• Member Since 21st Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Princess Luna is the best princess and Nightmare Moon is the best queen.


When Cheerilee announces that she was going to teach them something unexpected, the students are curious about it. When she falls ill and a substitute fills in for her, he believes foals should not be taught such things so he teaches something different, something more academic.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 28 )

No, the sub is a unicorn.

great story mate keep it up cant wait for the next story:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:


Thanks. I'm thinking of doing an anthro Toola x Coconut story for on their graduation night, once both are 18.

"Not on my watch. It is the duty of parents to to teach foals this kind of thing. I will not poison their minds with such filth!"

This! So much this.

The two rushed out of the schoolhouse followed by the rest of their class leaving a flustered Cheerilee. Cheerilee sighed deeply, "What have I done? Now Toola and Coconut are going to be giving each other oral and it is all my fault." She leaned her head down on her desk and added, "Maybe I should have just left everything alone. Maybe those old order unicorns have their reasons for not teaching sex ed in school."

No fucking shit, Sherlock :facehoof:.


I added that final part of the story for a bit of humor and a bit of common sense. If you read the story "Making Coconut Cream" that will give you an idea of what Cheerilee taught them....that is what she thought White Board would teach but he is in the mindset that there are certain things that students, especially ones that young, simply should not be taught. Yeah what he taught them was something that was designed for older students but in his mind, he could teach them about "where baby ponies come from" without going into sexual material and the whole sexuality thing, he wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole. That is why he brought up the "talking to a psychologist" thing.

Well, he wasn't perfect in his plan I feel, but his heart was in the right place for sure. Cheerilee is everything wrong with modern schools, and why education has failed so miserably.


Yeah his plan may not have been perfect giving them a lesson that was more designed for older ponies but he wanted to try and preserve their innocence. He didn't care what the EEA mandated, he was in the mindset of allowing the kids to be kids for as long as possible.....and yeah Cheerilee is problematic....regarding Toola and Coconut going to give one another oral, I took that from another story where Cheerilee taught sex ed....except in that they actually do it after school. In that one it goes through all of Cheerilee's lesson. In mine, I figured I'd bring up that she taught it and how it affected two particular fillies.

Nice story, by the way do you take story requests


Unfortunately, I don't. I don't work well with other people's ideas and I also have my concerns that it might not be all that good and you wouldn't like it.

I couldn't help but think about the importance of well-rounded education when I read this. It's crucial for students to have a diverse range of subjects and experiences. However, it's equally important for educators to respect their students' interests and passions. Just like in this situation, a well-intentioned substitute teacher made a decision based on their beliefs, but it might not have been the best approach for all the students. If you're interested in various resources that provide help for students, I'd recommend checking out this website https://eduhelper/essay-samples. It offers a wide range of free essay examples that can help students in their learning journey.


If I ever do any more stories involving time in the classroom, I'll be sure and check it out.

WTF?! This is disgusting! These are CHILDREN for crying out loud!!


I can understand where you are coming from. I put the final part in to show the difference between what White Board taught them and what Cheerilee taught them....basically it is meant to show that there are some things that shouldn't be taught in school.

If it was meant to be funny, it's not. It's disgusting and uncomfortable, and downright despicable.


It's meant to be funny. I meant for them to say that just to get a reaction out of Cheerilee.

Well, I DON'T think it's funny. It's disgusting and despicable.


I see where you're coming from so I changed the ending to something more family friendly. I kept the teen rating though since it is clearly implied that Cheerilee gave them a sex ed lesson.


You're welcome. I will admit, I got to where I wasn't overly fond of the ending myself.

Now if only you'd continue "I Never Wanted This".


Well let me get some good ideas for it. I know Luna will need to be involved, along with Starlight and her thoughts on it.

And don't forget the ponies of Equestria as a whole.


One big thing though, how many of them even knew about Celestia and Luna retiring anyway? It isn't like Equestria has ENN (Equestria News Network) to spread the message far and wide.

Royal proclamations. And I mainly meant Ponyville and Canterlot.


True. Ponies who live in places with little or any royal influence may not even care unless said new ruler or lack of change would affect their lives directly.

Can't wait to see what you write.

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