergalactic champions! Let's give it up for.." He is then cut off as a photo of the three of them appear on screen.
"Ratchet, Spike and Clank!" A computer voice says and the audience cheers at that.

"Hey look that's us!" Ratchet said pointing at it.
"Awesome!" Spike says happy at that.

" today's winners will take home a brand privational grade model T 15 Platinum Zoomerator, and as well as a special device we found, we have no idea what it does, but hey hope you all find use for it!" Qwark says as the lady hands them two new hoverboards and a device with a familiar metal...

"Awesome, we're the champions!" Ratchet said holding the hoverboard in the air, Spike looks at the device curiously.

"It's another one of these things.." Spike says holding it, the device suddenly glows green and Ratchet and Clank look on with interest.

The device then begins to morph into something else, after a few moments the thing materialized into what looks like a special rocket launcher.

"Whoa.." Spike says looking at it in amazement
"Now that is something else." Ratchet said looking at is surprised as well.
"We'll this is certainly unexpected. you should go see Qwark! His trailer is right over there!" The announcer said pointing at a nearby trailer from an open gate.

"We'll this should be interesting" Clank said curious.
"We'll we're here now, let's go see Qwark" Ratchet said walking up to it.
"Hopefully he has a good reason for slacking on this robot invasion people are going through" Spike said annoyed as they walk up to it.

After they payed a security guard that was tired of not being properly payed they entered the trailer to finally meet Qwark.

"Captain Qwark?" Clank asks as they walk in, only to find him asleep much to Spike's annoyance.
"I knew he would be slacking off or something like this" Spike thought as he woke up.

"What's that?" He asks suddenly jumping off.
"Its Ratchet, Spike and Clank captain! you know from the ho" He was trying to explain but was interrupted.

"Oh yes yes i know who you are" He said recognizing them.
"You do?" Spike and Ratchet both asked confused.

"Yes and thank the galaxy you found me! There's an awful plot being hatched to destroy our planets!" He says worried, Spike felt something was off.
"Ratchet Spike, he knows!" clank says surprised.
"Figured he did' Spike said still suspicious.
"Great.." Ratchet said sarcastically

" My friends, we're all in grave danger, and i believe that together, we can put a stop to this madness" Qwark said putting his fingers together.
"Together huh?" Spike asked unconvinced.
"Together? You mean you want our help?" Ratchet asked.

"Look, Ratchet, Spike, i've been keeping an eye on you two, and i've never seen anyone with such raw talent and special weapons" He tells them looking at Spike saying the last part.
"You two are true heroes in the making" He tells them, and Ratchet is surprised by it.

"Really? You mean we can be famous?" Ratchet asked, but Spike was still sketchy of him.
"Oh absolutely! Oh here take this!" He said handing them an info bot.

They proceeded to watch a video of what it would take to be a hero, and that he is looking for partners to fight by his side, the info bot they have contains coordinates to a base that will be an obstacle course for them to face through, and they could become a hero.

"Wow, when was this thing made?" Spike asked weirded out by that.
"Meet me at my headquarters" He tells them, Spike is still suspicious about this but decides to play along.

"Hey, Captain Ratchet and Spike, what do you think?" He asked them.
"I like the sound of that.. maybe" Spike says playing along.
"we won't fail you sir we promise!" Clank said as Qwark was making his way out.

"Let's get back to the ship and head to these coordinates" Ratchet suggested as they left, Clank noticed something was wrong with Spike.

"Is everything okay Spike?" Clank asked with Ratchet noticing as well.
"Somethings not right, if he's looking for a partner, how come we haven't heard of any of this? You'd think this kind of announcement would have everyone looking to be Qwarks partner, i don't buy it, i think somethings off" Spike said looking back at the trailer.

"I will admit, it is weird that we haven't heard anything about this, but i think it would greatly benefit for us, come on imagine what it would be like if you were a hero when you get home." Ratchet told him, Spike thought it over and decided it was for the best.
"alright then, let's head to this planet. but if i'm right in some way you both owe me 100 bolts each' Spike tells them.
"We have nothing to worry about let's get going" Clank said getting in the ship.

"You worry to much Spike, let's go!" Ratchet said getting in as well, Spike still felt unsure but decided they should find out for themselves, and he got into the ship and headed off to Qwarks HQ.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this one! Sorry if it feels out of character for Spike to trick the guy into getting the RYNO, but i feel like given the type of person this guy is Spike wouldn't mind trying to get something out of it. And don't worry i'll have Spike give Ratchet the RYNO later in the story sometime before the finale, because as he acts after the next planet i don't think its the best time to do so. Other then that, i hope you liked this chapter and i'll see you next time!