• Published 12th Jan 2024
  • 1,596 Views, 138 Comments

Parabellum of Freedom - EndlessPossibilities58

Believing them to be monsters, the ponies and other races of Equus invade the human world out of fear. Soon, a desperate war is sparked as both sides find they have everything to lose, and if peace can't be reached, both worlds will fall unto ruin.

  • ...

The calm before the storm

The calm before the storm is like the quiet before the thunder, it's a warning that something powerful is about to happen - Unknown.

Twilight stepped out of her castle, the Crystalline doors shutting behind her. Heading down the path away from her home, she moved with an excited air about her, as she had just learned that her brother and his family were coming in for a visit. So in anticipation of this, she was currently on her way into town to get a couple things for when they arrived.

Coming into Ponyville proper, she was quick to notice how it was today: Celestia's sun shone down, with enough cloud cover to keep it from being too bright or hot out. Birds flitted about in the sky, chirping happily. Ponies greeted her on the streets, bringing a warm smile to her face as she greeted them back.

As she moved through the town she called home, something that stuck out to her was the sight of human slaves on the street. She could see them everywhere, being used to do tasks such as pull carts and carry boxes, or anything else their masters ordered of them. In this day and age, it was fairly common to see humans used as slave labor, in fact, she recently read a study that said seventy percent of households and establishments owned al least one.

Though the war with the humans happened thousands of years ago, it was still the bloodiest, and most traumatic war in the history of Equus. After they were defeated, the humans were made to be servants to the different races of the world, and it had been that way ever since.

It wasn't long before Twilight found herself at her first destination, Sugar Cube Corner. Approaching the confectionery-themed building, she began to smell the goods they were making inside. The bell above the door rang as she stepped through, the smells of sweets growing far stronger.

Sugar Cube Corner was just as packed as ever, with ponies filling the booths, alongside the odd griffin or changeling. However, there weren't any humans, as they weren't allowed in establishments like this, and were made to stay outside.

Stepping up to the counter, she was greeted by the as-ever-bubbly Pinkie Pie.

"Hey, Twilight!" Pinkie exclaimed, a happy smile on her face. "Can I get you something?"

Twilight smiled back. "HI, Pinkie. I just need to pick up some cupcakes. Shining Armor and his family are coming in for a visit, so I'm out getting a couple things for when they arrive."

"Oh that's nice. As it just so happens I just took a batch of cupcakes out of the oven, just give me a moment and I'll get them ready," she said as she turned towards the kitchen. "So," Pinkie called from the back as she prepped the cupcakes for Twilight. "I heard about the rebel attack in the Crystal Empire, are Shining, Cadence, and Flurry doing okay?"

Twilight's brow furrowed as she regarded Pinkie's question. The Crystal Empire recently came under attack by human rebels, who sought to topple its rulership. And although they were ultimately defeated in the end, a lot of ponies got hurt.

"Oh, yeah, they're doing okay," Twilight replied. "They all got out of it unharmed, thank goodness. It'll be nice to see them again after all that," she said right before Pinkie came back out with a box of cupcakes.

Pinkie set the box on the counter, a sympathetic look on her face. "I'm sure they'll be happy to see you too."

"Thanks, Pinkie," Twilight said as she paid for the cupcakes and took the box in her magic. "It helps to hear you say that."

"No problem. See ya around, kay?" Pinkie bid farewell with a friendly little wave.

Twilight smiled. "See you around, Pinkie," she said as she made for the door.

"Hey! Tell Shining and his family I say hello, kay?" Pinkie called after Twilight.

"Will do," Twilight replied, before exiting the store.

Leaving Sugar Cube Corner behind, Twilight continued on her way through Ponyville; with the box of cupcakes in her magical grasp, she made her way toward her next destination, which was Sweet Apple Acres. Walking down the streets of town, Twilight was well on her way to AppleJack's, when something caught her attention.

She spotted Rarity out on the road, looking just as majestic as ever as she moved through Ponyville. Her every step was elegant, as if she was eternally walking on eggshells.

Right behind the snowy white mare was her human, whose arms were loaded with stacks of boxes and bags, no doubt containing clothing and various types of fabrics. He was also dressed in fine silk clothing, unlike most other humans who were normally just dressed in rags.

"Hey, Rarity," Twilight said as she approached the fashionista in greeting.

Upon hearing her voice, the mare turned around, a kind look on her face. "Oh, Twilight, it's so good to see you, darling," she replied as she swished her mane around.

"It's good to see you too," said Twilight.

"I'm just on my way back to Carousel Boutique after doing some shopping," Rarity gestured to her human who was carrying all of her purchases.

Now that she was up close to the human, she realized that it must be extremely tiring on him to be carrying all those boxes for so long; she was able to confirm this by looking over his body and face, which seemed to be pretty tense as he clearly was struggling to hold everything. Taking pity on the human, Twilight decided to give him a rest as she took all the boxes and bags from him.

"While that was certainly sweet, you didn't need to do that Twilight," Rarity said with light objection as Twilight took it all in her magic alongside the cupcakes. "Simmons is happy to carry all that, aren't you sweetie?" The human known as Simmons put on a faux smile, something Rarity failed to pick up on.

"It's okay," Twilight replied. "I don't mind."

"Alright, if you insist," Rarity relented. The mare than turned to her human, who seemed to be in better spirit, now that he'd been relieved of his load. "Come on, Simmons, let us head home."

With all the bags and boxes in her magical aura, Twilight accompanied Rarity down the streets of Ponyville. Arriving at Carousel Boutique, Rarity went ahead and opened the door, allowing Twilight to enter.

"Where do you want all these?" Twilight asked.

"Just set them on the floor for now," Rarity replied as she closed the door behind them. "I'll have Simmons go through and organize it all later.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"I'm fine. And thank you for the help, I appreciate it darling. Is there anything I can do to repay you?" Rarity asked the alicorn.

But Twilight simply shook her head. "That's alright, I was happy to help. So if that'll be all, I think it's time I go on my way, Twilight finished after a moment.

"Okay, take care then," Rarity said in farewell. "And thanks again for the help."

"No problem. Well see you later, okay," Twilight spoke, heading out the door.

Now that she was done with that little side adventure, she got back on her way to Sweet Apple Acres. Arriving at the farm, she made her way to the house and stepped up onto the porch. Bringing her leg up, she rapped her hoof on the door a few times. A few moments later, the sound of locks turning could be heard, before the door opened to reveal Applejack standing on the other side.

"Well hey there, Twi, can Ah do something for ya?" The farmpony asked.

"Um, yeah," Twilight replied. "I was hoping you might a jug of of apple juice I could have?"

"Sure, consider it done," Applejack replied with a smile and a nod. Stepping back inside, she moved deeper into the house for a few moments, before she soon came back with a jug of juice in her hooves. "Say," AJ began as she hefted the jug on her shoulder. "Since you're here, would ya care to come in for a slice of pie? It's fresh out of the oven?"

"Yeah," Twilight replied, her mouth watering at the thought of having Apple family apple pie. "Yeah, that sounds nice."

Applejack moved out of the doorway, motioning with her hoof for Twilight to step inside. "Come on in and grab a seat then." Once the alicorn was inside, Applejack shut the door behind her, setting the jug down beside it. "We'll just leave this here for now." Thinking that Applejack had the right idea, Twilight set the cupcakes she had right down beside them.

"How much do I owe you anyway?" Twilight asked as Applejack walked beside her.

Applejack scoffed, feigning an offended look on her face. "Can't a mare give her friend apple juice out of the goodness of her heart," she smiled. "Consider it on the house."

"Thank you," Twilight replied.

Stepping up to the table, AppleJack called out for someone as both she and Twilight took their seats. A moment after they'd sat down, a female human approached the table, where Applejack turned to address her.

"Bring over two slices of pie, will ya," Applejack ordered of the slave, who promptly nodded and turned toward the counter. A minute or two later, the human came back with two plates of apple pie.

As the human sat the plates down on the table, Twilight's eyes glanced to the apple branding on its upper arm. Living on a farm was hard work, so to ease the burden on themselves, the Apples owned several humans to do some of the work for them.

Applejack nodded at the human. "You can excuse yourself," she said, upon which the human made her leave.

Turning to the pie in front of her, Twilight took in the pleasant aroma, her mouth starting to water. Levitating a fork, she took a bite, her taste buds exploding with flavor as the caramelized apples came into contact with her tongue.

"So, what're ya up to today?" Applejack asked, after she took a bite of her own pie.

"Nothing exciting," Twilight replied. "My brother is coming to town with his family, so I'm getting some stuff for later."

"Well that's mighty nice of ya," Applejack said. "Ah'm sure they'll appreciate it."

Twilight smiled. "Thanks."

As the two friends ate their pie, they were soon greeted with the presence of Applejack's younger sister as she came bounding into the room.

"Hiya Twilight!" Applebloom said energetically. "It sure is nice to see ya!"

Twilight smiled softly at the little filly. "Why it's nice to see you too, Applebloom."

"Hey, Applejack?" Applebloom asked, turning her attention from Twilight to her sister. "What's Earth?" The filly said, a look of curiosity in her eyes.

"Uh, Earth... you mean like... Earth ponies?" Applejack questioned, unsure of what her sister was asking.

But Applebloom just shook her head. "I heard one of the humans we have mention something about 'The Earth?' What was he talking about?"

Twilight's eyes lit up with understanding when she realized what Applebloom was talking about. "OH! I know what you mean!" She exclaimed, eliciting an excited expression from the filly. "You see, there's a legend among the humans, one that claims they come from a whole other world!"

"Shut up!" Applebloom exclaimed, completely flabbergasted.

Twilight nodded. "According to the legend, this other world is known as Earth, and it's ruled solely by humans," Twilight then shook her head. "Of course, such a notion is complete nonsense, but it's still interesting regardless," the alicorn finished.

"It sure is! Just wait till Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle hear about this!" Applebloom said. "Thanks for telling me, Twilight!"

"You're very welcome, Applebloom," Twilight chuckled lightly at the filly's enthusiasm.

The filly then scampered off after that, no doubt to go find her friends.

After Twilight finished her pie, she promptly thanked Applejack for the kind hospitality. Taking the cupcakes and apple juice, she left the farm house and made her way back home.

Arriving back at the castle of friendship, Twilight moved through it's pristine, sparkling halls. Making her way to the kitchen, she entered to find Spike standing by the oven, working on dinner.

"I'm back, Spike," Twilight announced as she set the juice and cupcakes on the counter.

'Hey, Twilight," the drake replied, looking over his shoulder towards his caretaker.

"I've got the stuff for later? How's the casserole coming?"

"It's almost done," he informed her. "I'm just about to take it out in a minute."

"Good, Shining and his family should be here soon, and I wouldn't want to keep them waiting for dinner."

Almost as if on cue, the sound of someone knocking was heard, the noise bouncing off the crystal walls and reaching them in the kitchen.

"Speak of the Discord. Spike!" Twilight quickly addressed the dragon, a haste to her voice. "Hurry up and get that casserole out of the oven and cut. Then once you've done that, get Percy to set up the table for dinner!"

"On it, Twi," Spike affirmed as he give a little salute.

Confident that Spike could handle things here, Twilight quickly tore out of the kitchen. Running through the castle, she followed the knocking until she arrived at the entrance.

Throwing open the door, she expected to see the wonderful visage of her brother and his family. Instead, she was immediately jumped by a white mass, obscuring her vision as it wrapped her in a death grip.

"Twily!" Exclaimed her attacker. "It's so good to see you!"

Wrestling her hoof free, she started weakly patting it on the back. "It's really good to see you too, Shining, but... could I have my lungs back... please!"

"Oops, sorry!" Shining chuckled sheepishly, releasing his sister as he blushed softly.

"It's okay," she replied, putting him at ease. Her expression became more serious, as she quickly pulled him into another hug. "I was so worried about you, I heard about the rebel attack."

"Don't worry," Shining Armor replied comforting his sister. "We're alright. Those dumb monkeys couldn't even touch us," he said smugly.

Breaking the hug with her brother, Twilight turned toward the pony that was both his wife and her old foalsitter. "Cadence!" She squealed, excitedly rushing up to her sister in law. The two engaged in their usual greeting, doing the same song and dance routine from Twilight's fillyhood.

Cadence smiled. "It's good to see you again, Twilight." Some babbling came from the stroller next to her, as the baby seated within made her presence known. The princess of love smiled softly. "I think somepony else wants to say hello."

"Why hello, Flurry Heart," Twilight cooed, approaching the little foal. "How's my favorite niece doing today?" Flurry Heart, just continued to babble in foal talk, a happy expression on her face. "He, it's nice to see you too," she spoke sweetly.

"Come on in," Twilight said as she held a hood out toward the open door. "Dinner should be just about down."

"What are we having?" Cadence asked as she stepped in the castle with her family.

"Casserole," Twilight replied as she closed the door behind them. "With a side of salad, and apple juice straight from Sweet Apple Acres."

"Sounds good," Cadence said.

With the promise of a tasty meal in front of them, the four ponies moved through the castle, soon arriving in an ornate dinning room with wall sconces and a sparkling chandelier. In the center of the space was a large table covered in a red tablecloth, two candelabras set in the center with a vase of flowers placed between them. Approaching the table, there was a young human setting down plates, utensils and cups for them to use.

"Hey everypony," Spike greeted as she entered the dining room.

"Hey, Spike!" Shining Armor returned the greeting. "How are you doing bro?"

"I'm doing good, thanks," Spike replied with a smile, before he turned to address the human. "Percy, go to the kitchen and bring out the food, please."

"Yes sir," the young man replied simply, before exiting the dining room.

After the human had gone, Shining Armor looked to Spike, raising a brow. "You don't need to say 'please' to it," the unicorn stated. "It's just a human, you don't have to treat it like a pony."

"That doesn't mean we shouldn't be nice to them," Spike replied, an unamused look on his face. "And Percy's a he, not an it," he crossed his arms.

"Well, I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree on that," Shining huffed as he turned to take a seat at the table.

Percy returned a minute later, pushing a cart which carried what they would have for dinner. Everybody having already taken their seats, the human took the cart to the table and began serving the food. One by one, he made his way around the table, giving them each their meal.

When Percy reached Shining Armor, the unicorn gave him a dirty look, making the human shrink under his gaze. Shining said nothing as he was given his food, only continuing to glare at the young man. "Filthy ape!" The unicorn muttered as Percy made his leave.

"Thank you, Percy," Twilight said once he finished serving them their food. "Feel free to help yourself to the leftovers."

"Thank you," Percy replied, nodding to his master as he took the cart and left the dinning room.

Shining scoffed. "Pony food is too good for humans, all they deserve is slop!" He exclaimed rather adamantly.

Taking a fork in her magic, Cadence took a bite of the casserole, her eyes lighting up as she ate. "Mmm, this is pretty good, Spike," the princess complamented the dragon after she'd swallowed.

Spike smiled at her words. "Thanks, I'm glad you like it."

"So," Twilight spoke in-between bites. "How have things been in the Crystal Empire recently? I mean... you know... aside from the rebels..." Twilight said awkwardly, giving a flourish of her fork.

"Aside from the rebels, nothing much has happened honestly," Cadence replied. "For the most part it's been pretty peaceful, you should come visit sometime," Cadence finished, taking a sip of the juice.

Twilight smiled. "I just might do that."

"So, how have things been in Ponyville?" Cadence asked.

"Eh, nothing much, it's been pretty peaceful," Twilight replied, mirroring Cadence's words.

"What was the rebel attack like?" Twilight delicately asked after a moment, a look of morbid curiosity in her eyes.

Cadence stopped eating her food, taking a deep sigh as she set down her fork. "It was horrible," Cadence replied as she shuddered. "There were ponies falling all around us as the insurgents fought the guard. I had rushed to protect Flurry Heart, fearing they would try to hurt her," she said as she looked toward her daughter, who was sitting in a highchair with a bowl of macaroni.

"We lost a lot of good ponies that day," Shining Armor added, lowering his head solemnly. He perked back up a moment later, however. "But for everypony we lost, the humans lost several of theirs. I myself slew over a dozen humans!" He finished, a tone of pride in his voice.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through all that," Twilight said sympathetically. "I'm glad that you're all safe."

"Yeah," Spike nodded along to Twilight's words. "We're happy that none of you were hurt."

"I am too," Cadence said, leaning over to plant a kiss on Flurry Heart's cheek.

After dinner had been finished, Twilight soon brought out the cupcakes, especially to Flurry's and Spike's delight. Afterwards, they all retired for the night, with Twilight providing a room for her brother and his family.

Having done her normal nighttime routine, Twilight crawled into her bed. Pulling up the covers, she let herself settle into the comfy mattress, sighing in content. Laying in her bed, she allowed herself to relax, her constantly overtaxed brain finally getting a chance to rest.

At least that was the way it should have been.

As she laid there, she found her mind returning to the conversation she had earlier with Shining Armor and Cadence. In her head, she kept recalling the things they said about the rebel attack; she kept imaging she'd been there, watching as ponies fell to violent humans, unable to get the image out of her mind.

As she pictured the attack on the Crystal Empire, she found herself wandering back to what Applebloom asked earlier that day. The legend of a world ruled by humans had long been dismissed as a mares tale. And while Twilight knew the existence of such a thing was ridiculous, she couldn't help but find herself pondering it.

What would it be like, she wondered, for there to be a world ruled by humans. A barbaric race that has caused them so much pain and suffering in the past; a violent species that the world had deemed too dangerous to be allowed to be free. If there was an entire planet full of those war hungry creatures, it could prove to be a grave danger to the peace and safety of all of Equus.

Twilight shook her head, sending that thought away as she let her mind calm down. She let herself get comfortable in her bed, confident in the the fact that there was nothing to be worried about, and of how there was no such thing as planet Earth.

Author's Note:

Parabellum, a phrase of Latin origin, meaning [Prepare For War]

So what did you all think, this story was very, very, very loosely inspired by "Shouldn't have enslaved humanity." In fact, the only reason I'm name dropping that story is because reading it is what gave me the inspiration for this fiction.

I've been brewing this story in my head for awhile now, and I'm really excited to finally show it off. I really hope you liked what I have here, and I hope you'll stick around to see what's in store.