• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 370 Views, 5 Comments

Toadal Magic Island - Starlight Fan

What if Toad invites twenty citizens from the land of Equestria to compete for 1,000,000 bits instead of bringing in competitors for the Mushroom Kingdom. Find out what would happen on a brand new version of Toadal Magic Island!

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Where There’s A Will, There’s A Starlight

“Last time on Toadal Magic Island! The campers were sent to find the budget for this season! Prince Blueblood awoke a sleeping monster and
the girls of the Killer Dragons got into some heated arguments. In the end, Snips ended up leading his team into my gold coin stash. At the campfire ceremony, it all came down to Lightning Dust and Blueblood. Lightning Dust was going to get out due to her poor attitude and recklessness but ultimately it was Blueblood who got the boot in my awesome new catapult. What do I have in store for the campers? Well I'm not gonna tell you, you'll just have to watch this next episode of Toadal! Magic! Island!!"

The episode begins with the contestants being called over to the beach of the island when Toad began speaking to the two teams, “Welcome to your next challenge." Toad began excitedly.

“Seriously? We didn’t even get to finish breakfast!” Applebloom said incredulously.

“And that’s my problem, how?” Toad asked.

“Because it’s literally your responsibility-“ Applebloom began before Toad cut her off.

“Exactly. It’s not.” Toad smiled which caused the filly to grumble to herself.

"Anyway, I was just informed that my coffee machine was broken." Toad began explaining, "I was going to send you all to the junkyard to find me a new one."


“But Bobei fixed it,” Toad finished before saying, “but then I realized I was thirsty, but I didn't have my favorite bean to make my favorite drink."

“Which is?” Spike raised an eyebrow.

“A triple shot super bean espresso." Toad answered.

“That’s the most expensive coffee machine in the BeanBean Kingdom.” Tempest raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

“Yeah, it costs a whole lot of coins for that drink.” Sweetie Belle recalled.

“That’s why I bought off their coffee machine.” Toad snickered.

“What about the beans?” Trixie asked curiously.

“I lost the beans when the series last ended." Toad explains, “But I think there may be one or two beans somewhere on the island."

"So where are the beans already?" Discord asked with a roll of his eyes.

"At the tippy top of Mount Toadstone." Toad replies pointing at a large mountain with lightning striking in the background.

“This will be fun.” Starlight muttered sarcastically.

“Wait. Did you take every landmark and name it after yourself?” Spike asked curiously.

“Is there a problem with that?” Toad asked impatiently.

“Nope. All good.” Spike gulped with a nervous smile.

Confessional: Spike

“Man, Toad’s freaky.” Spike shivered.

Confessional Ends

We then cut to the teams near Mount Toadstone to which all of them looked nervously at, “Okay, all you have to do is be the first player to bring me my bean." Toad explains giddily, "The first team to do so wins invincibility, and the other team loses a member tonight. Oh and one more thing. Anyonewith wings and magic can't use them to climb the mountain. It’s more fun and interesting this way.”

“Not again!” Starlight, Trixie, and Discord growled in frustration.

“Excuse us, team.” Rarity said in a dignified manner, “But me and Sweetie Belle will be sitting out after eating that horrid prison food last episode.”

“Whatever. Just don’t interfere with our victory.” Lightning Dust rolled her eyes.

“Okay Dragons. This is our chance to crush the Parasprites.” Starlight smirked as she began motivating her team, “They lost a member yesterday and two of them are sitting out. We got this!”

“What about climbing the mountain?” Scootaloo asked curiously.

“Already on it!” Pinkie Pie bounced up and down the mountain before tripping and falling on top of Trixie which made Starlight smirk a bit.

Confessional: Starlight

“Don’t judge me. Trixie kinda had that coming after our little introduction.” Starlight chuckled.

Confessional Ends

“The Great and Powerful Trixie demands you GET OFF!” Trixie screamed furiously at Pinkie Pie.

Back with the Screaming Parasprites, Fluttershy was gulping at the prospect of climbing the mountain, “Um guys, I have a confession. I’m afraid of heights.”

“Oh for crying out loud.” Lightning Dust grunted as she, Rainbow Dash, Discord, Tempest, and Applejack were seen climbing the mountain.

“Come on Fluttershy. It’s not that scary.” Discord smirked reassuringly, “I’m not even using my powers and I’m doing fine.”

“Well… if you say so.” Fluttershy smiled nervously before slowly climbing up the mountain.

“I’ll stay down here and keep watch.” Snails called out happily as he looked towards the other team and smiled at Snips, “Hi Snips!”

As Lightning Dust and Rainbow Dash were climbing, Lightning Dust had kicked Rainbow Dash in the face whilst climbing causing her to stumble.

“Stand back Crash. That immunity is mine.” Lightning Dust smirked arrogantly.

“Oh, you did not just say that!” Rainbow Dash yelled furiously.

“Guys! We’re in this thing together! Stop fighting already!” Applejack spoke sternly.

Meanwhile on the Killer Dragons, Grubber, Snips, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Cheese, and Trixie were all climbing up the mountain as Starlight and Twilight were keeping watch.

“Okay, this is going well. I think we can actually pull this off!” Starlight smiled optimistically before Grubber suddenly slipped up on grabbing the next rock, causing him to tumble and cause a rockslide, sending all eight players tumbling down back to the bottom of the mountain.

“Are you kidding me?” Starlight sighed solemnly before Twilight spoke up.

“Don’t worry. We can still win this. We just have to try again.” Twilight reassured Starlight which seemed to work as the unicorn smiled at Twilight.

“Yeah. I guess you have a point. Thanks Twilight.” Starlight smiled softly.

“Hey guys. I saw the top of the mountain and only one bean was there!” Grubber said excitedly as he popped up from the pile.

“Why didn’t you grab it?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Couldn’t reach that high.” Grubber shrugged.

“Look! It’s Discord.” Cheese smiled enthusiastically as he saw that Discord was inching closer to the top of the mountain.

“Great! We’re going to lose thanks to the midget here.” Trixie rolled her eyes as she glared at Grubber before beaming, “Wait! I have an idea!”

Trixie then went into her cape and grabbed a smoke bomb which she smirked at before crying out, “This is for making me look like a fool! Discord!”

Trixie then chucked the bomb Discord’s way and miraculously it ended up hitting him, causing him to fall all the way down the mountain.

“YES! The Great and Powerful Trixie did it!” Trixie cheered ecstatically.

“Come on, we better start climbing.” Scootaloo commented.

“I’ll help too.” Spike commented happily which caused Grubber to jump in fright.

“How long have you been there?!” Grubber asked in shock which caused Spike to facepalm.

Meanwhile the remaining Screaming Parasprites were all climbing with Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust ahead of all of them, shouting insults and snarky remarks at each other the whole way through.

Fluttershy and Applejack were starting to get tired of climbing but persevered nonetheless.

“Oh Celestia, I’m not sure how long I can continue…” Fluttershy began before slipping down the mountain.

“Fluttershy!” Applejack cried out in horror but thankfully she landed safely in Discord’s arms.

“Oh, thank you Discord.” Fluttershy said gratefully.

“No problem. What are friends for?” Discord smiled back as he embraced Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash began finally making it to the top of the mountain which did not sit well with Lightning Dust.

“Hey get back here! I’m supposed to be the big hero!” Lightning Dust said furiously before jumping up to the top of the mountain and tackling Rainbow Dash but little did either of them know, was that the mountain began shaking and trembling and finally it formed another rockslide which headed right for the Screaming Parasprites, crushing them all in it except for Snails who stared in shock at what just transpired. The bean then fell right next to him.

“Pick it up Snails. Pick up the stinking bean.” Rainbow Dash groaned from in between the rocks.

“Wh-What?! Where?!” Snails cried out in confusion as he looked around frantically.

“I’ll take that.” Trixie shoved Snails aside to pick up the bean with her mouth and immediately ran over to give it to Toad.

“Congratulations to the Killer Dragons for winning the challenge.” Toad smiled as all of them cheered for their victory but none were more excited than Trixie, Starlight, Spike, Grubber, and Twilight right now.

“As for you Screaming Parasprites, you suck majorly.” Toad said in disappointment, “Meet in the Mess Hall for dinner and then you will vote someone off.”

“We’re back…” Sweetie Belle said happily before seeing the state her team was in as they got out of the rocky pile.

“What in Celestia happened here?!” Rarity asked incredulously.

“We lost no thanks to your assistance.” Lightning Dust glared at the two unicorns.

“I apologize on that behalf, but we needed to sit out. Next time, we won’t. We promise.” Rarity reassured the pegasus.

“Don’t turn this on those two. You’re the one who attacked me over jealousy.” Rainbow Dash glared at the try hard.

“To be fair, Snails did fail to get us the bean.” Discord crossed his arms.

“Hehehe.” Snails chuckled nervously.

Tempest, seeing all of this, just raised an eyebrow in interest.

Confessional: Tempest

“It appears Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust are getting all worked up over being major threats this season and that weakness is something that can work to my favor.” Tempest chuckled, “I may not be evil anymore but I do love a good challenge.”

Confessional Ends

We then cut to Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Sweetie Belle, Discord, and Tempest all discussing strategy.

“Can we all agree to vote off Lightning Dust?” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously.

“Why should we? Snails is the one who screwed up the challenge.” Discord rolled his eyes.

“But if Lightning Dust hadn’t tackled me. There wouldn’t have been a rockslide!” Rainbow Dash argued in annoyance.

“We’ve lost two times in a row Rainbow Dash, we need to consider taking out the weakest links and if Snails cannot simply pick up a bean, then he will be of no help in the future.” Tempest narrowed her eyes.

Applejack raised an eyebrow at this comment but Rarity and Sweetie Belle looked thoughtful at what Tempest said.

At the campfire, the Screaming Parasprites were all sitting down as Toad began speaking, “Second time guys, very disappointing. You guys did quite an awful job on this challenge. Anyway, marshmallow time. Marshmallows go to…”






“Sweetie Belle.”

“And Rainbow Dash.”

“One marshmallow, two contestants, one of your journeys ends tonight.” Toad said ominously towards Lightning Dust and Snails.

“Lightning Dust.”

“Are you kidding me?! You guys voted off Snails over Lightning Dust?!” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously to which Fluttershy and Applejack looked just as surprised as Snails was while Discord simply shrugged, Lightning Dust smirked as she ate her marshmallow, Rarity and Sweetie Belle looked guilty, and Tempest kept a stone-faced demeanor.

Confessional: Tempest

“Too easy.” Tempest clicked her tongue in satisfaction.

Confessional Ends

We then see Snails in the Hurl Of Shame with him speaking frantically, “Wait! Please don’t send me out! I promise I’ll do better. Can I at least say goodbye to Snip-“

However, Toad didn’t give him that wish as Snails was promptly launched away from the island.

“Phew. I thought he’d never shut up.” Toad sighed in relief, “With Snails gone, only eighteen remain. It doesn’t matter how many people are left so long as I’m getting paid. So don’t click that button because there’s more backstabbing action next time on Toadal! Magic! Island!”

Author's Note:

I like Snails and all, but unlike Snips, he doesn’t have enough cutthroat edge or greed to do as well in this type of competition. So I gave him this elimination.

Screaming Parasprites: Applejack, Discord, Fluttershy, Lightning Dust, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Tempest

Killer Dragons: Applebloom, Cheese, Grubber, Pinkie Pie, Scootaloo, Snips, Spike, Starlight, Trixie, Twilight