• Published 5th Mar 2024
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The Grim adventure of Ed,edd,eddy and sunset - Savant 123

After losing her friends due to Anon-A-Miss sunset move to peace creek where she meet three troublesome boys and eventually a certain grim reaper

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Chapter 14:A grim reunion

In the RV, the rainbooms and CMC were in, Fluttershy was the only one awake, as she couldn’t help but think of how things had gotten to this point. It all started after the CMC confessed to having been Anon-A-Miss. After hearing that the rainbooms were ashamed of what they did, they decided to wait for a while before going to sunset and apologizing to her. However, on the day they went to sunset apartment their discover she was gone and all her things were missing. The only things left were her old journal and the pictures she had of them in the garbage can.

It wasn’t long before Twilight showed up and told them what she thought of their actions. She made it clear that she was ashamed that they would still make the same mistake as last time and allow their friendship to be destroyed again, and that they had no one to blame but themselves. Before returning to equestria, she said she wondered if they really were sunset friends to begin with or if they were just friends with her because she said, so and were just waiting for an opportunity to get rid of her.

Things were made worse during a school assembly held by principal Celestia, as she decided to put an end to Anon-A-Miss once and for all by bringing out the true culprits.
Flashback :

It is a new day in Canterlot, and the school day starts off much differently than usual.A sudden assembly is called in the gym. Every student has been summoned, and despite their grumbling, none refuse to attend.

For several more minutes, everyone gathered distracts themselves with conversation or focuses on their own affairs, until finally, the principals themselves enter the gym. Their arrival silences all the voices as each student turns to watch them walk up onto the stage.

The sisters observe all the students for a moment, seeing their looks of doubt and interest. The older sister, taking her role as principal of the school, takes the microphone and begins to talk.

“First of all, I thank everyone for coming," Celestia says, but her voice does not denote the encouragement and joy that is usually associated with her. On the contrary, her voice is very grave. "I know this assembly is sudden, but there is an issue that needs to be addressed immediately pertaining to Anon-a-Miss.”

That got everyone’s undivided attention.Celestia waits a second, as if letting everyone process the warning, then takes the floor again. "Over the last month, an anonymous user has been exposing everyone's secrets and personal issues on MyStable."

One of the students, Crimson Napalm, mumbles, "'Anonymous user', my foot. It was obviously sunset Shimmer." The comment, although quiet, wins a series of nods from those around him.

Celestia, despite not hearing anything, can easily imagine the comments among the students. “I know well that all have been a victim of this user’s actions and that this has brought more than one consequence to the school."

The Rainbooms can almost feel the principal’s gaze on them, or maybe it is their mind torturing them again. Either way, they lower their heads in guilt.

Celestia allows herself a few seconds to properly organize her words. “Today, I would like to inform you all that the identity of Anon-a-Miss has been revealed."

There does not seem to be much surprise in the students. Many were even annoyed. One student, Fuchsia Blush, comments sarcastically, "That witch Shimmer confessed her crime? Blessed be the Creator."

The students’ volume begins to rise as they comment among themselves about the matter. Celestia continues, "Silence, please. I am aware of the accusation towards Sunset Shimmer in these acts. However, as I have already repeated to all who have come to me, there is, and never has been, any evidence incriminating Sunset in this."

The muttering turns to shouting as the students start protesting and complaining. The vice principal, angry, takes the second microphone and shouts at the top of her voice, “SILENCE!"

Immediately, every student shuts up, frightened.

Calming down, Luna continues talking. “Returning to what has been said, although she has been blamed by everyone, there was never any evidence to associate Sunset Shimmer with Anon-a-Miss. Sunset Shimmer has been telling the truth; she is innocent of all charges. She is not Anon-a-Miss. "

Although there are no words, the skepticism is obvious on almost every student’s face.

“The real person behind Anon-a-Miss has been revealed,"Luna announces, "and today, everyone will know who the culprit really is."

The atmosphere is charged with tense energy. The Rainbooms collectively gulp, fearing what was about to happen.

Celestia speaks again. "But before proceeding, I want to welcome someone important to everyone here."

The doors of the place open. Astonishment, surprise, murmurs and more than one gasp come from the students as Twilight Sparkle, walking with a grace worthy of a princess, approaches the stage and stands next to the principals. Her face is at the same time serene and serious.


“Is that Twilight?"

“Of course, it's her!"

“What’s she doing here?"

“She must have come for Shimmer.”

“"She’ll fix this mess."

Many similar comments are shared among the students, but the Princess of Friendship does not seem to pay attention to them as she keeps her straight posture, her eyes closed.

Celestia gives a microphone to Twilight, who, after thanking the principal, brings it to her lips. Everyone quiets down, anxious to know what their twice-savior has to say.

Twilight takes a final breath and says, “I'd like to say it's a pleasure to be here again, but that's not true."

The atmosphere suddenly begins to feel tense.

“More than a month ago, I heard out about this incident, about 'Anon-a-Miss', and about the accusations that were made towards Sunset, blaming her for being behind everything. The truth is that, at first, I wasn’t worried; I thought that the school could easily overcome this conflict. But, I was wrong."

The silence persists. All those present remain strongly focused on the princess’s words. The Rainbooms feel the weight of guilt fall on them again, and the once-hopeful Diane returns to her cold countenance.

“The first thing I will say," continues Twilight, “is that Sunset is innocent and always has been innocent in this situation, and I'm surprised that this school was so quick to blame her for these actions."

Now the murmurs erupt again, although not as intense as before. It is obvious that the students don’t believe either the principals or Twilight.

Unintimidated, Twilight continues to speak.”The real Anon-a-Miss has confessed, and to show you the truth, I will introduce you to them here and now."

As if that were a signal, three girls—Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo—enter the gym, their heads low and expressions full of guilt. Their sisters have to forcibly resist the urge to run up to them protectively. All the students look with amazement as the three girls stand next to the princess and the principals, not daring to look up.

“Canterlot High School,"announces Twilight in a voice of conviction, “I present to you Anon-a-Miss, better known as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo."

There is no response; the astonishment and confusion are too great. It is as if time itself stopped.

Finally, Amethyst Star asks the question on everyone's mind. "What the heck is this?!"

Twilight responds, "They created the Anon-a-Miss account, and they took charge of spreading all the students’ secrets."

Cloudy Kicks gets up, frustrated. “That's not true! It was Sunset Shimmer!"

Before the princess could say anything, the leader of the Crusaders, overcoming her fear, takes the microphone and says, "It’s true! We started everything! Ah created the account, and Ah published my sister's nickname... and Ah designed the page to incriminate Sunset."

Not wanting her to go down alone, the other two step forward.

Sweetie says, "I was the one who stole Sunset's phone, and I published those photos of my sister and the others!"

Scootaloo is not far behind. "And I learned everything about Rainbow during my soccer practice. We’re Anon-a-Miss!"

Celestia takes a deep breath; seeing the girls confess alleviates her stress a bit.

Captain Planet suddenly shouts, “I don't believe you! Sunset’s the culprit. She is the only one who could have known everyone's secrets."

“That's not true!" claims Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle seconds her. “We did know everyone's secrets, because you all sent those secrets to the account for Anon-a-Miss to reveal."

If the students thought nothing else could surprise them today, they were wrong.

Gasps, widened eyes, and even looks of concern quickly filled the room and everyone’s faces. Crimson Napalm shouts, "That's ridiculous! You three are lying!"

The three girls look at the school principal. Celestia gives a nod and allows the girls to approach the laptop.

All students watch curiously when the projector displays on the screen the same image seen on the computer, that is, the homepage of MyStable. Everyone can see how the Crusaders access MyStable and sign in, and soon, the page of Anon-a-Miss is in view of everyone.

Once the session is open, Apple Bloom takes the microphone again. “Here it is. We recovered the Anon-a-Miss account. You can see it for yourself. We’re Anon-a-Miss."

The students are stunned, except for the Rainbooms, who are instead worried about what might happen next. Several students take out their phones, as if looking for a confirmation that what they are seeing is real. Soon enough, everyone confirms that the Anon-a-Miss page had indeed returned.

Scootaloo approaches the microphone. "And that's not all." Opening the message section, Scootaloo opens several windows, where the assembly can clearly see several users who had come into contact with Anon-a-Miss at some point.

“Many here sent us information," Scootaloo explains, "telling us your friends' secrets, even sending photos."

There is still no response from anyone; all the students gathered are too shocked by what they saw and heard. Suddenly, Octavia stands on trembling legs. "If this is true... I demand that you give me the password! I will see this on my own!"

The demand surprises the three girls a little, but they do not deny the request. Apple Bloom responds, "It’s ‘Crusaders_ABSBSC’."

Octavia is almost surprised that they agreed to her demand, but both she and several other students proceed to close their own accounts and open the Anon-a-Miss account instead.

All eyes are on the phones, or on the screen opposite, as the students read the conversations Anon-a-Miss had with a surprisingly high number of students.

It wasn’t long before accusations started flying as the students turned on one another in light of the revelation. Previously close friendships instantly dissolved as everyone demanded explanations from each other about why they had revealed those things to Anon-a-Miss.

The gym, in a matter of seconds, became a war camp. Students screamed and shouted, disowning each other and threatening to throw themselves at each other at any second.

Luna, finally having had enough, bellows once more, "SILENCE!"

The scream of the vice principal resonates throughout the place like a thunderclap, the speakers creating a deep echo that extends for several seconds after the sharp feedback. Instantly, all the students recoil, holding their ears, and some shrink from the fear.

After several seconds of silence, Twilight says simply and grimly into the microphone, "The identity of Anon-a-Miss has been revealed, and it is not Sunset Shimmer."

Immediately, the students put aside their feelings of betrayal, and instead, they all focus their eyes and blame on the three little girls.

The Crusaders immediately huddle together as they feel everyone’s rage on them. It’s then that Twilight stands in front of them, as if defending them. “But, Anon-a-Miss is not only the Crusaders “

Everyone freezes in surprise hearing that.

Twilight takes a couple of seconds, breathing deeply, getting ready for the next thing she'll say. “Anon-a-Miss is also each and every one of you. You all betrayed the trust and affection of your friends in order to get a laugh and an excuse to assault an innocent girl."

Silence sets in all over the place as everyone’s guilt begins to weigh on them.

“As far as I can see,"the princess continues, "there is only one person who was never part of this, and that is Sunset, whom everyone, in an act of hypocrisy, pointed out and judged as guilty."

The feeling a shame permeates throughout the room.

Twilight gives a sigh. “And all I can ask is, ‘Why?’ What did any of you win with all this? You accused Sunset to the point of breaking her heart and her mind. You all built an imaginary case against her just to justify hating her.”

Silence reigns.

“Why?"Twilight repeats.

No answer came.

Celestia lets out a sigh, asks for her sister's microphone, and speaks. “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo have already received their punishment. They will be in detention and under extreme surveillance for the rest of the year. They will attend a course during the summer, and it will be seen that they do not use any digital equipment on campus without supervision."

“I'm not complaining; it could be worse,”Scootaloo says softly, and her friends agree.

Celestia keeps talking. “As for the rest... I don’t think I can do much, although I am tempted to suspend every club and school event." Her voice becomes somber as she finishes, "In one way or another, with the truth revealed, the page will soon be closed, this time permanently, and with Sunset having been transferred, I hope that this crisis is over for good. But I like to make it clear words can’t be use to describe the disappointment I feel for you all. I use to see you all in pride but after today I cannot help but feel disgusted with you action. It seems I been too easy going with my methods as it seems to have cause you to believe you can do whatever you want without facing consequences. Well that changes now as I promise thing will be different.”

All the students look at each other, unsure of what to say or what to think.

Twilight decides to give one last word. “I thought this school had changed, that you had learned something about friendship. I was wrong. I am beginning to wonder if sunset was really the reason the school was divided, since you all have shown me that you are willing to betray you friends trust just to get a laugh from their misery while blaming others. I wonder if that was the case with sunset and that the reason why the school was divided was because of you action and that sunset was just the scapegoat due to her being a bully at the time. Well , I just hope that everyone is happy with whatever you have gained from this.”

She does not say more. She just steps away from the microphone and leaves the gym without even looking at the students.

Everyone watches her go, so many feelings mixed on each face.

Finally, Celestia says, “This assembly is adjourned. You may all go back to your classes."

Without saying more, she leaves the microphone and retires along the same path as the Princess of Friendship.

Flashback end:

it was clear after that things would never be the way they had been before Anon-a-Miss.

While it was not even close to how it had been during Sunset’s reign, many former close groups of friends had been broken apart after Principal Celestia revealed that many students had been the source of nearly all of the posted secrets. Celestia revealed no names, but it didn't take long until students confessed or those who had been hurt figured out who was responsible for their revealed secrets.

Much to the surprise of many, Principal Celestia stood true to her words that she would take off the kids’ gloves from now on. Celestia was still looking out for her students, giving them advice whenever needed, the opportunity to change their behavior, and offering programs for help, but she was no longer willing to let them get away whenever they showed no will to change. The times someone got away with a stern word or a figurative slap on the wrist were over, replaced by increased detention times and suspensions.

Overall, the mood at Canterlot High was in a state of neutrality, somewhere between how it was before and after the Fall Formal. It wasn't a bad environment but neither was it a good one. Fluttershy hoped that things would at least get back to a more positive note over time.

Ultimately, though, she mostly hoped that things would get better for her and her friends. Outside of the dreadful feeling of being a terrible friend, not much had changed for Fluttershy. She was still as quiet as ever, maybe just a little more so than usual, and the other students left her alone.

Applejack and Rarity both tried to not let the others see how much of a toll everything was taking on them. With their sisters being behind the whole mess, they had to endure some harsh words directed at them from other students. More than once during that first week did Fluttershy find herself by Rarity’s side in the bathroom, comforting her crying friend.

The first week of school after winter break was usually a very busy time for Pinkie Pie, who chatted with most students about their activities during break, greeted new students that had transferred to CHS over break, and threw her yearly "Happy New Year" party in the lunchroom. Now, Pinkie seemed to have lost her fire as she walked through the school, not interacting much with other students on her own. She was still cracking jokes over conversations, but it was clear that the entire situation affected her greatly.

Rainbow Dash had been hit the hardest since the final time sunset pleaded for her innocent she punch her in the face. Rainbow was full of guilt to to the point she resigned from every sports team, since she was full of guilt that she can’t concentrate during practice. Now, Rainbow barely did anything at school besides sit in a quiet corner whenever her friends had classes or other things to do.

It's been like that for months, and Fluttershy and her friends can’t think of anything but to find sunset and apologizing to her. Their try to ask Celestia where sunset is, but she refuses, as she promised sunset not to tell anyone. No matter how much they pleaded, she refused to tell them. Not even to Princess Twilight.

However, one day they were able to get microchip to hack the school server, and it took a while, but he managed to find where sunset was. It wasn’t difficult to convince their parents to let them go find sunset as they could tell that they needed to do this in order for things to get better. They also contacted Twilight through Sunset Journal and told her their found where sunset was. After hearing that, Twilight came through the portal and followed them, as she wanted to make sure sunset was alright.

It was only when they were halfway through their trip that they found the CMC had snuck aboard. Like them, the CMC also wanted to apologize to Sunset. They couldn’t turn back and drop them off at home as they were already too far away to send them home.
So with no choice, they just continue with the trip to find sunset.

“I hope things will turn back to how they used to be,“ Fluttershy said in hope as she closed her eyes, trying to sleep.
Outside of the RV, a cloaked figure walks on the sidewalk of the street. When he reached the RV, he stopped for a moment to look through one of the windows and saw the rainbooms and CMC sleeping. He then continued on his way.

“Revenge shall be mine,” he said with a voice full of malice.
The next day, the rainbooms and CMC woke up early in the morning and are now discussing their plan to find sunset.

“All right, we need to find sunset"Twilight said to everyone. ”Anyone have an ideal where we should start.”

“We could try driving to the nearest neighborhood and asking the people around if they have seen sunset” rarity said. ” I even brought a few pictures of her along just for such an occasion.”

“All right, then let’s go.” Twilight said, and immediately rarity took the wheel and drove to the nearest neighborhood they could find.

“I just hope, wherever you are sunset that you are find.” Twilight, though in worry. She can’t help but think of whatever terrible things that might be happening to her since they last spoke.
“Thanks for the breakfast, mom,” Sunset said in a very happy voice. Currently, she, Sunshine, and Eclipse are eating breakfast at the dining table. She can’t help but feel extremely happy saying something as simple as mom. Since all her life, she has never had a mom, as the closest thing she had to a mom was Princess Celestia, and while they were close, it was never to an extent to the relationship bright light and sunset have.

“Thank you, dear.” Bright light said as she picked up the three siblings plates and gave each of them a kiss on the forehead. She then went and put them in the sink to wash them.

“Good morning, dear.” Bright Burn said as he went and kissed his wife on the cheek.

"Good morning, dear.” Bright light said happily.

“I am off to work at Rolf Farm," Bright Burn said.

“It was nice of that Rolf boy to give you a job at his farm.” Bright light said happily.

“It was.” Bright burn said. ”Anyhow, I need to go now. Bye everyone.”

Bright burn then left through the front door of the house.

“Anyhow, what is everyone's plan for today?” Bright light ask.

“I am going to the playground today, mom,” Sunshine said happily.

“I am going to start my rock collection," Eclipse said.

“I am going to help the Ed’s with their latest scam.” Sunset said.

“Hey, where is Sunny?“ bright light asks.

“Oh, she went ahead to eddy house with grim .” Sunset said. ”Apparently they want to see what their latest scam is.”

“Anyhow,I hope you guys have a nice day.” Bright light said cheerfully.

“I believe we will, mom,” Sunset said as she and her two sisters left through the front door.
The RV the rainbooms were in parked somewhere in a neighborhood. The door opened, and out came the rainbooms and CMC.

“All right, everyone, do you have your photo of sunset.” Twilight asks everyone.

“Yes, we do.” Pinkie pie answer for everyone.

“All right, in order to find sunset we need to cover more ground.” Twilight said. ”I go with spike .Applejack, you go with Applebloom; rarity, you go with Sweetie Bell; rainbow dash, you go with Scootoolo; and pinkie pie, you go with Fluttershy. Call everyone through you, walkie-talkie if you have something.”

“Right,“ everyone said as they split up. However, unknown to them, right across from them was the dazzling house. Opening the door and coming out of the house was sonata dusk. She closed the door and began walking to eddy home.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were walking on the street, keeping an eye out for sunset. When they passed a playground, they spotted a little girl playing in the sandbox.

“Let's ask that little girl if she has seen sunset.” Pinkie said, and immediately both girls approached the little girl. However, when they got near, they noticed that the girl had similar colored hair as the person they were looking for.

“Excuse me, little girl.” Fluttershy said, and when the girl turned to face them, they almost frost, as the girl looked exactly like sunset.

“ Yes.” The girl asks as she looks at them.

"Sunset," both girls said at the same time.

“No, my name is Sunshine." The girl, now known as Sunshine, said.

Both girls quickly regained their composure and decided to ask the girl their question.

“ Sunshine do you know where our friend sunset is?” Fluttershy said showing the girl their picture of sunset.

Sunshine took a look at the picture before nodding her head.

“Yes, of course I know where she is.” Sunshine said. Hearing that, both girls smiled.

“Can you take us to her?” Pinkie pie, ask.

“Of course.” Sunshine said as she led the girls to where sunset was.
Both rarity and sweetie bell were looking around for sunset shimmer when they stopped and saw someone was under a tree picking up rocks and putting them in a bag next to them.

“Let's ask that person if they see sunset.” Sweetie Bell said as she and rarity approached the person.

“Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but we need your help.” Rarity said to the person: The person turned to them, and immediately both girls were shocked at what they saw.

“Sunset.” Both sisters nearly shouted as standing before them was sunset shimmer. Even though she was dressed differently and had different colored hair, they could instantly tell this was their friend Sunset.

“No eclipse, “ sunset said in a monotone voice.

“What?” Rarity said, confused.

“My name is Eclipse." Sunset said. ”If you are looking for sunset, she is at Eddy House.”

Sunset, or eclipse, as she called herself, went back to gathering rocks.

"Darling, there is no need to pretend; we know it is you.” Rarity said. ”I know you don’t want to see us again, but please at least listen to what we have to say.”

Sunset stopped putting rocks inside her back and turned to look at them.

“As I said, I am not sunset” eclipse said. ”Whatever you want to say, just say it to her.”

Sunset then picked up her bag and began walking away.

“Sunset, please wait.” Rarity begs as she and Sweetie Bell run towards sunset in an attempt to stop her. But she just continued walking away, ignoring the two.

“Please just listen.” Sweetie Bell begs as the two keep following sunset.
Rainbow Dash and Scootoolo were knocking on a door. After a while, the door opens, and a bald-headed kid holding a plank with a face drawn on it answers the door.

“Who are you?” The kid asked.

“My name is Rainbow Dash, and this is Scootoolo." Rainbow Dash said. “We need your help. Have you seen our friend's sunset shimmer?” Rainbow showed the boy the picture. The boy looks at the picture before he turns the plank and places it next to his ear.

“What is that plank?“ Johnny said, seemingly talking to the plank. He then turned to the two girls. ”Plank said we will tell you where sunset is if you pay us.” He extended his hand toward them.

Rainbow groans as she places a dollar in his hand.

“They now tell us where sunset is.” Rainbow demanded.

"Sure," “the boy said as he pocketed the dollar and led the two to where sunset is.
Applejack and Applebloom were walking on the street when they saw a blonde-haired girl walking not far from them.

“Excuse me.” Applejack said as she and Applebloom approached the girl.

“Yes, how can I help you?” The girl asked.

“We need your help finding our friend Sunset." Applejack said showing the girl the picture.

“Oh, sunset shimmer.” The girl said this when she looked at the picture.

“You know her.” Applebloom asks, hopefully.

“Sure, I do,” the girl said. ”I just saw her going to Eddy House.”

“Can you show us?” Applejack said.

“Sure, I can,“ the girl said. ”Just follow me.”

The girl then began leading them to, hopefully, where sunset is.
Twilight and Spike were walking on the street, or more accurately, Twilight was walking and Spike was inside her bag.

“Where do you think she could be?” Spike asked.

“Not sure.” Twilight said before she spotted someone walking on the street. ”Excuse me.” Twilight approaches the person.

The person hearing twilight calls him turn to look at her.

“Yes, how can the son of a shepherd help you?” The person said.

“I am looking for my friend's sunset shimmer,” Twilight said, showing him the picture of sunset.”Can you please help me?”

The person looked at the picture before nodding.

“ Yes Rolf know where bacon hair girl who share name as sun is.” The boy said, ”Come follow Rolf. As Rolf shall lead you to her.”

The person now known as Rolf began leading twilight to where sunset is.


Sunset, the Ed’s, Grim, Sunny, and Sonata were currently in eddy garage working on the latest scam.

“Here it is, boys, our greatest scam yet,” Eddy said as he glued a paper mache dinosaur head to the rest of its body. He smiled at seeing the three completed paper-mache dinosaurs before turning to grim. ”Grim, do you magic.”

“You know this is an abuse of my power, right?” Grim grumbled.

“Just do it.” Eddy demanded.

Grim huffed before blasting the three dinosaurs, and immediately after he did that, the dinosaurs began to dance and started singing with top hats and canes.

“Why didn’t I think of it sooner?” Eddy said. ”This is a gold mine. Singing and dancing skeleton dinosaurs. People would pay a fortune to watch that.”

While this was going on, sunny stomach grumbled.

“I think I help myself to a sandwich,“ Sunny said as she flew to the door and open it with her magic. She then fly through the door and into the kitchen.
Outside of Eddy Garage, a group of people happened to arrive at the same time.

“Hey Rolf, hey Nazz.” Johnny greeted the two people.

“Greetings, Johnny the Wood Boy and Nazz,” Rolf greeted.

“Sunset,“ Twilight said in shock as she saw eclipse. She wasn’t the only one, as the rest of the rainbooms and CMC were also shocked seeing eclipsed.

“My name is Eclipse,“ Eclipse said in a higher voice, which was a bit full of anger.

“Sunset, we know it is you,“ Rarity said. ”There is no need to pretend to be someone else.”

“Wow,” Pinkie said as she eyed eclipsed “ sunset gone goth.”

“For the last time, I am not sunset,” eclipsed said. ”My name is eclipsed.”

“Hey, big sis,” Sunshine said, greeting her older sister.

“Hey sunshine,” Eclipsed said.

“Wait, sister,“ Applejack said, confused.

“Yes, sister.” Eclipsed said. ”This is my little sister Sunshine.”

All the rainbooms and CMC attention were now on sunshine. All of them were shocked at how much the young girl resembled sunset.Before any word can be said, the garage door opens, and everyone turns and sees, to their shock, none other then sunset shimmer. Sunset herself looked at what was in front of her in shock. However, that shock quickly turned into a bitter scowl.

“What are you doing here?” Sunset said bitterly. Her eyes, however, softened when she saw twilight. “ Twilight.”

“Sunset,“ Twilight said happily before running and hugging her missing friend. ”I am so happy that I finally found you.”

“Wait, are their your former friends, the rainbooms?” Grim ask.

“Yeah,” sunset said as twilight let go of her. She then turned her attention to twilight. ”Twilight, what are you doing here?”

“Looking for you, silly.” Twilight said. ” I been worry stick since you gone.”

"Sorry, Twilight," sunset said.” I didn’t mean to make you worry.”

Suddenly, sunset, feel like someone was hugging her at the waist. She look down and saw it was sunshine.

“What are you doing, sunshine?“ Sunset asks.

“I also want to hug you, big sis.” Sunshine said.

“Wait, big sis.” Twilight ask confused.

“Yeah, remember the last thing you wrote to me about finding my family?“ Sunset said. ”Well, I found them. Meet my little sister Sunshine,“ she gestured to the small girl before gesturing to the other girl. ”And that is my new twin eclipsed.”

“ Whatever.” Eclipsed said in a monotone voice.

“Hey, what's going on here?” A new voice spoke, causing everyone to turn to the open door. Twilight opened her mouth in shock as, at the door, was Sunny, who had just finished eating her sandwich.

“She is beautiful.“ Fluttershy gush seeing the alicorn.

“Is that an Alicorn?"Twilight said in shock.

“The name Sunny“ Sunny introduced herself to Twilight. ”Anyhow, what is going on here?”

“Apparently sunset old friends the rainbooms had found her,Grim said.

“Ex friends, actually,“ Sunset said. ”My only true friend is Twilight.”

“Who is the guy in the Halloween costume?“ Rainbow Dash whispered to Scootoolo.

"Now, why are you guys here?” Sunset said, glaring at the rainbooms. ”Twilight, I get. But why are you here?”

“Sunset, we are here to apologize.” Pinkie Pie said. ”We know you, not Anon-A-Miss.”

Sunset just stared at them before turning to the CMC.

“So you finally decided to confess.” Sunset said.

Hearing that shocks everyone.“Did... did you know?" Rarity asks

“What really surprised me was that I didn't realize it from the beginning, "says Sunset with some annoyance. “They were the only ones who could have had the access and opportunity to create Anon-a-Miss. I guess I was too hurt to think coherently."

None responds immediately, each looking away, full of guilt.

Rainbow tries to apologize again. “Sunset, we..."

"We’re sorry, Sunset,"Applejack finishes. “We... we shoulda believed in ya..."

"Yeah, you should’ve,"Sunset responds.

Rainbow comes forward and stood in front of her . "Wait! We know an apology isn’t enough!"

Rarity also approached her . “But we want to fix it, really!"

“We'll do anything to make it up to you,"says Rainbow.

“Wow, so much drama.” Sonata said. Immediately, this gained the attention of the rainbooms as they finally noticed the siren for the first time.

“Why is one of the sirens here?” Applejack said in shock.

“You,” Rainbow Dash said as she suddenly grabbed Sonata and slammed her onto a wall, glaring at her.

"What?"Sonata said in shock. Everyone look at what just happened in shock.

“What are you doing here?” Rainbow demanded.

“I am just hanging out with my friends.” Sonata said with fear in her voice.

“Don’t lie to me, you’re a monster! . ”You must be up to something.” Rainbow said in anger as she slammed the siren into the wall again. unknown to her, however her action caused both Sunset and Ed to look at her in anger.

As sunset was running to get rainbow away from Sonata,. Ed pulled a pebble out of his pocket, took one of his shoes off, and put it in. He then put his feet in it, and immediately he felt even more angry.

“Get out of here , or...”whatever Rainbow was about to say, was interrupted as time seemed to slow as everyone saw Rainbow fall to the ground, the result of Sunset’s haymaker.

The prismatic girl falls to the ground, rubbing her rapidly swelling cheek as she looks up, seeing the most terrifying eyes she’s ever seen.

"Don't you dare touch her!" demands Sunset in anger.

Her voice is as angry as her eyes, and the chromatic girl is frozen before the vision. She’s not the only one, though; Rainbow’s friends are also both surprised and frightened by the former equine.

"... S-Sunset...” Rainbow muttered

“If you touch her again, you're dead! Do you hear me?!"

Sunset was a demon once... in every way. But that did not compare to the cold and terrifying aura Sunset exuded now.

Everyone stares at sunset worriedly.

“Big sis,” Sunshine said in worry. Eclipse was also looking at sunset in worry.

"Wow, I never saw her like that before,“ Grim said with a voice full of actual fear.

Sunset turns to the siren, her gaze softening but still serious. "Are you okay, Sonata?"

The siren does not speak but nods. She looks nervous and scared. Sunset caresses the her cheek, which seems to calm her a little.

Rainbow’s terror shifts to surprise at the sight, mirrored by the other rainbooms and CMC.

Sunset was helping a siren...


"... Sunset..." Rainbow whispers. The former equine turns to her, her gaze returning to that infernal fire. The chromatic girl shuts up, unable to continue talking.

“Sunset, why? "Applejack said, "Why are you helping her? She is one of the sirens!"

Sunset turned, and glared at the farm girl . "What are you trying to tell me?"

Applejack was so surprised at Sunset nonchalance that she lost her words for a bit. “Sunset... Ah, understand... Ah, understand that ya hate us... but... but ya can't be with her! She's... She's a siren!"

“And I’m a pony. So, what?"


Rarity approaches her a little and looks at her desperately. “Sunset, please think about what you’re doing! It's not safe for you to be with her!"

Sunset looks at them all with disinterest. "Why not?"

“Because she's one of those sirens! She’ll control your mind and make you do evil things, just like before." Rarity said.

“The only evil one is you.” Ed said angrily. Everyone turned to him in shock. He glared at all the rainbooms and CMC with eyes full of anger. His glare was so powerful that it surpassed even Fluttershy's dreaded stare.

Even the cul de sac kids, the rest of the Ed’s, Sunny, Sunset, and her siblings, Sonata and Grim, were also looking at Ed in shock, as they never thought the usual gentle giant and fun-loving Ed was capable of such anger.

"We are not evil,” Rarity said.

“Yes, you are.” Ed said. ”Since only evil people would hurt their friends, I heard from sunset what you did, and you all are evil to hurt her.”

“It was a mistake that we are trying to fix,“ Rarity protested. ”That is why we came here to apologize to her. We are really sorry for what we did.”

“So now you care about her.” Ed said.

“We always care for her,” Pinkie said. ”She is our friend.”

“Then why did you abandon her?” Ed said. ”All over something as ridiculous as people knowing your secrets. Eddy always did worse than that, but we never abandoned him because we were friends at the end of the day. But you abandoned her for a petty reason, and what more You didn’t even give her a chance to defend herself. You are a terrible friend.”

“But....” Fluttershy said.

“No buts,” Ed said. ”What worst not only did you abandon her without letting her defend herself, you also threw her to the wolves.”

All the rainbooms look at him in confusion.

“What do you mean?” Applejack asks, confused.

“ Sunset told us that when Anon-A-Miss started, all she ever received from other students was a glare and some hushed whispers behind her back. All they had were their suspicions that it was her based on that stupid profile picture, but after you called her out in the hallway, they all went after her. After all, when the beloved heroes of the school say it can only be Sunset, it must be true, right? They only suspected her to be Anon-A-Miss, but you are the ones who painted the target on her back! Everything that happened to her since that day was all your fault.” Ed yelled, pointing a figure accusingly at them.

The Rainbooms looked at her in shock as they realized that he was right. The other students only started pestering her after they called her out. Without them, it was entirely possible that they would have left her alone.

"What... What have we done?" Fluttershy whispered as she sank down to the floor, burying her face in the palms of her hands to cry. Pinkie was by her side, hugging her. Rarity cried as well, her make-up running down her cheeks in black lines. Applejack had her hat pulled down to cover most of her face, but her gritted teeth were still visible. Rainbow was staring at Sunset, her eyes wide and darting from side to side as she processed everything and how much of it was her doing.

“Sunset had work hard to prove she have change and after helping you save the world you didn’t even consider that she might be framed!" Ed yell. All the rainbooms look down in shame, as they know he was right.

“Tell me which element of harmony you are.” Ed said. Everyone looked at him confused.

“Tell me.” Ed shouted.

All the rainbooms, with the exception of twilight, tell him which element they represent.

“You said you represent those elements, but you don’t act like them,“ Ed said as he pointed his finger at Applejack.

“You said you were supposed to be the element of honesty, but you lied when you said sunset was your friend and family.” Ed then turned his attention to Rarity. ”You were supposed be the element of generosity, but you abandoned her when she needed help the most without a second thought.”

Ed then turned to Pinkie and Fluttershy.

“You two are supposed to be kindness and laughter, but you make her feel sad and lonely. And you.” Ed turned his eye to rainbow dash. His eyes were full of anger at seeing the girl who hurt Sonata. ”You say you were loyalty but you abandoned her. You are all terrible friends.”

“Wow, go Ed!” Johnny cheered.

“Ed Boy has more spine than Rolf gives credit.” Rolf said.

“I know, right, wow,” Nazz said.

Ed then turns and glares at the CMC, which in turn scares them a little.

“Why did you even do it?” Ed shouted. All the CMC looked at Ed fearfully before Applebloom answered.

“ w-we just wanted to spend time with our sisters, but Sunset kept-

“You could have just asked!!!” Ed shouted, scaring them more. ”You could talk to them, but instead you cause her pain. You three are terrible people.”

The CMC looked down in shame, knowing he was right. Ed then turned his attention back to the rainbooms.

“You people are horrible friends to sunset. You don’t deserve to have a wonderful friend like her since it was apparently easy for you to turn on her with something as stupid as Anon-A-Miss. Not even I am that dumb to fall for a trick like that. So if you know what is good for you, you leave sunset alone; she is happy now.” Ed said. After Ed was done talking, there was silence as the rainbooms with the exception of Twilight, and CMC looked down in shame. The Ed’s,sunset ,sunny ,sonata and Grim, meanwhile, were looking at Ed gobsmacked with what he just said, to the point that Grim literally dropped his jaw to the floor with a clatter. There was silence for a while before sunset, open her mouth to speak. However, she never got the chance, as she was interrupted when a chariot pulled by a pair of horses appeared and parked in front of them. The door opened, and out came Eris, the goddess of chaos.

“Eris,” Grim, who had already reattached his jaw, said in shock.

“What are you doing here?” Sunset said as she glared at the goddess.

“I need your help,” Eris said, her voice full of fear. This caught both sunset and grim to look in shock to see Eris actually being afraid.

“Help you with what?“ Sunset ask.

“I am being hunted down by him.” Eris said vaguely. However, Grim seems to understand what she said.

“No, not him,” Grim said in a voice full of fear.

“What, who?” Sonata asks.

“ It’s…” grim said, but was interrupted when the chariot suddenly exploded. This produces a large amount of smoke and sound that scares the horses, causing them to run away. When the smoke cleared, it revealed a cloaked figure that was glaring at everyone. On one of his hands was a metal gauntlet of some kind.

“Who is that?“ Pinkie Pie asked in fear as the man gave out a present of dread. Ed saw Sonata shaking in fear, and he quickly stood in front of her in order to shield her from the man. Sonata, however, just looked over his shoulder to look at the man in fear.

“It can’t be.” Sonata said in fear. ”He can’t be here.”

“You know this man,” sunset asked, looking at Sonata.

“Yeah, I do.” Sonata said. ”This man has been hunting me and my sisters down for centuries.”

“He is also the one hunting me down.” Eris said.

“Who is he?” Sunset ask.

The man brought his hood down, showing his face. It was a man in his late 40s. He has white hair, a white beard, and a ring nose. Twilight instantly froze in fear once she saw the man, and for a second, the image of the man was replaced by a certain centaur she faced not long ago.

“This man is the most terrifying supernatural hunter to ever walk the earth.” Grim spoke in fear, his voice full of dread, as he eyed the man. His legs trembled as he stared at the man. “This man is none other than...”

" Tirek” princess twilight said.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Dun dun. I bet non of you expect to see the human tirek or this chapter to end in a cliff hanger.

Anyhow the part where Ed call out the rainbooms and CMC was a ideal suggested by MLPMekarm. If you think about it is in Ed character to do it as he in the main series have shown traces of being smarter than he looks.

One example is that Ed manage to get an A in history and during home cook Ed Ed was surprisingly articulate when describing how Eddy's tractor crash wasn't the best he'd seen. Another example was in dueling Ed where Ed accurately point out double problem is his hat and his obsession with cleanliness. Hinting that Ed know his friend enough to know their problems. Ed also have shown the ability to be able to learn as he was able to spell gravy and ectoplasm in a spelling bee. Another example is in here mud in you Ed where he tell double d is that not even he is stupid enough to fall for Rolf trick. This hints that Ed is capable of seeing through tricks or at least one that is even obvious to him.The final example is in big picture show where he was smart enough to removed the screw of a door hinge while glaring at eddy brother knowing full well that this will hurt him.

Leave a comment on what you think of my chapter so far.