• Published 24th Feb 2024
  • 2,542 Views, 925 Comments

Other Duties As Required - Hiver

It might not be rain season in Nocturnis, but when it rains, it pours.

  • ...

Chapter 4

The forest was dark, clouds covering the moon and stars, leaving it in full darkness.

The wind wind rustled the trees above, making them creak and rustle and rain was in the air. Not quite falling yet, but it was a late autumn day and the air was chilly.

I slowly moved between the trees, ears slowly turning as I listened, letting out small squeaks of echolocation to help..

There were predators out in the forest. Wolves, timber wolves… or worse. A howl pierced the air in the distance.

A glimpse of white ahead drew my eyes and I slowly approached. I felt the dream around me and then tapped my hoof against the ground, solidifying and changing to match it.

The white shape shifted slightly and pink appeared.


“Hey…” I said quietly and slowly moved out of the brush, approaching the base of the fallen tree where she had taken shelter.

Celestia blinked out into the darkness, “...Page?” she asked.

“It’s me,” I confirmed and moved closer, “You were having a nightmare, Sunshine.”

She nodded and her wings shifted. She was an absolutely adorable little filly, maybe seven years old at most.

“I can’t see you.”

“Here,” I said and stepped on a leaf on purpose as I slipped into the small shelter with her. She blinked into the darkness, reaching out with a hoof and I held my head out until she bumped against me.

Celestia felt across me before she smiled in the darkness, “Batpony colt?”

“Well, it felt like it fit,” I admitted and moved to curl up with my side right next against hers.

“You have to do that sometime when I can actually see it,” she said and pressed close in turn and I settled my wing across her back, “I bet you look absolutely adorable.”

“You do,” I told her with a smile, leaning a bit against her, “...This is a mean dream. Memory?”

Celestia nodded against me, “A couple of times,” she said, “You already saw one dream of mine like this I think.”

“Yes, but I didn’t realize it happened that often.”

“Was like that at that time,” she said quietly, one ear twitching and she pressed closer as there was a howl in the distance, “Got surprised by something when out foraging. Having to hide and then get stuck for the night. Trying to fly during a night like this is a good way to get seriously hurt.”

“Fire?” I suggested quietly.

Celestia quickly shook her head, “No! It keeps the wolves away, but may attract others, worse,” she said and pressed her muzzle against my ear and kept her voice at a whisper, “griffon raiders. Even other ponies. You never put up a fire as a small group unless you’re in a safe place.”

“Other ponies too?” I whispered softly, “Like earth ponies?”

“Or maybe those scary vamponies,” she whispered.

I nodded, “It was a scary time, wasn’t it?” I asked and shivered a bit as a cold wind cut straight through our improvised shelter.

Celestia nodded and her wing slipped across my back against the cold, “Yeah.”

I pressed against her warm side, “Maybe… I could lead us out of here and back to your camp?” I asked quietly, keeping my voice down.

She sighed and shook her head, “I’m afraid your welcoming wouldn’t be very nice,” she admitted, “The tribe would chase you away.”

“Not a pegasus,” I agreed and buried my nose into her mane, “Scary batpony.”

“Was like that at the time,” she agreed quietly, “You cold?”

“I’m playing along with the dream, so… yeah,” I admitted quietly, keeping my voice down, “Bats never were very good with cold weather.”

Celestia nodded and shifted around, “Let's change, put you furthest in, away from the wind.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I agreed and we shifted around until we changed places. It helped a little, not a lot, but with her wing across my back and warm feathers along with her side against mine and tail resting across me, it helped a bit more.

“Besides,” Celestia said and this time I could hear a smile in her voice, “Even at this age I knew that colts had to be protected. So if we get jumped, you run, got it? I’ll hold them off.”

I smiled and buried my nose into her mane again, “Not on your life, Sunshine.”

Celestia rested her nose against my ear, “That’s what is missing in the modern day. Stallions no longer doing what they’re told,” she teased.

I laughed quietly, “And who’s fault is that, Sunshine?”

“Modern Equestria is preferable. And ponies in general are happier, safer and more equal. Harmonious,” she agreed and gave my ear a small nip, “But it does have its frustrations.”

“I suppose,” I admitted and leaned against her warmth, “...Think we can risk a fire?”

“I don’t know, maybe. I haven’t heard anything about any griffons in the area, it’s why the tribe set up here for the winter,” she admitted, “...Let’s risk it, I can feel you shivering,” she said and shifted around, “Nopony should be out in this anyway.” I could feel her feel around for her little bag and I reached to slide it into her grasp.

“Thanks,” Celestia said and looked in my direction, “I’ll go get some wood.”

I frowned, “Sunshine, you can’t see. I have echolocation and can mostly see.”

“And I’m the mare, you stay here when it’s safe,” she said and bumped her nose against my cheek, “You kept this dream like it is, you live with it,” she said before slipping away from my side.

I shuddered at the sudden cold and curled up a bit, scooting further beneath the roots of the fallen tree.

Luckily she returned a couple of minutes later, not having to go far. Less than a minute later there was a flash of light followed by a small flickering fire. That wasn’t even the dream helping, Celestia really did remember how to do it.

Then again, she must have lit fires like this for thousands of years, so I suppose you don’t get out of practice then.

She turned to look towards me and gasped, her wings raising, “You’re adorable!”

I couldn’t help but blush as I scooted a bit out of the shadow, flicking my oversized and slightly fluffy ears, “...Thanks,” I admitted.

She quickly moved around and herded me closer to the fire and I settled down against her warm side.

“...This is much nicer,” I admitted, leaning my head against her neck.

“It is,” Celestia agreed and rested her head against mine, nuzzling softly, “I was right, you are adorable.”

There wasn’t a lesson that night. We just stayed like that talking, pretending to live in the world she grew up in until she had to wake up. Made me miss a meeting, but I didn’t care.