• Published 27th Oct 2023
  • 256 Views, 3 Comments

Sour To The Rescue - TheKing2001

When leaving lunch, Sour Sweet stumbles upon a crime about to happen and rescues the girl, leading Sour to doubt herself.

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Chapter III

I pushed my key into my apartment door and unlocked it, pushing the door open as Coco shyly walked inside. I pocketed the key and shut the door behind me.

“Welcome to my humble apartment,” I commented casually and tossed my backpack in the corner. I untied my bow and tossed it on the kitchen counter, unbuttoned my first top buttons of my shirt.

Coco looked around and dropped her back pack. I didn’t entirely think my two bedroom apartment was all that but it was home.

A few pictures decorated the walls along with my archery awards and my prized bow hanging on the wall above the doorway.

“Wow,” Coco mused as she started to take off her shoes. “I assume shoes off?”

“Sure. My sister is more annoying about it than me,” I said and plopped down on the couch lazily. I yawned and closed my eyes. Inside, I was still furious and a little bit at Coco. At the same time, if our roles had been swapped, I wouldn’t have told either.

Coco hesitantly sat down next to me and rested her hands in her lap as she quietly looked around.

“You have a sister?” She finally asked and I nodded.

“Yeah. She goes to Canterlot High and is the band captain,” I explained as she nodded slowly.

“I think I know who you’re talking about. I saw her at the Friendship Games with the other students.”

“Yeah, Baton Switch,” I confirmed and stretched out a bit. “Nice kid at times. Bit of an ego at times but it isn’t worse than Crystal Prep as a whole.”

Coco gave a nod as we both fell silent.

“Can I ask a question?” I asked suddenly and her eyes flicked over to me.

“I guess?” Coco answered cautiously. “What is it?”

“Why did they pick you of all girls to attack?” I asked and she tensed up. “I know you don’t wanna talk about this. Last question about it for now and we won’t bring it up again today.”

Coco stared down at her lap and I sighed. I probably shouldn’t have mentioned it all. I’d probably want to put it behind me too if I was in her shoes.

“How do you feel about girls liking girls?” Coco asked finally and I froze, staring at the blue haired teen. I never really thought about it. Growing up, I was always told it was unnatural and wasn’t right. That girls dated boys, not each other. I always silently judged the few people at cpa were openly dating the same gender but I guess it never really hurt me personally.

“I think,” I started and looked away as I wet my lips. “I think it’s none of my business what happens. Who people want to date is up to them. I always was raised to think it wasn’t natural to date the same gender but now that I think about it, it never personally hurt me if that makes any sense.”

“Acceptable answer,” Coco smiled a bit and sighed. “I like girls. And well, those girls didn’t like that. Said that it’s because I’ve never slept with a man and hadn’t had anything inside me to make me like a man. They said they w-would-”

“It’s okay,” I said reassuringly as she wiped a tear away. “You don’t have to finish.”

“No I want to,” Coco said with a confidence that stunned me. She hadn’t displayed it earlier at all. “They said they would help me realize I was wrong by using the uhm you know. They also said they had one of their boyfriends waiting nearby for them to come help me.”

I sat in stunned silence as I once again fought the urge to vomit. I didn’t entirely think something like this would happen in my school. You always hear about it elsewhere or see it on crime TV shows like the ones my sister loves to watch late into the night. I jumped slightly as Coco sniffed and her head slipped onto my lap.

“I’m scared,” she muttered as my skirt got wet. “I don’t wanna go back. They’re gonna kill me probably for even telling you this. They’re gonna kill you for stopping them. You should have just let them-”

“Are you fucking insane?” I demanded as she looked at me nervously. “I’m not about to let them do that ever. And they won’t kill you because you’re not going to be alone on school property again. You’re going to be with me or the other girls.”

“But why?” Coco demanded as I handed her a tissue from the nearby tissue box. My sister was absolutely obsessed with having them all over the place in case we were sick. “Why help me?”

“You looked like you needed it. And besides, you don’t deserve to be treated that way. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, no matter who they were. You’re s good person from the short span of time I’ve spent with you. So yeah, I’m not about to just throw you to the wolves like a piece of meat.”

I inhaled as Coco watched me nervously from below as she fiddled with her hands. I idly realized that I was yelling and my neighbors were certainly going to be wondering why I was yelling. Me yelling certainly wasn’t making her feel any better.

“I’m sorry for yelling. That wasn’t cool of me,” I muttered sheepishly and sighed. “I’m not entirely well good when it comes to displaying my emotions.”

“I know. Your uhm how should I put this mildly, freak outs are quite well known throughout the school,” Coco said with a smile.

“I don’t freak out!” I shouted as Coco hid a giggle behind her hand. “Oh. Okay maybe sometimes I do, but not all the time.”

Coco nodded as I slightly felt a bit uncomfortable with how long her head was resting in my lap. We both looked to the door as a key was jammed in it and the door pushed open.

My sister walked into as she hung up her backpack, giving us both confused looks.

“I was going to shout that I’m home but looks like that won’t be necessary,” Baton Switch said dryly as she hung up her band coat in the closet. “I had a half day. What are you doing here?”

“It’s complicated.”

“Uh huh,” Baton said as she raised an eyebrow slightly before plopping on the other couch. “And who is this exactly?”

“This is Coco Pommel. She’s a friend,” I said and squeezed her shoulder gently as she made a surprised sound. Heck, even I was surprised. I didn’t entirely plan on being her friend. “She goes to school with me.”

“I noticed,” Baton commented flatly as she picked up the TV remote and placed her boots on the coffee table. I gave her a glare and she rolled her eyes, kicking her boots off toward the door. “She’s not going to be as bad as your other classmates I hope. A certain girl named Upper Crust come to mind?”

I winced slightly as Coco looked curiously at us. Upper had came over because we were forced to be partners on a project. She had been less than kind to my sister. To my sisters defense, Baton could dish out disrespect and attitude pretty good. Enough to make Upper Crust storm out in a rage.

“I’m not like the others,” Coco said softly as my sister gazed at her. “I’ve always quite liked CHS. Rarity goes there, she was always nice to me whenever I came to shop at her work. Suri doesn’t really like Rarity though.”

Baton examined her before giving a wide smile.

“Well, okay. Rarity is cool I suppose. She did design all of our band uniforms,” Baton said with a shrug. “It’s nice to see Sour having friends. I still say she should transfer to CHS but eh. Any friend of Sour is a friend of mine. Within reason of course. If she becomes Upper Crust or Shit Sets friends, I’ll move out.”

“Is that uhm a nickname for Jet Set?” Coco asked with a blush. My sister nodded sagely and gave a thumbs up.


“Anyone want pizza?” I asked suddenly as I grabbed my phone off the end table.

“Sure,” Baton said as she waved a hand lazily. “Ooh a new Dateline episode!” I looked at Coco and she nodded after a second.

“Sure. And you watch Dateline?” Coco asked curiously as Baton nodded eagerly. I stifled a groan as I opened up the pizza place we usually order from.

“Yeah. Wanna sit up or are you comfortable watching from my sisters lap?” Baton asked with a wicked grin.

Coco and I turned faintly red as we looked at each other. I may have forgotten about her heads placement.

Coco sat up and Baton smirked again.

I oddly felt glad they got along. But Baton did always get along with most people. I only hope my other friends did the same.