• Published 12th Feb 2024
  • 830 Views, 49 Comments

Beyblade Burst Equestria Girls - Chacorn

If the lines between two worlds are broken. Then there is only one thing left to do. Let it, Rip!

  • ...

12. Second Semi-Final! Into the Zone!

Robin stood there in shock. He hadn't expected anyone to come into the room. At least one blading legend like Xander Shakadera. "X-Xander Shakadera" Robin stuttered out. "The one and only" Xander said with a small chuckle. With that he walked into the room and said "Well, what are you doing here?" Robin turned his head and said "What do you mean?" nervously.

"If I'm not mistaken, Sunset is your friend, right?" Xander asked. "um, yes. But why do you ask that, sir" Robin said, still nervous. Xander gave a soft laugh and said "Hey. There's no reason to be formal. Just call me Xander. I was just wondering why you weren't watching her match"

Robin stretched his back and said "I just wanted to be ready for my next match" Xander said in response "Are you really that worried that you might lose?"

"It's not that I can lose. It's that I've already done that before" Robin said and Xander gave a confused look. "After I won against Sonata, Adagio challenged me to a battle" Robin said, lowering his head.

With that Xander laughed and said "Really. That's all it's about? You lost to her once" But then Robin said "It's more than that" Xander glanced at Robin and saw that he was serious about what he was saying. "Me and Sunset promised each other to meet in the finals. So that's why I want to be ready. I'm going to keep my promise to her."

Xander smiled and said "I see then. Now I understand why you are so into training as much as you can. This reminds me of some of my friends" Robin looked at Xander interested and said "Who?"

"Two guys named Valt and Shu" Xander said and Robin's eyes widened. "Valt and Shu? You mean Valt Aoi and Shu Kurenai?" Xander laughed and said "Yep. a couple of years ago they both took part in the national tournament. When it came to the semi finals they promised each other to meet in the finals. And during Valt's match Shu went and trained for his match"

"Wow" Robin said and Xander replied "Yup. Nothing like a promise between rivals to get through a tough battle" With that Robin went back to the stadium and turned it back on. "But in order for me to keep my promise, there's one person I have to get past," Robin said, thinking of Adagio's smug face after she won against him.

"Let it, Rip!" he shouted and Drago attacked the infinity Bey. "I've come up with a plan. I'm sure it will work" he said and Xander saw the determination in his eyes.

"So you want to win more than anything else?" he asked. Robin was a little confused as to why Xander was asking that. "Of course I want to win," replied Robin.

"So don't think" said . Robin looked at Xander confused and said "Huh" Xander smiled and said "Stop thinking and get in the zone. When you do, you'll understand"

Robin considered what Xander said but then said "Wait. Why are you giving me advice? Isn't that cheating?" Xander smiled and said "Maybe. But I see something in you kid. Let's see if you can bring it out" and with that Xander walked out of the room.

Robin was confused and didn't understand what Xander meant. "Into the zone? What does he mean?" he said, thinking.

It was now evening and the main 9 had arranged a dinner to celebrate that Sunset had moved on. They all had a big appetite except Robin who was still worried about his battle. Just then, Sunset noticed that Robin had barely eaten anything. "Hey Robin. What's wrong? You barely ate any of your food" She said but Robin just continued to stare.

"Ho Ho, Robin" Amelia said but Robin was still staring. "ROBIN" Pinkie yelled and that made Robin bolt up and then he said "Huh, what. What did you say?" Sunset walked up to him and asked him "Are you okay? You barely ate any of your food"

Robin looked and saw that Sunset was right. "Oops. I guess I zoned out there" he said scratching the back of his head. "Well, what's wrong sugarcube?" Applejack asked. "It's nothing. Really" Robin said but no one was buying it.

"Dude, you're a useless liar" Rainbow said. Robin tried to say something in defense but gave up. He showed that it wouldn't stop asking him before he answered.

"Are you worried about tomorrow?" Fluttershy asked. Robin turned his head and said "No. Maybe" with that he sighed and turned back saying "Okay. I'm worried"

"Are you afraid of losing to Adagio?" asked Twilight but then Robin said "Yeah but that's not what I'm most worried about" They all looked at him and he said "I just can't lose. Both because I can't lose without giving it my all"

He then turned to Sunset and said "And because I don't want to break my promise with you Sunset" Sunset was a little taken aback but then Robin said "We promised to meet in the finals and I just can't lose without keeping my promise"

Sunset looked at him in surprise. But then Amelia put a hand on Robin and said "Don't worry bro. You can handle it easily" Then Rainbow said "Yeah, You will kick her back" the others agreed and then Sunset said "Don't worry about winning or if you lose. Give it your all and we'll be rooting for you all over the way"

Sunset's and the other's words made Robin tear up a little. "Are you crying?" Rainbow said teasingly but then Robin wiped away the tears and said "Only because you're such good friends can I cry like this" They all smiled but then Robin started throwing food and everyone started laughing.

"Hello boys and girls. Hope you are rested because it is finally time for the second semi final match of The Sword Flame Cup" said the announcer and everyone in the audience cheered.

"Now without delay let's welcome the bladers to the stage" said the announcer and with that the red doors opened. "In The Red Corner. It's The Crimson Dragon, Robin Kings" said the announcer and the crowd cheered.

Sunset and the others called out Robin's name and cheered. After a while the blue doors opened and the announcer said "And in the Blue Corner. It's The Singing Queen, Adagio Dazzle"

The crowd cheered and Sonata cheered loudly as they both walked towards the stadium. "Hope you're ready to get smashed, kid" Adagio said but Robin didn't listen and focused.

"First Battle" said the ref and Adagio put Siren in stamina mode. Both lined up and the ref said "Ready, Set"

"3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" both shouted and both Beys flew into the stadium. Siren went towards the center but Drago spun very slowly.

"What's wrong here? Drago barely has any momentum. Could this be a failed launch" the announcer said and the others got worried.

"Robin has never launched this weak before" Rainbow said worriedly and then Twilight said "Could he have panicked at the last moment?" They continued to watch as Drago and Siren made contact and the energy was drained.

Adagio smiled and said "looks like it's over before it's even started" With that she looked towards Robin to see the despair on his face. But there was something else there, a smile.

Adagio looked confused and then looked at both Beys. They collided a few times but Drago didn't slow down. Just then she noticed that Drago was actually speeding up and Sunset and Amelia noticed the same thing.

"Sorry to say but he's a goner" Applejack said but then Sunset said "Don't worry. Robin still has a trick up his sleeve" They all but Amelia turned to Sunset in confusion. "What are you talking about Sunset. His power is being stolen right under his nose" Rainbow said but Sunset just smiled and said "It's not always what it seems"

Amelia then said "Whatever Robin does it's no mistake" they all looked at Robin confused and noticed that Drago was spinning faster than before. "Drago spins too slow for Siren to steal its energy. In fact the drainer has become the drainee" the announcer said.

"Now I get it. Robin's launch was intentionally weak" Twilight said with a smile and then Rainbow said "He's using her own trick against her for some sweet payback"

"Looks like we have a battle of endurance. Who will stop first" said the exclaimer and both Bey's started spinning but after a while they started to slow down. Robin and Adagio stared intently at the two Beys watching it slow down more and more but after a while Siren stopped with Drago a second behind.

Both of them gasped and the ref said "Crash Drago with a Survivor Finish, Point standings 1-0" With that Robin said "Yes" and the crowd cheered. "Amazing. Drago managed to use Siren's technique and took the lead"

Xander was up in a room watching the match. "Not bad kid. But you won't be able to play the same card again. So what's your plan?" He said and with that Adagio picked her up Bey.

"I didn't expect that kind of move. seems like he's actually improved" she thought looking at Robin. Robin looked at Drago and thought "Good. It went as planned. But she'll expect it now. It's time for plan B"

"Second battle" said the ref and both got ready and then the ref said "Ready, Set" Then both shouted "3... 2... 1... Let it, Rip!" and both beys flew away at full speed.

"and they're off. Drago is moving full speed as Siren takes on the center" the announcer said and as Siren got to the center Robin shouted "Go Drago, Crash Launch" Drago dived for an attack but then Adagio shouted "Time for Melody spin"

Drago attacked Siren several times and the announcer said "Siren is lurking in the center and Drago is attacking non-stop. Looks like Siren's drain trick is working again" But just then the announcer noticed something else and said "Wait. I spoke too soon. Drago delivers a steady stream of attacks while Siren is unable to absorb its energy"

The crowd cheered while the others were impressed by Robin's trick. "How does he even do that?" Rainbow asked. Amelia laughed a little and said "This is the root of Robin's training"

The others turned to her and Twilight asked "What do you mean?" Amelia smiled and said "Robin has been practicing the timing of all the attacks. By only attacking the parts without their spin absorbing rubber, Robin avoids giving Siren his energy"

The others were in awe that Robin came up with this particular strategy. In the battle, Siren had started to slow down more and Robin said "Looks like it's over for you" But Adagio responded with "So this was your strategy. I'm quite disappointed"

"Excuse me" Robin said in confusion. "Dodging a power struggle just shows how cowardly you are. If you had a spine you'd attack straight on" Adagio said with a sly grin. Robin clenched his fist and angrily said "Okay. Then I'll end this with one flashy move"

With that Drago went up the slope and dived and Robin yelled "Crash Breaker" With that Drago slammed into Siren hard and the announcer said "A devastating hit. Is it over for Siren"

Robin said "Yes" but Adagio smiled and Siren managed to get out of Drago's hold. They both circled and collided with each other but this time Siren managed to drain Drago's energy.

"Plot Twist, Siren has managed to drain Drago's spin speed. The tables have turned" the Announcer said and Robin started to worry. After a while, Siren dived straight at Drago and hit so hard that Drago was thrown up in the air.

Robin watched in horror as Adagio said "And here comes the burst" but then Drago hit the ground and Adagio was confused. "Melody Siren with a Ring out finish, Point standings 1-1"

The crowd cheered as the announcer said "And with that, Adagio has evened the score. Looks like we're going to need a tie breaker" as others were now worried and Applejack said "That was too close"

Amelia nodded and said "Robin needs a new strategy and fast" Robin picked up Drago and started to panic a little. "Oh man. What am I going to do? I can't lose" he thought.

Adagio watched as Robin panicked and smiled "This is over already" Robin tried to think of something but then he remembers something from the day before


Amelia- "Don't worry bro. You can handle it easily"

Rainbow- "Yeah, You will kick her back"

Sunset- "Don't worry about winning or if you lose. Give it your all and we'll be rooting for you all over the way"

Xander- "Maybe. But I see something in you kid. Let's see if you can bring it out"

(End of Flashback)

Robin's eyes started to light up and thought "My friends believe in me. I can do this. I just need to give it my all" He turned to Sunset in the audience and said "It's a promise, Sunset" holding out his Bey.

Sunset smiled and thought "Yes, we promised each other" and with that both thought "See you in the finals" at the same time. "Geez. Talk about childishness" Adagio said.

"Forget Sunset. You're not getting past me" she said but then Robin turned around with a serious face. Adagio was tagged back by it and the ref said "Third battle"

Adagio left Siren in attack mode while Robin focused on his Bey. "Stop thinking and get in the zone. When you do, you'll understand" was what Xander had said.

"Into the zone" Robin said weakly and he focused. With that he gave off a crimson glow and Xander noticed and said "Finally. He's in the zone. This is going to be UnBeyievable" and laughed a little.

"Ready, Set" said the ref and raised his hand. "3..." Robin twists his Bey and locks it in place. “2…” He put his foot further back and went down into the stance. “1…” He grabbed the ripcored. He began to angle the Launcher towards the stadium and both shouted "Let it, Rip!" and both pulled the Ripcord hard and both Beys flew into the stadium at high speed.


"Wow. Robin never launched like that before" Pinkie said happily and both Beys walked around the stadium. "Would you look at that. Drago is moving at high speed while Siren is going wild" the announcer said and they were heading towards each other.

"Drago, Crash Launch" Robin shouted and they collided with each other. "Come on Siren. Don't let them mock us" Adagio shouted and they continued to collide with each other.

"Unbelievable. Drago and Siren deliver attack after attack and they refuse to hold back" the announcer said and the crowd cheered. Sunset and the others cheered loudly for Robin while Sonata cheered for Adagio.

They kept colliding for a while but soon it went up the slope and dived against each other. "Time for the Melody Whip" Adagio shouted as Robin shouted "Crash Breaker" and they hit each other so hard sparks flew.

After a while, Drago was knocked out and flew towards the spikes. "What a destructive attack. Is Drago done for?" the announcer said and Drago hit the spikes.

Robin was in shock but Drago held me and managed to make the hit but wobbled. "Drago wobbles. Is this the end for Robin" the announcer said and Adagio smiled saying "Time to end this battle" and Siren went at Drago.

But with that, Robin started roaring and Drago managed to get to the outer rim. With that, Drago started clanging against the rim and managed to get away from Siren. Adagio gasped and the announcer said "Drago miraculously managed to get away"

"LET'S GO, DRAGO" Robin called and then he carried Bey glowing and began to speed up. "What now. Just like that, Drago has put the pedal to the metal" said the announcer.

"Wow. talk about speed" Rainbow said and the others cheered for Robin. Drago continued to speed up and Robin yelled "Faster Drago" Drago sped faster and faster and Robin yelled "Faster, give it all you got"

It rained for a while and Adagio shouted "Don't let them get away. Melody Siren" and then she reasoned with her Bey so its avatar came out.

Drago quickly sped up but also started to shake. When twilight noticed she shouted "Oh no" The others turned to face her and she said "Drago is going too fast. If Drago doesn't slow down it will lose control"

The others looked worriedly at Robin and just then he shouted "Okay. NOW" With that Drago went off the rim and hooked into the wall between two spike zones and started to shoot upwards but also spun like a drill.

Robin then called out "Drago" and resonated with his bey so Drago's avatar appeared. With that, Siren appeared who went up the slope and they were about to attack.

"Melody Whip" shouted Adagio and Robin shouted "End it. Drago Dive" and they collided with each other and sparks flew everywhere. It continued for a while and then Siren burst and Drago zoomed past.

"Crash Drago with a Burst Finish, Robin Kings wins with a final score of 3-1" said the ref and the announcer said "Bursting Beys. Robin Kings has managed to overcome the power of Adagio and Melody Siren. Congratulations''

The crowd cheered and Amelia shouted "You're the best brother ever" they cheered for Robin and then the announcer said "With this win Robin has managed to make it to the final round. Which means the final of The Sword Flame Cup will be between Sunset Shimmer and Robin Kings"

"How" Adagio asked as Robin waved at the others and shouted "I did it Sunset. I won" The others smiled and Xander laughed saying "He really got into the zone there. He really gives it his all. Just like Valt"

Adagio walked away from the stadium. She was heading towards Aria and Sonata but then she heard a voice behind her. "Hey, Adagio" said the voice and then she turned to see Robin there.

"What do you want?" she asked irritably. But Robin just smiled and said "I really had fun" Adagio looked at him in confusion but then Robin said "If you don't have a problem with it, I wouldn't have a problem with battle again sometime"

Adagio was confused why Robin said that but then he said "Gotta go. See you sometime" and with that he left. "I'll never understand that kid" she said and moved on.