• Published 14th Nov 2023
  • 4,006 Views, 221 Comments

Not Here - ulcuran

I just went to sleep and woke up in the body of a pony. I am not supposed to be in this body I am a human and my home is Earth, not here.

  • ...

Fourteen Minutes

What the hell? Why is she blocking the one thing that has brought me the smallest bit of comfort in this world, who does she think she is!? I can’t even relax for one second in this fucking place…


Oh right, she asked something didn’t she? Calm down now, I can’t just get angry against a princess or whatever royalty she is, and blow up at her right now, if I do that, I will most likely kiss my neck goodbye. What did she ask again? Am I going to jump again? Taking a deep breath I finally answer her.

‘’No… even if I wanted to I won’t be able to.’’

‘’Whyever not?’’ Her face contorts into a confused look and she tilts her head slightly to the side. Does she not know about the barrier?

‘’Uhm… because your sister put up a barrier around the balcony.’’ I hesitantly answer hoping that satisfies her curiosity and leaves…annnd nope, she is slowly coming over to the balcony.

‘’Ah yes, sister did mention a barrier of sorts.’’ She gets even closer and then stops suddenly bringing out one of her hooves she touches the barrier, and from the point of contact small waves form over the barrier and spread out.

‘’ ‘Tis a strong barrier sister didn’t want you or anything else to break it without considerable effort.’’ Of course, she did…She touches the barrier again after that she stops touching it and looks at me again.

‘’Then what is thine reason to be out at the balcony at this hour?’’ I can ask you that same question lady, what the fuck do you even want from me? Just go and leave me be. Looking at the moon behind her I answer.

‘’I was watching the moon until someone blocked i-’’ I quickly shut up. Fuck, fuck, fuck! My emotions got the better of me! She is going to stick my head in a pike and parade it around the castle now!

‘’Hold thy tongue knave! We will not answer to a criminal about how we spend our own time in our own castle!’’ Fuck! She got angry, of course, she did! and she was right, wasn’t she? I was a criminal right now.

‘’We should throw thee in a dungeon and throw away the key!’’ She says while getting closer and closer to the barrier. With one swift move, she breaks through the barrier and lands right next to me on the balcony. I thought the barrier was supposed to be strong!

My legs were trembling now, I was barely able to stand up. Any semblance of air failed to find its way into my lungs, and she knew this, slowly walking over to me she was looking down on me…

She is looking down on me? This fucking horse?! A fucking horse princess thinks she is better than me!?

‘’Shut the fuck up!’’ I finally snap the stress from the last days and the nightmare gets to me and I start screaming back… I’m done for.

‘’W-what?’’ All of her anger vanishes and she gets flustered taking a step back, I take a step forward and look her right in the eyes.

‘’Come on! Throw me in the dungeons! or better yet here!’’ All of my frustrations have mounted up and I scream even louder while lowering my head down on the floor, I had enough! I just want to escape this! I don’t belong in this place, not here.

‘’What are you doing?’’ She gets confused all of her rage is now gone just replaced with confusion.

‘’I am presenting my neck to you princess! Cut it down right here right now!’’ I look her right in the eyes never breaking eye contact.

I hear a small gasp from her but after that, all is silent all that fills the room is my short, labored breaths from all the screaming… Yeah, I’m totally gonna die, this is it. After some tense minutes, she finally speaks, not with anger but with genuine curiosity.

‘’Why were you watching our moon?’’ What? Her moon? Did she just claim the moon? This… this is outrageous! How dare she claim the goddamned moon as her own! This dark blue princess is making me angrier by the minute.

‘’It’s not your moon…’’ I mutter between my teeth.


‘’It’s not your moon! The moon is no one’s! Anyone who claims that it is theirs then they have an ego the size of the moon itself! ’’ This time I yell it.

‘’...’’ Her brows form up a crescent and she stays silent.

‘’Do I have to answer?’’

‘Oh, oh yes! ’W-I.. would appreciate it.’’ She probably didn’t expect me to talk again… Fuck it, I need to talk to someone, anything even if they are a horse-pony princess. Sighing and after taking a deep breath, I start talking.

‘’I…like the moon, actually fascinated is the right word and she’s the only beautiful thing I have seen in a while, I just want to get on a caravan of rockets and explore them… the stars I mean, maybe even leave some footprints on the dusty paths to the planets.’’

‘’That’s a wonderful dream.’’ Is she smiling? That’s the first time I have seen her smile, granted I didn’t give her any reason to smile actually, heh. Maybe she is not that bad? …no, again these are just honeyed words to put your guard down! Don’t trust these ponies, but why would she want to put my guard down at this point? If she wanted to kill me I have given her ample opportunity did I not?

‘’...thank you.’’

‘’You’re most welcome.’’ Both of us falling silent she makes her way inside the room and takes a quick look around. I follow her and stand beside her. After a quick sweep of the room with her eyes she looks at me and asks.

‘’I thought our guest rooms were supposed to be more, hmmm.’’ She tries to find the right word and I complete the sentence for her.


‘’Yes, furnished but this one seems empty, might I ask why?’’

‘’Your sister did that too along with the barrier.’’ The room really does look quite empty for such a sizeable one.

‘’Why would she do that?’’ She tilts her head again in a questioning manner, weird.

‘’Same reason she put up the barrier.’’

‘’Oh, that makes sense…’’

‘’Yeah.’’ Though I wish she didn’t, would end a lot of my problems.

Looks like she had enough she is going to the balcony probably to leave, yeah that would be nice, some quiet is just what I need, I gotta form a plan need to get out of here… wait, why did she stop I thought she would leave?

‘’Come, join me.’’ She sits on the ground of the balcony and pats the empty ground motioning me to join her. I hesitantly approach her and sit beside her.

‘’Let’s enjoy the moon together.’’ With that, she looks at the sky and watches the stars and the moon. Joining her I continue observing the gray gem up in the sky.

In silence we watch the moon together, the stars doting on the sky are unfamiliar but comforting nonetheless even if this is a different world the stars are always there.

‘’Wha-’’ Suddenly my backside gets pulled up from the ground, wha-what is going on!? Is this the same thing from before when the white princess was levitating me? Looking to my right I see the princess horn glow, yes! It is the same thing! Was I wrong? Was she not trustworthy?!

Sensing my panic the princess decides it best to explain herself.

‘’No reason to panic, here. I thought we should be more comfortable.’’
My backside gets lowered to the ground slowly and it’s met with softness. Looking down I see that I am now sitting on a pillow the same one from my bed. Turning my gaze over to the princess she looks at me and shows a soft smile and brings the other pillow from the bed with her magic, I am calling it magic now there is no better explanation than it, and does the same. We are both sitting on pillows now, huh, I guess I overreacted. Yeah, it is more comfortable this way.

After settling down I look over to the castle wall in front of me and see the huge glass shattered the princess casts an eye over where I am currently staring at and giggles a little. I turn my head away a little embarrassed.

‘’Now how did that happen I wonder? Hmmm?’’ She teases me a little while giggling along.

‘’I have no idea what you are talking about.’’ I try to not look at the broken glass and not face the princess.

‘’Oh, of course you don’t, most likely some horrendous beast did it.’’ Oh she is going to keep this going, is she?

‘’Hey, the beast didn’t think that a huge gust of wind would come all of a sudden… and he was probably really dashing and handsom- hey!’’ Mid-sentence she pokes my nose with the tip of her wing.

‘’Yes, but he should have thought of that now, shouldn’t he?’’

Yeah, ok maybe she is right I really should have looked around in the balloon and not fucking sung, maybe I could have avoided this whooole thing.

‘’So what is the name of this ‘handsome’ and ‘dashing’ beast?’’ Oh… oh fuck, what do I say? Do I give her my real name? No, names have power, no real name just a fake one, and probably these guys don’t have usual human names. I think I heard the names: Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Flutters, these names don’t sound human if they do who the fuck names their children Rainbow Dash? Yeah, a fake one.

‘’Laika.’’ I turn over to the princess and nervously put out one of my hands.

‘’Luna.’’ She takes my hand and shakes it.

‘’As in the Moon?’’ I turn and look back to the moon.

‘’Yes, and your name? What does it mean?’’ She turns too and continues watching the sky with me.

‘’Maybe, I’ll tell you later.’’ How the hell do I even explain it to her now?

‘’You’re no fun.’’ Sh- Luna replies, whew she didn’t use her authority as a princess to get it out.

‘’I know.’’

The night gets colder and I shiver a bit, did I sleep so much that I awoke at this hour? I probably did. While trying to rub my hands together warm-up, a soft blanket? Finds their way into my back and wraps me up, checking out the blanket it seems like the blanket is not the cloth type but more like the feather one, Luna stretches one of her wings over to me… wow they sure are soft.


‘’Is it uncomfortable? I saw you shivering.’’ Luna asks with a shy voice. I mean, it’s not uncomfortable the opposite actually but it feels kinda weird, never been covered by a winged pony.

‘’No, it’s really comfortable, thank you.’’ I bury myself deeper in her wings and enjoy the warmth it radiates.

‘’It’s our pleasure, and do be grateful it’s quite embarrassing.’’

‘’Yeah, I am, thank you.’’

Silence takes over again but it’s not cold again but warm, a nice kind of warm like a roaring fire is fighting a battle against the cold on my cold and the fire is winning. This… this is nice, I like this.

After what only feels like seconds, the warmth leaves surprising me a little leaving me looking over the princess, oh is she leaving? I did want her to leave, didn’t I? Looks like I got my wish…

‘’I’m sorry, Laika but I must attend to my duties, and don’t worry neither me nor mine sister will throw you in the dungeons.’’ She gets up, stretches and flexes her wings a little, and prepares to take off the balcony again.

I get up and try to think of something to say, thank her? I should probably thank her, other than the stars and the moon she is the only thing that made me feel… happy? And her name is Luna what a coincidence. Are we friends now? I guess we are or maybe I can’t become friends with her since she is a princess, or should I even become friends with her, what if my true nature comes about and-and… I don’t know… Gulping I decide what to do.

‘’Hey, umm, thank you, Luna, I needed that.’’ I need friends in this world, even if I deny human is a social creature sooner or later, I will go insane.

She gets closer and wraps me with both her wings, is this a hug? I guess it is. Now I know how it feels to be hugged by soft wings from a pony princess… yeah my life is a joke.

‘’Anytime, thou are a friend now, yes? That’s what friends do.’’

‘’Yes, I suppose that is what they do.’’

She lets go of me and bids a quick goodbye again. With that, I am alone again, looks like I got my first friend in this weird, bizarre world… Maybe I won’t die horribly. I am still a human, not a pony though never forget that.

About fourteen minutes after Luna leaves the moon leaves and lets the sun take its place.