• Member Since 10th Jul, 2022
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I write pony fics for fun or when I’m bored. | Yes, I’m a Starlight Glimmer fan. How could you tell? | A fan of MLP since 2011.


Captured, and starved of freedom, the former Queen of the Changelings is kept prisoner inside the dungeons of Canterlot under the authority of Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Twilight.

The longer she was held prisoner, the desire for her vengeance grew stronger.

Then, on one particular day, she soon gained a new inmate. One that was a species Chrysalis strongly hated but had the smarts and the manipulation skills to make up for it.

It didn't take Chrysalis long to understand that, despite the difference between age and species, they share one goal that would drive their motivation throughout their quest, and their lives: the joy of witnessing Twilight and her companions fall, and they would do anything to get to that point.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 22 )

Wow, I just posted a story that explores the dynamic between the two. Great minds think alike, I suppose.

I'll be following this fic.


Wow, I just posted a story that explores the dynamic between the two. Great minds think alike, I suppose.

It's no wonder. The dynamic between Cozy and Chrysalis is so interesting and makes it fun to explore and develop. It's funny that it happened twice in a row.

I'll be following this fic.

I hope you will enjoy it

Nice premise and good start.

Although the series didn't show us Chrysalis's personal room, based on her throne room being a literal cave, I began to think that being in a damp cave and sleeping on rocks would be quite comfortable conditions for Chrysalis. Isn't that right?

Perhaps, but due to her being locked up in a dungeon and after what happened when she tried to escape, she perhaps wanted to be negative about literally everything.

Thank you.

It’s funny that a child’s pony is placed in the same cold cave as Chrysalis, for which these conditions can be considered natural. We can only hope that Cozy Glow will at least have prison bunks and a blanket. (I don’t know how hardy foals’ bodies are, but if even an adult slept on the floor in a damp cave, most likely within a month he would have caught a fever due to hypothermia and would probably have died without the intervention of doctors. Not to mention children.)

Now I can only imagine Queen Chrysalis shouting "I'd rather eat spiders and roaches than any of your insipid pony food," and that Daybreaker part of Celestia's mind whispering with a toothy grin "Yes, let's do that!"

"Celestia and Luna want to see the two of you." one of the guards said bluntly.

lol. Isn't it easier to go down into the dungeon yourself? Or are the princesses arrogant and should not get their hooves dirty in a dirty dungeon?

Alright start so far. Wonder what Princess Sun and Moon Butt could want with both of them?

I might as well make the guards useful if the show didn't. Also they went down to the dungeon plenty of times

if the princesses went down into the dungeon and tried to talk to the prisoners earlier, then the event when the prisoners are brought to the princesses is considered a “demonstrative event for the people.” 🤔
(If I were Chrysalis, I would think that she was being led to execution. I hope that’s not the case.)


(If I were Chrysalis, I would think that she was being led to execution. I hope that’s not the case.)

She is not going to be executed anytime soon. Otherwise this would be a very disappointing story.

The thumbnail reminds me of BNA: Brand New Animal and I think why is because of the colors?

I'm not sure what Celestia and Luna were expecting. They should know how pridefull Chrysalis is. If they want her to change, they cannot expect such an approach to work, plus she's clearly insane. They should also remember what it took to "reform" Discord. That last point could also apply to Cozy.

Can't wait for the breakout and for Chrysalis to start respecting Cozy.

Doesn't feel like they gave Cozy a fair amount of time here. I know she rolled her eyes at being asked if she felt any remorse, but they didn't even make her an offer like they did Chrysalis. And they sent them both back to the dungeon, despite the fact that only Chysie was action out.

Still, looking forward to see where this goes.

in fact, Celestia's attempt at Chrysalis seems to have failed beforehand. Chrysalis has nothing left to lose and she doesn’t even really know what she’s giving up. It's like trying to explain to a blind person who has never seen anything what color is. We begin to desire and value something only when we lose it.

P.S. Will Cozy Glow's real parents appear in your story? Because if they exist, then this tea party with the princesses should have been a good reason to call them. (at least in our cruel world, family members who care are always present at the prisoners' court hearings.)

Chrysalis has been there way longer than Cozy has. They wanted to see that after being in the dungeon for so long, they assumed that Chrysalis would do anything to get out of there, so that's why they made an offer to her. Cozy only came along because due to her being a child, they also assumed that she would immediately ask for forgiveness. When those two outcomes didn't come, they sent them back in. That was what I thought when I wrote this.

I'll get to Cozy Glow's parents as the story goes on. I haven't forgotten about them.

i hate the end if season 6 as well as season 9

because those color changeling suck they ruined the original and they turn my queen into stone how can hasbro be so cruel to the queen of the changeling

This story is so great. I hope we will get the next chapter)

I’m starting to work on it

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