• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,329 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

The boys are back in town...But they never left and you are the new here

As Spike lay on the bench, gazing at the sky with a pensive expression, his friends were having fun playing football in the local park. The sun shone high, creating a warm and pleasant afternoon for outdoor enjoyment, which Spike couldn't seem to embrace.

From his vantage point, Spike could hear the laughter and shouts of his friends as they ran across the field, chasing the ball and arguing because apparently one team's goalposts were more sturdy than the other's. Although he enjoyed spending time with his group of friends, this time he preferred to take a moment for himself and reflect in silence.

As he watched the clouds drifting in the blue sky, Spike let his thoughts wander freely, reflecting on recent events in his life. He thought about his family in Ponyville, his friendship with the people in this universe, and the adventures he had in both universes.

As the sun slowly moved across the sky, Spike felt lonely and weighed down by his situation. Although life could sometimes be complicated and full of uncertainty, Spike had rarely felt troubled before; certainly, the more he thought about it, the more he doubted if the adventure against King Sombra had been his worst experience emotionally.

After a while, one of his friends approached Spike and sat beside him on the bench.

"Are you okay, Spike?" Tender Taps asked with concern, noticing Spike's thoughtful expression.

Spike nodded with a soft smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking a bit."

"Are you also wondering what you'd like to be?" Tender Taps asked somewhat innocently, reminding Spike that they were still kids after all, though he couldn't call anyone immature.

"...Yeah," Spike replied after a couple of seconds, deciding to lie rather than having to explain or lie about the situation he was truly experiencing.

"Well, if you ever want to talk about it, I'll be here for you," Tender Taps said kindly. "But for now, would you like to join us and play some football? It'll surely cheer you up."

"No, thanks," Spike said with a slight sigh as he covered his eyes with his arm to shield them from the direct sunlight.

"Okay, Spike," Tender Taps responded kindly. "Take all the time you need. We'll be here when you decide to join."

With a reassuring smile, Tender Taps stood up from the bench and joined the other friends who continued playing football on the field. Meanwhile, Spike remained alone on the bench, immersed in his thoughts and emotions.

His thoughts wandered between memories of his life in Ponyville and the experiences he had in this world. He wondered if he had made the right decisions, if he had done the right thing by accepting that he couldn't return yet. Uncertainty consumed him, leaving him with a sense of emptiness and loneliness. Spike sighed as he wrestled with his thoughts and emotions, feeling overwhelmed by uncertainty and nostalgia. He wondered if he would ever find a solution to his situation, if he would ever reconcile his life in Ponyville with his life in this world, if he would ever find a place where he truly belonged.

As time passed, Spike felt increasingly lost and disoriented. The feeling of loneliness and disconnection enveloped him, making him feel even more isolated from his friends and everything he had ever known.

"Hey Spike!" Snips' voice interrupted him as he leaned over Spike's head, resting his hands on either side. "We're going to get some candy! Wanna come?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," Spike said, trying to hide his turmoil behind a mask of normalcy. "That sounds fun."

Snips grinned widely, seemingly oblivious to any signs of discomfort from Spike.

"Awesome!" Snips exclaimed enthusiastically. "Let's go then!"

With that, Snips stepped away from the bench and waited for Spike to get up to accompany him to the candy store. Spike sighed internally, grateful for the momentary distraction that the trip to the candy store would provide.

As he rose from the bench and followed Snips and the rest of the group, Spike tried to leave behind his thoughts and worries for a moment, focusing on the present moment and enjoying the company of his friends, if only for a while. Perhaps the answers to his questions and the solution to his problems would come with time, but for now, he was determined to make the most of the time he had with his friends and find some comfort and joy in their company.

As Spike and his friends returned to the park, Pipsqueak watched Spike closely, noticing the dull expression on his face and the subdued tone in his voice. He approached Spike with concern in his eyes, feeling the need to find out what was happening with his friend.

"Are you okay, Captain?" Pipsqueak asked gently, placing a reassuring hand on Spike's shoulder. "You seem a bit... distracted."

Spike looked up at Pipsqueak and raised an eyebrow somewhat confused before giving him a gentle punch on the shoulder. "Hey, Scootaloo is still the captain."

Pipsqueak smiled slightly at Spike's response, acknowledging his attempt to divert attention from the sensitive topic he was trying to address.

"Yeah, of course, sorry Spike," replied Pipsqueak with a soft laugh. "I thought you looked a little worried, but if everything's fine, then it's fine."

Spike nodded, starting to feel better, deciding that he simply needed to enjoy the time with his friends; he didn't want to ruin their day with his mood.

"Hey Spike! The guys are gonna do their raps! Wanna listen!?" Rumble said with a somewhat teasing smile, as the whole group knew how bad of rappers Snails and Snips could be.

With a smile on his face, Spike joined the group as they prepared to listen to Snails and Snips' improvised raps. Although he knew they wouldn't be the world's best rappers, Spike was sure they would be fun and entertaining, and that was all that mattered at that moment.

"Alright, guys! This rap is about the worst thing that can happen to a person!" Snails would say, with a rapper cap turned backward, while Snips stood beside him with a gold chain that no one knew where he had gotten it from.

"Socks, socks, they're on my feet!,
Keep 'em clean, or they'll smell like a beet.
Slide 'em on, they feel so neat,
But lose one sock, and your pair's incomplete.

Cotton, polyester, wool, or silk,
Mix 'em up, wear 'em like you're dressed in milk.
Toe socks, crew socks, ankle socks too,
Rock 'em with sandals, I ain't judgin' you.

Socks, socks, they're on my feet!,
Keep 'em clean, or they'll smell like a beet.
Slide 'em on, they feel so neat,
But lose one sock, and your pair's incomplete.

Lost in the laundry, where do they go?
One sock missing, it's a fashion no-no.
Mismatched pairs, oh what a sight,
But who cares, we'll still rock 'em right!

So next time you're steppin' out, don't forget your socks,
They're more than just fabric, they're footwear rocks.
Keep 'em fresh, keep 'em clean,
Socks on fleek, that's how we lean!"

After that rap, the two would cross their arms, leaning against each other back to back, leaving the rest of the group in silence.

"That was... Ironically your best rap so far," Pipsqueak would say, surprised by the way his two friends had done a rather impressive rap.

"And it was about socks?... Seriously, guys?" Button Mash would say, raising an eyebrow, pointing at the duo with his hands.

Snips and Snails looked at each other, exchanging a proud smile at the recognition from their friends.

"Yeah, that's right," Snails replied with a laugh. "Who would have thought socks could be so inspiring for the art of rap!"

Snips nodded enthusiastically, adding, "Exactly! Sometimes, the simplest things can inspire the best ideas."

"...You guys are just you," Spike would say, laughing a bit as he covered his face with both hands.

With the sun beginning to set on the horizon, the group decided to start gathering their things and head back home. Spike bid farewell to his friends, wishing everyone a good night and promising to meet again soon. As he walked home, Spike would notice some strange movement in one of the alleys, so he decided to peer in, confused.

Spike would furrow his brow upon seeing a group of teenagers sitting on the dumpsters in the alley. It seemed strange to him to see them there, and he wondered what they might be doing in such an unconventional place.

Deciding to investigate further, Spike would approach the alley, trying to be discreet so as not to draw attention from the teenagers. He would hide behind a dumpster, observing the scene with curiosity and caution.

From his hiding spot, Spike would overhear snippets of the teenagers' conversation, although he wouldn't fully understand what they were talking about. He would try to inch closer to listen better, but without drawing attention to himself.

As he observed, Spike would notice that the teenagers seemed to be passionately discussing something, gesturing and speaking loudly. Something about their behavior would raise Spike's suspicions.

"I'm telling you, Fume! It's impossible for Mistress Marvelous to beat anyone in the group! Even Radiance is stronger than her!" One of the boys would say, shouting and poking his finger into the forehead of another slightly thinner teenager.

Spike would frown upon hearing the discussion among the teenagers, noticing the tension in the air and the animosity in their voices, but most importantly, the fallacies in the arguments they were using in the discussion.

"Excuse me, can I ask what you're talking about?" Spike would inquire with curiosity, trying to sound friendly and non-intrusive.

The teenagers would turn surprised upon hearing Spike's voice, not expecting to be interrupted in their private conversation. One of them, who seemed to be the leader of the group, would furrow his brow and approach Spike with a challenging look in his eyes.

"And who are you?" the teenager would ask, with a tone of distrust. "Why are you sticking your nose into our business?"

Spike would remain calm in the face of the teenager's reaction, trying to explain his curiosity in a friendly manner.

"I'm Spike," he would respond, extending his hand in a gesture of peace. "I was just passing by and overheard your conversation. I was intrigued by what you were discussing and thought I might join in."

The leader of the group would study Spike for a moment, assessing whether he could trust him or not. After a moment of deliberation, he would seem to decide that Spike posed no threat and would relax slightly.

"Well, since you're here, I guess there's no harm in telling you a little about what we were talking about," the teenager would say, his tone of voice calmer now. "But if you speak out of turn, we'll break your jaw, got it, shrimp?"

Spike would nod understandingly, catching the not-so-subtle hint.

"...We're talking about the latest Power Ponies movie. They're going to face each other, and this idiot insists that Lasso Girl is stronger than Radiance!" a taller, heavier teenager would say, pointing at Fume.

"THE POWER PONIES ARE HAVING A MOVIE!?" Spike would exclaim with a sparkle in his eyes upon hearing that.

"...Um, yeah? It's like the tenth one in the cinematic universe,"

Spike would slump to the ground, overcome with excitement at the news of a Power Ponies movie. The teenagers would look at him with surprise and confusion, unsure of how to react to his extreme reaction.

After a while, Spike would be sitting as the rest of the group watched him, puzzled.

"Sorry guys, I got a little too excited," Spike would say, trying to smile with dignity. "But thanks for telling me about the movie! I definitely have to see it!"

The teenagers would smile at Spike's reaction, sharing his excitement for the upcoming Power Ponies movie.

"No problem, buddy!" the chubby teenager would exclaim. "We're excited to see it too! It's great to find another Power Ponies fan around here!"

"Tsk! We're not fans of the Power Ponies! We just... Like their movies!" Garble would say, nudging the chubby teenager a bit. "...Anyway, I'm Garble! These are Fume and Clump."

"It's great to meet you guys! I'm Spike!" Spike would exclaim enthusiastically, extending his hand to shake Garble, Fume, and Clump's in a gesture of camaraderie. "And thanks again for telling me about the movie! We'll definitely have to watch it together when it comes out."

"Oh, that sounds awesome, bro!" Clump would say before Garble grabs him by the hood to pull him away from Spike.

"Tsk, maybe bringing someone to distract my sister at the movies so she stops asking us every little thing is a good idea," Garble would say before simply sighing. "Alright, shorty, looks like you've earned yourself a free ticket, hehe."

Spike would smile widely at Garble's invitation and the prospect of watching the movie with his new friends. He would thank Garble for the generous offer and express his excitement for the opportunity to enjoy the movie together.

"Wow, thanks, Garble!" Spike would exclaim, with a grateful smile. "I'm excited to watch the movie with you and your friends!"

Garble would smile slightly at Spike's excitement, acknowledging that the night promised to be fun and full of adventures with his new friend.

"Exactly, shorty!" Fume would reply with a laugh. "It's going to be an epic night we won't forget!"

Noticing that it was starting to get late, Spike would bid farewell after getting Garble's number and rush home.

After a couple of minutes of walking, he would finally arrive at Celestia's house, entering after wiping his feet on the doormat.

"How was it, Spike?" Celestia would say as she watched TV, sipping some tea.

"Umm... It was fine, I guess... I had a good time with my friends," Spike would say, feeling a bit uncomfortable in the woman's presence.

Celestia would look up from the TV upon hearing Spike's response, noticing his discomfort and deciding to address the issue with sensitivity.

"I'm glad to hear that, Spike," Celestia would respond with a gentle smile. "It's always important to spend time with friends and enjoy their company."

"Yeah... I... I'll go take a shower," he would say before quickly walking away, leaving Celestia alone in the living room to sigh and continue with her own activities.