• Published 20th Feb 2024
  • 476 Views, 90 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part Two - Glimbursts

A reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. In this second part, Peach Fizz and Glory suddenly go missing, their disappearance being strangely connected to Misty’s dreams. Can our heroes unravel the mystery in time to save them?

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Chapter Twelve – Remembering

Sunny groaned as she spotted Misty, she’d done a complete circuit of the Wishing Tree and hadn’t found a door anywhere. However, all thoughts of looking suddenly disappeared from her mind as she watched Misty stumble backwards and collapse on the floor in tears.

“Misty!” Sunny cried as she ran over. “What’s wrong?”

Sunny quickly laid down next to her crying friend. She put a hoof over Misty's shoulders and held her close. “I’m here, Misty, tell me what’s wrong?”

“I…I remember,” Misty heaved. “I remember it all now.”

“Remember what?” Izzy gasped as she lay down on Misty's other side. “It’s okay, Misty, we’re here.”

One by one, the others all realised what was happening and came running over. Sunset however hung back and watched, putting a hoof up to stop Starlight from joining them.

"Why..." Starlight gasped.

"Just watch," Sunset advised. "I think this is another moment they need to share together."

“I know what happened now,” Misty continued. “I was in the forest collecting Glowpaz crystals but got lost. The blue mist, it surrounded me and the shadow, it frightened me so much that I lost my way. I ran and ran then suddenly, I found myself outside Opaline’s castle.”

“But that’s miles away,” Izzy blinked.

“I was so scared,” Misty resumed. “When I saw Opaline at the door, she was so inviting. She said I’d be safe with her. So, I went in without thinking. The blue mist transported me. That’s how she got me, that’s how I ended up with her.”

“Peach Fizz,” Zipp gasped.

“She’ll be there,” Misty cried. “She’ll be with Opaline right now and it’s all my fault.”

Misty covered her eyes with her hoofs as she cried harder. Gasping, all the others gathered together to comfort her.

“No, it’s not your fault Misty,” Zipp said reassuringly.

“There’s nothing more you could have done,” Sunny agreed. “You couldn’t force yourself to remember any faster.”

“The important thing is we know what we need to do now,” Hitch added.

“We’re here for you Misty,” Pipp agreed.

“We’re your family,” Izzy added.

Sunset looked at Starlight knowingly. “Do you see them?”

“Their cutie marks, t...they're glowing?” Starlight replied in awe. “All of them together.”

“Yeah, keep an eye on the tree,” Sunset advised. “If I’m right…”

A series of green patterns suddenly appeared in the ground in a circle around the six ponies as they comforted their friend. Suddenly, a shoot of green energy shot through the floor and into the Wishing Tree. After a few moments, the whole tree began to give off a radiant glow before the green shoot continued up the tree. Seemingly travelling from its roots to the very tips of its highest branches.

Suddenly, there was a green flash as the leaves changed colour. From ordinary dark green leaves to a bright vibrant green, the same as the Together Trees in Maretime Bay and Zephyr Heights.

They all looked up in amazement as flowers multi-coloured flowers opened within the tree’s foliage. Some red, some green some blue and others with multiple-coloured petals.

“The Wishing Tree is a Together Tree,” Izzy beamed. “I knew it!”

“It just needed to be woken up,” Sunny gasped. “Maybe Unity isn’t just from being joyful and happy. It’s also from being there for others.”

“Yeah, and we need to be there for Peach Fizz,” Zipp replied. “Misty, you’ve done your part. Now together we’ve all got to do ours.”

“To the Marestream,” Hitch agreed. “Next stop, Opaline’s to rescue Peach Fizz.”

Meanwhile, back in Maretime Bay. Sargent Skywalk was sat in the Station going over her patrol reports. She sighed with annoyance; she hated that they hadn’t found Peach Fizz and couldn’t shake the feeling of worry. However, a sudden knock on the door shook her from her thoughts.

She got up from her desk as the door opened, however she inwardly sighed as Phyllis walked in.

“Hello, Mrs Cloverleaf,” Skywalk greeted. “I’m sorry, Sheriff Hitch is not here currently.”

“Again?” Phyllis replied with dismay. “Where is he this time?”

“He’s following up on leads which have taken him to Bridlewood,” Skywalk replied.

“Bridlewood?” Phyllis barked. “What in the world could have needed his attention in Bridlewood?”

“I’m sorry, Mrs Cloverleaf, I am not able to say,” Skywalk answered. “Any information given out could adversely affect the cases that are being investigated.”

“There is no way any investigations would require him to go to Bridlewood,” Phyllis replied crossly. “He’s our Sheriff, we need him here in Maretime Bay.”

“Ponies are free to travel wherever they like,” Skywalk replied calmly. “Anypony could commit a crime in one town then travel to another. Sheriff Hitch has jurisdiction to travel and follow up on cases in any location.”

Phyllis’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “So, who is in charge here whilst Hitch is away?”

Skywalk couldn’t help sighing. “I am, Sheriff Hitch has instructed me to look after things whilst he is away. He doesn’t have anypony else to delegate that task to.”

“Once again, Pegasi are doing the work of Earth Ponies,” Phyllis grumbled. “We clearly need a new Earth Pony Deputy. Confirm this for me then please, if you received new orders from Zephyr Heights that clearly contradicted those you have from Sheriff Hitch, what would you do?”

“Standard procedure would be to inform both superiors of the conflict so they can resolve it,” Skywalk replied calmly. “When my unit was posted here, Queen Haven herself made it quite clear Sheriff Hitch was to outrank us. That is why there’s no captain here, Sheriff Hitch has taken that role.”

“Oh?” Phyllis replied. “You wouldn’t just take one side?”

“Certainly not,” Skywalk responded robustly. “That goes far beyond the whole Earth Pony or Pegasus debate you are troubled by.”

“Damn right I’m troubled by it,” Phyllis growled. “I always looked out for this town, now I’m all but powerless to do anything for it.”

“I’ve seen the council’s response to the Flanksy murals,” Skywalk replied.

“Exactly!” Phyllis exclaimed. “I was outvoted, and they’ve protected them!”

“Mrs Cloverleaf, with all due respect. This is quickly turning into you against everypony else,” Skywalk explained. “It’s clear that you want what you think is best for the community. However, maybe the community has other ideas. You’re a business pony, maybe it’s time for you to find yourself a new challenge, one you can take control of personally and succeed in.”

Phyllis blinked with confusion before letting out a deep sigh. “I’m sorry for being such a pain in the hoof Sargent. You’re right, I’m the one who’s lost her way. Everything is changing around me so fast, a new challenge sounds like a good idea. Speaking of challenges, how is the recruitment drive going? Have many Earth Ponies been signing up?”

“There have been a few,” Skywalk confirmed. “In fact, the first one has flown through basic training and is due to arrive here shortly. I’m looking forward to their arrival.”

“Oh, well that is good news,” Phyllis smiled. “I’ll try to keep out of your mane.”

With that, Phyllis turned around and headed towards the door. Only to gasp as it opened to reveal Sprout wearing a Guard’s uniform.

“Private Sprout Cloverleaf, reporting for duty,” Sprout said professionally.

He stood to attention, a look of professional determination on his face. Only for it to disappear when he realised his mother was standing in front of him. “Oh, hi Mummy, come to see me on my first tour of duty?”

“Baby?” Phyllis gasped. “I thought you were staying with your Grandpappy?”

“Oh, no,” Sprout smiled. “Grandpappy suggested I signed up to the Guards as a surprise. He knows you’ve been going on about there being no Earth Ponies in the Guard. I flew through the basic training because of my previous Deputy experience from Hitch.”

“Oh of course your Grandpappy would be behind this,” Phyllis groaned, then looking over her shoulder she added. “Sargent, please take good care of my son. I’m sure you’ll be more than capable.”

With that, Phyllis turned back towards the door and headed out of the station.

“Bye Mummy,” Sprout waved.

“Private Sprout!” Skywalk barked. “Attention!”

Sprout snapped to attention and looked directly ahead. The professional demeanour immediately returned upon hearing the order. Skywalk walked over to inspect her newest recruit. The feeling of dread diminished as she saw his uniform was immaculate.