• Published 18th Mar 2024
  • 337 Views, 103 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part Three - Glimbursts

The third part of Marking the Generations, a reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Opaline's plans are kicking into the next gear! Will our heroes rescue Sunset or will her appearance at Opaline’s door turn into a Nightmare?

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Chapter Nine – Zephyr Heights Attack

As Zephyr Heights started to appear in the windscreen of the Marestream, it was clear that something big had happened. Multiple plumes of black acrid smoke were rising high into the sky.

“Do a flyby Zipp,” Sunny advised, her powers still active from before.

“Yeah, then we can get an idea of what’s happening before we put our hoofs in it,” Hitch agreed.

Zipp grimaced, clearly unsure if they could take the time to do so. However, she soon made up her mind. “Okay, but then we’re landing on the normal platform,” she replied.

As they got closer it was soon evident that there was more smoke rising from the Castle then other parts of the city. However, the large screens throughout the city were also strangely dark and silent.

“Power must be out,” Pipp commented.

“That’ll be why the call cut off,” Zipp noted.

They flew over the castle wall, then, there was an explosion from a courtyard. Zipp banked away to keep a safe distance. However Sunny gasped as she spotted Nightmare Shimmer as she easily defeated two Guards.

“It’s Nightmare Shimmer,” Sunny shouted. “Zipp land, now.”

“I’m going,” Zipp replied as she put the Marestream into a sharp turn to reach the landing platform.

“Aaah, there’s no time for this,” Sunny groaned. “I need to get down there!”

“I’ve got you Sunny,” Misty said suddenly.

Before anypony could say anymore, there was a flash as Misty teleported herself and Sunny.

Nightmare Shimmer chuckled as she picked up the tennis ball one of the guards had thrown at her. She studied it for a moment before smirking.

“Is this the best you’ve got?” she chortled. “I was hoping for a real challenge.”

She smirked as the ball burst into flames and disappeared into ash. Then, she started walking forward, looking for her next opponent. However, she stopped as there was a flash ahead of her as Misty and Sunny appeared.

Sunny blinked with confusion before realising where she was. She frowned as she looked at Nightmare Shimmer and flared her wings wide instinctively. Instantly, realising she was doing exactly what Discord had mentioned about her powers. She looked at Misty who was already in a ready stance and pushed that thought from her mind.

“Oh, this is more like it,” Nightmare Shimmer smirked. “I’ve got time for a round if you two do. It won’t take long.”

“That’s a matter of opinion,” Sunny responded. “You’re going to give us back Sunset Shimmer.”

“Ha, you really think we’re two different ponies?” Nightmare Shimmer grinned. “I am Sunset Shimmer and she’s Nightmare Shimmer. We’re one and the same. I’m just better.”

“No…No you’re not,” Misty replied trying to look braver than she felt.

Nightmare Shimmer laughed as she flared her wings and took to the sky.

“Where are you going?” Sunny exclaimed as she flapped her wings and took off in pursuit.

“Oh haybiscuits,” Misty grumbled.

Sunny quickly caught up to Nightmare Shimmer, their shields both colliding with an almighty flash. Nightmare Shimmer grinned as her flaming shield licked at Sunny’s making it shimmer and spark.

“You haven’t the ability to match my power,” Nightmare Shimmer laughed.

“I don’t need ability,” Sunny grunted.

“Aaah,” Nightmare Shimmer cried with surprise as a beam impacted her shield from below.

Down on the ground, Misty fired again. This time just missing.

“You pest,” Nightmare Shimmer growled.

She pushed off of Sunny’s shield and began looping around. Sunny wasn’t far behind her though and was soon firing beams of her own at Nightmare Shimmer’s back.

Nightmare Shimmer grumbled as Sunny got above her, pushing her down as their shields collided again. This gave Misty a clearer shot, she teleported to a better position and fired again and again. Each one hitting Nightmare Shimmer’s shield and making the flames flutter and dance.

Meanwhile, the Marestream had landed, and the others were running towards the scene of the battle.

“Go Starlight,” Zipp urged. “You can get there faster than us.”

“Yeah, I’m not leaving you all completely defenceless,” Starlight replied. “And I’m not teleporting this many ponies into whatever could be happening.”

“Just remind me why we’re running towards the fight again?” Pipp asked.

They rounded a corner and could soon see the courtyard ahead. Through the gap in the buildings, they caught glimpses of Sunny and Nightmare Shimmer as they continued their dogfight. They didn’t see Misty, but her beams of magic streaked past the opening.

Nightmare Shimmer growled as the group of ponies arrived. “Looks like our time’s up,” she snarled. “See you soon, Starscout.”

“No, you’re staying here,” Sunny shouted as she flew straight at Nightmare Shimmer.

But it was too late, just as Sunny reached her, Nightmare Shimmer teleported away in a fiery ball.

“NO!” Sunny cried. “No! We… I…”

Sunny scowled with anger as she hovered in the same position for a few moments. Then, seeing her friends had gathered below, she slowly descended and landed in front of them. She looked down at the ground as she took deep breaths trying to calm herself, still scowling.

“Sunny, you were never going to defeat her,” Starlight sighed. “She’s too strong.”

“I didn’t want to defeat her,” Sunny retorted. “I wanted to save Sunset.”

“It’s the same thing,” Starlight explained. “To save Sunset we need to defeat Nightmare Shimmer.”

Sunny closed her eyes and screwed up her face, still looking down.

“We’ll save her Sunny,” Pipp soothed. “Have a bit of confidence.”

Sunny’s face relaxed but she didn’t open her eyes. She breathed in deeply through her nose before breathing out slowly. “I’m not losing hope,” she said as she opened her eyes and looked at her friends with determination.

Meanwhile, Hitch grunted as he felt Sparky jumping up and down on his back. “Sparky will you stop that please?”

“Misty…Misty,” Sparky squeaked as he frantically looked around.

“Misty?” Hitch echoed before looking around himself. “Wait, where’s Misty?”

The others looked at each other before they started to look around too. However, before they could start worrying, there was a flash as Misty reappeared.

“The flowers are there,” Misty exclaimed.

“Okay, the speed that you’re improving is scary,” Pipp commented. “Don’t just pop off like that though, you almost had us worried.”

“Oops, sorry. I just wanted to check the tree,” Misty replied bashfully. “There are two flowers there. But, I think there’s something wrong with one of them.”

“In what way?” Zipp asked as she whipped her phone out and put it on record.

“Well, one of them has the blinking glow, like those in Bridlewood,” Misty explained. “But the other isn’t glowing at all. It’s almost like it’s lifeless.”

Zipp frowned as she stopped the recording. “Curious, why would that be?”

“Maybe that’s why Sunny was told she was missing something before?” Hitch pondered.

“Or the flower isn’t ready for some reason,” Zipp theorised.

“HALT!” a commanding voice suddenly shouted.

They all turned to see Zoom, Thunder and a number of other Guards had appeared.

“It’s okay Captain,” Zipp said as she hurried towards them. “The danger has passed.”

“Princess Zipp,” Zoom gasped. “Has the threat been neutralised?”

“Not exactly,” Zipp admitted. “She escaped.”

“Then you and Princess Pipp must come to the saferoom immediately,” Zoom replied. “It’s not safe.”

“Where’s the Queen?” Sunny demanded.

“In the saferoom,” Thunder answered.

“Thunder!” Zoom gasped. “Don’t tell anypony where the Queen is like that. Anypony could be listening.”

“That doesn't matter,” Zipp responded. “The immediate threat has passed. We’ll speak to our mother but will not be staying in the saferoom. Do you understand Zoom?”

“But we must keep you safe,” Zoom replied.

Sunny sighed as she stepped forward and spread her wings wide. “To defeat Opaline, we need the Elements of Unity,” she explained. “We’ve obtained two and need both Pipp and Zipp if we are to obtain the rest.”

“All speak Queen,” Sparky squeaked suddenly.

“Woah, Sparky!” Hitch gasped. “You really are learning words quickly.”

“I agree with Sparky,” Zipp smiled. “We’ll all go and see Mum and let her know the latest.”

“Very well,” Zoom replied. “This way.”

They made their way through the castle, led by Zoom and Thunder with the other Guards behind them. They eventually came to a large secure looking door which had two Guards posted outside. “Identify,” one said.

“Captain Zoom Zephyrwing, I have Princesses Pipp and Zipp along with their friends.”

“Understood,” the Guard replied before nodding at their colleague.

They both turned around and placed their hoofs on two glowing panels that were on either side of the door. A small hatch slid upwards in the middle of the door revealing a third panel. Zoom stepped forward and placed her hoof on this panel.

There was a loud clunk, Zoom and the other two Guards stepped backwards as there was a whirring sound. Finally, there was another loud clunk before the entire door moved inwards before sliding into the floor.

It revealed an ornately decorated hallway. There were five doorways, two on each side and one at the far end. Zoom held out a hoof, inviting the group inside.

“Oh no,” Zipp frowned. “You’re coming inside too, Zoom.”

“But protocol…”

“No, if you’re inside then you can’t lock us in,” Zipp frowned.

“Not that it would matter anyway,” Starlight muttered to Sunny as she tapped her horn.

Thunder gasped as he overheard and spun around to look at Starlight, holding up a tennis ball.

“All unicorns entering the saferoom must wear the shield atop their horn,” he insisted.

“Thunder,” Zoom sighed as she covered her face with a hoof.

Starlight frowned as she studied the tennis ball. Then she offered her horn towards a now trembling Thunder.

With a little trepidation, Thunder pushed the tennis ball onto Starlight’s horn before retreating back.

Starlight looked up at the ball which was now stuck to the end of her horn. She lit her horn up and smirked. “Sooo, what’s this for again?” she said nonchalantly.

“T…To stop you using your magic,” Thunder replied.

Starlight gave Thunder a deadpan look before she turned her head and fired a beam of magic out a nearby window. The ball disintegrated from the end of her horn as a result.

“Yeah, maybe change your protocols to remove the embarrassing tennis balls,” Starlight smirked.

“We already did,” Zoom said as she stared at Thunder. “Seems somepony didn’t read the updates.”

“S…Sorry,” Thunder gasped.

“No problem,” Starlight smiled brightly back at Thunder. Then she turned to the others, “I’ve not met the Queen yet, let’s go.”

They all trotted into the saferoom, Zoom leading the way to the door at the very end. She knocked on this before carefully pushing it open.

The room beyond was a lavishly decorated sitting room. Queen Haven sat on one of three huge sofas as she nervously played with Cloudpuff. She gasped as she turned to see who had entered.

“Oh my hoofness,” she exclaimed. “Pipp, Zipp, you’re okay!”

“Of course we are mother,” Pipp smiled as she gave her a hug. “It was you we were worried about.”

“The whole lockdown can be called off now,” Zipp said. “The threat has passed for now.”

“So, Opaline has gone?” Queen Haven asked.

“It wasn’t Opaline,” Sunny sighed.

“It was Sunset Shimmer,” Zoom said suddenly.

“What? No that can’t be,” Queen Haven gasped.

Starlight frowned as she moved so she was in front of Zoom. “That was not Sunset Shimmer,” she said seriously.

“I never forget a cutie mark,” Zoom replied. “That was Sunset Shimmer. She even had one on her left flank.”

“No, it was Nightmare Shimmer,” Starlight responded robustly.

“I assume you must be Starlight,” Queen Haven replied. “I wish we could have met under better circumstances.”

“Oh, yes. I’m Starlight Glimmer,” Starlight gasped. “It’s good to meet you at last Your Majesty.”

“Please dear, ‘Queen Haven’ will suffice. I assume from your tone that something awful has happened to Sunset?”

“The best way I can describe it is she’s been corrupted,” Starlight explained. “I don’t know how, and I don’t know how we’ll undo it yet. However, what I do know is that the pony that attacked was not Sunset.”

“That’s awful,” Queen Haven sighed. “I quite liked Sunset when I met her last time you were all here.”

“We won’t give up hope,” Sunny responded. “We’ll save Sunset, and we’ll defeat Opaline.”

“We’ve got two of the elements, Mom,” Zipp smiled. “And we think the third and fourth are in the castle garden.”

“And you are certain that there is no more immediate danger?” Queen Haven asked.

“The attacker does appear to have left, Your Majesty,” Zoom replied.

“Then I want the lockdown to be ended immediately,” Queen Haven responded. “However, it is clear that further security precautions need to be taken. I want the security level set to one below a full lockdown.”

“Understood,” Zoom replied before giving a bow and departing.

Queen Haven turned towards Sunny whose powers were still active. However, before she could say anything Pipp gave a cry of dismay. They all turned to see she was looking at her phone, eyes wide and a look of alarm on her face.

“Everypony’s so scared!” she exclaimed as she held her phone towards the others.

“Well, they have just been through an attack,” Hitch frowned.

“Yes, but the trolls and rumour mills are going haywire,” Pipp replied.

“Trolls?” Starlight blinked, looking very confused.

“We can’t just let everypony think their lives are ending,” Pipp continued before suddenly looking determined. “I need everypony’s help with something. Come on!”

She started hurrying from the saferoom. Ignoring Zipp and Queen Haven as they tried to ask what ‘something’ was.

The only one not to follow was Misty. She had spotted some photos on a set of shelves in the corner of the room. One, which was of a grey unicorn stallion, had caught her eye and she’d been staring at it throughout the whole conversation. “I…I know you,” she muttered.

“MISTY!” Izzy shouted from afar.

Misty’s eyes widened and she squeaked as she realised, she’d been left behind. “Coming!” she called as she hurried after her friends.