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Prison Lane part 2

*Scootaloo's POV*

We got through the prison entrance, now we just gotta get into the core of the prison.

Miyuki spoke "We should be careful though, we don't know when fatty will attack again."

But then G.U.N. security drones appeared.

A quartet of owl Beastmen flew at the machines before flinging them about.

The Barn owl Beastman spoke "You foxes go on ahead! My friends and I got this!"

Inari figured a missile that slipped through a lower gate’s bars before destroying a drone on the other side, causing it to open.

Tails spoke "Thanks, but be careful, because I don’t think stealth is an option here."

The barn owl Beastman spoke "Hello?! We owl beastmen are silent fliers."

The elf owl Beastwoman spoke "Don't be an idiot Soren."

Soren spoke "Oh, sorry."

The burrowing owl Beastman chuckles "She got you good Soren."

Soren spoke "Shut it Digger."

Thorax, Amy, Miyuki and those of us in the Cyclone moved forward as we destroyed drones, spotlights, security cameras and bots while unlocking paths before we wrecked some crates and encountered a bomb robot.

Soren spoke "One of the students from Crystal Prep had gone missing not long after a few students and the CHS vice-principal had gone missing."

Thorax spoke "That last part sounds off."

Soren spoke "I heard about it straight from Principal Celestia herself."

"Wait! How do you know Principal Celestia?" I noticed as we destroyed the bomb robots before continuing forward while destroying enemies and opening gates.

Soren spoke "The principal of my school knows her and Vice-Principal Luna as the Silver Wolf's Wrath."

"Oh." I noted as we moved forward before reaching and elevator that went uphill as we noticed drones while going up.

Tails asks "Inari?"

Inari spoke "On it."

Inari fired the missiles, destroying the drones before we reached the top and found two more drones there with the gate closed.

Soren spoke "We're close."

We beat the drones, opening the gate as we moved forward while opening more gates and destroying enemy drones, bots and mech before reaching the last area before those of us in the Cyclone noticed a room to the left.

Tails asks "Miyuki, think you can force open that gate on the left?"

Miyuki spoke "Of course."

Gylfie spoke "Hold on! There's a trigger trap behind that door! If it's force open, it'll explode!"

But then Inari fired a missile somewhere and it hit something, causing the gate to open without setting off the trap as crates blocked the way.

Rusty then fired the vulcan cannon at the crates, clearing a path we as moved past the gate when Inari fired a missile left and right, destroying two mech, opening a gate and revealing what looked like can help upgrade the Cyclone.

Miyuki asks "But why would GUN arrest Sonic for something he didn't do?"

Amy spoke "Let’s ask that when we get to Sonic and the others."

We got the piece as Tails started installing it onto the Cyclone.

Tails spoke "We got the Laser Blaster, which means the lock-on missiles are stronger now. The missiles will spread as they explode, destroying enemies in a wider area."

It didn’t take long for Tails to finish the missile launcher upgrade.

Tails spoke "Still, we did it! That was easy."

Thorax spoke "Too easy if you ask me... I hear buzzing... Oh no... we have to hide, I hear a patrol coming."

Tails spoke "Don’t worry, we’re nearby now."

Miyuki spoke "Yeah, but to be safe, Amy, you and Thorax got to the cell and get them free."

Amy spoke *"Smile* On it."

A changeling Beastman with purple eyes and red hair spoke "NOT ANOTHER STEP!!"

Thorax was cowering behind Amy.

Thorax spoke "Th-that's my older brother, Pharynx..."

A few seconds later, Pharnyx was knocked out cold in the floor with his lower half sticking out, due to Amy using her hammer.

Sunset pops up via magic.

Sunset giggles "Reminds me of the few times a certain dog got the sit command."

Amy spoke "Anyway, let’s go!"

Amy and Thorax headed off with Sunset following.

Pharynx growls "I hate that hedgehog..."

Miyuki froze the changeling's flank at that.

Pharynx hisses at Miyuki before knocking her over with a tackle.

But then Miyuki froze Pharynx completely.

Pharynx shapeshifted to a phoenix Beastman, melting the ice.

Pharynx screeches loud before several more Changeling Beastmen appear.

Tails asks "*Pressing a few buttons* Inari? Scootaloo?"

"Right." Inari and I nodded before Tails gave out gas masks for all of us before we put them on. I spun the upper half of the Cyclone Walker form as Inari fired a lot of missiles, hitting all forty changelings as the missiles exploded with sleeping gas, knocking the changelings out cold.

Gylphie asks "Wait, where's Soren?"

Tails spoke "He could've followed Amy, Thorax and Sunset."
