• Published 13th Feb 2024
  • 910 Views, 88 Comments

Total Drama Chaos: Spike's Adventure - CaioCoia

Because one of his best friends made a bet with him. Spike embarks on Total Drama Island, facing chaos and forming unexpected bonds. Will he triumph amidst challenges, friendship, and budding romance?

  • ...

Not So Great Outdoors pt 2

Most of the campers looked down the 100-foot-high cliff with either fear or even some excitement. All of them were in swimsuits as they looked at Chris who was standing next to a creature with a picture of a chicken on it.

"Okay!" Chris said to make sure he had all 22 teens' attention. "Today's challenge is three-fold. Your first task is to jump off this 1,00-foot-high cliff into the lake."

Bridgette looked down the cliff without fear and saw that there were indeed two areas. A large wide zone and a smaller circle area within the large zone.

"Piece of cake." Bridgette smiled and confidently said.

"If you look down, you will see two target areas," Chris explained while pointing to the different zones inside of the water. "The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic, hehehe, man-eating sharks."

Everyone looked down and flinched when they saw the fins of sharks appearing in the large zone.

"Also inside that area, there is a safe zone. That's your target area, which, we're pretty sure is shark-free." Chris finally explained the areas. Which didn't help their anxiety at all.

"Excuse me?" Leshawna said to Chris in response to the host's last words. Who seemed to take it as a signal to continue.

"For each member of your team that jumps and actually…survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below." Chris gestured to the beach at the bottom of the cliff where everyone could see two stakes of crates waiting below. "Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge… building a hot tub. The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home."

The group stared at each other until Chris pointed at the Killer Bass team. "Alright, Killer Bass, you're up first.

"Oh, wow…" Bridgette's confidence faded a little as she saw the sharks swimming in the larger zone. The surfer girl then looked to her team and asked. "So, who wants to go first?"

"…" Everyone was completely silent and the chirping of a cricket could be heard.

Their musings are interrupted when Owen laughs optimistically.

"Hey, don't sweat it, guys." The big guy reassured everyone over the cliff. "I heard that these shows always make the interns do the stunt first to make sure it's survivable."

"Oh yeah, we totally did that." Chris nodded, trying to avoid his gaze from everyone.

"It's really no big deal, just an insane dive into a circle of angry sharks." Bridgette tried to reassure herself. So she takes a dive as everyone runs up and looks at her diving into the safety zone. Bridgette came out and waved to everyone, showing that she was fine.

"AWESOME! I'm next! Cowabunga!" Tyler yells as he takes a run off the cliff with his chest puffed up with pride, and runs at the cliff before leaping off with a yell but the high dive ends with his groanings of pain. His body fell on one of the buoy's towers before he slid into the safety zone.

"Woooooo! Hahahah!" Geoff cheered and laughed as he dived down the cliff next, his hat still stuck into his head.

Duncan remained in silence with his arms crossed, ready to take the jump.

"Look out below!" Eva yelled as she jumped down after Geoff.

"…" Duncan was completely silent as he jumped down the cliff with his arms crossed.

Next up was DJ who looked down the cliff, but instead of jumping the teen shook a little and backed away from the edge. "Uh-uh. No way, man." DJ said while waving his hands and backing away more. "I'm not jumping."

"Scared of heights?" Chris asked as DJ turned to him.

"Yeah." DJ nodded. "Ever since I was a kid."

"That's alright big guy," Chris told DJ, getting a smile on the teen's face which was soon lost after what he said next. "Unfortunately, that also makes you a chicken. So, you'll have to wear this for the rest of the day." Chris then reached into the box he was standing next to pulled out a rubber chicken hat and placed it on DJ's head.

"Aw, man. For real?" DJ frowned as he looked up at his new headwear.

"Bawk bawk bawk!" Chris mocked while doing a little chicken dance before pointing to an…escalator that was on the cliff for some reason. "That means the chicken path down is that-a-way. Next."

Just confidently took a dive into the water, just for the fear of everyone he landed outside of the safe zone. Everybody yelled at Justin to swim away from the sharks, until the impossible occurred. The moment the sharks appeared near him, they stopped swimming until they saw the water dripping off his body and his sparking eyes and smile. Which made the sharks enamored with the teenager and helped the handsome boy to pick him up and give him a ride to the shore.

Everyone was slaw-jacked about that. But seeing the group of Killer Bass already had another member on the boat, they cheered for another point for them.

"Yes!" Harold cheered before jumping down…while doing the splits.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Harold yelled in pain as he yelled into the water…crotch fist. Everyone watching, even the sharks, all winced as Harold continued to scream... It was something all the males around the cliff, and even on the beach covered their crotches in reflex. Even Spike not know well why, but he felt that possibly somehow all the male dragons would feel terrible pain if they hit on that region.

"Oooooh!" Chris laughed a bit as he watched the scene from on top of the cliff. "Hate to see that happen."

"Excuse me, Chris," Courtney said to the host as she stood at the edge of the cliff. "I have a medical condition."

"What condition?" Chris asked.

"A condition that prevents me from jumping off cliffs," Courtney stated in an obvious tone.

"You can chicken out if you want." Chris offered Courtney as he smugly looked at her. "But it might end up costing your team the win. And then they'll hate you."

"It's a calculated risk," Courtney said confidently with her arms crossed. "I've seen the other team, and I don't think ten of them will jump."

"All right, here is your chicken hat," Chris said as he put a chicken hat on top of Courtney's head. Chris then took out his clipboard again and went over it. "So let's tally up the results. Hold on. That's seven jumpers and two chickens. We're missing two."

Those two were Sadie and Izzy with the former holding hands with Katie tightly. "I'm not jumping without Katie!" Sadie said with Katie nodding in agreement.

"We have to be on the same team, Chris," Katie said to the host before she and her best friend approached Chris.

"Please! Please! Can we? Can we, Chris? Can we? Can we?" Both Sadie and Katie constantly asked the host.

"I'll switch places with her." Izzy offered as she raised her hand.

"Alright, fine!" Chris relented with an irritated expression on his face. "You're both on the Killer Bass now. Izzy, you're on the Screaming Gophers."

Izzy smiled and shrugged and she headed over to her new team with Katie and Sadie hugged each other. "Yes!" The besties cheered.

"That means you're up, girls," Chris told the two as he pointed towards the edge of the cliff.

"We're coming, Killer Bass!" With their hands joined, both Katie and Sadie jumped down the cliff at the same time fearlessly.

"Okay," Chris said as he finished marking down the last of the Killer Bass on his clipboard. The host then turned to the Screaming Gophers and said. "So that's nine jumpers and two chickens. Screaming Gophers, if you can beat that we'll throw in a pull cart to put your crates on."

"Nice! Okay, guys." Trent spoke up as he turned to his teammates. "Who's up first?"

Spike glanced around, seeing that his team was hesitating to jump... he was about to offer himself to jump when suddenly a voice interrupted him.

"I'm sorry," Heather said firmly as she crossed her arms and shook her head. "There's no way I'm doing this."

"Why not?" Beth asked the taller girl.

"Um, hello, national TV," Heather said as if the answer to the question was obvious. "I'll get my hair wet."

"You're kidding right?" Gwen asked while looking at Heather in disbelief.

"If she's not doing it, I'm not doing it," Lindsay said as she and Heather smirked at each other.

"Oh you're doing it," Leshawna told Heather in an aggressive tone as she got right into Heather's face.

"Say's who?" Heather crossed her arms and glared back at Leshawna.

"Says me," Leshawna said back as she glared right into Heather's eyes. "I'm not losing this challenge 'cause you got your hair day, you spoiled little daddy's girl."

"Back off, ghetto-glamour, too-tight-pants-wearing, rap-star wannabe." Heather insulted Leshawna right back into her face.

"Mall-shopping, ponytail-wearing, teen-girl-reading, peeking in high school prom queen!" Leshawna didn't let up on the insults to Heather.

"…" Heather was silent for a moment before smirking and simply saying. "Well, at least I'm popular." Everyone winced in response to the catfight going on or smirks as they watched the show.


"Wow, I never saw so much back and forth since the time my cousins BlueBlood and Cadance had a discussion on my mom's birthday. Since they were supposed to bring a gift together, and their ideals clashed in the way it ended up with Blueblood launched from the window while Cadance's entire body was covered in mud and strawberry cake." Spike remembered since it was one iconic part of his childhood, where he could see how both siblings had a very scandalous fight over the best gift for his mom. "Key word, never call Cadance a love-sucking vampire if you want to have your dignity intact... Blueblood learned it the hard way."

"You're jumping!" Leshawna yelled at Heather aggressively.

"Make me!" Heather yelled back as she got right into Leshawna's face. Leshawna ended up doing just that as Heather screamed as the black girl easily lifted up Heather and tossed her off of the cliff. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Heather screamed as she fell all the way down into the water, Leshawna successfully throwing Heather into the safe zone. "Leshawna, you are so dead!"

"Hey, I threw you into the safe zone, didn't I?" Leshawna yelled down to Heather before getting ready to jump herself. "Now I just hope I can hit it, too." Leshawna then screamed as she jumped off the cliff next and successfully landed in the safe zone with Heather.

"I thought this was going to be a talent contest," Lindsay admitted.

"Hahaha yeah." Chris laughed sarcastically. "No."

Lindsay then screamed and waved her limbs around frantically as she fell down the cliff. Next up was Gwen who also screamed as she fell to the water who was then followed by Cody. After Cody was Izzy who laughed hysterically as she fell down the cliff.

Spike stared, as he could see that a good part of his teammates jumped directly at the water, and seeing that he didn't want to be left out, he gave a good glance from the height of the jump...
Spike had a few reflections on times he gave a bit of jump... once when he was on Dragon Empire, where he met Garble for the first time... and had to do a jump in lava, it was scary, but he managed to do it... but in comparison to that time, this cliff looked 4 or 5 times higher than the time he did the jump...

A shrive went to his spine... But then he just saw it like the time he had to risk his life to take the Cristal Heart to avoid being destroyed, the height was almost if not higher than the cliff he was on that moment. It was something he knew he would have hurt himself if wasn't for the fact his cousin came to save him at the right moment... And yet, Cadance as the most of the Cristal Ponies, called him, Spike the Brave and Glorious...

And from that name, Spike got the strength he needed... And immediately jumped forming a cannonball. To show a good feat of courage, praying for nopony of his family see this act of courage, because if they saw him doing that. His parents and even his aunt Luna would use the Royal Canterlot Voice.

Spike was about to scream, feeling a bit terrified about what terrible idea he was doing at the moment. But then he saw it, like slow motion, the good view of the island, the beautiful nature around, and even how the air seemed different in comparison to the time he was in Equestria.

And on that time, Spike splashed like a cannonball, creating another point for his team...

"OHOOOO, YEAH." Leshawna and Cody clapped as they saw the green and purple-haired boy get out from the water, and see a slow boat coming near him.

It was one of the most terrifying experiences he ever had in his life... But also one of the most awesome he managed to accomplish it.

"That, was AWESOME," Spike shouted as he placed both hands in the air after swimming to his team.


"Wow, I never felt so terrified in my life, but man, the adrenaline, the accomplishment into doing something so crazy like that. Man, I think Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack would try to challenge each other into doing that." Spike said as his entire body was still dripping water, and he quickly explained excitedly about the challenge, and what his feelings were at that moment. "They would always try to do something crazy like that. But man, I'm glad to make another point for my team."

Beth was next up to dive, but the glasses-wearing girl looked down and, similar to DJ, backed away. "I…I can't do it." Beth said as she slumped down a bit. Chris was quick to put a chicken hat on Beth as she yelled down to her team. "I'm sorry!"

Cody and Leshawna mocked Beth a bit as they danced and bawked like Chicken while Spike shook his head, not blaming the girl for refusing to jump as Heather and Lindsay watched it all from the shore. "That is, like, so lame, right?" The blond bombshell asked Heather.

"Fully lame," Heather responded.

As Beth took the chicken escalator down the cliff, Trent passed by Owen and gave him a high five. "Let's do this!" Trent said before jumping off the cliff and landing down in the safe zone. "Yeah!" After Trent, Noah soon followed and jumped off the cliff himself.

"Ok, campers!" Chris said to everyone down below with a megaphone, Owen standing by the edge of the cliff. "there's only one person left. You guys need this jump for the win." Chris then turned to Owen and said. "No pressure, dude." Owen's face seemed to relax a bit before Chris said. "Okay, there's pressure!"

Down below, the Screaming Gophers were all cheering for Owen to jump with Heather going. "Jump! Jump! Just do it, Owen. Do it!"

Owen took a deep breath before strapping some floaties around his arms and backing away a bit to give himself a running start.


"Oh, I was pretty darn nervous," Owen said with an expression that matched how he said he felt. "See, the thing is, I'm not that strong a swimmer."


"I'm looking at this guy and thinking, there's no way he's gonna make it," Geoff said while looking right at the camera. He was telling in disbelief and confident with himself the possibility of the largest camper dying.


"I actually thought, if he jumps this…" Gwen looked sadly and in concern at the camera showing the possibility of the worst outcome for her teammate, until her cold nature came back again and with her sarcasm finished the sentence. "He's gonna die."

"Take a good run at it buddy." Chris encouraged Owen as the big guy turned around after getting enough distance. "You got this!"

"I'm going to die now," Owen said as he looked forward to where he would be diving. "I'm going to freaking die now."

Owen stood frozen in place for a few seconds as both teams watched from below in anticipation. "Come on, big guy," Leshawna said as she looked up at the top of the cliff, hoping Owen would work up the courage to jump.

Finally, Owen clenched his fist and narrowed his eyes at the edge of the cliff in front of it. Owen let out a battle cry as he charged forward as fast as he could. "YEEEEEEEAAHHH!" Owen yelled as he leaped right off the cliff and dived down towards the water at high speeds. "OOOOOOH CRAAAAAAAP!"


Spikenever thought to see a giant wave carrying everyone around the beach.

When Owen hit the water, his splash was enormous with the water reaching up almost halfway to the top of the cliff. When the water came back down, nearly all the campers could be seen spread out throughout the beach completely soaked. Even the sharks were sent out of the water.

Owen soon emerged from under the water and started pumping his fist in the air. "Yes! Yeah!" Owen cheered with a grin on his face. "Oh, yeah! Who's the man?"

"Woo-hoo-hoo!" Beth cheered.

"Yes!" Leshawna said with a victorious tone.

"The winners!" Chris yelled with his megaphone to the campers below. "The Screaming Gophers!" The Gophers all cheered while some of the Bass sighed in defeat.

"That was awesome, dude." Trent complimented Owen from the boat as the big guy was seen looking through the water around him. "What's wrong?"

"I, uh…" Owen awkwardly began. "Think lost my bathing suit." This was meant with a lot of disgusted remarks from the rest of the campers.

Later, as Chris promised, the Screaming Gophers were given carts that allowed them to easily pull the crates back to camp. The screaming Gopher side seemed to be with their moral high since their work together managed to make them win the first step of the challenge. A good time for a song as everyone sings loudly...
Everyone was back in their normal dry clothes with the Killer Bass seen struggling to move their crates. Most of them at least as Duncan, DJ, and especially Eva were moving their crates pretty easily.

With the others Harold, Katie Sadie, Courtney, Bridgette, Geoff, and Tyler were trying to move their crates across the sand. As they were moving their crates, Courtney winced a bit as she removed her hands off the crate Courtney pointed at her hand.

"Ow! I think I just got a splinter." Courtney said as she looked over her hand.

Eva then walked up to Courtney and lifted their crate off the ground effortlessly. "Shut it and move your crate." Eva aggressively said to Courtney before setting the crate back down with a thud. "chicken!"

"Hey I'm the only one with C.I.T. camping experience here," Courtney stated as she pointed a thumb at herself. "You need me."

DJ and Eva simply looked at each other and chose not to respond.

The Screaming Gophers seemed very happy as everything went easy for them during the whole trip, with carts helping them to carry the crates, Lindsay found a beautiful seashell on the sand and passed a few seconds to appreciate, it before realizing that she was being left behind, so she quickly ran in the direction of the group. The loud singing was what made her keep following them... Until she saw Spike carrying the cart alone, since it had been easy for everyone, she felt it would be a good idea to be near one of the last carts, the boy who sweetly smiled at her.

The Bass then quickly went back to pushing their crates and after about 15 minutes Tyler stopped helping Geoff and Bridgette push and started heading toward the heads. "Ugh... I gotta take a wiz." The jock told everyone and without thinking twice started to go away.

"Hurry up," Eva said as she set her crate down. "We're already behind."

"Ooh, I have to go too," Katie said as she and her best friend stopped bushing their crates.

"You do?" Sadie asked with Katie nodding in response. "Oh my gosh, me too!" The two best friends then followed Tyler into the woods and decided to go in a different direction in order to do their business.

As they left, a rather large fly approached Courtney's face causing the C.I.T. to quickly swat at it and end up hitting herself in the eye. "Ow!" Courtney let out in pain. "I think something just bit me."

At the time everyone from the Screaming Gophers managed to pass around the beach and sing happily all the way back, Beth looked at how finally they reached their destination, the cheerful smile from the farm girl wearing a chicken hat.

"HEY LOOK. There is the campgrounds." Beth shouted happily and the whole team looked and smiled at how quickly their trip went.

"That was pretty easy," Owen said while Cody placed both his hands on his tights and smiled proudly at how everything went.

"I'm pleasantly surprised," Cody commented as Spike nodded his head, and the group went quickly to the camp, with their carts ready for the next phase of their challenge... But with a quick glance on behind, the human baby dragon couldn't help to wonder, if the other team was nearby them at some point.

Tyler, Sadie, and Katie all came out of the woods. "Feel better?" Eva asked the three of them, wanting to get back on track with taking the crates back to camp.

"Yep!" Katie said with Sadie, and Tyler simply nodding before they all went back to pushing the crates through the sand.

But as Katie and Sadie began to push, both gained rather uncomfortable expressions as they looked at each other. "Ew, something's itching me," Sadie spoke up to her best friend. "Are you itchy, too?"

"Totally itchy." Katie nodded. "Really bad."

It didn't take long until the whole Screaming Gophers team let all the crates on the floor. Which was the right timing since Chris was smiling at them with his iconic smirk and sadism.

"Welcome to the camp Gophers, now that your whole team is here, I guess it's time for you to open your crates." Chris decided to explain the next part of the challenge, making the whole group shrug and place their hands over the crates. "Ah ah ah ah. You are not going to open your crates with your hands."

"And how do we have to open the crates then?" Cody tilted his head, while he could understand the idea of what the host would want from them... And from seeing Chris smiling evilly, the group felt uneasy. While Spike could swear that kind of smile was almost too similar when Discord planned to pull up a prank on someone.


After what would be 10 minutes of pure strength towards their teeth, Chris smiled towards the camera.

"You must use your mouths to open your crates." Chris annunciated to the whole Screaming Gophers team, while every single one of them used all their strength towards their mouths to be able to open every single crate they had. Chris looked towards the camera and a whispered about it with a wink. "I created this rule."

Every single crate was like torture for each camper, who used all their strength until every single one of them got opened. Izzy was the first one to use a rope and use all the strength to pull up the entire crate but also had slight damage to her tongue.

"Ow, Ow, rope on my tongue," Izzy said in pain while Gwen was surprised to see one of the crates opened...

This went on for about five minutes, both Sadie and Katie bottoms slowly turning a red color. "Ooh, it's really itching now." Sadie said with her butt feeling like it was on fire.

"Mine feels like it's burning," Katie said, having a similar feeling to Sadie.

"Okay, I have to scratch!" Both girls then stopped bushing their crates and started to aggressively scratch their butts.

As they were doing this, Chris came up to everyone driving an ATV. "You guys are way behind the other team." Chris informed the Killer Bass while pointing to where camp is. "Like, way behind. What's the problem?"

"Their butts are itchy," Courtney told the host of the show. Untile the host saw her face and was surprised and horrified.

"GAH, oh my boxers that's bad." Chris talked about the swollen eye with a pink mark around the eye.

Just then Bridgette walked up to the best friends and asked. "Did you guys squat down when you peed in the woods?" The surfer girl asked with the best friend nodding response. "Did you happen to notice what kind of plants you were squatting over?"

"They were kind of oval-shaped and green and all over the place," Sadie explained as she and Katie continued to scratch their butts.

"Were they low to the ground, about this big?" Bridgette asked as she brought her hands together to make a shape similar to a small leaf. Once again Katie and Sadie nod causing Bridgette to inform of the situation. "You guys squatted on poison ivy."

Katie and Sadie were silent before they started to scream and panic about the situation as Chris laughed. "Hahahaha! No way!" Chris laughed hysterically. "That's awesome! Hahahaha!"


Sure enough, due to having the advantage of the carts, the Screaming Gophers were all back at camp with opened crates. Granted Chris did make it a rule that they had to open them with their teeth but it all worked out in the end. "Hey check it out!" Owen said as he reached inside his open crate and pulled out some wood. "I got wood."

"I got some tools here," Trent said as he pulled a hammer out of his crate and then a pool liner. "And what looks like a pool liner."

As that was going on, Heather and Lindsay walked up to Leshawna with the former speaking up. "I just wanted to say, I didn't mean bad about you being a ghetto, rap-star wannabe." Heather actually apologized to the black girl. "And I love your earrings. They're so pretty."

"Straight up?" Leshawna asked before smiling as Heather nodded her head. "Well, I'm sorry about pushing you over the cliff and all."

"No worries," Heather reassured the girl in front of her. "I needed a push. Truce?"

"Yeah, yeah." Leshawna agreed as she and Heather shook hands. "You got it."

Heather and Lindsay then walked away and when they were far enough away from Leshawna, Lindsay asked, "Did you mean all that stuff you said to Lefonda back there?" Lindsay asked, getting the black girls name wrong.

"Leshawna." Heather corrected before rolling her eyes. "Hah, no. She's going down. And P.S. Those are the ugliest earrings I've seen in my life."

"Oh," Lindsay said, looking rather confused. "So if you hate her why were you being nice to her?"

"You ever seen one of these shows before?" Heather asked as if the answer was obvious. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

"Ooooooh." Lindsay finally got what Heather said before asking. "I'm your friend, right?"

"Oh yeah," Heather reassured Lindsay. "For now."

"Finally…" All of the Gophers heard the new voice come in and looked to see that the Killer Bass had finally arrived back at camp. Although Katie and Sadie seemed to be missing for some reason. Harold had been the one to speak up after he stopped pushing their crate.

"Hey, what's up guys?" Trent said in his usual cool tone to the Gophers.

"Hey, aren't you missing a couple of white girls?" Leshawna asked, noting the absence of Katie and Sadie.

"Oh, um…" Courtney shifted her visible eye around trying to think of what excuse to make for the best friend's absence. "They're just…getting a drink."

"Yeah," Harold smirked as he whispered to himself. "If they drink with their butts."

Spike came nearby to help the group until he saw Courtney with her eye swollen and getting even worse. Leshawna was also terrified and their looks made Courtney cover her eye with her hand.

"No, don't place your hand on it, it will get it worse," Spike said in alarm and immediately went near the C.I.T. girl who was surprised by the purple and green-haired boy who came near to her and gave a slight glance to the eye. "My goodness, tell me how it got this way. Was allergy or bug bite?"

Courtney was about to say it was an allergy, but she just saw Spike taking out his jacket immediately as he saw the swollen eye, she then saw the boy ripping one of his sleeves which made her mouth drop in shock from the way he acted.

"Rarity sorry, but if it's for the sake of helping someone, I think you would say that's generosity," Spike mumbled those words, which made Courtney tilts her head trying to understand why he said that. But Spike interrupted her. "I have antiseptic in case you were bitten by an insect."

"You do?" Courtney asked which immediately made her realize which was for the dragon.

"Got it, let's go." Spike decided to take her away from the campground... Which made Leshawna and Trent look at each other in surprise at what happened.

"Wow, he took his own sleeve and immediately went to help the girl deal with her problem." Trent looked amused by the way he acted, while Leshawna was impressed.

"Gotta say the sugar boy has a heart. He took his own sleeve and said it was generosity. I have to say he has a heart of gold." Leshawna was happy to see that her team was getting better and better when they worked together, she thought she would have problems with her team, but it seems that she is enjoying passing the time around with the Gophers.

At the time the duo went to the Screaming Gophers boy's cabin, Courtney never felt so uncomfortable as she didn't even give a response because of the help of the rival team.

"You shouldn't be doing that. I'm sure that I'm going to be fine at the end of the day." Courtney quickly said, but then she saw Spike just rolling his eyes.

"No...err...I forgot your name," Spike was determined to help, but then he realized that he had forgotten the name of the girl, who just stared at him in disbelief. Spike blushed a little but then focused to let her sit in one of the bunker beds. "Never mind, the point is, it's better if you treat your swole eye immediately because the itching and the discomfort coming from the eye would distract you from the game."

Spike then found in one of his backpacks the antiseptic he was looking for and carefully cleaned the area where the insect had bitten, which made Courtney flinch in pain.

"Ouch," Courtney said as Spike focused on making sure that the sleeve would be properly sterilized with alcohol first. Which made the C.I.T. girl stare at him unsure of how to respond. "You shouldn't have done that."

"Please," Spike waved his hand, as he prepared to make sure to use the antiseptic around her eye. And then starts to wrap. "I already did that thousands of times, if you ever saw how many times my brother Shining Armor had problems with insects. You would be surprised that there isn't a part of his body that a bug didn't bite or even strung him from improvising his own hygienic products."

Courtney raised her eyebrow as she heard something that she wasn't used to.

"Your brother is named Shining Armor?" Courtney asked and Spike nodded his head, making the C.I.T. girl start laughing. "Oh, so he is a knight or something of sorts?"

Spike was about to reply the answer being yes, but suddenly different words came out from his mouth.

"Commissioner of Cristal Police Department of Canterlot," Spike replied that he looked confused about what he was talking about, but suddenly he saw Courtney's eyes wide open, not just in shock, but in awe as well.

"He is a commissioner? Wow, how old is he?" Courtney was surprised to hear that a commissioner would be the head of the entire department of the police force, which Spike shrugged in his mind.

"27," Spike replied which made Courtney even awe to know how young the commissioner of his family was, and yet Spike seemed to be happy to take her attention. "And yes, he heard the joke of being the knight of shining armor many times, so much that people nicknamed him the Chef of the Royal Guards."

And now that a part of the truth came out, but was misled with a joke, Spike noticed firsthand how Discord told him about how the words would be changed to fit the world... And the joke was enough to make Courtney giggle.

"Okay, that was funny." Courtney smiled, and Spike was happy to help someone. And when Spike was still wrapping her bandage... She couldn't help but ask. "Why are you helping me? You shouldn't do that, since we are from opposite teams."

Spike paused... and then looked at Courtney in disbelief as if she just said one crazy statement.

"Are you even listening yourself?" Spike asked the girl who was just surprised by his question, which made her almost offended. But Spike ignored her. "I did it because that was the right thing to do. If I didn't help it, you would have been like that for the whole day, and from everything I learned from my friends and family. Sometimes we should act with Kindness to everyone who needs help, act in Generosity if we are able to make a difference and is possible to help someone because we can, and show Honesty to ourselves after we question if you had the possibility to help, and if you helped at all, show Loyalty to your principles, family, and friends because they knew that you have character, knowing that in the future that would be a story that would bring Laughter and joy to everyone since it would be a funny story, and you know that would be the result."

Courtney felt touched by how Spike viewed that he didn't do it for the sake of winning the game, or neither if he care that it would have terrible repercussions for the game show he was playing... He did it because it was the right thing to do to a person needing help... And she couldn't help but smile happily with a good smile until she had one more question inside of her heart.

"Result of what?" Courtney had to ask, and after doing that, she could see the proud smile the boy who looked cute in front of her, showed with his sparkling emerald eyes, and said something that would be stuck inside of her forever.

"Friendship is Magic." And with that Spike took a little mirror and showed it in front of Courtney. "It took a few minutes, but I think this is a good wrap, just a few hours and then this swollen eye will not exist."

Courtney was shocked but at the time she saw in the mirror, that it was a very elegant wrap, that made like an eyepatch, with a combination of colors of green and dark purple colors, it showed a contrast of colors that made her like the vision of her face, it even had a tiny tied to make it well elegant nearby her neck... Which made her give a hug on Spike.

"Thanks, Spike, that looks amazing." Courtney could say that from that moment she learned more than everything she could ever ask. And then she realized that he may never heard his name from her. So she coughed on her hand and recovered her posture. "Also, my name is Courtney, so you better don't forget it."

Spike smiled from both the hug and the attitude the brown-haired girl talked to him, so he nodded his head to her.

"A pleasure to meet you. Now, we better go, it seems that our team would need us." And with that, both of the campers got out of the cabin, and most of the groups stared at both of them, in both disbelief and shock...

Disbelief that Spike took a few minutes to make sure the wrapping would be done correctly, and from the stylish look from his now one long-sleeved shirt. Courtney now had a very well-designed eyepatch on her eye, which took out the terrible look on her face.

"Wow, you look way better now girl," Leshawna smirked as she could see how caring the boy from her team made sure that it was well done, and the girl seemed more confident the time she went back to the game.

"Took you a bit too long," Duncan said, but he couldn't help but nod his head to her. "But have to say the look on your face looks much cooler."

Courtney was about to make an angry comment, but she remembered how Spike talked about the qualities of friendship, so she composed herself and decided to let it drop.

"Thank you for the compliment." Courtney just accepted it, and Duncan instead of smirking smugly, just nodded with a solemn look, which made the C.I.T girl stare at the situation, and realize that he was indeed complementing her. Which made her just accept it and continue to reunite with her team.

"Wow boy, I have to say, you took really well care of her." Leshawna have to say, the green and purple-haired boy got her respect, for showing that sometimes the game doesn't need to be taken everyone into each other's throats.

"It was the right thing to do." Spike smiled, as he was being reasonable like most times he remembered how Twilight always hurt herself in terrible cases, and he was always there to treat her and help her in all the cases... Like the Pinkie Sense investigation, which led his adoptive sister into one of the most hilarious situations that she should have learned about their friend.

The Bass then quickly piled up their crates allowing Geoff to stand on them and speak to his team. "Okay, dudes, it's not too late." Geoff tried to encourage everyone and give them a positive attitude. "We can do this!"

However, some of his teammates weren't paying attention as shown by Harold drooling but Courtney saw that Geoff had a good mind.

"You are right, we needed to make sure that working together. And with the hot tub to complete. We need to do our best to make it work. We need a project manager, does anyone want to manage the whole group?" Courtney was about to offer herself as C.I.T. but she held her tongue because she just recognized that on the first day, the competition looked fierce, and seeing a boy wanting to not just help his team, but also treat her... She found one thing that she hadn't thought about finding before... A rival, someone who she could see that would be a very strong player and team leader of the other team... Spike was an inspiration and a very powerful player on his own.

That made Duncan raise his eyebrows, the same as the Killer Bass team. The bossy girl who would try to control everyone around suddenly stopped and just asked if someone was interested in leading the team for the challenge. And even as she feared... She could see Duncan already raising his hand, and stepping into command.

"Well, since you asked nicely," Duncan smirked, which made the girl huff, she then gave a solemn look at her and decided to step in to lead the team. "Alright, let's start with opening the crates, this would need the help of everyone around. So Courtney, bring the dunderheads to come back here, they already spent too much time sitting on the water. And we need a hottube to build. Now, let's go."

And with that, the Killer Bass team didn't throw the towel yet, they would give everything they could before the end.

At the time Spike and Beth were slowly building a well-made structure of a hot tub, the same could be said with Geoff and Justin from the opposite team... Heather passed the hammer for Trent to help put the nail into the wood to make the hot tube more stable, but differently on the Killer Bass team, Tyler tried to take the hammer DJ was holding, and with a loud gasp in fear, DJ launched the hammer away which immediately hit Harold on his crotch, at the same time Bridgette took a wood plank and raised to hit his jaw, and without noticing Bridgette hit the ginger head nerd to the floor and making him knocked out...

Needlessly to say, Duncan busted in laughter from that, while Courtney rolled her eyes and ignored, she was in silence, helping the team while bringing water bottles, and even giving all the support they could need. Eva holding the hot tube with strong arms showed that she was very strong, and she could even crack the wood planks if she lost her control...

Duncan also noticed that most of the campers were missing, the tanned skinny girl, and the chubby girl, who were on the other side of the cabins, scratching their butts... That made him narrow his eyes, and whistle to the girls to go back to work.
Seing the duo of girls getting in panic just to back to work, made the delinquent punk facepalm... since it was the fourth time this was occurring... Being a team leader was sucking for him at that moment.

And then the Screaming Gophers shared the bucket with water to fill the entire hot tub, making it perfect for them to get the water to the top. And with a very well-done work, the entire hottube was made.

Spike whistled and smiled at how the teamwork managed to make it perfect for the team to win the challenge. Making him appreciate the good time he was having on this summer camp, and internally thanking his friend Discord for a challenge that would become easy as they worked together.

And when he glanced around... The Killer Bass team hot tub didn't look exactly like the work they just made... Not, that it looked a bit inferior, somehow it looked solid, but there was something that didn't feel right, and he wasn't sure of what it was...

A few hours later, the two teams were standing with their respective hot tub. Chris first inspected the Gophers hot tub and nodded in approval. "This is one awesome hot tub!" Chris told the Gophers who all cheered in response with Owen emerging from within the tub.

The host of the show then went over to the Bass's hot tub, which had a seagull floating in it and enjoyed the warm water which looked almost similar to the other structure. The Killer Bass team looked nervously. Chris examined what was missing around until some screw nuts were loosened, and when he simply touched it, the Hot tub trembled with a tremor and the motor of the hot tub went down, and with that drained a good part of the water and slowly made the hot tube empty.

"Well…I think the winner is obvious." Chris said with the Gophers smiling and the Bass sighing. "The Screaming Gophers!" The Bass didn't say anything as the Gophers all cheered for their victory. "Gophers, you're safe from elimination and you get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer. Bonus!" The Gophers continued to cheer, some even doing a victory dance, as Chris turned to the Killer Bass. "Killer Bass, what can I say? Sucks to be you right now. I'll see your sorry butts at the bonfire tonight."

"We won!" Lindsay cheered with a giant smile on her face. "We all get to stay here for another three days!"

Heather, Beth, and Lindsay all cheered in unison, "Woohoo! Woohoo! Hahaha. Yes!" Owen quickly got everyone's attention…with everyone seeing he wasn't wearing a thing. Thankfully his bottom half was blurred out…from the audience's perspective at least. "We get to sta-a-a-ay. We get to sta-a-a-ay, we are so awesome. We won the contest!" Owen then wrapped both Heather and Lindsay into a hug with one arm each with Heather cringing in disgust with Lindsay simply smiling.

(Main Lodge)

Later, everyone was once again together in the main lodge to eat what could be more or less called food. While the Gophers were smiling and enjoying themselves, still basking in their victory, things were more tense at the Bass table as they were trying to decide one thing.

Who would be the first camper to leave Total Drama Island?

"So, uh…." Katie began awkwardly. "What do we do now?"

"We need to figure out who to vote off." Courtney stated the obvious. But she was unsure of which person would be eliminated...

"Well I think it should be either the princess here the brick house here... And you two, dunderheads." Duncan said while pointing it out not just to Courtney, or DJ, but also to both Sadie and Katie who gasped in surprise and fear

"WHAT?" Katie and Sadie shouted in unison which made the whole group flinches and in surprise and fear. "WHY?"

"Because, unless I'm mistaken, those two are the only ones here wearing chicken hats." Duncan pointed out as everyone looked to the rubber chicken hats Chris put on Courtney and DJ's heads. "But they compensated that by working themselves while I saw you two scratching your butts like it was an excuse for work. Also for the fact you two have been a constant annoying since the start of the show and I want to avoid a migraine if you both start shouting every single time."

"But, but..." Katie and Sadie tried to find a good way to defend themselves but the delinquent Duncan didn't even let them finish.

"I want to know which one of you did the screw nuts on the motor? Because they were so loose that at the moment Chris touched it, it made the motor fall down and leak all the water." Duncan asked and from the way the chubby girl flinched, made him nod his head, finally finding the culprit. "Well, at least we know which twin made us lose the challenge."

"Duncan I think that's enough," Courtney said which brought the attention of the table, and while she had to admit that she was relieved that she compensated for the bad risk she did that morning, at least she was under the Radar from the reasoning of the delinquent. But now she noticed that both twins were about to go into a crying mode... She glanced around at the entire group of campers on her team... They immediately found the person that they should vote for most.

"But we tried to work, but our butts were itching so much, and couldn't help it."Sadie gave a last retort but Duncan shook his head. And then pointed at the eyepatched girl who was surprised by what he was going to say next.

"The C.I.T pirate was bitten in the eye by a fly, and even if her eye was looking like a monster, she managed to patch it up, and continue the work, and she didn't complain it for the rest of the afternoon. You, on the other hand, tried to hide from work, I saw you both hiding away from me." Duncan said as he got up from his seat, and glared at the duo of girls who whimpered from the words he just said. "You two tried to run away to help the team, and if you are not to help us, then you better go home, maybe you now regret being on the same team instead of being separated teams..."

And with that comment... It was all it needed to make both Sadie and Katie cry the loudest as they could... This made the other campers from Screaming Gophers turn their heads, to the scenery... And Spike for the first time, felt a bit of sadness, for seeing how cruel these kinds of shows could be...

"Eeeeh, I've had enough prison food for one day," Duncan said as he stood up and started walking away. "I'm gonna go have a nap."


Night at fallen on Camp Wawanakwa. All the members of the Killer Bass were sitting on the stumps at the campfire site with Chris in front of the metal barrel. All the girls on the team were nervous about what was about to happen.

"Killer Bass." Chris got everyone's attention as he spoke in a serious tone. In Chris's hand was a plate holding 10 marshmallows. "marshmallows represent a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire. At this camp, marshmallows represent life."

Geoff dramatically made a hanging gesture before looking to Bridgette and winking, the surfer girl nodding in response.

"You've all cast your votes and made your decision," Chris said while holding up his plate of marshmallows. "There are only ten marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. That means you're out of the contest and you can't come back...ever."

Most of the Killer Bass tensed up as Chris said that. "The first marshmallow goes to...Geoff." Geoff gave a big smile as he walked up to Chris who pierced a marshmallow onto the party dudes stick.

"Tyler." Chris then said the name and Tyler jumped happily to take the marshmallow. "Bridgette, Eva, D.J, Harold" ."

Chris called out the next four names who all smiled and walked up to Chris with sticks with the host attaching marshmallows to them.

"Yes!" Harold cheered as Chris gave him his marshmallow.

"Duncan" Chris named the delinquent WHO smirked as he went to collect his marshmallow from Chris. and knowing that who probably would be eliminated... And looking at each name given, the bff girls seemed to get more and more nervous... "Courtney."

And with that name, Courtney never felt so relieved that she wasn't the worst name to appear on the first camper to be eliminated.

"Justin." And that comment made the best-looking teenager smile and go to take his own marshmallow with the group...

And that left only one marshmallow. And two campers. Sadie and Katie. "Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening." Both bff girls were incredibly tensed up. As neither of the girls wanted to see their twin go away from the show, but now, they are on the verge of crying... It was the first challenge and they didn't even have enough time to pass together for a whole day, and they were already going to be eliminated. Chris raised his hand up causing both of the remaining campers to drop their sticks as both of their eyes focused on who the host would point at.

And after what felt like a house of complete and heart attacking causing tension…Chris called out the next and final camper that would be staying tonight.

That left one marshmallow and two contestants. Katie and Sadie. The best friends hugged each other. Only one of them would get to stay. They would be forced to separate. "Katie." And so Chris threw the last marshmallow to Katie with the girl not catch it and continued to cling to Sadie, who would be leaving for home.

"No! Why Sadie? Why her?!" Katie yelled out as tears started to build up in her eyes.

"It's so unfair!" Sadie sadly yelled, not wanting to be separated from Katie.

"I so can't do this!" Katie shook her head as she wished there was some way to avoid this. "I've never been anywhere without Sadie! We have to be together or I'll totally die!"

"Katie, listen to me," Sadie said as she grabbed Katie's face and looked her best friend in the eye. "You can do this. You are strong and beautiful, and like, maybe even smarter than me. And plus, you're like, the funniest girl I know. You have to do it for both of us!"

Katie cried a bit but nodded as she took her best friend's hand and was ready to take her friend over to the Boat of Losers. And after that, Katie would be left to fend for herself on Total Drama Island.

Everyone watched as Chris led Sadie to the dock of shame. The chubby girl stepped onto the boat Chef used during the diving challenge earlier that day and drove Sadie away from Total Drama Island. Forever.

"The rest of you, enjoy your marshmallows," Chris told the remaining members of the Killer Bass as they started to roast their marshmallows over the fire. "You're all safe…for tonight."


"Yep, this camp pretty much still stinks." Gwen sighed before looking at the camera. "But now that I'm here I guess I might as well actually try to win."

"To the Screaming Gophers." Cody cheered as he and the rest of his team were enjoying a nighttime hot tub party.

"To the Screaming Gophers!" The rest of the Gophers cheered.

"Go Gophers! Go Gophers!" Leshawna chanted as she started dancing around in victory.

Owen and Noah soon joined Leshawna in dancing around and chanting, "Go Gophers! Go Gophers! Go Gophers! Go Gophers! Go, go, go Gophers!"

Meanwhile, the Killer Bass were seen walking back to their camps slumped down in defeat. But as Courtney came into view, she looked at the camera with a fierce look. "Are you recording this?" Courtney asked as the camera zoomed in on her. "Good. They can enjoy their little party all they want, but I am gonna win this competition and no one is gonna stop me."

And with that, Courtney left the whole Screaming Gophers having their fun party in the Hot tub, but at the time she was approaching her cabin, she just saw Spike lying on the ground and looking above at the sky... Courtney took a few seconds until she noticed that indeed the light of the stars looked better than the fire around the camp... Shaking her head, she decided to walk away, until she heard Spike talk to himself which brought her attention.

"Have a good night of work aunty Luna," Spike said, as he also decided to get up and go directly to his own cabin... And while he walked he then blinked at seeing Courtney staring at him. "Oh hey, Courtney,"

"Hello Spike," The C.I.T. girl commented, as she noticed that the boy wasn't dressed for the occasion, Did he seem interested in partying with his team? "Aren't you going to be with your team after the victory?"

"Hmm... Eenope." Spike commented on one of his best friends which made her stare at him weirdly. "I already partied for an hour, and while the party is good in some time, I think it was too much for me for the day, and I think I would prefer to have a nice time in dreaming. So I'm going to sleep right now. Tomorrow will be another day and more time to meet the others and make more friends."

Courtney remained calm, but she somehow could understand the words the dragon boy was saying, he seemed to be more interested in making friends, than actually participating in the show. And somehow, Courtney couldn't help but see him to even better player than herself.

"Well, if that on this way, then I will also be going to sleep... Have a good night Spike." Courtney nodded her head to him, and Spike smiled at her, and when he did that... Courtney couldn't help but see it was indeed a genuine smile.

"I hope the dreams let you guide you to your true happiness," Spike commented on such a sentence which made the girl tilt her head to him... Which chuckling he just said sheepishly. "This is what my aunt says every night when she goes to work."

"Your aunt works on the night shift?" Courtney asked in surprise, which Spike thought about for a second but immediately nodded his head to her.

"Yeah, she does. And she works very hard every single night... So I think about her every night, and how she does her best... Well, I gotta go to sleep, see you tomorrow Courtney." Spike commented, but not before giving a wave as he left... Letting the girl who was so bossy and competitive see the boy in front of her like a total opposite, but somehow more to the ground, and even more like the voice of the reason...

"Yes... have a good night of sleep Spike." Courtney smiled, as she herself went to her cabin to sleep...

Such a first day of the campers, and two powerful episodes that wouldn't just shock the humans in the world, but also some dimensions who were so keen on the baby dragon who became the human to compete in the show.

On what is going to happen in the next episode... Nobody knows... But they have 3 days to look around know about the camp, and develop friendships to survive another day in the future.

Author's Note:

Well Spike by appearing on the show and acting like himself, showed a huge lesson Courtney will may never forgets... Now she have even more questions about the boy who took her interest... A rival, and maybe... something that she is not sure about what it is...

Tell me guys what you think about this chapter, and have a nice time reading it. XD