• Published 5th Mar 2024
  • 358 Views, 3 Comments

Equestria Girls: Kamen Rider Zi-o! - SunsetShimmer222

"The Heisei Kamen Riders have passed through this era. It's time to pass that power down to the future. Rejoice at the birth of the new king!"

  • ...

Arc 1/Episode 1: Birth of Zi-o (Part 1)

The morning sun cast a warm glow over Canterlot High as Sunset Shimmer stepped out of her flat, her backpack slung over one shoulder. She took a deep breath, determined to make today different. Ever since the fall formal, she had been striving to change, to become the kind of person her friends could truly rely on... Well...if she can even call them friends that is. With everything that happened at the fall formal people were still scared and angry at her.

"One step at a time Sunset... One step at a time." She pulled her bicycle from the storage unit beneath the building, and heads off to school.
As she pedaled through the quiet streets of Canterlot, the rhythmic motion of her bike served as a soothing balm to her troubled mind. Each turn of the pedal brought her closer to the school, closer to the daunting challenge of facing her classmates.

Lost in her thoughts, Sunset Shimmer barely noticed the man with the hood until their collision jolted her back to reality. Startled, she quickly apologized, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"It's quite alright," the man replied, his voice calm and reassuring. He opened the book in his hands, its pages filled with cryptic symbols and ancient text.

As Sunset's confusion grew, she couldn't help but ask, "Are you one of those fortune tellers or something?"

The man's chuckle sent a shiver down her spine. "You could say that, except that I'm a bit more... chaotic than most."

Perplexed by his cryptic words, Sunset could only offer a hesitant nod. "Uh... okay."

Ignoring her discomfort, the man continued, his gaze fixed on the pages of his book. "According to this book... today will be a special day for you."

Sunset's curiosity piqued, she leaned in closer, eager to understand what he meant. "Special day for me?"

Before she could ask any further questions, she blinked, and the man was gone, vanished into thin air without a trace. Sunset blinked in confusion, her heart racing as she scanned the bustling street for any sign of him.

"Huh?" she muttered to herself. "Where'd he go?" her mind swirling with unanswered questions. But as the traffic light changed, signaling her to cross the street, Sunset shook it off and continued on her way to school.


"I'm telling you, Lightning Dust totally had it out for me during soccer practice yesterday!" Rainbow dash said while closing her locker and leans on it. "You should've seen it! I was all like-"

As Rainbow Dash animatedly recounted her soccer practice session, Sunset's attention began to drift, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of the mysterious encounter from earlier. She absentmindedly opened her locker, intending to retrieve her calculus textbook, when her eyes fell upon something unexpected.

Nestled amidst her textbooks and school supplies lay a strange-looking black stopwatch, its sleek surface gleaming in the dim light of the hallway. Sunset's brow furrowed in confusion as she reached out to inspect it, her fingers grazing the bulky metal casing.

"What's this doing in my locker?" she muttered to herself, her curiosity piqued. Ignoring Rainbow Dash's continued chatter, Sunset lifted the stopwatch from its resting place, turning it over in her hands.

Shaking herself out of her reverie, Sunset refocused her attention on Rainbow Dash, who was looking at her expectantly.

"Sorry, what were you saying about Lightning Dust?" Sunset asked, her mind still lingering on the mysterious stopwatch tucked safely in her pocket.

Rainbow Dash grinned, picking up where she left off oblivious to Sunset's distraction. As they walked together down the hallway, Sunset couldn't shake the feeling that today was going to be anything but ordinary.

Sunset flashed Rainbow Dash a smile. "Then I'll make sure to be there to watch next time."

As Sunset and Rainbow Dash made their way to class, Sunset couldn't help but notice the lingering stares and whispered conversations among their classmates. The weight of their judgment hung heavy in the air, a constant reminder of the mistakes she had made in the past.

She clenched her jaw, pushing down the surge of guilt and shame that threatened to consume her. She couldn't blame them for their distrust and resentment. After all, it was her own actions that had led to their suffering, her misguided quest for power that had left a scar on Canterlot High and its students.

'It's going to be fine Sunset, just give it sometime.'

Feeling the weight of Rainbow Dash's arm around her shoulder, Sunset took a deep breath, drawing strength from her friend's unwavering support. Despite the lingering stares and the weight of her past mistakes, Sunset felt a glimmer of hope stirring within her.

"Hey, you're trying your best to change that's all that matters!" Rainbow Dash smiles making Sunset smile as well.

"Thanks Rainbow,"


Elsewhere on the other side of Canterlot city, inside of a warehouse strange black figures are coming out of silver veils. Watching from a platform above is a young man and woman.

Lavender Lavenderia, a young woman with shoulder length pastel purple hair with white streaks in her bangs and has deep purple eyes and white skin, she's wearing a black and blue school uniform. "Looks like he's beaten us to her this time."

The young man, Blaze Sky glanced at his colleague while leaning on the railing. "No matter, Albion had predicted this. She hasn't transformed yet so we have enough time."

Lavender pulled out her phone and began tapping on the brightly lit screen. "Just like him to make us do his dirty work while he and the others kiss the bosses ass."

"Forget about him and the others for now," Blaze smirked. "I think it's time to let some of the Combatmen loose don't you think?"


Down below, the couple of Combatmen let out a loud screech being released into the world to cause mayhem.

"I wonder how that retainer and future Demon King of time will handle this..." Both Blaze and Lavender smiled darkly before disappearing into the shadows.

Author's Note:

Alright, lets see how this goes...