• Published 3rd Apr 2024
  • 120 Views, 0 Comments

The Red Eye - HornetElder

A venture into the insanity of one individual who isn't all that they seem.

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The Funeral

I stayed up again the whole night, too afraid to go back to sleep. I sat in my bed for hours, just staring at the ceiling trying my best to recount on what I saw, though it was pointless, my mind couldn't recall. Eventually I saw the clock strike seven I figured that's when every pony gets up around here. It was odd not to have the sun to tell you it's morning and instead just the usual clockwork. I didn't expect to stay after the funeral, albeit I had the whole day to myself. This place felt too depressing if that's even a good way to describe it, combined with what I experienced I had no interest in staying any further. I visited the refectory, grabbed some coffee and a scone. I hadn't eaten in ages though I still didn't feel hungry despite. The scone tasted old and stale, but still had a sweet flavor to it, the texture was just as bright and gleeful as those outside. I only took a few bites before discarding the rest. I looked to the clock on the wall, I never got a time for the funeral, I assume it would be whenever is appropriate to be more flexible though I assume it would be at noon just so every pony can visit, then go back to lunch or whatever.

I waited in the courtyard, under a tree. I felt odd being couped in my small room, the shade was nice anyways. I sniffed the smells of the cool earth, feeling myself become less drowsy, perhaps I did need some sun today. Then I thought my co-workers at the news office. At this hour they’d be getting up, readying themselves for a long shift, though for me this was always the worst hour of the day. I never liked my work though it kept my mind occupied, sometimes I wish I could stay in the darkness of my apartment forever. I went on thinking and thinking for about ten minutes or so; then the sound of a bell inside the building distracted me from my "deep thought". I could see movement behind the windows, then all was calm again. The keeper came across the yard and said the landlord wished to see me. I went to his office, and he got me to sign some document and pay some fees. The landlord soon picked up the telephone receiver and looked at me, clearing his throat.

"Our undertakers arrived a few moments before I called you here, they finished preparing your mother for the funeral and are waiting to finish nailing the casket shut. Should I have them wait for you to see your mother before the procession?"

"No." I replied, I felt regret behind my own word, but I felt it was the best, especially after what had happened. He seemed surprised by my answer, slowly placing the receiver back down. "Alright then..." He then mumbled some words into the receiver before clamping it back down. I continued to stand on the other side of his desk, the lord informed me he was also going to attend the funeral. I thanked him and took a seat. Besides the Keepers and other Nurses, he informed me that he and I will be the only mourners at mother's funeral. He explained it was the rule of the land, his land, to not allow the other residents participation in the funeral itself, rather just the vigil. "It's for the sake of everyone else." He explained, " But in this particular instance I’ve given permission to an old friend of your mother to come with us. His name is James Mictail." My eyes promptly lit up, I recognized that name, it was on the sheet at the police outpost, one of the many that I seemed to remember vividly.

The warden grinned as he went on. "It's a sweet story between those two. He and your mother became inseparable. It used to be a running joke that they're bound to get married someday." The warden chuckled though I just listened on, still stunned to hear that name again. His demeanor changed a bit. "So, as you can imagine he feels awful about your mother's death, I couldn't refuse him." We sat in silence for some time, only with the faint music from a vinyl player in the corner of the lord's office with soft scratches in-between each note. The lord broke the silence, lifting his watch wrist to his face and got up from his seat. "I think it's about time we head over to the Mortuary." I followed suit, and we went downstairs back to the courtyard. I noticed things were just about the same, I guess he wasn't kidding. We approached the mortuary's entrance at the end of the courtyard, a young priest stood at the door wearing a white robe with gold highlights on his arms and torso. A younger acolyte stood Infront, holding a censer with light steam leaking out. The priest greeted me and the lord as we both gave small head bows; "Welcome, my friends." And he led the way into the mortuary.

I noticed a group of men dressed in all black stood next to the coffin, the nails had already been driven all the way in. The lord patted my shoulder and went off into the light crowd, telling me to hold a second. I stood there, everyone else was talking and conversating, not paying much attention to me at the very least, though I figured I had received some glances. Everyone was talking about their lives, the latest galloping galas and other latest festivities around Equestria. The priest eventually made it to the pedestal after speaking with the men dressed in black. He began his speech like any other, recounting on the life of mother and as per usual I hadn't remembered any of it. He began the prayer which lasted only a minute, after that everyone began to move again, the aforementioned men and the priests moved to the coffin. The lord returned eventually with someone else, a pony with a pristine white coat and blue sparkling hair. "Ah mister Mysil, I would like you to meet James Mictail." It was him, the pony the name belonged to, though I hadn't recognized his appearance. Mictail smiled, reaching a hoof out to me. "A pleasure." I nodded back, shaking his. The lord spoke once more, "I was just telling him about your relationship with Jean. -" Before the lord could speak the Priest spoke once more while the men dressed in black began moving the coffin into the aisle, causing everyone to shuffle out of the way. "We will be moving outside to the graveyard for the burial portion."

The coffin was lifted off the bier and hauled outside. The priest beckoned everyone to follow though some remained in the mortuary. I followed the lord who walked with Mictail as they talked on, though as they talked, I noticed Mictail glance back at me with a squint. I pretended to be looking elsewhere the moment I saw his head move, I didn't know what to think. He obviously knew something I didn't, the moment I saw him I felt as if he was actively trying to figure me out. I passed the Zebra keeper on the way out of the building to the grave site, he gave me a friendly smile and a nod before returning back into the residency. I only gave a small wave; the shuffling crowd made it hard to give a proper hello, but it was something. The coffin was loaded into a pristine hearse, the car drove slowly as the crowd followed behind with the priest ahead. It was a good five minutes to the graveyard, my eyes constantly glanced at Mictail though he didn't seem to be returning the gesture anymore.

The hearse came to a stop at the gated entrance of the local graveyard, just a few miles from where my mother supposedly used to live. The same group of men removed the coffin, carrying it into the graveyard as the crowd once again followed behind. There a fresh hole, shaped like a massive rectangle going down at least twelve feet, sat puncturing the ground. I immediately caught the whiff of the fresh earth as the Priest waited at the entrance, ushering everyone in. I followed the lord and Mictail to the front. The coffin was placed on a platform, the priest gave some few words, lightly splashed some water onto the coffin before it was finally lowered into the hole. We watched as the hole was sealed by a stone covered, I guess they were going to fill the hole later. I originally hoped this would be the end of it, but after what happened in the mortuary, my dream and even meeting the person one of the many names belonged to, the last few days was all but normal.

I stayed for a bit, staring at the coffin as the crowd began to dissipate. Everyone went their separate ways, the lords staff returned to the retirement home and everyone else went in multiple directions. I didn't see Mictail or the lord, I figure they both returned. Though as I walked back Mictail stopped me on the sidewalk. "Apologies, I didn't get to properly introduce myself to you friend." I stared at him for a second, before responding. "It's no worries." Mictail chuckled and looked up. "Your mother didn't mention a lot about you. I was surprised she had a son." I was anxious to get moving again, his piercing stare made me just want to shove him aside and run away. "Well, anyways, the moon will be rising in a bit." That phrase caused me to freeze up, Mictail definitely noticed but he seemed unaffected, he just flashed a warm smile and walked off. I stood still for a minute; I felt a ringing in my ear as if my mind was going to explode but I didn't react. I saw flashes of faint memories and images, familiar to those I saw when I visited mother, but overtime they degraded, a red hue descending over. Then my mind went dark, but I felt as if I had something to do, but what?

With the day already almost over I returned to the retirement center, gathered my things, said my thanks to the lord for letting me stay and bid farewell to those I've met there. I left without giving much thought, I don't really have much leisure plans, but I figure I should do something with the time I have left before I have to go back to my apartment. Memories of the funeral was burnt into my mind, the sounds, the sights, for instance I stood momentarily next to the same woman I saw cry during the vigil. I got to see the front of her face this time, full of despair and grief, tears streaming down her face. I never saw that much care someone had for another, let alone have that many tears. I remember the look of the church, the faces of others during the procession, the glistening black finish of the coffin, and the face of James Mictail. With the hour left I had, I decided to dine at a local cafe, it was much smaller than the one near my apartment with less people, something I appreciated. I looked over the sheet of names once more, just staring at the name "James Mictail" for a while until a waitress interrupted me in asking what I wanted. I only ordered something light that day since I didn't have much time left.

I got lost in my own head again just thinking about what I saw, almost so I nearly forgot about my bus. I eventually came back to my senses and rushed to the bus station, taking the 2 o'clock bus back to my street. On the way home I read mothers obituary, it had no mention of me though Mictail was all over it, being mentioned every few pages. She held herself to a high standard though was openly accepting of her condition as if it was fact, something I neglected to inquire while at the mortuary; how did she die? The obituary didn't give much of a clue either, only referring to it as "my condition". I didn't give too much thought into it, I rather put the whole ordeal behind me and get back to how things were before the news. The bus ride was long as per usual, making the usual stops with the occasional breakdown. The rumbling engine and stench of gasoline seemed more stronger though I didn't mind it, I preferred sitting in the back, out of the light and all.

Upon returning home, I understood why my boss seemed to upset by me calling out. It was a Thursday then which meant I got four days of vacation, I guess some could expect him to be tilted by that. Still, for one thing, it wasn't my fault Mother was buried yesterday; and then again, I would've had the weekend off anyhow, but that still didn't make me not understand my boss' position more. It was night upon returning, though even Equestria "night" never meant "dark". The stars still shined bright, and the moonlight lit up the streets even without the help of the streetlights. Around here the moon was often associated to another deity similar to Celestia, Luna. I never saw myself as religious, and even Celestia herself beckons those not to worship her, despite being essentially a goddess. I didn't care though, it doesn't affect me, at least not yet.

My apartment building was cheap, but old. It always smelt like old carpet and rotting wood, but it felt like home. I never knew my neighbors though I'm starting to believe I'm the only one, but I see people come and go every now and then. I walked up the steps though I paused for a bit, turning around. I had a feeling something was eyeing me up, I don't know what though. I walked up the steps faster now, it was an odd feeling to have. I reached my apartment, being greeted with the old smell and the dim lightbulb flickering gently. I pushed open my apartment door and immediately shut it, locking it out of the usual cautiousness. I assumed it was nothing but something inside makes me think it was something, though I continued on with my usual routine. I put my things away, brushed me coat, and got into bed. I felt more accustomed with the night, it made it hard to sleep though I rather not be sleepy in the day. Though it crossed me that it was the weekend so I wouldn't have to worry about my job anyways.

Rather than sleeping I simply sat in bed, staring at the ceiling as my mind went back to its usual blank state. It was hard to properly think though vague memories coming by every now and then. I wondered however, if I slept would I dream again, it seemed worth trying though the last one I had was something I rather not see again. I never saw a doctor regarding my supposed insomnia, but at times I visited the local pharmacy and grabbed some medications supposedly to help my body finally rest and shut down. I reached into the medication cabinet, grabbing a small plastic container then later a small glass of water. I twisted the cap off and pulled out a sizeable bicolor pill with a blue and white tip on both sides. I swallowed the pill with the help of the water. At that moment I immediately got drowsy, passing out on the spot. All I saw was darkness, before sounds of footsteps then flashes of light then the sounds of distant explosions and gunfire.

My eyes slowly opened, I was back again resting on the black dust covered ground, though something was different. I noticed I was wearing a uniform, an old style that I had never seen before bearing a strange symbol I could not describe. I had a rifle clenched to my chest, then the sights of dark figures rushing past dressed the same and carrying similar weapons. I got up from the ground, everyone seemed in a hurry all rushing in the same direction, the terrain was jagged and familiar from the last though all around me was chaos almost like a war. I began to move, straining to breathe though my chest did not move. I head in the same direction as everyone else at the same pace, I quickly began to run out of breath even though I only moved a few feet, before being pinned down by a large, winged creature the size of a pony completely black as if it was a rabid bird. It screeched in my face and raised its claw like hoof to take a swipe, following a loud crack and the creature dissipated, another figure came up to me with an arm extended out and as they approached they seemed to have a less dark appearance, their face was slowly revealed like a veil being lifted off the face of a bride, they seemed to have a fanged snout with two color filled eyes, just like I saw in my reflection at the funeral.

But the moment I could even get a glimpse of their face they disappeared into the air again as did everything else. I slowly reemerged from the ground, the weapon and the uniform gone leaving me naked. I saw it again however, the big light, though it was much closer. "What game is this to you!" I called out, while rushing up to it. I heard whispers but saw no one but me and the light directly ahead. The moment its beam of light hit my body I awakened from my dream, collapsed on the ground with a few utensils and the container of pills spilt onto the floor. My coat was soaked from the water spilling on me, I was surprised that hadn't woken me up. I pushed myself up again, confuddled by what I saw once more alike my old dream, it made no sense. Who was that? Why do they all feel the same? What the tartarus does the light mean? I had too many questions. I saw the morning sun dimly shine through the blinds of my windows, it was day again and yet I still felt drowsy.