• Published 3rd Dec 2023
  • 1,294 Views, 490 Comments

Worlds Apart - Goldfur

The world of Equus and the nation of Equestria begin formal relations with the people of Earth.

  • ...

Moving On

The first that Prince Mark Wells realized that he had a visitor to his office was when his concentration was shattered by a pile of folders slammed on his desk. While he still maintained an open-door policy, the fact that his secretary had not announced the person was telling – only a very limited number of important Equians or family members had immediate access to him. Looking up, he saw it was both.

“What brings you here today, Smolder?” he asked his daughter-in-law.

The dragoness pointed to the stack of forms. “Those are just some of the official requests for Equestrian residency by humans who wish to move to our world for various reasons.”

Mark frowned. “I thought we decided to defer such submissions for now?”

“Not exactly. While Princess Twilight and Mama Trixie agreed to put them off for a while in light of Mama Chrysalis’ assassination, we all believe that it’s time to start processing those requests.”

“I’m not comfortable letting humans into Equestria just because they want to stay here. Isn’t that the lesson that we learned from that awful day? Humans are so good at hiding their true intentions that they even fooled my wife until it was too late.”

The dragoness sighed. Patience did not come easily to her kind but she’d had plenty of practice. “Father, you know we will have protocols in place specifically to deal with that. Besides, you also know very well that the overwhelming majority of humans that deal with us were as horrified by that day’s events as we were. And what about all the humans that we were already interacting with before that? And it’s not as if ponies are all perfect either, let alone dragons like myself. Are we not as big a threat to them?”

Mark pounded a hoof on his desk. “We’re not going to murder anyone!”

“They don’t know that for certain. Aren’t humans suspicious of what they consider to be our excessive altruism? Aren’t there already paranoid stories circulating on the internet about our ‘true’ motivations? It’s not as if they’re completely wrong. Don’t we actually have covert operatives on Earth gathering intelligence on all the governments that deal with us?”

Mark’s scowl deepened. “That’s only to keep Equestria safe and you know it! I know our motivations, but I’m also very familiar with those of humans. How can I protect our ponies from that?” The alicorn stared the dragon in the eyes. “How can I protect my family? Humans are dangerous!”

Smolder glared back, uncowed. “Are you going to tell that to Uncle Phil at the next Stallions Night? How will Yolanda and Rosa take the news? Or Caleb? Perhaps, it’s time to deport him to Earth if that’s the way you truly feel.”

Mark looked away and slumped in his chair. After a short silence, he murmured, “I just don’t think I could bear to see another tragedy like Chrysalis.”

“You’re an immortal alicorn, Father – you’re going to see most of us die sooner or later. Mama Chrysalis’ passing may have come too soon and under terrible circumstances, but she was just the first. You have to be strong for the living and not let fear motivate you against those who also want to make the best of their lives and that of those they love. It’s time to let humans become a part of Equestria too.”

Mark gave her a crooked smile. “How did you become so wise?”

She grinned toothily. “Learned it from my weird family. Now, do you want to have a look at some of these applications?”

“You’re going to lecture me until I do, aren’t you?”

“Yep.” She picked up the top folder. “This one is pretty much a no-brainer.” She opened the folder ostensibly to read it although she already knew its contents. “Harold Thornwell, male, 29 years of age. He’s a technician who has been installing cell phone equipment in Baltimare and wants to move permanently there.”


“A mare, of course. He and a unicorn tech named Air Waves who was working with him got the hots for each other.”

“Like Caleb and Willow?”

“Just so. I had a changeling check them out and the feelings are genuine on both parts. Additionally, we would benefit from having his professional expertise. Therefore, I see no reason to deny him his application.”

Mark chuckled. “Can’t stand in the way of true love. Cadance would have my hide if she found out.”

Smolder smiled. “And I would be the one to tell her.”

He gave her a flat look. “Nopony likes a tattle-tale.”

“I’m not a pony,” the dragoness replied smugly.

Mark rolled his eyes. “Next!”

Smolder picked up the second folder. “Marika Klein, female, 27 years of age. She works at the Charlotte headquarters of Harmonic Composites. Her job required her to commute between there and Equus, so she became quite familiar with the Equestrian lifestyle. She made so many friends in Canterlot that she decided she’d prefer to live here.”

“Heh! Gone are the days when I knew everyone who worked at Harmonic Composites. Can’t say I blame her for preferring living where all her friends are. If you approve, I’m not going to say no. I suppose that also goes for any other H.C. employee who is in the know.”

“I suspect that there will be more,” Smolder agreed. “The next one is Lars Olsson, male, 22 years of age. He wants to study magic with a view toward integrating it with classical physics.”

“A pure scholar, hey? Better not tell Twil….” He trailed off before giving the dragoness a hard look. “She knows already, doesn’t she?”

Smolder just smiled wider.

“Of course, she wants him. Not that it’s a bad idea anyway.” He looked at the remaining folders. “You’ve vetted all of these already, haven’t you? Are the rest of these going to be practically a fait accompli?”

“Pretty much,” Smolder replied without remorse. “But we still want your approval to open up completely to permanent residents. As Princess of Friendship, Twilight is eager to begin the program, but Mama Trixie won’t override you. As this decision requires the approval of a majority of the Triarchs, you need to give the go ahead.”

Mark grimaced. “I see that I’m holding things back, so I give in. So why don’t you take that stack of applications and get to work processing them.”

The dragoness smiled as she gathered up the documents. “Thanks, Father.”

Mark mock-glared at her. “And the resident visas are for three years only! If they truly belong here, they can apply for citizenship or go back to Earth!”

Smolder chuckled. “I know, Father. I remember what we decided before all this started.”

Mark nodded. “Good. Now, let me get back to my work and grumble about smart-ass kids.”

She walked around the desk to give her father-in-law a hug before departing.

Mark leaned back in his seat and let out a sigh. He realized that much of the tension that had been haunting him had now gone. As usual, it had taken a figurative kick in the rear to get his head straight. But that was why he had people like Smolder and his wives to keep him on the level.

He picked up his discarded paperwork. “I suppose I had better stop dragging my hooves on the tourist plans too.”

A week later, Mark entered the Throne Room and paused. Unexpectedly, Princess Nyx waited for him at the side of the throne instead of Celestia. As Day Court was due to start very soon and he wanted to review the session’s applicants, he was concerned about his advisor’s absence.

“Where’s your Auntie Celestia?” he asked the alicorn mare as he trotted up to the dais and settled onto the throne.

Nyx smiled, her slit-pupiled eyes beaming at him. “She’s not coming. I’m your new official Advisor. Here’s the list of petitioners.” She passed over a clipboard in her magic.

Mark ignored it for the moment and frowned softly. “What’s this about being my Advisor? Nopony told me about this, young lady.”

“It was Mom’s idea. I’ve been training with her with Auntie Celestia’s help to be Mom’s backup Advisor, but she reckons that you need me more than she does. And I love that I get to be in such an important position already.” She did an excited little dance on tippy hooves, reminding Mark very much of Twilight.

Mark looked at her skeptically. “So, without even consulting or warning me, I’m supposed to hold a full normal Day Court session with an inexperienced Advisor?”

Nyx’s smile died and her ears drooped. “You don’t want me?”

Mark winced at the young mare’s hurt expression. “It’s just that I’ve never worked with you before. You’ve always just been Twilight’s daughter to me.”

“Exactly!” she replied defiantly. “Who do you think taught me so much about being a princess? And with Auntie Celestia’s lessons, I say I’m up to the task.”

The prince looked around for any sign that his wife was watching surreptitiously in case Nyx needed help. He then cast a quick spell to reveal any hidden heat sources which would expose the breath of any invisible observer. Not seeing any, he canceled the spell and decided to have faith in Celestia. “Okay, it’s sink or swim time. Let’s get this show on the road.” Looking over to the main doors, he spoke up. “Sergeant-At-Arms – let the public in.”

Mark had to admit that Nyx had handled the job well, especially for her first time. While she did not have the supreme confidence of Chrysalis nor Celestia’s vast depth of experience, she had done her homework well and he had not lacked the information needed to deal with each petitioner fairly and expeditiously. When the final citizen left and the Throne Room doors closed, the stallion got off his throne and gave the mare a hug.

“Well done, Nyx. With a bit more experience, I can see that you will make as fine an Advisor as any of your predecessors. Just remember that it’s also your job to point out other possible solutions rather than just support what I say. That’s why you’re called an advisor, not an assistant.”

Nyx nodded, relieved now that she had completed the session without making a goof. “I’ll remember that, Uncle Mark.”

“And don’t be afraid to glare at the obnoxious petitioners and show your fangs. Your Aunt Sally was particularly good at that.”

Nyx giggled. “Yes, sir!”

“Good. Now let’s go have lunch and tell your mom and Auntie Celestia all about this morning. I bet they’re dying to hear about your debut.”

While Prince Mark had drawn up the plans for introducing humans to Equestria, it was up to Smolder to implement those policies. However, the dragoness had more than enough on her plate to occupy her time already, so she had to delegate responsibility for that job to another department. The position needed someone who not just had experience with authority, but also the disposition to deal with hordes of strangers. Much to her relief, that had been easy to fulfill. She reached out to one of her former School of Friendship classmates.

“Ready for your first day, Director Silverstream?” she asked the hippogriff who was smartly dressed in a business jacket.

The mare grinned. “More than ready! I’m so excited to be able to meet these humans!”

Queen Novo had sent Silverstream to represent hippogriffs at Twilight’s new school and, after the outstanding success of that endeavor, she had been grooming her niece for bigger and better things. The position that Smolder had offered seemed like an excellent career move to both the Queen and Silverstream. Not only was it a prestigious position but it also put hippogriffs in the forefront of relationships with their new interplanetary friends.

While Silverstream had a staff to deal with the anticipated high volume of applications, the mare intended to perform the residency interviews herself. She liked to meet new people and she had fine instincts for their character, honed by extensive experience with all the races on Equus. Although the vast majority of visa applications would be for tourists and thus not required to meet such stringent standards, anyone planning to live permanently with the multitude of species that made up the Equestrian Empire would need to prove to her that they would fit in.

Armed with a sheaf of folders filled with print-outs of the application forms and background checks, she practically pranced into her embassy office and sat down at her desk. Opening the folder for the first interview of the day, she quickly reviewed it before using the intercom to ask for the applicant to be sent in. This was going to be fun!

# # # # # # # # #

Author's Note:

Life goes on, and so does the task of governing Equestria. What do you think of Nyx's and Silverstream's new positions?

Comments ( 26 )

Putting Nyx in that position makes perfect sense as does Silverstream to some extent. Though I can't see Silverstream's side going perfectly smoothly of course between the more mundane background checks they can have a changing or two also checking things

It is never easy as a ruler to let things go when the heart is hurt and involved in your business or country. But it is nice that Mark can make some progress on himself when the family uses the Clue×4 Mk#4 on him.

It will take some time and effort for these lucky few that get the visas to prove that they will earn to keep them and show some better traits of humanity.

Silverstream could do with a changeling hidden as a small cusion in the corner.

Names O Kneel.

Mainly because it would be easier than a hygine product on the shelf.

Bottle of Tealc. :trollestia:

Maybe someone should remind me who Twilight is with now, where she got the knicks from, skipped it

Safety can be a accomplished by checking everything coming from human side. Naked arrival.
Screening on all goods coming in.

But safety can only be accomplished so long... but the visa policy is a good thing.

Nyx has a good starter job for a higher position.
Silverstream? Sound like something that maybe a adult and less over energetic character like ersrlf could accomplish over time.

Makes me wonder if Marks earth like our,earth is a more violent version of humanity.
In the Equestrian versions some where very violent up to impossible to even talk to.
Perhaps this earth is on the higher difficulty level.
I read currently other humanity has contact with a Equestrian or even the planet. More reasonable and less violent.
Though it might be a thing of perspective.

Nyx is the Nightmare Moon Filly resurrection from the Fanfic Past Sins.

Twilight and Mark ended up in that AU during the events of time and dimension hopping to try and stop Starlight.

Inaccurately believing the timeline would vanish when Starlight would be stopped, Past Sins Twilight tricked Mark's Twilight into merging with her... Nyx was then placed in a bag of holding and brought to Mark's reality when Starlight was defeated.

As for who she's with, believe it's just her husband Thorax

Are we not as big a threat to them?

Humans are willing to throw themselves into dragon jaws if it would give their fellows the five seconds they needed to gut the rest of it.

Mark pounded a hoof on his desk. “We’re not going to murder anyone!”

Lets see how quickly that particular sentiment get chucked out the window once some of them start getting attached to their two legged compatriots

Don’t we actually have covert operatives on Earth gathering intelligence on all the governments that deal with us?

Which more then likely we've been aware of and have been drip feeding dead ends and false trails since the first inkling of malfeasance reared its head.

Is that what happened. Boy thats all manner of horrible. I get they're pretty much the same, but that doesn't mean they're the same person.:twilightoops:


It will take some time and effort for these lucky few that get the visas to prove that they will earn to keep them and show some better traits of humanity.

It would probably help to encourage visits from religious officials. Like actual officials, not Walden P. Dinkdick and his inbred wonders, but offering tea with Imams, Rabbis, and the various Orthodox Bishops might go a long way. The Pope... ehh, it might be seen as a slight, but given the Church's recent activities ponies would probably be in the right to just send him a fruit basket and a card for now

May Nyx be the challenging advisor/aide/callitwhatyouwill (hey, just woke up and on first coffee) that Mark has been looking for.

He definitely does NOT want a yes-mare, he wants someone who will check and balance him at Court as needed. May Nyx have the wherewithal to be all she can be.

I wonder... will we see the rest of the CMC, and what jobs could they fill?

Humans see a threat where none is...

What could possibly go wrong?

But the marines are on their way:
With a epic showdown:

Yay we see Nyx again


Silverstream? Sound like something that maybe a adult and less over energetic character like ersrlf could accomplish over time.

These events are many years ahead of when we met Silverstream in "Off The Mark". She has been an adult for quite a while.

Yeah, humans def don't have the best track record, we can barely make peace with our own kind, much less a totally alien race. And sadly, there would be those who would immediately cry havoc at the idea of treating with "animals or magic".

That being said, Marc was halfway ready to pull an isolationist policy on Equestria, what would his fear/borderline paranoia cause next? shutting down Twilight's dimensional gateway? banning non-ponies? I say this not out of actual belief, but out of worry that if another nutjob caused harm to one of his herdmates he might not react well. Good thing Smoulder was able to help him break out of the spiral thought process.


Thats making a number of assumptions, first that humans are a large part antagonistic towards ponies (they are not, from what I've seen) and more to the point, that Mark hadn't already made his point (and that alicorns haven't already been deemed walking Nuclear Power States unto themselves).

I figured it would be a very Chrysalis kind of plan, at least for this AU. Because she'd know that if you hurt someone, they heal and come back after you. But you go for Maximum Emotional Damage, and you destroy the will to fight.

Or you make them so utterly desperate they don't care what happens to them so long as the source of their pain is either crippled or no more


Inaccurately believing the timeline would vanish when Starlight would be stopped, …

Actually, that was accurate. From Chapter 50 of Off The Mark,

“… If Twilight has something from that world that weighs as much as a small book, she can try to open a dimensional portal. Her attempts with the plague-devastated and House Path worlds were successful. When she tried with Nyx’s home dimension and the realm with the nightmare creature, it was like there was nothing on the other side.”

Twilight is with Thorax. She stole Nyx (accidentally) during the time shenanigans with Starlight.
You know, we're not sure if they ever returned to that universe...

Ah, I thought memory derped somewhere.

That moment when fansperg forgets a bit minutia amidst literally amongst an authors works spanning genres and years


Moral objection withdrawn with the caveat the merging thing is still immoral even while done under duress

Makes we wonder what horror stories humans come up with:
The invasion is at hand if conspiracy is to be belived:


But seriously, it's time to set more firm rules.
The human governments are to lax, they are no longer alone in the universe after all.
Maybe restart the space travel age, first to the moon than comes the mars, finally in time... reaching beyond ~♡
There must be undiscovered Alien Waifus out there♡, waiting to be found! :pinkiehappy:




Drill instructors have long lamented their impotence at thwarting any and all forms of d:yay:cking. This CO's hubris knows no end

Hm... the potencial for alien Waifus might be what gets humanity of this dying rock...

Seriously, scientist give us less than 200 years at our current speed of environmental damage.
We crossed the line if no return like 10 years ago... if not longer.


Seriously, scientist give us less than 200 years at our current speed of environmental damage.
We crossed the line if no return like 10 years ago... if not longer.

While I to do believe we are stewards of the world and should conserve nature (if for no other reason then self preservation), I call into question the studies of people whose policies have made things worse and attempted to turn a child into their "humanist" messiah.

Bernard scenario of a eventual exodus due to a succession of wars then due to outright environmental collapse is the most likely scenario, but I doubt even such an event is likely at this point

There was a photograph that recorded a mountan for 60 + years.
First picture has the mountain 4/5 with snow, last picture wasn't with any show on it anymore.
In less than a century.
I doubt we make it even 200 years.
Pretty sure the space travel plans in the near future are a result of the government recognition that our planet is fucked.
I doubt humanity will make it, but maybe...

Not saying I disagree at all, just saying I find little stock in the moral fortitude of people who not have a hefty incentive to impose their will by any means necessary but have openly stated their disdain for people like me and mine, but when has the opinion of uncultured vermin like us ever mattered:ajsmug:

I wanted to actually look into this anime, but after Berserk, putting horse and anime/manga will probably result in me being put on some alphabet agencies track registry

I wonder when they show how badass they can be!
Maybe Shining Armor show off big time against attackers. Best if the sttackers lifestream it zo the internet by chance from multiple angles:

I wonder what out of the blue sales pitch is coming the ponies way?
As in the SG1 chapter in a prequel was mentioned, Mark Wells has to protect Equestria from trash items.

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