• Published 16th Nov 2023
  • 3,209 Views, 312 Comments

Man in a Pony’s World - Nugget27

A human arrived in Equestria and becomes a wanted criminal. He tries to redeem himself.

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Laying in the field, just outside of a small village, laid a hairless ape. It wore a white T-shirt and wore black basketball pants. He was fast asleep, fully unaware of his new location. He rolled over onto his side in an effort to block out sunlight as it threatened to wake him up. “Five more minutes Mom…” The town he was laying outside of wasn’t your ordinary town… if you were a human.

It wasn’t a bustling city like New York, but it was a sizable village of two hundred ponies. A mixture of earth ponies, pegasi, and the rare set of unicorns wandered around, happily going either to work, school, or just going out to enjoy the day. They were fully unaware of the human outside of their village that woke up with a start. Well, until the human shouted. “Ah fuck I’m late”. From his spot in the field. That made a few ponies stop and look in the direction of the shouting, only to keep going about their day.

The human sat up, having realized that he had slept past his alarm and his backup alarm. For… at least two hours. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, before scratching under his legs… Which were crisscrossed in grass. “Wha?” The human slowly looked up. “It’s… noon. Where’s my… Phone?” He looked around, noticing a town that… looked nothing like the megatropolis he grew up in. He looked around, again, nowhere else seemed like a good place to go. On one hand, it was head into the middle of nowhere, the middle of nowhere, or a town called Salt Lick judging by the welcome sign.

“Wait, Salt Lick? “ Bob looked around. “There’s no city in New York named Salt Lick…” Bob shrugged, he must be in some play nobody lives in, like Canada. With that, Bob started walking towards the city. Luckily, he slept with his tennis shoes on, so he wasn’t going around barefoot. He’ll just talk to a local, call home, and be home in a few days. That was the plan that Bob decided to go with once he entered town… “That’s a lot of horses,” Bob mused, noting that each one had a butt mark. ‘Maybe that’s to mark ownership or something, I don’t own a horse so I wouldn’t know.’ He thought.

Bob rounded a corner and came face to face, or rather leg to face with something. “Oof!” A little girl grunted as Bob did when she supposedly bumped… “Watch where you’re going, sir…”

“Sorry…” Bob looked down to the mini horse beside him. A horse that barely came up to his knees had just face first into his knees, having run into them. It was a little unicorn, her bright yellow coat contrasted nicely with her black mane. “Hun, where’d the kid go?” Bob asked, before kneeling down at the foal that was sitting on her rump. “Aren’t you a cute little fella?” Bob stretched his hand out, and the foal stared it down until it slipped under her chin. At first she seemed a bit scared, but relaxed when Bob’s hands started scratching her jaw.

“Eeyup, a cute little fella,” Bob chuckled as he stopped scratching her.

“Hey! I didn't say you could stop!” Bob paused as… that girl’s voice from earlier, left the mini horse that was now pawing at his knee for more scratches. “Please pet me some more!” She looked up at him with the biggest puppy eyes, the little curled up, lower lip did it for Bob. He shook the shock away before deciding to roll with what was happening. If he was in a town full of talking horses, or if he just went insane, he doesn’t know. For now, he’ll enjoy it, so he sat down and opened his arms.

“C’mere,” Bob coaxed. Without hesitation, the filly cheered and crawled into the human’s lap. He had to refrain from asking ‘who’s a good little girl?’ Like you would with a dog. She could talk, and if she was real, then that would mean she’s probably as intelligent as a human being. That would mean these horses are sentient.

“Zippy, get away from that thing!” The human paused in petting the filly, before slowly extracting her from his lap. Standing in front of him was another horse, upon standing up, the horse came up to his chin. It was short for a horse, given that Bob was around five feet tall, like a midget. It was also a unicorn, seemed to be a male judging by the voice that likely came out of its mouth, and shared his fur and mane colors with presumably his daughter. “Why did you get near that monster! It was about to eat you!” The stallion scolded before looking up at the human. “And what kinda creature thinks it can just eat up my daughter?” Its horn lit up.

“Look,” before Bob could utter another word, he quickly ducked as a beam of some sort of energy shot from the unicorn’s head. He quickly ran out onto the streets. Ponies all around stared and screamed at the sight of a ‘monster’ being in their quaint little town. Before he knew it, another beam was shot his way, striking him in the leg. “I should get out of here,” Bob gritted his teeth through the pain. With a mob of angry horses chasing after him, the human began running the way he came. He turned back once to see the same filly he was petting pulling at her father’s leg with her teeth. Tears were running down her eyes.

‘At least the kid feels about what’s happening to me’ Bob snorted at that. It didn’t matter what one kid thought if the entire town was chasing him… On the bright side, he now knew that he wasn’t dreaming, or was riding some drug high. Instead, he is in horse land, getting shown by beams of energy from the horns of unicorns. Even a few bottles were thrown Bob’s way. Luckily, they stopped giving chase after he left the town, but he didn’t stop, taking looks back every now and then to make sure the herd of ponies had truly stopped chasing him. Only when he passed into a forest and hid behind a tree did he stop and fell on his butt.

Bob surveyed the damage done to his leg. It wasn’t too bad, it just hurt a lot. Bob cringed when he leaned up against a tree, quickly shot up and felt his back. “Maybe I can find another town, and maybe they’ll treat my wounds,” he said. “Hopefully they do,” then, his stomach started unceremoniously growling. “And give me some food if I ask nicely enough, that would be nice.” He started limping through the forest, cursing quietly as his leg and back weren’t feeling any better than they had initially felt when he first got hit by all those lasers.